英语:Unit4 sports around the world教案(上海新世纪版S2A)

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教学无忧http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/专注中小学 教学事业!Unit4 Sports Around the World一、 单元分析(Unit Analysis)(一)单元地位(Unit Position)1 本课先介绍了奥运会的历史和意义,再展示中国奥运健儿在奥运会上所取得的佳绩,最后谈到了北京奥运申办的成功。教师可以围绕“奥运会”这一主题,设计活动让学生讨论奥运精神的内涵,体育精神对个人的影响及奥运精神对国家对民族的促进作用。通过本课的教学,渗透体育精神的教育及民族自豪感的培养,为他们将来的工作、生活培养良好的心理、思想素质,并有助于他们正确世界观的形成。2 围绕本课主题“奥运会”,学生讨论自己最喜欢的体育项目及参加体育运动的意义,探讨体育运动对个人身体、心理健康的促进作用。在此基础上,描述“我喜欢的一项体育运动”或“令我难忘的一次体育比赛”。3本单元中继续介绍现在分词的用法现在分词的完成式和现在分词的被动式的语法功能。现在分词完成式和被动式在日常英语中运用很多, 教师有必要进行精讲,并对这一语法现象进行一定量的操练。4设计补全句子、重组句子、 “copy不走样”等形式操练,让学生扎实掌握本单元出现的语法功能。(二)单元目标(Unit Target)1学习现在分词的完成式和现在分词的被动式的语法功能,掌握现在分词这两种形式作状语和定语的用法。2能对自己爱好的体育项目进行描述。(喜欢原因、如何进行、对自己的影响)3 能描述所观看过的或经历过的一次难忘的体育赛事。(三)单元重点(Unit Points)1 关键词:u 语言知识类 in terms of, every four years, will power, come out number one, one. after another, at the turn of, come true, amaze with, selectas, add a brilliant touch to, be rebelled asu 交际功能类1)体育项目: track and field events, gymnastics, badminton, figure skating, diving, weight lifting, table tennis2)描述体育赛事:scale, skill, impact, hold, take place, celebrate,demonstrate2功能:Talk about scoring(描述赛事“得分”)(参考课本第49页 Useful Language)l The Red Team has scored three goals.l Peter and Jack tied for third.l Hes won by a score of 3-1.l Its two-nil to the visiting team.l The game ended in a draw.l The game ended with the score3-1.l They have beaten the team from Japan 2-1.l They are leading by 2-1.l The visiting team has lost to the local team 1-3.l Louise equaled the record.3语法点:本课出现了现在分词的完成式和现在分词的被动式,主要介绍其作状语和定语的功能,这是本课教学的重点。二、 教学设计(Teaching Designs)教学内容教学实施建议教学资源参考Reading作为“奥运会”这一主题的引入,课前要求学生搜集有关“奥运会”信息,并要求在课外进行分析整理。链接1 关于布置课前任务的建议。链接2 奥运五环旗含义和奥运主要比赛项目。为检测学生课前准备的奥运比赛项目,教师可以组织学生进行“Guess” 游戏。链接3 “Guess” 游戏的操作建议。为配合课文的阅读,设计以下活动:活动一:预测课文,形成“头脑图”看课文标题,预测课文主要内容,在头脑中形成这篇课文的要点的“心智图” 链接4 课文奥运会要点的“心智图”活动二:跳读课文,找出各段标题。跳读全文,完成段落与段落标题的配对。链接5 段落与段落标题的配对题活动三:扫读课文,完成图表(奥运五环图形式)里的内容细读课文,分组完成以下活动:链接6活动四:链条式问答(chain work)链接7 链条式问答操作建议活动五:根据课文中信息,判断正误(True or false)链接8 判断正误题课本 Highlights Structure 学现在分词的完成式和现在分词的被动式的语法教学内容,教师可以通过设计补全句子、重组句子、 “copy不走样”等形式操练,让学生扎实掌握这一语法功能。链接9 现在分词的完成式和被动式的教学建议。课本Structure Listening教材听力部分内容是有关加拿大体育,也是围绕本模块的主题展开的,在做听力前,注意给学生一些听力技巧上的指导。链接10关于培养学生听力技巧的几点探讨。 课本 Listening PracticeSpeaking以“体育”为主题设计口语活动。活动一:谈论个人的体育爱好、体育所能带来的益处链接11 谈论个人爱好句型链接12 参加体育运动的益处活动二:讨论:中国最受欢迎的体育项目(参考B2 图片)链接13 描述球类比赛的常用句型活动三:描述“我经历过(看过)的最难忘的体育赛事”句型可参见“Useful Language”课本 Speaking PracticeStudy skills本部分介绍关键词在阅读、听力中传递信息时起的重要作用。在阅读、听力练习时,快速浏览关键词是很有用的学习策略,需加强训练。链接14 训练材料(找出关键词)课本Study SkillsAdditional Reading本部分内容介绍澳大利亚体育,是紧紧围绕单元主题Sports around the world而展开的。本文出现的重要词汇与词组:environment, invest, talented, emphasis, criminal, mental, toughness, quality, be amazed at, encourage sb to do, off the coast, be independent, help out等针对“世界各地体育”这一话题,可引导学生去学习了解不同国家的体育,如美国、英国、日本、韩国等。链接15 以“世界各地体育”为题材的完形填空课本 Additional Reading链接1 关于布置课前任务的建议。说明: 在课堂教学的前期准备工作中,布置任务让学生收集有关课文背景方面的知识,教师可给学生提供一些网址参考,或图书馆、阅览室里的某些书籍、报刊、杂志供学生参考。除背景知识外,课文中出现的关键词的用法也可布置给学生去查阅、分析、讨论。对学生来说,这是很重要的一种学习方式。 1教师把班上的学生进行分组。可根据学生能力、性格特征、性别等方面的差异进行分组。