小学英语(三起)牛津译林版5BUnit 3 Asking the way(第一课时) 习题

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小学英语(三起)牛津译林版5BUnit 3 Asking the way(第一课时) 习题_第1页
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小学英语(三起)牛津译林版5BUnit 3 Asking the way(第一课时) 习题_第3页
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111Unit 3 Asking the way 第一课时 习题一、连线题。1. get on A. 向左转2. get off B. 向右转3. along C. 上车4. turn left D. 下车5. turn right F. 沿着二、翻译词组。1. 问路_ 2. 想要做某事_3. 找不到_ 4. 到达你家_ 5. 搭乘地铁_ 三、用适当的介词填空。1.Mikelives_SunshineTown.Itisfar_theschool.21世纪教育网版权所有2.Mybrotheralwaysgetsup_sevenoclock.21cnjy3.-Thistoyis_you,Tim. -Thank you.www-2-1-cnjy-com4.Dontleaveyourbooks_,YangLing.5.Turnright_thethirdtrafficlights.Thebookshopis_yourleft.四、根据中文完成句子。1.我怎样才能到达你的家?_I_your_?www.21-cn-jy.com2.你可以在公园站上地铁,在城市图书馆站下车。You_the _ atPark_ and _at_.【来源:21世纪教育网】3.杨琳从城市图书馆站出来。YangLing_CityLibraryStation.【来源:21cnj*y.co*m】4.她向警察求助。She _apoliceman_.5.沿着这条街走。_this_. 五、连词成句。1.on,do,to,YongdingHospital,TiyuRoad,howI,get(?)21cnjy.com_2.lights,the,turn,traffic,right,at (.)_3.see,left,bookshop,can, onyou,your,the (?)【出处:21教育名师】_4.metro,home,take,can,my,you,the,to (.)_5.shop,zoo,to,the,the,next, is (.)_六、根据句意和首字母填空。1.A:W_isthebusstop?B: Itsoverthereonyourright.21世纪*教育网2. TheHongxingTheatreisonyour r_.3. T_ leftatthet_ lights.4. Iwanttogothes_andbuysomethings.5.HowcanIg_tothetrainstation?Unit 3 Asking the way 第一课时 答案一、【解析】该题考查词汇的识记【答案】1C 2D 3F 4A 5B二、 【解析】1. 问路的英文表达为ask the way,故答案为ask the way。2. 想要做某事的英文表达为want to do sth. ,故答案为want to do sth.。3. 找得到是can find, 找不到是在can后面加not 变成否定,即系cant find,故答案为cant find。21cnjycom4. 到达是get to,你的家是your home,故答案为get to your home。5. 搭乘是take,地铁是metro,所以搭乘地铁英文表达为take the subway,故答案为take the subway。2-1-c-n-j-y【答案】1. ask the way 2. want to do sth. 3. cant find 4. get to your home 5. take the subway21*cnjy*com三、【解析】1. Sunshine Town城镇前面用介词in,所以第一空应该填in;far from是词组,意思是远离,所以第二空填from。【版权所有:21教育】2. 具体的时间用介词at表示,所以应该填写at。3. 根据句子的意思:这个玩具是给你的。给用介词for合适,所以应该填写for。4. livebehind 落下。所以应该填写behind。5. 在哪里转弯用介词at, 在某人的左右边用介词on,所以第一空填写at,第二空填写on。【答案】1. in; from 2. at 3. for 4. behind 5. at; on 四、 五、【答案】1. How do I get to Yongding Hospital on Tiyu Road?21教育网2. Turn right at the traffic lights.3. Can you see the bookshop on your left?4. You can take my metro to home.5. The shop is next to the zoo.六、【答案】1. Where 2. right 3. Turn; traffic 4. shop 5. get111

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