高中英语 Module 1 Basketball-Section 1 Background readings素材 外研版选修7

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教学无忧http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/专注中小学 教学事业!Module 1 Basketball-Section 1 Background readings素材Part Two Teaching Resources Section 1 Background readings for Module 1 Basketball1. The NBA has proudly showcased many of the greatest athletes in sports history. From George Mikan to Magic Johnson, these are the players who have left a lasting impact on the game of basketball. Weve gone back through the NBA annals and profiled some of the best to ever play the game.1) Michael JordanBy acclamation, Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player of all time - although a summary of his basketball career and influence on the game inevitably fails to do justice to the man. A phenomenal athlete with a unique combination of fundamental soundness, grace, speed, power, artistry, improvisational ability and an unquenchable competitive desire, Jordan single-handedly redefined the NBA superstar.Full Name: Michael Jeffrey JordanBorn: 2/17/63 in Brooklyn, NYDrafted by: Chicago Bulls, 1984Transactions: Retired, 10/6/93; Activated from retirement, 3/18/95; Retired, 1/13/99; Signed with Washington Wizards, 9/25/01.High School: Laney (Wilmington, NC)College: North CarolinaNickname: Air Jordan Height: 6-6; Weight: 216 lbs.Honors: Six-time NBA champion (1991-93, 1996-98); NBA MVP (1988, 91, 92, 96, 98); 10-time All-NBA First Team (1987-93, 1996-98); All-NBA Second Team (1985); Defensive Player of the Year (1988); Nine-time All-Defensive First Team (1988-93, 1996-98); Rookie of the Year (1985); 14-time All-Star; All-Star MVP (1988, 96, 98); One of 50 Greatest Players in NBA History (1996); Two-time Olympic gold medalist (1984, 92). 2) Earvin “Magic” JohnsonFew athletes are truly unique, changing the way their sport is played with their singular skills. Earvin “Magic” Johnson was one of them. Just how great a basketball player was Johnson? So great, perhaps, that future generations of hoop (篮) fans may wish they had entered the world years earlier-just so they could have seen Magic play in person instead of watching him only on highlight reels. He was what Bob Cousy was to the 1950s, what Oscar Robertson was to the 1960s, what Julius Erving was to the 1970s. Still, Earvin Johnson was even more than a revolutionary player who, at 6-9, was the tallest point guard in league history.Full Name: Earvin Johnson Jr.Born: 8/14/59 in Lansing, Mich.Height: 6-9; Weight: 255 lbs.High School: Everett (Lansing, Mich.)College: Michigan StateDrafted: L.A. Lakers, 1979 (first overall)Transactions: Retired, 11/7/91; Activated, 1/29/96; Retired, 5/14/96Nickname: MagicHonors: Elected to Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame (2002); NBA champion (1980, 82, 85, 87, 88); NBA Finals MVP (1980, 82, 87); NBA MVP (1987, 89, 90); Nine-time All-NBA First Team (1983-91); All-NBA Second Team (1982); 12-time All-Star; All-Star MVP (1990, 92); J. Walter Kennedy Citizenship Award (1992); Olympic gold medalist (1992); One of 50 Greatest Players in NBA History (1996).3) George MikanIts hard to believe today, but until the 1940s basketball was considered a sport better suited to shorter men than to taller, less nimble (敏捷的) players. George Mikan, a 6-10 giant of a man who possessed superior coordination and a fierce competitive spirit, was one of the prototypes (原型)for the dominating tall players of later decades. Towering over most of his competitors, he was one of the most effective scorers of his day, averaging 22.6 points over a professional career that lasted nine years - one with the Chicago