小组成员的组成一般遵循“组内异质、组间同质”的原则。小组一般以46人为宜,每组定一名组长,其职责包括协调组员之间的关系,确保组员的参与。再根据每次具体任务确定“记录员”;“汇报者”。2. 就奥运历史、奥运意义、奥运主要比赛项目、中国与奥运等方面布置给不同的小组查阅,然后要求对所收集到的材料进行分析讨论。3. 在课堂上小组派出“汇报者”向全班展示。4教师与同学一起对不同小组的相同问题进行归纳、整合。 链接2 奥运五环旗含义和奥运主要比赛项目。说明:以下提供一些关于奥运会的补充材料,教师可根据原材料进行安排,一部分可在导入课中使用,另一部份可穿插在教学过程中提供给学生。AWhat do the Olympic rings mean? (奥运五环旗含义)The colours of the interlinked Olympic rings were chosen by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), to represent the union of the 5 continents, Australia , Africa , America , Asia and Europe and further signify the meeting of the world athletes at the Olympic Games.The plain white background of the Olympic flag is symbolic of peace throughout the games.The five colours of the rings from left to right are blue, black and red across the top with yellow and green along the bottom, these colours may be found on most flags of the world and officially hold no other particular significance, although some believe each colour represents a particular continent.The blue colour represents Europe; the yellow colour represents Asia; the black colour represents Africa; the green colour represents Australia; and the red colour represents AmericaBOlympic Games program(奥运主要比赛项目)The current Olympic Games program includes 35 sports and nearly 400 events. There are also past Olympic sports and sports recognized by the Olympic Movement.Summer sports客服唯一联系qq 1119139686 欢迎跟我们联系aquatics水上运动archery箭术athletics田径运动badminton羽毛球baseball棒球basketball篮球boxing拳击canoe/kayak皮划艇cycling自行车equestrian马术fencing剑术footballgymnasticshandball手球hockey曲棍球judo柔道modern pentathlon现代五项rowing赛艇运动sailing帆船运动shootingsoftball垒球table tennis tennistriathlon三项全能volleyballweightliftingwrestling摔跤Winter sportsbiathlon滑雪和射击bobsleigh长撬curling冰上溜石ice hockey冰球luge 平底雪橇skating溜冰skiing滑雪运动教学无忧http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/专注中小学 教学事业!链接3 “Guess” 游戏的操作建议。说明:猜谜是一种在轻松、愉快的氛围中进行的智力竞争,竞猜的获胜者在这种氛围中表现了自己,得到了心理上的满足,而经过思考未猜中者也因从别人那里获得答案而使好奇心和求知欲得到了满足。在课堂教学中运用“Guess”游戏,能起到激活学生原有的知识和经验、操练词汇等作用。1. 设计该游戏时应根据游戏内容采取多种形式。如果游戏组织得不好,可能会造成形式热闹,学生却并没有真正参与而达到游戏目的,或者仅是部分成绩好,爱开口的学生参与,久而久之形成严重的两极分化。2. 游戏的形式可以有以下几种:教师持有“谜底”,学生猜。学生持有“谜底”,教师猜。同桌互猜。部分学生持有“谜底”,部分学生猜等。3 谜面的形式可设计成以下几种: 简短的提问。 对谜底的描述。 提供谜底的范畴。如让持谜底的同学想一个球类的或田径类的项目,其他同学用yes-no question 提问猜测。 图形或声音,如用简笔画作图,每作一步让学生猜测是什么运动。 动作,如动作表演让学生猜测是何种体育项目。4游戏规则也需注意,如规定游戏的时间,限制猜测的次数或小组竞赛。如果时间短或猜测次数少,学生参与率低,就达不到锻炼学生口头表达能力的目的。链接4 课文奥运会要点的“心智图”说明:“心智图”(mind map)是结合放射状思考与图像的一种技法, 是一种利用图像式思考辅助工具来表达思维的,是联想的引导及表现。有效运用“心智图”,对学生的思考力、记忆力、组织力有非常大的帮助。指导学生透过心智图,培养阅读及学习兴趣, 展现自我潜能,并激发学生创意。 the division of themthe Olympic Gamesthe significance of themthe dream of Chineseperformance ofChinese athletesthe value of Olympic recordsthe main events of themthe history of themwhat it means to the nation链接5 段落与段落标题的配对题Scan the text quickly and match the headings with the paragraphs:Column I Column II 1The history of the Olympic Games Paragraph A 2The dream of an Asian nation Paragraph B 3The makeup of the Olympic Games Paragraph C 4The wonderful performances of Chinese athletesParagraph D 5The meaningfulness of the Olympic Games Paragraph E 6The main events of the Olympic Games Paragraph F 7The value of Olympic records Paragraph G Key: 1-Para C2-Para G 3- Para B 4-Para F 5- Para A 6-Para D 7-Para E链接6说明:图表(奥运五环图形式)是表格的一种变形,它把课文的要点用具有象征意义或具有某种形象的图表总结出来,使课文内容更直观、生动、形象、有趣,且简明、完整、易记。