英语高二外研版选修7 module6 The Word's Cultural Heritage 语法(学案)

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教学无忧http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/专注中小学 教学事业!2009-2010学年第二学期 Book 7Module6 学案(2) Grammar Part One 虚拟语气与状语从句I虚拟语气(1)虚拟语气在宾语从句中的运用。在表示建议、要求、命令等的动词后的宾语从句中,谓语动词用should + 动词原形或should省略.常见的动词有: 一坚持. insist 二命令, order, command三建议,advice, suggest, propose,四要求demand, require, request, desire She suggested we (should)leave here at once.The doctor ordered she should be operated.(2) 虚拟语气在同位语从句和表语从句中的运用。作表示建议、要求、命令等的名词advise、idea、order、demand、plan、proposal、suggestion、request等的表语从句和同位语从句,从句中的谓语动词用“(should) + 动词原形”。如:His suggestion that we (should)go to Shanghai is wonderful.My idea is that they (should)pay 100 dollars.(3) 虚拟语气在主语从句中的运用。在主语从句中,谓语动词的虚拟语气用“should + 动词原形”的结构,表示惊奇、不相信、理应如此等。通常用在“It +be +某些形容词或过去分词+that”的句型中, 常用的形容词有:necessary, important, impossible, natural, strange,essential, surprising 等 常用的过去分词通常是表示建议, 要求,命令等suggested, required, requested, demanded, ordered, desired, advised,例如: It is necessary(important, natural, strange, surprising etc.)that we should clean the room every day.It will be desired(suggested, decided, ordered, requested, proposed, etc.)that she should finish her homework this afternoon.II状语从句1 条件状语从句 条件状语从句中,主从句的时态要相呼应,但当条件状语从句表示将来时,从句要用一般现在时,而不用将来时。If you see him, tell him to come to my office.Write to me when you have time.I will go there if (it is) necessary. will 用作情态动词表示意愿时,常出现在条件状语从句中。Come here if you will stay with me.if 引导的条件状语从句其否定形式是unless=ifnot Lets go out for a walk unless you are too tired.= If you are not too tired, lets go out for a walk. if only/only if的用法区别:(1) only if 引导的从句,意为“只要,只要在条件下”放在句首时要主句倒装。Only if a teacher has given permission is a student allowed to enter the laboratory.(2) if only 引导的从句要用虚拟语气,意为“但愿,要是.就好了”,用来表示愿望。If only I could fly. 要是我能飞就好了。If only the alarm clock had rung. 当时要是闹钟响了就好了。2 让步状语从句(1) 由though, although引导的状语从句中,主句不能用but, 如果要强调“但是”语气时,可用yet, still, nevertheless.Although he is old, he is still energetic.(2) as 引导让步状语从句时,从句要倒装,即把作表语、状语或谓语的一部分形容词、名词、副词或动词原形置于句首。如果是单数名词或形容词的最高级作表语,不再用冠词。Try as he might, he couldnt solve the problem.Youngest as he is in our class, he studies very well.Much as you suspected him, you couldnt provide powerful evidence.Child as he is, he knows a lot about computer. (3) however,whatever, whoever, whichever, whenever等引导让步状语从句时,应注意语序的排列,即however+adj./adv.+主语+谓语,另外可以与no matter+疑问词进行互换。However difficult the task is, we should keep on doing it.=No matter how difficult the task is, we should keep on doing it.Part Two (第二部分) 模块测1. She found her calculator_ she lost it.A .where B. when C. then D. as2. _ the police thought he was the most likely one, since they had no exact proof about it, they couldnt arrest him. A. Although B. As long as C .If only D. As soon as3. My parents dont mind what job I do _ I am happy .(09 陕西)A. even though B. as soon as C. as long as D. as though4. _,hiswifewillstandatthegatetowaitforhimtocomeback.A.Howeverheislate B.HoweverishelateC.Howeverlateheis D.Howeverlateishe5._youunderstandthisrule,youwillhavenofurtherdifficulty.A.While B.OnceC.Though D.Unless6. -Doyouthinkwecangetthereontime?-Yes,_thecardoesntbreakdown.A. evenif B. unlessC. until D. solongas7. _otherssay,theProfessorissurethathistheoryiscorrect.A.Nomatter B.ItdoesntmatterC.Whatever D.What8.Theclasswentonwiththestory_theyhadleftitbeforetheholiday.A. where B.which C.inwhich D. when9. She insisted that she _ right and refused to apologize to me.A. wereB. wasC. had beenD. should be10. I wont call you, _ something unexpected happens.A. unless B. whetherC. becauseD. while11. _ much you enjoy chatting on-line, remember to get outside and make friends face to face.A. WhicheverB. No matter howC. WhereverD. No matter what 12. The suggestion has been made _ the basketball game _ put off.A. for; toB. that; beC. which; should beD. to being13. It is necessary that a student _ his lessons before coming to class.A. prepareB. preparesC. must prepareD. will prepare14. The old tower must be saved, _ it costs.A. howeverB. whateverC. whicheverD. wherever15. _ everyone else wouldnt go to the mountain area, he went without a second thought.A. As long asB. WhileC. WhereD. In spite of16. How can you expect to learn anything _ you never listen.A. in caseB. even ifC. unlessD. when17. Allow children the space to voice their opinions, _ they are different from you own.A. untilB. even ifC. unlessD. as though18. A fast food restaurant is the place _ just as the name suggests, eating is performed quickly.A. whichB. whereC. thereD. what19. -Mom, what did your doctor say? -He advised me to live _ the air is fresher.A. in whereB. in whichC. the place whereD. where20. _, I have to put it away and focus my attention on study this week.A. However the story is amusingB. No matter amusing the story isC. However amusing the story isD. No matter how the story is amusing完形填空 I was successful at my job. I worked very hard, but it _21_ me and my family a fabulous(极好的) lifestyle. Id worked for the same company for twenty years and had worked my way up to department