高三四川英语外研版一轮复习课时作业(41)选修7 Module 5《Ethnic Culture》

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高三四川英语外研版一轮复习课时作业(41)选修7 Module 5《Ethnic Culture》_第1页
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高三四川英语外研版一轮复习课时作业(41)选修7 Module 5《Ethnic Culture》_第3页
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教学无忧http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/专注中小学 教学事业!课时作业(四十一)顺序选修7Module 5Ethnic Culture限时:35分钟.单项填空1Near the table _ a little dog, watching her eagerly. Alay Blaid Clying Dlie2All the streets were _ with flags to welcome the Chinese delegation. Adecorated BfurnishedCsupplied Dprovided3Do you know the reason _ pilots turn off the planes lights before taking off?The practice is for the passengers to adjust to the dark _ an emergency. Awhy; for fear that Bfor which; in case of Chow; for fear of Dthat; in case4It is wise to have some money_ for old age.Aput away Bkept upCgiven away Dput off5How about the concert last night?Well, at least its _ the one I saw last time with Joan. Ano worse than Bno goodCnot as good as Das bad as6The plan has to be _ to meet the real situation. Aadjusted Badapted Cproduced Dfounded 7Weve invited Mr and Mrs Brown to dinner. But well have to_ because of the babys sickness. Atake up Bmake upCgive up Dput off8At the end of 2006, there were around 7,000 foreign printing companies in China, _ up around 4 percent of national total. Amade Bto makeCmaking Dhaving made9I promise her daughter _ get a nice present on her birthday. Will it be a big surprise to her?Ashould BmustCwould Dshall10Well, my daughters take great interest in most of the food on the menu. Thanks. _?Salad, fried fish, chips and orange juice, please. AShall I take your order BAt your serviceCWhat to follow DCan I help you.完形填空Robert Moody, 52, is an experienced police officer. Much of his work involves dealing with _11_ and gang(团伙) problems in the schools of his community. Knowing that many kids often _12_ trouble, he decided to do something about it. So in 1991 he began to invite small groups of kids to go fishing with him on his day _13_. Those fun trips had a(n) _14_ impact. A chance encounter in 2000 proved that. One day, _15_ working security at a school basketball game, Moody noticed two young guys _16_. He sensed trouble between them. _17_, one of them headed toward Moody and gave him a hug. “I _18_ you. You took me _19_ when I was in fifth grade. That was one of the _20_ days of my life.”Deeply touched by the boys words, Moody decided to create a foundation(基金会) that _21_ teenagers to the basics of fishing in camping programs. “As a policeman, I saw _22_ there was violence, drugs were always behind it. They have a damaging _23_ on the kids, ”says Moody. By turning kids on to fishing, he _24_ to present an alternative way of life. “When youre sitting there waiting for a _25_, ”he says, “you cant help but talk to each other, and such _26_ can be pretty deep.”“Talking about drugs helped prepare me for the peer(同龄人) pressures in high school, ”says Michelle, 17, who _27_ the first program. “And I was able to help my little brother _28_ drugs.”Moody faces _29_ in three years, when he hopes to run the foundation fulltime. “Im living a happy life and I have a responsibility to my _30_ to give back, ”Moody says. “If I teach a kid to fish today, he can teach his brother to fish tomorrow.”11A.drinking BdrugCsecurity Dsmoking12A.ran into Bgot over Cleft behind Dlooked into13A.ahead Baway Coff Dout14A.immediate Bdamaging Climited Dlasting15A.once Bwhile Csince Duntil16A.quarreling BcomplainingCtalking Dcheering17A.Slowly BSuddenly C.Finally D.Secretly18A.understand B.hear C.see D.remember19A.fishing B.sailingC.boating D.swimming20A.quietest B.longestC.best D.busiest21A.connects B.introduces C.reduces D.commits22A.where B.unlessC.as D.whether23A.impression B.burden C.decision D.impact24A.asked B.intended C.pretended D.agreed25A.solution B.change C.bite D.surprise26A.concerns B.interests C.conversations D.emotions27A.participated in B.worked outC.approved of D.made up28A.misuse B.avoid C.tolerate D.test29A.unemployment B.challengeC.competition D.retirement30A.team B.school C.family D.community.