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111Unit7 单元基础练习一、英汉互译。1. 喝些水_2. 晚安_3. 又饿又累_4. 感到难过_5. 给你_6. have a pie_7. want to shout _8. I think so _9. feel happy _10. a hot dog _二选择填空。1._Im ill.A. How old are you?B. Whats the matter?C. Whats the time?2. You look happy today._A. Thank you.B. Yes, I have a new dress.C. Im very hungry.3. Im _.Heres a coat for you.A. tiredB. hotC. cold4. Here you are._A. Thank you.B. Good night.C. No, I dont.5. Im hungry._A. Heres some tea for you.B. Have a hamburger, please.C. Go to bed now.三、从II栏中选出I栏对应的答句。III(1). Are you ill?A. Thank you.(2). Whats the matter?B. Me too.(3). Heres a fan for you.C. Im thirsty.(4). Good night.D. Good night.(5). Im tired. What about you?E. No, Im tired.参考答案一、1. drink/have some water2. Good night.3. hungry and tired4. feel sad5. Here you are.6.吃一块馅饼7. 想要大叫8. 我想是。9. 感到高兴10. 一块热狗二、1-5BBCAB三、(1)-(5)ECADB资料来源:http:/zhdduya100.taobao.com/QQ:1805986694,597161994111

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