笔者用奥运五环图形式设置图表既突出了课文重点,使课文内容环环相扣,同时又具有深刻的象征意义。The Ancient OlympicsHistory: _ to _Place: _Frequency:_The Modern OlympicsHistory of SG: _ - nowHistory of WG: _- nowTime between :_Four aspects in significance_ _ _China and the Olympics Used to be known as:_Amazed the world since:_Beijing won the bid: _To be held in :_The Olympic spirit:Reaching the peak of_Key:Blue Ring: History : 776 BC to 393 AD Place: Greece Frequency: 4 yearsBlack Ring: History of SG: 1896-now History of WG: 1924- now Time between: 2 yearsRed Ring: scale, skills, number of athletes, impact on peoples livesYellow Ring: Used to be known as : the Weaklings of East Asia Amazed the world since: the late twentieth century To be held in Beijing: in 2008Green Ring: Reaching the peak of human physical strength and will power链接7 链条式提问操作建议说明:链条式问答(chain work) 是让学生充当教师提问的形式,一学生问,另一个学生回答后,再提一个问题让第三个学生回答这种方式可以培养学生主动发现问题、分析问题和解决问题的能力。1教师给学生分组,可根据邻近原则进行。2一个小组分配阅读一个段落后进行问答。(如果让某一小组成员完成数个段落,学生会感到乏味)3解释任务要求:链条式问答(chain work)示意图:Ask and answer at least 5 different questions:A: ?B: . ; ? C: .; ? 链接8 判断正误题说明:教师编制阅读理解题,让学生根据字里行间的意思,来判断句子的对错。这样能充分利用好课本教材,培养学生深层理解的能力。Read the text, and judge whether each of the following statements is true or false.1) The Olympic Games, the Olympic, the Games refer to three different things. 2) A Winter Olympics may be held in Egypt. 3) The Games have been held in a certain place more than once. 4) Track and field events are important events for both Summer and Winter Games.5) Gold medals are real symbols of the peak of human will power. 6) Chinese athletes began to amaze the world in the 1930s. 7) Gymnastics and weight lifting are among the events that Chinese athletes are good at. Key: 1) F 2) F 3) T 4) F 5) F 6) F 7) F链接9 现在分词的完成式和被动式的教学建议。说明:语法教学离不开讲解与操练,如讲解过多,学生会感到乏味,因此,语法教学要求教师对语法项目进行精心的归纳。操练必不可少,但也需多样化。本项语法操练设计了补全句子、重组句子、电视游戏节目里常用的“copy不走样”等活动。由于游戏中的句子是学生造的,有利于学生巩固所学项目,也能使课堂生动活泼且不流于表面。1 精讲A. 现在分词的完成式 1)现在分词的完成式功能:现在分词的完成式所表示的动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之前,常作状语,表时间和原因。表时间时常置于句首,表原因主要位于句末或句首。 Having noted down our names and addresses, the policeman dismissed us. (表时间) I was unable to accept your invitation, having promised to accompany my mother to the concert. (表原因) Not having met him, I cannot tell you what he is like. ( 表原因) 2)现在分词一般式与完成式的不同之处:前者与谓语动词无时隔,后者与谓语动词有时隔。比较:Locking the door, she went out. ( locking 与went out 之间无时隔)Having finished his pipe, he rose from the table. (having finished 与rose有时隔,以免唐突无礼)B. 现在分词被动式1)现在分词被动式的功能: 现在分词被动式除表示被动关系外,还表示这个被动的动作正在进行,或与谓语动词表示的动作同时进行。 The house being built is a big project.Did you see the boy being questioned by the police.2)联系:表被动的非谓语动词三种形式作定语的区别 buildings built in the pastbuildings being built nowbuildings to be built in the future3) 联系:动名词的被动式的用法 He narrowly escaped being run over. (动名词的被动式作宾语) Being called a fool annoyed him. (动名词的被动式作主语)2操练:补全句子 完成课文46 页 Practice部分的练习3游戏A.