阅读理解Compared with their continental counterparts, children in the UK start school at a very early age. Our correspondent is not convinced that it gives them any academic advantage. My threeyearold son and I went shopping for his school uniform. As he stood in the changing room, swamped by even the smallest trousers, several people commented that he looked too young to start school. I couldnt agree more. Scarcely will he have blown out the candles on his fourth birthday cake when Ill be waving him off at the school gates. The poor little man still puts his pants on back to front and thinks baby pigs come out of eggs. How is he going to cope with literacy and numeracy hours, let alone the horrors of school toilets?Yes, I am an overanxious mother but I surely cant be the only person who feels that British children start school far too young. A research suggests that channelling children into formal learning structures at such a young age breeds a sense of failure and disaffection that will dog them throughout their school career. The law states that the statutory school starting age for children in the UK is the term after a childs fifth birthday, but it is common practice in England and Wales to admit children to reception class at the beginning of the year in which they become 5, which means that most children start school at the age of 4. The latest government figures indicate that around 80 percent of children enter school before their fifth birthday. By comparison, children in France, Portugal, Belgium start school at 6, while the school starting age in many Scandinavian countries is 7. This is the starting age in Finland, where students recently beat those from 39 other countries to come out tops in maths, science and reading. 31When her son is going to enter primary school, the writer feels very _. A.excited B.worried C.surprised D.puzzled32In the UK, it is stated in the law that children should start school at the age of _. A.4 B.5 C.6 D.733Which of the following is probably the best title of the passage?A.Do our children start school too young?B.Students starting school too young may cause problemsC.Young students may lead to failureD.The age of starting school in some countries34What worries the writer is that her child _. A.cant even look after himselfB.cant dress himselfC.has some childish thoughtsD.has little ability in writing and reading.补全对话 根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项多余选项。(Jerry is at a hotel in Xian. He is talking to a clerk.)Clerk: What can I do for you, sir?Jerry: _35_Clerk: At what time?Jerry: _36_Clerk: We have a computer wakeup service. _37_ That is to say, dial 2 and then 0615 for the time.Jerry: I see. Then it is 20615. Thank you. _38_Clerk: Just dial your new wakeup time. The computer will record the new wakeup time.Jerry: If I dial 20700, I will be waken up at 7:00 a.m. Am I right?Clerk: _39_Jerry: Thank you. Good night.A.Yes, thats right.B.6:15 a.m., please.C.Id like a room for two days.D.Please dial us for the service.E.Please dial 2 for the service first and then the time.F.By the way, if I want to change my wakeup time, what shall I do?G.Im Jerry in Room 528, and I want a wakeup call tomorrow morning.课时作业(四十一).1.A本题考查全部倒装。介词短语位于句首,谓语动词是lie,stand等静态动词或come等表示位置移动的词时,句子要用全部倒装。2A本题考查动词辨析。decorate装饰;furnish配备(家具);supply供应;provide提供。句意为:街道被装饰了彩旗迎接中国代表团。因此选A。3B先行词为reason,所以定语从句应该用why或for which引导,此外,由语境可知:adjust to the dark是为了以防紧急情况的发生,所以第二空应该用in case of。4A本题考查动词短语辨析。put away储蓄,储存;keep up保持,维持;give away赠送,泄露;put off推迟。5A本题考查比较等级。“no比较级than”意为“两者都不”。no worse than即为as good as,从at least 可以知道该句意思是“至少和我上次跟琼一起看的一样好”,故应选no worse than。6Aadjust调整。句意为:这项计划必须做出调整以迎合真实的情形。7D本题考查动词短语辨析。根据句子意思,应选put off(推迟)。8C本题考查非谓语动词。make up与前一分句的动作同时发生。根据句意,表示主动,故应选making作结果状语,相当于并列句and it made或定语从句which made9D本题考查情态动词。根据讲话人的语气可以知道,选项部分表示讲话者是给对方的一种承诺,故应该选情态动词shall。shall用于第二或第三人称,表示允诺、警告、威胁等。10A本题考查交际用语。对话首句为顾客对餐馆食物的赞扬,接下来是服务员的礼貌性回答。根据第三句客人所讲内容可知, 选项部分为服务员让客人点菜,故用 Shall I take your order?来表达。.经验丰富的警官Robert Moody组织管辖区校园内的问题少年钓鱼,创立野营基金会,锻炼孩子们的耐性和责任感,培养人际交往等,使得孩子们逐渐远离了毒品,逐渐形成良性循环,孩子们最后走上正途。11B由第三段倒数第二句中drugs可推断出。12Arun into trouble get into trouble 处于困境。13Cday off放假。14D从1991年开始至2000年验证,可见其作用是持续的,因此选lasting。15Bwhile表示“当时候”。16A从后面的trouble可推断选A。17B根据上文的内容可知,两个年青人在吵架。并且Moody感觉到他们之间的问题。而下文一个男孩向Moody走去并且给了他一个拥抱。故可推知,这一动作是突然发生的。所以选B项。18D根据下文的“You took mewhen I was in fifth grade.”可知,是一个男孩想起了发生在五年级的事情。故选D项,remember记得。19A从第一段go fishing及下文第三、四段第一句话、最后一段最后一句话都可以推断。20C根据第三段的首句可知,Moody被男孩的话深深地感动,决定创办一个基金会故可知是男孩生活中最好的日子之一。故选best。21Bintroduce sb. to sth.使某人初步了解22Awhere哪里,引导地点状语从句。23D第二段第一句impact可以推出;have an effect/impact on 对有影响。24Bintend to do sth. 打算/有目的地做某事。25Cbite咬(钩)。26C根据上文的“you cant help but talk to each other”中的“talk”可知,该题应选C项。conversation对话。27Aparticipate in参加,符合文章。而work out算出;弄懂;想出;解决;产生结果;approve of赞成;make up编造,虚构,组成;化妆,弥补,和解。28Bavoid drugs远离毒品。29D从全文第一段得知还有三年就退休了,即55岁退休。30D从全文第一段得知此处是为“社区”做事情。.本文论述了作者对英国孩子上学年龄的质疑。通过对自己孩子情况的描述,作者反对让孩子在如此小的年龄上学,并说明了自己的理由及与其他国家的对比情况。31. B推理判断题。作者对孩子过早上学持反对态度,原因是孩子太小,还不能自己照顾自己,所以她感到担心;第三段的Yes,I am an overanxious mother也印证了这一点。32. B细节理解题。根据倒数第二段开头The law states that the statutory school starting age for children in the UK is the term after a childs fifth birthday可知答案。33. A主旨大意题。只有选项A是作者讨论的话题,其他选项只是文中的一部分。34. A推理判断题。第二段列举作者儿子的一些行为只是想论证孩子在四岁的时候上学年龄太小,甚至还不能自己照顾自己。. 3539GBEFA客服唯一联系qq 1119139686 欢迎跟我们联系


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