高一英语:unit6 cartoons and comic strips-grammar学案(上海新世纪版S1A)

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教学无忧http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/专注中小学 教学事业!Unit6 Cartoons and Comic Stripsgrammar学案倒装1 1 全部倒装,又称主谓倒装1) 1) 用于由here ,there, now, then 等副词引导的句子。其谓语动词通常不带助动词或情态动词。例如:Here comes the bus.There goes the bell.Now cones your turn.The delegates had just taken their seats, then came the chairman.主语是人称代词时,不能将动词前移。 Here it is.2) 副词 away, down, in, out, up, off等状语放在句首 The door opened. In rushed the crowed. Up and up went the prices. Down fell the rain. 主语是人称代词时,不能将动词前移。Away they go.3) 句子无宾语而主语又较长,须将状语(多为短语)放在句首。 Through the window came in gentle breeze. On the top of the hill stands a temple, where the monk once lived.4) 表语位于句首。 At the head was Dr. Bethune on the horse-back, followed by a donkey loaded with medical supplies. Best of all was the Christmas pudding. Such would be our life in the future. Nearby were two canoes, in which the savages had come to the island.5).表示祝愿的句子 Long live the Peoples Republic of China!6)句首为动词-ing或-ed分词,和be连用时 Sitting round her were her children. Buried in the sands was an ancient village.2.部分倒装,又称主语与助动词或情态动词倒装1) 1) 用于以neither, nor, no more, so开始的简短反应,表示同样的看法。-I dont care much for sweets.-Neither do I.I enjoyed the play and so did my friends.If you dont go with him, neither will IHe is not a sportsman and he doesnt like sports. So it is with me注意:下面以 so开始的简短反应,表示对别人所说的情况加以肯定,不必倒装。 1. - Its cold today. -So it is.(的确如此) 2.-You have a colour TV set. -So I have.(的确如此)2)虚拟条件句的if 省略时,had, were, should 需与主语倒装 Had I been there, I should have spoken to him. Were it to snow tomorrow, we would be able to make a snowman in the courtyard. Should he come here tomorrow, wed be happy.3)句首为否定词 never, seldom, hardly, little ,few, rarely等 Never have I seen such a foolish man. Little have I thought of it, for it happened long time ago. Seldom does he come late to the office.4)句首为否定意义的词组 at no time, by no means, in/under no circumstances(在任何情况下都不),in no way, on no account (决不,且莫) By no means are the goods satisfactory. We need more. At no time should we give up study though we have made great progress. On no account can the driver be held responsible.5) 句首为not often, never before, not until, not once, not only等 Not once has he done as I asked him to do. Never before have I eaten such nice food as this. Not until I began to work did I realize how much time I had wasted.6)在hardly/scarcelywhen/before, no soonerthan, 句型中hardly, scarcely, no sooner 位于句首时 Hardly had we got to the bus stop when the bus arrived. Scarcely had it stopped raining when they started on their way again. No sooner had the picnic baskets been unpacked than it began to rain.7)only 加状语位于句首 Only in this way can we expect to get over so many difficulties. Only when I worked as an interpreter did I realize how important it was to practise speaking English. Only today did I learn the dreadful news.常用的词语only by chance, only by luck, only then/today/yesterday, only on a rare occasion, only with difficult等8) so/suchthat结构中的so/such 置于句首时 So loudly did he speak that even people in the next room could hear him. Such a noise was there in the room that I couldnt go on with my work. To such a degree was he excited that he couldnt go to sleep that night.9)部分让步状语从句 Young as she is , she is quite experienced in the work. Child as he is , he knows a lot. Say what you will, well always stand by you.10) 表示频度的副词及短语位于句首 often, always, many a time, now and then, every other day, Many a time has he given us good advice. Now and then did he come late to school no matter how many times he had been criticized.11) 在比较状语和方式状语从句中,如果主语不是人称代词,常可在主语前添加助动词do以代替前面已出现过的动词。 I spend more than do my friends. She travelled a great deal as did most of her friends . 客服唯一联系qq 1119139686 欢迎跟我们联系

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