小学英语(三起)牛津译林版5BUnit2 How do you come to school(第三课时)习题

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小学英语(三起)牛津译林版5BUnit2 How do you come to school(第三课时)习题_第1页
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小学英语(三起)牛津译林版5BUnit2 How do you come to school(第三课时)习题_第3页
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111Unit2 How do you come to school? 第三课时 习题一、 词汇互译。 1.地铁_ 2.步行_ 3. near school _ 4. far from school _ 5. bus driver _ 6.出租车_ 二、单词默写。1.阳光_ 2.城镇_3.太阳_ 4.交通_5.穿过;通过_ 6.旅行_7.车轮;轮子_8.圆形;圆_三、翻译词组。1.你的新家_ 2.来学校 _3.穿过树林_ 4.公交车上的轮子_5.一辆新自行车_ 6.去那里 _7.住在学校附近_ 8.在街上_9.穿过城镇_ 10.去上班_四、按要求改句子。1.Timlikesridingbikes. (提问)_ _Timlike_?2. BencomesfromtheUS. (对划线部分提问)_3. LilyandLucygotoschoolonfoot. (对划线部分提问)_4. Bobbydoesnotthinkso. (肯定句)_5. Mikegoeshomebycar. (一般疑问句)_五、翻译句子。1.Bobbylikesridingthebikeinthepark._2.BobbywantstoshowhisbiketoSam._3.HowdoesSamgotoschool?Hegoestoschoolbybike._4.Bobbysdaddoesnotthinkso._5.Healwayssitsinthebasket._六、用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. Iliketoy_ (plane)verymuch.2. Myparents_ (live)inNanjing.3. Therearemany_ (bus)neartheshop.4. Mygrandparentsare_ (farm).5. WhycantJoe_(play) withustoday?Becauseheisill.Unit2 How do you come to school? 第三课时 答案一、 【解析】该题考查本单元词汇的掌握情况。【答案】1. metro 2. on foot 3.学校附近 4. 离学校远 5. 公共汽车司机 6. taxi二、【解析】1. 阳光的英文表达为sunshine,所以答案为sunshine。2. 城镇的英文表达为town,所以答案为town。3. 太阳的英文表达为sun,所以答案为sun。4. 交通的英文表达为transport,所以答案为transport。5. 穿过;通过的英文表达为through,所以答案为through。6. 旅行的英文表达为travel,所以答案为travel。7. 车轮;轮子的英文表达为wheel,所以答案为wheel。8. 圆形;圆的英文表达为circle,所以答案为circle。【答案】1. sunshine 2. town 3. sun 4. transport 5. through 6. travel 7. wheel 8. circle三、【解析】 1. 你的your,新家是new home,综合得 your new home, 所以答案为your new home。2. 来 come,学校是school,综合得 come to school, 所以答案为come to school。3. 穿过through,树林是 the trees,综合得 through the trees, 所以答案为through the trees。4.轮子the wheels,公交车上是 on the bus,综合得the wheels on the bus, 所以答案为the wheels on the bus。5. 一辆用a/an,新的是new,自行车上是bike,综合得a new bike, 所以答案为a new bike。6. 去go,那里是 there,综合得go there, 所以答案为go there。7. 居住是live,学校附近near school,综合得live near school, 所以答案为live near school。8. 街道是street,在街道上是on the street,所以答案为on the street。9. 穿过是through,城镇是town,综合得:through the town ,所以答案为:through the town。10.去是go,工作是work,综合得:go to work,所以答案为:go to work。 答案】1. your new home 2. come to school 3. through the trees 4. the wheels on the bus 5. a new bike 6. go there 7. live near school 8. on the street 9. through the town 10. go to work四、【答案】1. What; does; doing 2. Where is Ben come from? 3. How do Lily and Lucy go to school?4. Bobby thinks so. 5. Does Mike go home by car?五、六、【答案】1. planes 2. live 3. buses 4. famers 5. play111

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