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111牛津小学英语5B复习试卷一、语音。选出划线部分读音与所给单词的读音相一致的选项。(5分)( )1. some A. love B. home C. nose D. old( )2. still A. like B. with C. high D. exercise( )3. stamp A. make B. play C. table D. animal( )4. jump A. music B. study C. usually D. computer( )5. clock A. mother B. doctor C. computer二、词汇。A: 写出下列词组。(10分)1. 集邮 6. surf the Internet 2. 星期三上午 7. cook nice food 3. 购物 8. stay in bed 4. 说汉语 9. take some medicine 5. 重感冒a 10. sing loudly B: 根据句子意思选用所给单词填空。 (6分)1. -Do you live in a small town?-No, I _. (doesnt, dont)2. -Show _ his stamps, please. Here you are. (we, us)3. My aunt likes dancing. She dances _. (beautiful, beautifully)4. I_ an e-mail to my English friend, Tom. (am writing, am write)5. What _ Liu Tao usually do on Sundays? (do, does)6. I can get some water _ (for, with) you.三、单项选择。(10分)( )1. Do you like swimming? A. No , I do . B. Yes , I am. C. Yes , I do . D. No , Im not.( )2. Its 8:00 now . You are late school . A. at B. for C. in D. on( )3. your brother well? Yes. A. Doplay B. Doplays C. Doesplays D. Doesplay( )4. My son often goes to school 7:00 the morning. A. atin B. inat C. onin D. inon( )5. you mother the flowers now? A. Doeswater B. Iswatering C. Iswater D. Dowaters( )6. He to play football Liu Tao. A. wantsand B. wantto C. wantswith D. wantwith( )7. We have . A. the same hobby B. a same hobbies C. same hobby D. same hobbies( )8. English lessons do you have in a week? A. What B. How many C. Which D. How much( )9. Nancy has got a cold. Im to hear that. A. bad ; sorry B. bed ; sorry C. bad ; glad D. bed ; glad( )10.I like English . A. good B. a lot of C. lot D. better四、在栏中找出能对栏句子做出正确反映的答语。(8分) I II ( )1. Whats wrong with you? A. I like Science. ( )2. Heres a flower for you . B. I feel cold. ( )3. What day is it today? C. Yes , I do. ( )4. Do you have Science on Monday? D. He usually plays basketball. ( )5. What does he usually do on Monday? E. Ive got a fever. ( )6. How do you feel now? F. Its Monday. ( )7. Ive got a fever. G. Thank you. ( )8. I like Chinese. How about you? H. Lets go to see a doctor.五、找出下列各句中错误的选项,将序号写在题前括号内。(5分) ( )1. We have a lunch at 11:00 oclock. A B C D ( )2. Are your English teacher a woman? A B C D ( )3. She likes cooking and grow flowers. A B C D ( )4. Mr Green and her students are having a lesson. A B C D ( )5. My hobby is make clothes . A B C D六、完成对话。(6分)111A: Hello, Li Lei. B: Hello, Wang Hai, come and have a look at the photo.A: the boy with blue eyes?B: Hes my English friend, David.A: does he live?B: He in London.A: Does he like football?B: Yes, he . He very well.A: Great! We have the same hobby. 111四、 选用方框中的词把下列句子填写完整,每空填一个单词。(7分)1. Mary is going to come and help me _my English.on to for with up at in about2. Lift _ your right leg.3. Gao Shan gets up _6:30 _the morning.4. Its time _do some exercise.5. Theres no time _breakfast.6. I like growing flowers. How _you?1单数变为复数111this_that_am/is_photo_ship_garden_foot_tooth_family_hobby_firefly_butterfly_dragonfly_country_watch_class_box_Chinese_people_child_knife_2近义词many=_=_usually=_=_quick_of course_3反义词wrong_cold_different_come_here_up_stand_fine_good_left_yes_ill_plus_on_4同音词Uu_Bb_Ii_Cc_Tt_two_their_four_by_know_write_5现在分词grow_visit_keep_turn_play_stay_water_touch_travel_fight_collect_like_take_make_dance_have_write_run_swim_jog_stop_shop_sit_put_begin_6第三人称单数形式look_like_run_dance_stay_play_begin_have_watch_catch_touch_go_do_study_7完整形式lets_theyre_dont_doesnt_Ive_cant_hes_ / _8名词所有格Ben_ Mike_ Su Yang_ Helen_my sister_his father_teachers_the children_9主格his_her_me_them_your_us_10宾格she_he_I_you_they_we_it_二、改写句子1对画线部分提问Its half past ten.The students are in the sprots hall.My uncle likes growing flowers.I feel better now. Ive got a high fever.I come from Japan.She is from China. The girl in red is my sister. Tom comes from the USA.