高中英语 Module 4《Music Born in America》教案(5)(外研版选修7)

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教学无忧http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/专注中小学 教学事业!英语:Module 4Music Born in America英文教案(5)(外研版选修7)Period 5 Reading PracticeTeaching Goals: 1. To enable Ss to learn about music born in Hong Kong.2. To understand the writers opinion on the topic of Hong Kong music.Teaching Procedures:Step 1. Revision Check the answers to the Grammar exercises in the Workbook.Step 2. Reading Practice1. Show some pop stars pictures and ask some questions about the Hong Kong stars. For example, do you know who are the Kings of Cantopop? Do you know other Hong Kong pop singers? What do you know about the music in Hong Kong?2. Ask Ss to read the passage and match the paragraphs with the descriptions.Para 1A. Morally healthyPara 2B. worth following as an examplePara 3C. widely popularPara 4, 5D. fashionablePara 6E. booming without potential problemsPara 7F. coming out with the hard-working spiritSuggested Answers:Para 1 CPara 2 APara 3 DPara 4,5 FPar 6 EPara 7 B 3. Ask Ss to let Ss read the passage again and finish the exercises in Activities 4,5 and 6 on page 54.4. Ask Ss to discuss the important language points in groups. Then give them some explanation.(1) From a region of seven million people has arisen some of the greatest pop music in the world. 从一个拥有7百万人的地区产生了一些世界上最流行的音乐。arise vi arose arisen (问题等)出现,呈现 Eg A new difficulty has arisen.【拓展】rise vi rose risen 升起,提高,起床/身 Eg The warden rose from the table.raise vt raised raised 举起, 提出Eg He raised his hand and waved.【练习】 The sea level has _ much recently. The sun _ in the east. Im wondering if we can _ enough money for charity. He will be the first one to leave when the crisis _. As far as Im concerned, the income of farmers has not been _. _ late is not good for your health. Hardly had we come home when the quarrel _. Go and _ the alarm!Keys: risen rises raise arises risen Rising arose raise(2) But Cantopop expresses only harmony and virtue, and Hong Kong is blessed with the most conventional music scene in the world. 但是粤语流行音乐却表现了一种和谐美,香港有幸成为世界上最传统的音乐基地。be blessed with + n 有幸得到,具有 Eg He is blessed with good health.(3) The stars dont wear fancy clothes. 歌星们并没有穿新潮的衣服。(4) Theyre so neat and well-behaved that any mom would want their kids to watch them. 他们如此的整洁大方,以至于每位做母亲的都想让他们的孩子们观看这些歌星。(5) You cant budget for looking good, you just need a blank cheque / check and a fashion consultant. 你不能为美化自己做好预算,只需要有空白的支票和时尚顾问。(6) But she claims that she isnt vain. 但是她声明她并不自负。in vain 徒劳地,枉然地Eg Dont you think all we have done are (in) vain?【拓展】as vain as a peacock 像孔雀般地炫耀自己 (7) Hong Kong stars work hard, and pace is hot. 香港的明星们工作都很努力,进度非常快。与pace有关的词组:keep pace with 与齐步并进,与并驾齐驱show ones pace 显示自己的本领(8) Some make ten movies a year, others record four CDs as well as keeping to a tight schedule of concerts and TV shows. 一些明星一年拍十部电影,另外一些明星录制四张唱片,而且音乐会、电视节目也排得很紧。tight adj(时间、衣服)紧的,口睡个好觉Eg I have put on so much weight that all my clothes are tight. He is sleeping tight.(9) Otherwise, he will soon be abandoned by his company and his fans. 否则他会被公司和歌迷们抛弃。(10) When the new albums come out, the stars are marketed like consumer products, as teen-agers spend their allowance on the latest songs. 当新专辑发行时,明星就会像消费产品一样,被推向市场,青少年会用自己的零花钱买最新的歌曲。 come out 此处当“出版,发行”讲,无被动语态。Eg The authors new book will soon come out.【拓展】该短语还有许多别的意思,均无被动语态: The whole story came out during the process of trial. (揭露)Roses will come out late because of the cold weather. (开花)The rain stopped and the sun came out. (出现)Photos didnt come out because there was something wrong with the film. 冲晒 spend money / time on sth花钱(时间)在某事上spend money / time in doing sth花钱(时间)做某事(11) The fans are devoted to their stars.歌迷非常喜欢他们的明星。be devoted to sth/doing 热爱,致力于,专心于, Hasnt he been devoted to the exploitation of the new energy? Devoted to finding a kind of new medicine, he looks much older than his age.【拓展】 devoted 忠实的Eg a devoted fana devoted frienda devoted comrade devote to sth/doing把奉献给 Eg He devoted his whole life to Blues music. The great mother devoted all she had to teaching her children to make them good.(12) They yell their names at concerts and beg for autographs. (Para 6, L3)beg (for) from/ of sb 向某人乞求,乞讨EgMany beggars are begging for food from passers-by in the street.(13) But the new talent isnt far behind. (Para 6, L8)far behind (表示程度,进度)远远落后于【练习】 Dont go there! Its _ dangerous! (Key: C)A. too farB. too manyC. far tooD. too much 5. Let Ss think about their favorite pop stars. Ask them why they like them and their music.Step 3. Homework1. Ask Ss to finish Reading Activities in the Workbook on page 112113.2. Ask Ss to review what we have learnt today.3. Ask Ss to preview Reading Writing.客服唯一联系qq 1119139686 欢迎跟我们联系


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