重组句子 1)发给每个学生两张长纸条。 2)要求学生用现在分词的完成式写一个句子。状语写在一张纸条上,句子主干部分写在另一张纸条上。 3)分别把两张纸条放在不同的盒子里。 4)邀请部分同学从两个盒子个取出一个纸条,大声读出来。B. “copy不走样” 1)要求前后桌两排四人小组,各造出现在分词被动式作定语和宾语补足语及非谓语动词三种形式作定语的句子。 2)教师挑出写得较好的句子。3)教师把不同的句子轻声读给每个组的第一个同学,要求依次传递直到小组最后一位学生。4)最后一位学生大声向全班汇报5)与原来的句子校对,评出优秀小组。链接10 关于培养学生听力技巧的几点探讨。说明:学习策略是学习者在语言学习中所采取的具体行动。采取这种行动的目的是为了使英语学习变得更加容易、更加快捷、更加有效,同时使自己更便于自学、更易适应新环境。在听力教学中,教师除了加强英语基础知识教学外,对学生听力技巧的训练也是非常必要的。1常见误区:1)只能听一些听得懂得材料,听不懂就放弃。2)听不懂,反复听。3)先看录音原文,再听录音。4)一边听一边看听力原文。5)做大量得多项选择题型的听力练习。6)忽视面对面谈话中听的活动。 2教学建议 1)充分利用学生已有的知识。2)充分利用文字和图表等视觉信息。3)根据言者的语气和语调来判断意思。4)听前预览5)听关键词(本单元Study Skill部分的内容)6)注意所提的问题7)边听边做记录链接11 谈论个人体育爱好句型Talking about ones favorite sports:Which do you like?Which do you like best?Which do you prefer?Are you interested in .?I likebestI would rather watch it than play itIts a matter of personal taste.We have many good tastes in common.链接12 参加体育运动的益处Talking about the advantages of taking part in sports:1) spend our free time healthily2) strengthen our bodies and make us healthier3) make many friends during doing sports4) It is necessary for good health.5) form a good living habit6) keep fit7) We can escape from the pressure of daily routine.8) build up confidence and hope9) learn to start again after failure10) help self-discipline which helps you in other aspects of life 链接13描述球类比赛的常用句型 Talking about ball games:1) The player just hit home run. ( Baseball) 击中了一个本垒球(棒球)。 scored a touchdown. ( American Football) 触地得分(橄榄球) shot a basket. ( Basketball) 投篮命中(篮球) 2) Whats the score? 比分是多少? the penalty? 罚判什么? the name of that player? 那个球员叫什么名字?3) Whos winning? 谁赢了? ahead? 谁领先? in the lead? 谁居首位? 4) The referee just called a penalty on the home team. 裁判判罚主场球队。 the offense. 裁判判罚进攻一方。 the / defence裁判判罚防守一方。 5) What a hit! ( Baseball& American football) 瞧这球。(棒球和美式足球) pass! ( American football & Basketball) 瞧这传球。(美式足球和篮球) shot! ( Basketball) 瞧这投篮。(篮球) 6) The quarterback threw a touchdown pass. 四分卫触地得分。 an in complete pass. 四分卫传球失败。 an interception. 四分卫的传球被抢。 8) He shoots; he scores. 他投篮, 得分。 misses. 他投篮, 偏了。 throws an air-ball. 他投篮, 球未挨到篮筐。 链接14 训练材料(找出关键词)说明:心理学研究表明,大脑对信息的接受,可以通过一些关键词来连惯起来猜测,概括形成一个整体大意。逐字逐句的阅读方式不仅大大影响了速度,有时还会造成整体理解的困难。Read the following and find out the key words.It seems that teenagers are all following the same way of showing that they disagree with their parents. Most of them are trying to seize one anthers hands for reassurance, instead of striking out badly on their own. They claim that they like to dress as they please. But in fact they all wear the same clothes. They set off in new directions in music. But somehow they end up crowded around listening to the same record. Their reasons for things or acting in a thus-and-such way are that the crowd is doing it. They have come out of their cocoon- into a larger cocoon.链接15 以“世界各地体育”为题材的完形填空两篇。说明:以下提供两篇关于“世界各地体育”的补充材料,教师可根据实际情况在教学过程中提供给学生。 