小学英语(三起)牛津译林版5BUnit 4 Seeing the doctor(1) 习题

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小学英语(三起)牛津译林版5BUnit 4 Seeing the doctor(1) 习题_第1页
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111Unit 4 Seeing the doctor 第一课时 习题一、连线题。1. have a rest A. 应该2. have a fever B. 头疼3. toothache C. 休息4. headache D. 发烧5. should F. 牙疼二、翻译词组。1. 让我检查一下_ 2. 喝一些温水_3. 感觉冷_ 4. 看医生_ 5. 吃药_ 三、选出与其它单词不同类的一项。( ) 1.A.fever B. fly C. cough D. toothache( ) 2. A. sweets B. water C. juice D. milk21cnjy( ) 3. A. giraffe B. bear C. panda D. apple21世纪教育网版权所有( ) 4. A. help B. see C. helpful D. look【来源:21世纪教育网】( ) 5. A. chicken B. fish C. orange D. duck21世纪*教育网四、选择题。( ) 1. -Whats wrong with _?-He has a bad cold.A. her B. him C. his ( ) 2. -Whats wrong with you?-My arm _.A. hurt B. hurts C. hurting 21cnjy.com( ) 3. You should brush _ teeth.A. you B. me C. your ( ) 4. She _ see _ doctor.A. goes; the B. goes to; / C. goes to; the www-2-1-cnjy-com( ) 5. I _ ill.A. is B. are C. am 2-1-c-n-j-y五、翻译句子。1. Mike has a toothache._ 2. Whats wrong with you? _ 3. I cant eat anything! _ 4. You shouldnt eat too many sweets._ 5. Do you eat a lot of sweets?_Unit 4 Seeing the doctor 第一课时 答案一、【解析】该题考查词汇的识记【答案】1C 2D 3F 4B 5A二、 【解析】1. 检查时是check,让我是let me, 综合得let me check,故答案为let me check。2. 喝是drink,一些是some,温水是warm water,综合得 drink some warm water,故答案为drink some warm water。21cnjycom3. 感觉是feel,冷是cold,综合得feel cold,故答案为feel cold。4. 看医生是固定结构,英文表达为see the doctor,故答案为see the doctor。5. 吃药是固定搭配,英文表达为:take medicine,所以吃药的英文表达为take medicine,故答案为take medicine。21*cnjy*com【答案】1. let me check 2. drink some warm water 3. feel cold 4. see the doctor 5. take medicine三、3. apple是苹果,是水果,其他三个是动物类,所以D不同类。4. helpful是第三有帮助的,是个形容词,其他三个是动词,所以C不同类。5. orange橙子是水果。其他三个是动物类。所以C不同类。【答案】1. B 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. C四、【解析】 1. With后面名词用宾格形式,him和her是宾格形式,再看回答是he,男的,故选B。21教育网2.arm是单数名词,动词要用三单形式,也就是hurts,故选B。3. 刷牙是固定词组:brush ones teeth, ones 某人的,有形容词性物主代词或者所有格形式,选项中your是形容词性物主代词,故可知选C。www.21-cn-jy.com4. 看医生是see the doctor, 去看医生是go to see the doctor,she 是第三人称单数做主语,一般现在时态动词要加s或者es。go是特殊的以o结尾,要加es,故选C。5. I 后的be动词只跟am,故选C。【答案】1.B 2. B 3.C 4. C 5.C 五、【答案】1. 麦克牙疼。2. 你怎么了?3. 我吃不了任何东西。4. 你不应该吃太多的糖果。5. 你吃许多糖果吗?111

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