director. _22_, one afternoon last May, I was called to the office, and it was _23_ explained to me that they were letting me go. I just sat there _24_ they talked on and all I could think was, “Ive _25_. ” Id been so well respected; _26_ I was of no value. For six weeks, I was in a very _27_ place. I wandered around my house like a zombie(僵尸). I could _28_ things needed doing, but would not do anything. My beliefs in looking forward and seeing the positive(积极的) in everything _29_ me. Then. in late June, my youngest sons football team made the city cup final. The year before, hed been very sad when I _30_ the same final, so he was _31_ when I told him Id go. Not only did they win, but the look on his face as he saw me _32_ him on was unbelievable. From then on, I spent the summer enjoying my sons and their passions(激情). I attended match after match and performances of my elder sons ban I _33_ went to another city to watch him play. These moments were so _34_. My life had been so much devoted to _35_ for so long. and I felt _36_ that my sons were happy to welcome me into their world. _37_, being unemployed gave me back a sense of purpose I was someones mum! Ifelt a sense of being _38_ again. Now I feel more positive about my professional _39_ and Im getting on better with my family than I ever have. Losing my job made me realize just how _40_ it is to achieve real balance in life. 21.A. PromisedB. affordedC. showedD. left 22.A. ThereforeB. AnyhowC. OtherwiseD. However 23.A. quicklyB. gentlyC. partlyD. easily 24.A. untilB. afterC. asD. so 25.A. failedB. finishedC. triedD. changed 26.A. suddenlyB. finallyC. immediatelyD. shortly 27.A. secretB. quietC. lonelyD. dark 28.A. seeB. getC. suggestD. understand 29.A. defendedB. directedC. desertedD. disturbed 30.A. watchedB. missedC. lostD. won 31.A. disappointedB. worriedC. honouredD. delighted 32.A. cheeringB. takingC. leadingD. passing 33.A. justB. evenC. stillD. almost 34.A. hopefulB. meaningfulC. difficultD. strange 35. A. work B. family C. matches D. performances 36. A. successful B. thoughtful C. thankful D. peaceful 37. A. Naturally B. Doubtfully C. Disagreeably D. Unexpectedly 38. A. employed B. comforted C. valued D. encouraged 39. A. education B. experience C. relationship D. future 40. A important B. interesting C. simple D. surprising Hey there, So youre about to spend four years of your life and tens of dollars of your parents money. and all you really know about college is that all of your friends are going. Do you ever stop to wonder why youre going? Relax. Youre making the right decision. First of all, youll discover what interests you by taking courses in many subjects. For example, its hard to decide if you want to be a painter if youve never painted any pictures; once youre in a drawing-room on campus, youll know one way or the other. College is also a lot of fun after you graduate, youll be working every weekday for 50 or so years. And remember that college graduate earn about twice the income of those who never attended college. Finding the right college can be difficult. Fortunately, Johnson Review is here to help you every step of the way. * Researching Schools. To us. the most important decision youll make is to choose the school that really fits you best not the once that is the most competitive(有竞争力的)or has the best-equipped rooms. * Applying to School. On JohnsonReview.com. youll find hundreds of actual college application(申请)and links to many more. * Raising Your Scores. American College Test is once of the most important parts of the admission(录取)course. Its not the most important, though and everyone needs to prepare for the best. But, if you can do better, find the right course for better scores. *Paying for School. Most families need financial aid for the high cost of college. The problem is that financial aid seems difficult to get and many families get caught up in the price of college rather than learning the ways to get financial aid. If you really do your research, youll learn that you can afford to attend any college, no matter the cost. For more information, call 600-3681 or visit JohnsonReview.com. Wherever you go. have a nice trip ! Johnson Smith Founder and CEO Johnson Review 41. How many reasons for going to college does the author mention in the text? A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 42. The author thinks you should choose the college that is . A. well-equipped B. competitive C. suitable D. famous 43. What does the author advise you to do to pay the high cost college ? A. To ask the family for help. B. To make a study of financial courses. C. To do research on the price of college D. To get to know how to ask for financial aid. 44. Whats the authors purpose of writing this test. A. To suggest ways to prepare for college learning. B. To help readers find the right college. C. To make Johnson Review popular. D. To introduce college life. 1-5 AACCB6-10 DCABA11-15 BBABB16-20 DBBDC21-25 BDBCA26-30 ADACB31-35 DABBA36-40 CDCDA41-44 BCDC客服唯一联系qq 1119139686 欢迎跟我们联系


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