American Gears and eight with the Minneapolis Lakers. Full Name: George Lawrence Mikan Jr.Born: 6/18/24 in Joliet, Ill.Died: 6/1/05 in Scottsdale, Ariz.High School: Joliet (Ill.) Catholic; Quigley Prep (Chicago)College: DePaulTransactions: Signed with National Basketball Leagues Chicago Gears, 3/16/46; Gears entered Professional Basketball League of America, 1947; PBLA disbanded, 11/13/47; Mikans rights awarded to NBLs Minneapolis Lakers, 11/17/47; Minneapolis transferred to Basketball Association of America, 1948; Minneapolis became part of NBA upon merger of BAA and NBL, 1949. Height: 6-10Weight: 245 lbs.Honors: Elected to Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame (1959); NBA champion (1950, 52, 53, 54); Five-time All-NBA First Team (1950-54); Four-time NBA All-Star (1951-54); All-Star MVP (1953); One of 50 Greatest Players in NBA History (1996).NBL Honors: NBL champion (1947, 48); NBL MVP (1948); All-NBL First Team (1947, 48).BAA Honors: BAA champion (1949); All-BAA First Team (1949).4) James WorthyNever was a nickname better suited to a player than James Worthys moniker, Big Game James. By the time he retired, Worthy owned a Most Outstanding Player Award from the 1982 NCAA Final Four and an MVP Award from the 1988 NBA Finals, he was a member of three NBA championship teams with the Los Angeles Lakers (in 1985, 1987, and 1988), and his career postseason averages of 21.1 points and 5.2 rebounds per game were higher than his regular-season averages of 17.6 points and 5.1 rebounds per contest. Full Name: James Ager WorthyBorn: 2/27/61 in Gastonia, N.C.High School: Ashbrook (Gastonia, N.C.)College: North CarolinaDrafted by: L.A. Lakers, 1982 (first overall)Height: 6-9; Weight: 225 lbs. Nickname: Big Game JamesHonors: Elected to Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame (2003); NBA champion (1985, 87, 88); NBA Finals MVP (1988); All-NBA Third Team (1990, 91); All-Rookie Team (1983); Seven-time NBA All-Star (1986-92); One of 50 Greatest Players in NBA History (1996). 2. Prefixes and suffixes1) 常见英语前缀 A前缀re- re-是最常用的前缀之一。它可以加在名词或动词前面,构成新的名词或动词。1表示回或向后。return(回来,返回)recall(回忆,召回)retract(缩回,取回) 2表示再、重新、重复的意思。review(复习)reunion(团圆,重聚)restart(重新开始)reconstruction(重建) 3表示相反、反对的意思。rebel(反叛,谋反)reverse(反转,颠倒)resist(反抗,抵抗)B前缀de-与dis- 1. 前缀de-来自拉丁语,意为away from,所以这个前缀的意义之一就是离开、出。它构成的词有一定规律性,常表离开这一深层概念,而且常与介词from等搭配。dethrone(废黜) deport(驱逐出境)deduce(推断) derail(脱轨) Delete his name from the list of members把他的名字从成员名单上除去。 The train will depart from platform 2这列火车将从2号站台发车。 2. 另外,前缀de-还表示除去、取消以及否定、非、相反的意思。decamp(撤营)decode(解码)deforest(砍伐森林)decolonize(非殖民化) devaluation(贬值) He has been degraded from public office他已经被解除公职。 He descended from his taxi他下了出租车。 3. 前缀dis-与前缀de-同源,也来自拉丁语,原义为apart分开。dis-具有不、无的意思,所以加在某些动词或名词前构成反义词。dishonest(不诚实的)disappear(不见,消失) disorder(无秩序,混乱) 4. dis-还表示取消、除去以及分开、离、散的意思。由这些意义构成的词常与from等搭配。 He discounted 15from the price of a car他把汽车价格打八五折。 Dont distract this mind from his work不要分散他工作的注意力。 5. dis-也可表示相反动作或加强意义,由它构成的词也常与from等搭配,下面例子都表示相反动作。 disappear from the view 消失不见 He was discharged from hospital他出院了。C前缀in-及im-,il-,ir- 它们像同胞四兄弟,都是表示否定的前缀。表示不、无、非等否定意义。 1以字母b,m,p开头的单词,其否定前缀为im-。imbalance(不平衡的)immoral(不道德的)impossible(不可能的) 2以字母l开头的单词用il-;以字母r开头的单词用ir-。illegal(不合法的)illogical(不合逻辑的)irregular(不规则的)irrelative(无关系的) 3以其他字母开头的为in-。inhuman(不人道的)injustice(不分开的)inseparable(不可分的)incorrect(不正确的)D前缀ex- 1表示出、外、由中弄出。export(出口,输出)extract(抽出,拔出)expel(逐出,赶出) 2表示前任的,以前的。ex-president(前任总统)ex-soldier(退伍军人)ex-husband (前夫)E前缀macro-与micro- macro-与micro-是一对意义相反的前缀,macro-表示宏、大;micro-表示微。macroworld(宏观世界) macroeconomics(宏观经济学) macroscale(大规模)microscope(显微镜)microele- ment(微量元素)F前缀trans- 1表示转变、变换。