高中英语 Unit2 《tutorial centres》-grammar教案 上海牛津版S2A

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教学无忧http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/专注中小学 教学事业!Unit2 Tutorial Centres Grammar教案一、章节分析(一)综述本章节主要语法是动词时态的现在完成时以及现在完成进行时的构成和使用。英语中完成时是时态语法点中比较重要的一部分。在本册书的第二课和第三课中学生学习了现在时,现在进行时,过去时和过去进行时这几种基本时态,在第四课中学习了被动语态,在此基础上本课将对现在完成时(主动及被动语态)和一般过去时的区别进行复习,以及现在完成进行时的学习和操练,并且针对层次较高学生可以导入其他几种复合时态的学习。(二)目标复习比较现在完成时(主动和被动语态)和一般过去时,并且学习本课的重点语法时态点:现在完成进行时,达到以下两个目标:1 了解基本的构成;2 了解使用的情景,完成基本操练。(三)教学方法 情景导入加归纳法。(四)重点和难点本课中的重点是现在完成进行时,以及本课中提及的各种时态在不同情景中的运用。二、教学设计(Teaching Designs)教学内容教学实施建议教学资源参考Lead in 要求学生再次浏览课文,并注意文中所用的时态。 根据文中出现的时态例句,比较过去时和过去完成时这两种时态的区别。复习这两种时态并做一些相关练习。具体练习内容见链接1 提问学生除了上述两种时态之外,文中是否还出现其他时态。可以进行小组讨论找出使用其他时态的句子(尤其是使用的不熟悉的时态句子) 比较使用的时态的不同。介入现在完成进行时态。 牛津英语课本Practice 学习现在完成进行时态知识点(时态的基本构成以及相关例句) 学生理解该时态,并进行相关练习操练 补充知识点: 将来完成时以及过去完成时(这一补充主要是学有余力的同学,详见链接2)牛津英语课本Exercises and homework教师自编题目和书后练习结合操练牛津英语课本链接1说明:这是一份关于现在完成时与过去时复习以及现在完成进行时,将来完成时和过去完成时的教案。Teaching procedures:1Warming up Ask students to scan the text part again and find out what tense is mainly used inthe text. And tell the reason. Besides the mainly-used tense in the text, ask students if there is any other tense used. Discuss with deskmates and underline the sentences whose tense is not familiar to them.Students may pick up the sentences as followed:1. Have you ever been to a tutorial centre?2. I have studied at a tutorial centre for two years.3. My command of English has improved considerably since 4. I have been attending a tutorial centre for two months.5. I have been forced to attend by my parents.6. I have experienced both good and bad tutorial centres. Compare the past tense and the present perfect tense Do more related exercises ( EX 1, see in Part 3)2. Leading in Introduce the present perfect continuous tense. About the present perfect continuous tense:1. Formation has/have been + doing2. Where to use(1) We use this tense to talk about an action which started in the past and is still continuing.e.g. I have been attending a tutorial centre for two months. You have been studying for ten hours. You must take a rest.(2) We often use this tense with phrases such as: all day, all afternoon, for seven hours or for four years. These phrases help to stress that the action is still continuing. Do some exercises about the present perfect continuous tense, pay attention to the differences between the present perfect tense and the present perfect continuous tense(EX 2. see in Part 3)3. Understanding and doing more practiceStudents try to understand the grammar points mentioned above EX 1. Fill in the blanks with the simple past or the present perfect of the given verbs.1. I last _(meet) him long ago. I _ (not see) him for a long time.2. We _ (live) in the house since 1970, that is to say, ever since my father _ (die).3. I _ (read) the novel when I _ (be) at college. It is such a long time that I _ (forget) what it is about.4. Since I _ (make) my report last year, there _ (be) a steady improvement in the companys trading position. The performance of our overseas branch _ (be) particularly encouraging.5. A: _ you _ (bring) your bathing suit with you?B: yes, I am going to show you how much I _ (improve).6. A: I _ (not see) anything of Jane lately. When _ you _ (see) last?B: I _ (meet) her two days ago. I think she _ (change) a lot.7. Although we _ (be) in this village six years so far, we _ (get) to know many people yet. But our next-door neighbor _ (be) helpful when we first _ (move) in. 8. This bike _ (be) in our family for 14 years. My father _ (use) it for the first five years, my brother _ (ride) it for the next five, and I _ (have) it for the last four. Keys: 1. met, havent seen2. have lived,died3. read, was, have forgotten4. made, has been, has been5. Havebrought, have improved6. havent seen, didsee, met, has changed7. have been, havent got, was, moved8. has been, used, rode, have hadEX 2. 1. Fill in the blanks with the present perfect tense or the present perfect continuous tense(1) Thank goodness, we _ safely. (arrive)(2) The book _ (lie) on the table since morning.(3) They _ (not leave) because their schoolbag are still on their deaks.(4) It _ (be) cold this year. I wonder when it is going to get warmer.(5) I _ (make) cakes. Thats why my hands are all covered with flour.(6) The lady has been to the shop several times, but she _ (buy, never) anything. (7) Nobody knows where to go during the holiday. Nothing _ (arrange) yet.(8) A few questions _ (not settle) up to now.(9) I _ (not see) him ever since then.(10) Nobody seems to take notice of the ten-cent note which _ (lie) on the ground for quite a long time.(11) So far this term, 3 English tests _ (give) to the students.(12) I dont think anything that _(do) can be done.(13) Never _ I _ (give) such a chance to make a speech in front of such a large audience.