牛津译林三年级英语下册Unit8 we’re twins第1课时教案

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111课时Period第一课时教学内容Teaching ContentsStory time教学目标Teaching Aims1、通过全家福照片及纸偶的展示学习句型Whos she / he? Whos that girl / boy? Hes / Shes.。2、通过学习Story time,能正确地听懂、会说、会读单词aunt, twins, were。3、.通过学习Story time,能正确理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试朗读对话、表演对话。4、能在真实的情景中运用Whos she / he? Whos that girl / boy? Hes / Shes.进行交流。教学重点Teaching Key Points能正确理解掌握对话,并能朗读表演。教学难点Teaching Difficult Points、通过学习Story time,能比较流畅地朗读对话,并能运用所学对话描述。、能在真实的情景中运用Whos she / he? Whos that girl / boy? Hes / Shes.进行交流。教具准备Teaching Aids光盘、PPT、头饰、大树道具课前自主预习Independent Preview Before Class1. 通过自主阅读,勾画出生词,查字典理解含义。2. 听磁带,试着跟读课文。教 学 过 程Teaching Procedures修改或反思Adjustment or ReflectionStep1: Warm up1. (课前准备五个纸偶,画上不同的人物(分别代表自己和家庭中其他成员)。课堂上戴着纸偶现场操作,模拟出不同人物,与学生进行交流。)T: Look, this is a girl.This is a boy. This is a man. This is a woman.通过介绍纸偶学习girl, boy, man, womanT: Who are they? Lets listen to a song.2. Listen to a song T: This is me. Welcome to my family. Look! Whos he? 指着爸爸的纸偶S1: Hes T: Yes, hes my father. Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you.Ss: Nice to meet you too. Whos this girl? 指着画有妹妹图像的纸偶S1:Shes同法引出其他家庭成员,渗透文中主要句型3. 学生出示自己的全家福T:This is the finger family. Who wants to show us your family photo?(投影) Whos this man / woman / boy / girl?S1: Shes / Hes mySs:Whos this man / woman / boy / girl?S1: Shes / Hes myStep2 : Presentation1、 出示学校场景图,引导学生整体理解对话内容T: Today is Open Day. The children and their families are at school. Who are they? Look at the picturee and listen to the tape.Ss: 学生整体听录音初步理解课文内容2. 从学生已知人物入手,引导学生带着了解未知人物的目的,听课文录音,进一步理解课文内容,理清人物关系T:(指着Mike)Whos this boy?S1: Hes Mike.T: (指着Yang Ling)Whos that girl?S2: Shes Yang Ling.T: (指着Su Hai) And whos this girl?S3: Shes Su Hai.T: (指着Su Yang) Is this Su Hai?S4: No, shes Su Yang.T: Yes, theyre twins. (Teachtwins)T: 继续出示课文中另外两个成年人物图 Whos she? Whos he?Lets listen and matchSs: 听录音,连线T:Who is he?Ss: (引导学生回答)Hes Mikes uncle. So Mike saysHes my uncle.此环节时,将人物图片贴在黑板上3. 引导学生认识理解man, woman, boy, girl等词T: Who are in the playground?Ss: Mike, Yang Ling, (看着黑板一一复述)T: I have some words here. Can you help them to find friends?(事先将单词也做好,让学生将单词及人物配对,Mike boy)Step3 Consolidation1.Read the dialogue after the tapeRead in role Read in groups Act out the story2. 布置学生准备一些自己感兴趣的名人或卡通人物,小组之间讨论(分层)作业设计 HomeworkA. Homework.1. Read the dialogues after the tape and imitate the pronunciation.2. Try to recite the dialogue.3. Copy the new words.4. Make the family tree(参照Fun time)B. Homework.1. Recite the dialogue and the words.2.Using the sentence Whos she / he? Whos that girl / boy? Hes / Shes.to talk about your family.3. Introduce your familyThis girl is my . This man is. 板书设计Blackboard WritingUnit 8 Were twins Whos this / that ?Mike Uncle Yang Ling Su Hai Su Yang Aunt boy man girl woman 教后反思 Teaching Reflection After Class资料来源:http:/zhdduya100.taobao.com/QQ:1805986694,597161994资料来源:http:/zhdduya100.taobao.com/QQ:1805986694,597161994111

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