Module 1《Baskateball》-Reading and vocabulary教案1(外研版选修7)

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教学无忧http:/专注中小学 教学事业! Module 1 Baskateball Reading and vocabulary-教案Step 1 Lead-in The teacher may say: Do you like watching the NBA? Who do you like best among the NBA players?” The students may answer, “ Michael Jordan”. Have you ever watched him play? And do you Wilt Chamberlain? In the meantime. the teacher may show the pictures about the two famous players. Then ask the basketball fans to introduce the two famous players. After that, the teacher asks the students to read the information about Michael Jordan and Wilt Chamberlain and answer the questions. 1. Did Jordan and Chamberlain ever play against each other? 2. How much taller was Chamberlain than Jordan?3. Who scored more points in his career? 4. How old was Chamberlain when he died? 5. Which record do they both hold?The keys as follow:1. No, they didnt 2. 19cm 3. Jordan 4. 635. Consecutive seasons leading scorer . Step 2 word study. hold v. 保持consecutive adj 连续的,不间断的title n. (重大体育比赛中的)冠军centre n. (足球,篮球等的)中锋scorer n. (进球得分的)运动员 Step3 Fill in the forms according to the information. Michael JordanWilt ChamberlainBorn17th February 1963 21st August 1936 Height 1.98m2.17m NBA career 15seasons 14seasons First season 1984-1985 19591960 Position Guard CenterGames 1,0721, 045 Points 32,292 31,419 Record Holder Most seasons leading scorer: 10Consecutive seasons leading scorer:7(19871993)Most points in a season: 4,029(1961-1962)Consecutive seasons leading scorer:7 (19601966)Step 4 Fast-reading Read the passage and answer the questions five minutes given. 1. Which basketball team did Michael Jordan play for? 2. How many times did Michael Jordans team win the NBA title?3. Why do the fans admire Jordan so much? The answers:1. The Chicago Bulls, the United States Olympic Basketball Team, and the Washington Wizards.2. 6 times(1991, 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 1998.3. Because of his athletic ability, his motivation and his confidence. Step 5 Learn the new words by using the sentences from the text and pictures valued: Michael Jordan was named the Chicago Bulls most valued player five times and he became the most successful basketball player in the history of the game. .grow up : Jordan grew up in North Carolina. attend: Jordan attended the University of North Carolina for a year before leaving to join the Chicago Bulls. with an average of : He finished his first season as one of the top scorers in the league, with an average of 28.2 points per game. gold medal 金牌Millions of fans admire his athletic ability, motivation and confidence. Jordan rescued the Bulls from ending a game on a tie. Jordan loves the steak so much. alongside prep 靠着;并排Jordan is an awesome player. Step 5 Judge the sentences true or false. 1. Michael Jordan is the bestknown athlete in the world. 2. Jordan finished his studies before he joined the Chicago Bulls. 3. Jordan was the second person to score more than 3,000 points in a season. 4. Jordan made a film in which he acted with a cartoon character.the key:1. True 2.False- he only studied for a year. 3.True 4.True Step 6Read the second part of the text- Wilt the Stilt - the Tower of Power. Please answer three questions.1) How many basketball teams did Wilt Chamberlain play for? 2) Which were the first and last teams Wilt Chamberlain played for? 3) Why is Wilt Chamberlain called the Tower of Power ? The key: 1) 4 teams 2) Philadelphia Warriors/ Los Angeles 3) Because he was very tall and strong. Step 7 word -learning1)His father William worked in a shipyard. n. 造船厂,船坞2) As a child, Chamberlain had various health problem. adj. 各种各样的3) Chamberlain averaged over 50 points per game for an entire season. adj. 全部的,整个的。4) The giant player was an immediate success. adj. 立刻的,即刻的。 5) There is no doubt that he deserves the title “ outstanding player of his generation”There is no doubt that毫无疑问 deserve: 值得,应得 outstanding: 杰出的,优秀的,出色的。generation: 一代人。 Step 8 Judge the sentences true or false. 1) Wilt Chamberlain was taller than his brother and sisters. . 2) Chamberlain was a strong child. 3) The NBA changed their rules to try to stop Chamberlain being so successful. 4) Chamberlain played for the same team for the last five years of his career. the key: 1) True 2) false 3) True 4) True Step 9 Finish EXX 4 and 5 on page 4. Step 10 Listen to the recording. Step 11 Homework According to the text, the students can introduce the two characters by the order of time. . 客服唯一联系qq 1119139686 欢迎跟我们联系

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