transport(运输-从一地转到另一地) transplant(移植)translation(翻译-从一种语言转为另一种语言)trans- form(使变形,改造) 2表示超过、横跨、超。transcentury(跨世纪)transnational(跨国的)transcontinental(横跨大陆的) transatlantic(横跨大西洋的)G前缀tele- tele-表示远距离的,远。telescope(望远镜)telegram(电报) telecamera(电视摄影机,远距离摄影机)H前缀super- 1表示超、超级。super- highway(超级公路)superpower(超级大国)supermarket(超市) 2表示上。superstructure(上层建筑)supervise(监督-由上面注视)superimpose(放在上面) 2) 常见英语后缀 最常见的形容词后缀有: 1. ble,-ible -able =able to be ;worth of having the quality of 值得 具有 性质 readable (可读的) sensible (明智的)2. - al ual -ial=of, of, the nature of; action of the stated type属于,具有 属性,personal (个人的)national (国家的)3. -ed=having the quality of 有 特性的 coloured(有色的)booted(穿靴的)aged(年老的)4. -en=made of由 制成的 woolen(羊毛的)golden (金的)5. -ese=(a person or language )belongs to (a country)某国的人的/语言的 Chinese (中国的/汉语的)6. -ful=full, having the quality of; causing 充满的 : useful (有用的)skillful (有技巧的)handful(满手的)7. -ic(al)=connected with与 有关的 atomic(原子的) historic(历史的) istic artistic(艺术的) realistic(现实的)-tic dramatic (戏剧的)romantic (浪漫的)8. -ish=to some degree;(a person or language )of a place etc. 在某种程度上,某地的人或语言的 reddish(稍红的)tallish (略高的)English (英国的,英国人的)9. ist=a believer in the stated principle, etc, a person who carries out an activity of the stated idea, principle, etc.主义者,从事 的人;主义的 violinist(小提琴手)socialist(社会主义的)10. - ing =being正在: changing (正在改变的)developing (发展的)11. ive -itive =of ; having to do with; tending to do有 特性的;与 有关的;有 倾向的 sensitive(敏感的)protective (防御的)productive (多产的)12. less=without; not having or causing; unable to be v-ed 无;没有,不会引起 的 homeless (无家可归的) useless (无用的)countless (数不尽的)13. - like =or the same from in many ways 很象 的 childlike (孩子般天真的)hairlike(头发丝似的)14. ly=有 的特性的,每 的 friendly (友好的) daily (每日的)15. ous=causing or having nature of使具有 性质的 dangerous(危险的)famous (著名的) curvaceous (有曲线的) herbaceous(草本的) vivacious(活泼的) rapacious(掠夺的)righteous(正直的)gaseous (气体的)anxious(焦急的)curious(好奇的)glorious (光荣的) 16. proof=against防: fireproof (防火的) 17. some=full of ; causing 充满的,产生的 troublesome (麻烦的) lonesome (孤独的)18. -ward =towards the stated direction or place向(方向的)downward (向下的)seaward (向海的)19. y= 充满的;有 特性的 rainy (多雨的) hilly (多山的) sleepy (想睡得)最常见的名词后缀有: 1.表示具体的人、物的后缀:-an (- ian , - ean ,-ane ) -ant American/ European/consultant(顾问)-ar /-er/-or beggar (乞丐) traveler (旅行者) visitor (拜访者)-ician musician (音乐家)-ist scientist (科学家)-ory /ery factory (工厂) nursery (托儿所)-ics politics (政治)-logy technology (技术) 2.表示抽象的动作情况的后缀: -acity : capacity (能力)-acy: fallacy (谬误)-al (-ial , -eal ) : denial(否认)refusal(拒绝)-ence ( - ance , -ency , -ancy ): influence (影响)acceptance(接受)-ion: union(联盟)creation(创造)-ism : heroism(英雄主义)-ment : excitement (兴奋)monument(纪念碑)-mony : matrimony(结婚)-ness : coldness(冷淡) goodness (仁慈善良) -or :error (错误)-sis: analysis (分析)-tude : longitude (经度) multitude (多数,群众)-ty : novelty (新颖,新奇)-ure: pressure (压力)-y : victory (胜利)最常见的动词后缀有: -ate:differentiate (区分) maturate (成熟)-en:sharpen (磨快) darken (使变暗) -fy:simplify (简化) beautify (使美丽) classify (分类) -ise(-ize):criticize (批评) fertilize (施肥) modernize (使现代化)3) 否定前缀(1)纯粹表示否定的a-,an- 能构成少数新词。加在名词、形容词上,表示没有“某种性质“。如:amoral=unmoral不道德,asexual无性别的。a-在元音前变成an-如anonymous onoma=name匿名的dis-加在名词、形容词、动词上,表示否定, 如:disadvantage(劣势),disagreement(不和),disbelieve(不相信)。(2)表示“错误”的mis- 多作重读,表示“wrongly,badly”。可以适当构造新词:大多用于动词:to misbehave(行为不当)misunderstand(误解)。用于作形容词的分词:misbelieving(信仰不当),misleading(靠不住)。用于动名词:misdealing(不正当手段)。偶而,mis-也表示纯粹的否定词义:to mistrust。(3)表示“反对”anti- 表示“反对,反面” , 如: anti-social(反社会的) antiseptic(防腐剂) anti-militarist(反军国主义者)。contra- 表示“反对,相反” , 如: contradiction(矛盾) contrast(对比) contrary(相反的);counter- 表示“against” , 如: counteract(还手) counterattack(反攻)。客服唯一联系qq 1119139686 欢迎跟我们联系


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