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111Unit5 第4课时参考教案课题Unit 5 SeasonsPeriod 4Sound time, Checkout time & Ticking time教学目标1. 能够熟练说出本单元有关季节的词汇。2. 能综合运用本单元学到的句型谈论四季。3. 能体会字母i的发音/ai/.4. 能对照Ticking time的三个目标进行客观的自我评价。重点能综合运用本单元学到的句型谈论四季。能体会字母i的发音/ai/.难点学生能够掌握元音字母i在开音节中的发音。能对照Ticking time的三个目标进行客观的自我评价。教学准备优教班班通人人通:课文动画、课文录音、句子录音教学过程教学过程教学过程设计教学调整及过程解读Step 1 Warming up 1. Greetings2. T: Science Life is broadcasting. The title of it focuses on Seasons. Little presenters, are you ready?S: Yes, go, go, lets go!屏幕显示:Science Life节目开播了,小主持人,你们准备好了吗?我们会在每个节目结束后进行评分,得到最多的即将当选我们的“金话筒”奖!Step 2 Sing a song / Say a rhymeT: Well done, boys and girls. You have got so many vocabularies about seasons. I think you like all the seasons very much. And its time to show your songs or rhymes about different seasons.S: A hot dayIts a hot day.Its a hot day.Gu-li, gu- li.Lets go swimming. Lets go swimmingGu-li, gu-li, on a hot day.评分规则:能欢快演唱书上歌曲A sunny day 能演唱或朗诵自创歌曲或小诗 能加上表情和动作演唱或朗诵自创歌曲或小诗 Step 3 Play a gameNo NG in Thirty Seconds三十秒不NGTips: 四人小组三十秒内说出有关季节的单词或词组,尽可能多,不要重复评分规则:五个以下 五至七个 八个以上 Step 4 Talk show 1. 出示checkout time 所有图片T: Boys and girls, lets have a talk show of seasons. But Im sorry these pictures are in a mess. Can you match relative ones in one minute?Ss: (Match)Feedback2. OK, its your show time. You can begin your talk show like Its spring. Its . In spring, I You can prepare in four.Tips: 四人小组,每人选择一个季节并根据图片提示来说一说。评分规则:四位主持人分工明确,基本完成对介绍内容 四位主持人配合默契,介绍中基本无口语错误四位主持人配合默契,遣词造句无误,声情并茂地展开介绍Step 5 Have a rest - tongue twisterT: Your talk show is excellent. I want to have a try too. Listen!T: I like spring. Its nice. I like to fly a kite.PPT显示句子I like spring. Its nice. I like to fly a kite.红色标注字母iT: Look at the sentence. These words all have the letter i, what does i pronounced as? S: /ai/ T: Look at my mouth, open it big or small. Try to imitate. S: Read one by one. T: Read the sentence.4. T: Can you read these syllables? Chi, ki, li, ti, whi, mi T: Can you read these words? Chinese, kite, like, time, white. (在读同时出图释意)5. Say the tongue twister Tom, Mary and Mike. All like the kite.Tips:小组内比赛绕口令,选出口齿最伶俐的和别组PK一下吧!6. 小结并给出评分标准I know the sound of letter “i”, 我正确朗读含有字母i的单词组成的绕口令 I know the sound of letter “i”, 我流利朗读含有字母i的单词组成的绕口令I know the sound of letter “i”, 我正确大声快速朗读含有字母i的单词组成的绕口令Step 6 SummaryT: Discuss in groups, see how many stars have you got together? Who can get the Golden Mike Award?T: Well done! Congratulations! Group., its your present today. 作业设计1. 登陆优教班班通人人通,听录音,跟读复习Unit5的内容,模仿语音语调;2. 寻找更多字母i发音为 ai 的单词,记在书上;3. 把今天在Happy English中读到的故事说给爸爸妈妈听。资料来源:http:/zhdduya100.taobao.com/QQ:1805986694,597161994111

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