高考英语外研版选修8《Module 6 The Tang Poems》SectionⅡ速效提能演练

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高考英语外研版选修8《Module 6 The Tang Poems》SectionⅡ速效提能演练_第1页
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高考英语外研版选修8《Module 6 The Tang Poems》SectionⅡ速效提能演练_第2页
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教学无忧http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/专注中小学 教学事业!.词汇知识1acquaintanceaa period of time during which a country is ruled by members of the same family2bar bthe process of becoming greater in size,number,or amount3part callowing people to do,say,or believe what they want without criticizing or punishing them4dynasty dsomeone you know,but who is not a close friend5expansion esome but not all of a thing or number of things;to separate from someone6tolerant fto have or use something with other people7shadow gthe height of a thing above a reference level,especially above sea level or above the earths surface8altitude hto officially prevent someone from entering a place or from doing something9specialist ithe dark shape that someone or something makes on a surface when they are between that surface and the light10share ja person who has a particular skill or knows a lot about a particular subject答案:1.d2.h3.e4.a5.b6.c7.i8.g9.j10.f.重点短语1_the same time同时;然而,不过2on the_ 模仿,仿效3hand_ 手拉手;齐头并进地4_never before 前所未有地,空前5the _age 黄金时代6have a _of 有的机会7as_ 除之外(也),以及8think of._.把看作是;以为是答案:1.at2.model3.in hand4.as5.golden6chance7.well as8.as.必背句型1But during his lifetime he never became famous;in fact,he _ himself _ a failure.但在有生之年他一直没有成名;事实上他认为自己是一个失败者。答案:thought of;as2_ could now reach a wider audience.不仅仅是科学知识能够到达更广泛的读者那里。答案:It was not just scientific knowledge that3_ that he drowned when he fell into a river _ trying to take hold of the reflection of the Moon.据说他在试图捉月亮的影子时掉进江里溺水身亡。答案:It is said;while温馨提示:巩固学习效果,检验教学成果。请进入 “课时训练11”,指导学生每课一练,成功提升成绩。客服唯一联系qq 1119139686 欢迎跟我们联系


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