A. Judo and Karate Judo (柔道) and karate (空手道) are sports for self-defense. They began in Japan, _1_ now many Americans enjoy them too. In fact, schools for teaching them have been opened all over the United States and Canada.Players in _2_ sports use only their hands, arms, legs and feet. Aside from that, the two sports are quite _3_. In Karate, players hit each other with the open hand and with the _4_ fist. They also use the foot for kicking. In judo, _5_, players touch each other. They also move their arms and legs in large circles. _6_ moves, on the other hand, are short and quick. Players stand _7_ each other. They only touch one another with quick punches and kicks.Can a karate player _8_ a judo player? It depends on the players. _9_ sports is not better than the other. They are both very good forms of self-defense. Both aim toward control of the _10_ and body. 1. A. whenB. whileC. butD. so2. A. bothB. allC. someD. none3. A. simpleB. traditionalC. complicatedD. different4. A. raisedB. closedC. forcedD. held5. A. thenB. nowC. thereforeD. otherwise6. A. SportsB. PlayersC. KarateD. Judo7. A. closelyB. besideC. next toD. away from8. A. seeB. beatC. playD. hit9. A. OneB. NoC. TheD. Some10. A. stepsB. handsC. mindD.legsKey: 1-5 CADBA 6-10 CDBAC B Tae kwon doTae kwon do (跆拳道)is the Korean martial arts (武术) of hand-to-hand fight. Maybe that should really be body-to-body fight because in tae kwon do the whole body must be trained to properly _1_ and attack. There are some _2_ between tae kwon do and other martial arts. _3_, tae kwon do uses quick, straight-line moves which can also be found in Japanese martial arts, but tae kwon do also uses flowing circular moves like the type of moves found in Chinese martial arts. The main difference between tae kwon do and other martial arts is the powerful _4_ technique which tae kwon do uses. This is where the name of tae kwon do comes from. In Koreas, tae kwon do can be translated as “ the art of kicking and striking.”_5_ found on the walls and ceilings of ancient Korean tombs indicate that tae kwon do _6_ in Korea since about 50 B.C. Also, records of a specially trained group of young fighter explain _7_ these young men were taught tae kwon do along with history, philosophy, ethics, riding and sword fighting. Those young fighters were _8_ encouraged to travel throughout Korea in order to learn about the people who lived in all regions of the country. This helped _9_ the practice of tae kwon do throughout Korean. The Korean Tae Kwon Do Association was formed in 1961.Today, tae kwon do enjoys great _10_ around the world. More than 20 million people practice tae kwon do in more than 120 countries. Tae kwon do was also made an official demonstration sport in the 1988 Olympic Games in Seoul, Korea.1. A. bendB. kickC. strikeD. defend2. A. differenceB. gamesC. pointsD. similarities3. A. HoweverB. For exampleC. Such asD. In a word4. A. kickingB. punchingC. fightingD. line moving5. A. MarksB. SignsC. PaintingD. Photos6. A. has createdB. came into beingC. appearedD. has been practiced7. A whatB. howC. whereD. which8. A. eitherB. alsoC. yetD. still9. A. spreadB. learnC. defendD. understand10. A. understandingB. beautyC. fameD. popularityKey: 1-5 DDBAC 6-10 DBBAD客服唯一联系qq 1119139686 欢迎跟我们联系

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