牛津小学英语5B复习试卷2改为一般疑问句并做肯否定回答Im taking some medicine. She feels very tired.I want to fly a kite. The boy is standing.He lives in a small town. They can play the piano. 3改为否定句My mother is taking some medicine. She can make clothes. He works from Monday to Friday. Theyre buying food in the shop. They play table tennis every day.4改为同义句That is Jans umbrella. Its time to have breakfast. Who is not here today?Im going to the library now. (改为祈使句)The man puts the plate on his finger. (改为现在进行时)They are our good friends. (改为单数形式)They usually do housework on Sundays. (改为单数形式)三、连词成句think, is, today, Saturday, I (.) you, can, me, tell (?) I, to, go, China, hope, I, can (.) this, subject, you, do, what, like, term (?)lesson, it, the, new, the, of, term, is first (.)is, stamps, he, showing, to, friends, his, his (.)she, does, making, like, ships, model (?)with, whats, you, wrong (?) have, lessons, I, in, four, the, morning (.)goes, from, he, Friday, to, Monday, school, to (.)subjects, study, what, he, at, does, school (?)hobby, stamps, is, Bens, collecting (.)you, in, what, do, lessons, the have, morning (?)you, why, absent, are, today (?) left, right, Ton, three, turn, times, and (.)you, touch, your, your, head, can, with, hands(?)lie, do, on, not, your, back(.)putting, the, is man, on, the, apple, finger, his (.)are, the, lesson, students, where, having, a PE (?)fingers, many, does, how, the, have, monkey (?)has, a, David, day, busy (.) a, game, basketball, this, there, evening, is (.)what, it, is, time, now, Ben(?) you, thirsty, feel, do (?) begins, English, at, to, fifteen, our, lesson, ten (.)like, Mike, does, to, English, speak (?)same, Tom, are, Jason, From, country, the and (.)are, the, Miss, talking, Wang, students, to (.)want, do, New York, you, go, to, around (?)teaches, he, in, school, English, a, primary (.)it, today, what, is day(?) is, think, interesting, I, English (.)us, meet, come, and, here(.)an, e-mail, he, writing, is, his, teacher, to (.)四、中译英(一) 词组1 在周一上午_2读英语_3上一节美术课_4一节有趣的课_5上更多的课_6每天_7马上_8午饭后_9感到很热_10重感冒_ 11休息_12看医生_13吃一些药_14感到好些了_15在周三_16星期四下午_17七门科目_18在一周内_19对说话_20打电话给我_21患了咳嗽_22怎么了_23在学校_24呆在床上_25错误号码_26拍照_27集邮_28一位老同学_29一艘轮船_30购物_31种树_32听音乐_33出示给_34看一看_35养金鱼_36一封邮件_37同龄_38在一个小镇上_39一封给我姐姐的信_40居住_41小房子_42从到_43安静地坐_44在我家附近_45做衣服_46上学_47放学后_48做运动_49一张动物邮票_50拍照_51养狗_52相同的爱好_53写歌曲_54上网_55足球踢得好_56快速地停_57在每周六_58读报_59浇花_60打乒乓球_61弹钢琴_62照看_63仔细听_64抬起你的右腿_65向左转十次_66上下跳两次_67把他们移到教室_68站成四排_69发出命令_70把你的手放在一起_71弯曲你的膝盖_72做一些早锻炼_73在他的背上_74在体育课上_75在体育馆里_76碰你的手臂_77抬起_78仰躺_79做家庭作业_80做家务_81刷牙_82洗脸_83在八点半_84值日_85十点三刻_86让我们快点_87忙碌的一天_88十点十分_89没有时间休息_90从早到晚_91吃一些面包_92谈论他们的家庭_93当然_94从书中学到很多_95搬运一只红色的盒子_96捉蚂蚁_97去跑步_98度周末_99团队合作_100在夜间发光_101英语俱乐部_102不同的国家_103喜欢旅游_104一个美国男孩_105说法语_106长城_107苏州园林_108与交谈_109三个中国男孩_110在日本_111儿童俱乐部_112一位忙碌的参观者_113访问澳大利亚_114一只小蚂蚁_115一张法国地图_116去爬山_117捉昆虫_118游览中国_119试着_120在周末_(二)句子1、小男孩正站在他父亲的肩膀上。_2、你能把这些书放在课桌上吗?_3、学生们正在体育馆里做锻炼。_4、把你的双手放在你的双眼上。_5、 他想要件红衬衫。_6、Tom通常每天晚上做什么?_7、我有时和王兵一起听音乐。_8、高山是怎样度周末的?他经常在家看卡通片。_9、学生们正在教室里谈论周末。_10、他正在画画,而他妹妹正在拉小提琴。_11、你说英语吗?是的,我也说法语。_12、你从哪个国家来?我来自日本。_13、我妈妈不工作,她是一位家庭主妇。_14、Brown先生在一所小学教英语,他很喜欢教书。_15、他喜欢拍照和集邮。_16、今天上午我们上了一堂有趣的英语课。_17、高山想和王兵一起打篮球,但王兵现在很忙。_18、星期天我经常和妈妈一起去购物。_19、他来自哪里?他来自一个美丽的城市上海。_20、现在几点了?六点半了,该起床了。_21、你在干什么?我在拍照。_22、你现在感觉怎样?_23、没时间吃早饭。_24、我们八点半上课。_25、我想去看足球比赛。_26、我晚上八点看电视。_27、你是怎样过周末的?有时我去购物,有时我听音乐。_28、男孩子们喜欢运动。_29、有些动物是我们的好朋友。_30、他们在学校里学习哪些科目?_31、陈老师经常在周日干什么?她经常做家务。_32、他篮球打得好吗?不,但他跑的很快。_33、这些花的邮票很漂亮。_34、你怎么了?我头痛_35、 这学期,我们学习七门科目。_36、我喜欢中文,我觉得它很有趣。_47、这是新学期的第一节课。_48、从早上八点到晚上九点,李老师都没有时间休息。_49、我想去游泳。_40、我想在家做回家作业。_

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