(14) It is the second time that Joe _ (criticize) for the terrible mistake he _ (make) this term.(15) Will you have the vase _ (break) by the child _ (mend)?2. Translation:(1)他自从生意失败以来,对什么都失去了信心。(2)自从元旦以来我见过他两次了。 一次是在三月份,五月中旬也见过他一次。(3)他的摩托车坏了,所以这几天他步行上班。(4)你游览了世界那么多地方。我真羡慕你。(5)过去两个月,他一直与他叔叔住在一起。(6)至今他对自己的困难只字不提。Key for reference:1. 1. have arrived2. has been lying3. havent left4. has been 5. have been making6. has never bought 7. has been arranged8.have not been settled 9.have not seen 10. has been lying 11. have been given12. has been done 13. havebeen given 14. has been criticizedhas made15. has been broken mended2. 1. He has lost confidence in everything since he failed in his business.2. I have seen him twice since New Years Day. I saw him once in March and I saw him again in the middle of May.3. His motorcycle has gone wrong, so he is walking to work these days.4. You have traveled so much in the world. I really envy you.5. He has been staying with his uncle during the past two months.6. So far he has not said a single word about his own trouble.链接 2说明:这是完成时时态的拓展部分,拓展了过去完成时以及将来完成时,使学生把握几种复合时态。此部分可以供学有余力的学生选择使用。1将来完成时(1) 构成will/shall have done (2) 用法表示到将来某个时间为止完成的动作,通常与“by+将来时间”构成的时间状语连用。e.g. By the end of next month, he will have been here for 10 years.2. 过去完成时(1) 构成 had + 动词的过去分词(2) 用法1表示过去某一时刻之前已经开始并持续到该时刻的动作状态e.g. Peter, who had waited for an hour, was very angry with his sister when she eventually turned up. Bill was in uniform when I met him. He had been a soldier for ten years, and planned to stay in the army till he was thirty.2表示过去某一时刻前的习惯或反复的动作e.g. She had called on her friends every week before her death.3用于think, hope等动词,表示过去没有实现的想法或愿望e.g. I had hoped to send him a telegram to congratulate him on his marriage, but I didnt manage it. (我原本想)4表示过去某个时刻之前发生的动作或经历,而且动作产生的影响在该时刻仍然存在e.g. He looked pale. He had been ill for a long time. He told me he had been to London twice.5与过去完成时搭配的固定结构had no sooner than had hardly when had scarcely when 这三个结构都表示“一就”的意思e.g. I had no sooner left the room than the telephone rang. No sooner had I left the room than the telephone rang. (倒装结构)EX 3: Choice:1. I _ to go to Hawaii today, but when the fortune-teller warned me not to travel, I postponed the trip.A. had intendedB. was intendingC. would intendD. was intended2. He said that he would be able to see me when he _ that letter.A. wroteB. has writtenC. would have writtenD. had written3. He told me that I should not leave the room until I _ all the windows.A. closedB. have closedC. would have closedD. had closed4. Nothing _ yet scientifically, says the spokesman.A. was provedB. will be proved C. is being provedD. has been proved5. She _ the Bible when an angle enters and kneels down before her.A. readsB. readC. has been readingD. had read6. Im sorry I have not written to you for so long, but I _ very busy with examination.A. amB. had beenC. wasD. have been 7. I wonder whether our life _ considerably by 2010.A. will have changedB. will be changingC. will have to changeD. is going to change8. He _ on the bank fishing when he _ a mens hat floating down the river.A. sat, sawB. was sitting, sawC. sat, was seeingD. sits, sees9. Im glad to meet you. George _ all about you.A. tells me B. is telling meC. has been telling meD. is told to me 10. I _ on the door for five minutes now without an answer.A. was knockingB. am knockingC. knockD. have been knocking11. The secretary wasnt there, she _ home already.A. had goneB. should have goneC. would have goneD. had been12. Research _ all over the world into the possible cause of cancer in the past twelve years.A. was madeB. had been madeC. has been madeD. has been making13. No wonder these plants are dying. They _ any water for weeks.A. havent hadB. haventC. hadnt hadD. hadnt 14. Since 1970, millions of people _ a substance which they believe can remedy the common cold Vitamin C.A. have takenB. have been taking C. have been takenD. have being taken15. The students _ the whole course before they take the examination.A. coveredB. will have covered C. will coveringD. have covered 16. Today is Bettys wedding day. She _ to Henry.A. just has been marriedB. had just married C. was just marriedD. has just been married17. The river was high because it _ for several days.A. had been rainingB. was rainingC. has been rainingD. rained18. By the end of June, you _ here for three years.A. will have studiedB. studiesC. will studyD. have studied 19. He acted as if he _ in China before.A. has never lived B. had never lived C. never livedD. would have never lived 20. I _ poetry as the food of love.A. have been used to consideringB. have been used to considerC. use to considerD. used to consideringKey for reference:1-5 ADDDC6-10 DABCD11-15 ACABB16-20 DAABA客服唯一联系qq 1119139686 欢迎跟我们联系

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