牛津译林三年级英语下册Where’s the bird 教案 (4)

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牛津译林三年级英语下册Where’s the bird 教案 (4)_第1页
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牛津译林三年级英语下册Where’s the bird 教案 (4)_第3页
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111Wheres the bird? 第一教时教学目标:1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇bird, under, desk, behind, on, chair.2.能听懂、会说、会读词汇beautiful, tree.3.能听懂、会说、会读日常用语与句型Wheres . . .? Its in/ on/ behind/ under the . . ., 初步会用所学的语句介绍物体所在的位置。教学重点:1.句型Wheres . . .? Its in/ on/ behind/ under the . . .2.词汇bird, under, desk, behind, on, chair,beautiful。教学难点:1.句型Wheres . . .?的正确使用。2.词汇:beautiful,behind, chair的读音和用法。教学准备:1.多媒体、录音磁带、玩具鸟或纸折鸟(用水彩装饰)、一个小盒子、盆景树2.把Story time部分的句子写在条形卡上,或用PPT准备3.教室前放一把椅子.4.黑板上画好四线三格。教学过程:A. Free talk1. Greetings2. t:3. T: Whats this?S: Its a door.T: Yes. Close the door, please. S1S1: Yes, Mr./ Miss . . .T: Whats that?S: Its a window.T: Yes. Open the window, S2.S2: OK.T: Whats this?S: Its a chair.(引导学生回答)板书:a chair.并领读同法教a deskB. Enjoy a song多媒体播放歌曲Wheres the bird?动画。T: Do you like birds? (引导学生理解)Ss: Yes. We do.板书: a bird并领读。C. Cartoon time1. T: Look, I have a bird.(出示玩具鸟或纸鸟)S: How nice.T: Yes. Its very nice. How beautiful!(教师用表情、动作引导学生理解beautiful)板书并领读beautiful2. T: The bird can fly. Look, where is the bird now?教师把玩具鸟或纸鸟飞到课桌、椅子的不同位置,引导学生对话T: Wheres the bird?S: Its on the chair.(引导学生回答,明确鸟的位置)T: Where is it now?S: Its behind the door.T: Whats this? (出示盆景树)S: Its a tree.(引导学生回答,并教a tree)T: Wheres the bird now?S: Its in the tree. . . . . .板书:Wheres the bird?Its on the chair. / in . . ./ under . . . / behind . . .3.出示Cartoon time部分的第一幅图片,引导学生看图T: Look, a bird flies into Yang Lings classroom. Wheres the bird? Lets listen.4. Listen and number播放Cartoon time部分录音,边听边做记录(用学习的介词或介词首字母)小鸟飞过的地方和顺序。引导学生对小鸟飞过的地方排序:In the desk ( )In the tree ( )On the chair ( )Under the desk ( )Behind the door ( )5.播放Cartoon time部分动画,核对排序答案。6.学生听录音跟读对话,边读边指出小鸟的位置。7.学生分角色朗读。DHomework1.听录音跟读Cartoon time2.抄写四会单词资料来源:http:/zhdduya100.taobao.com/QQ:1805986694,597161994资料来源:http:/zhdduya100.taobao.com/QQ:1805986694,597161994111

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