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.可编辑修改,可打印别找了你想要的都有! 精品教育资料全册教案,试卷,教学课件,教学设计等一站式服务全力满足教学需求,真实规划教学环节最新全面教学资源,打造完美教学模式教 师 学 案集任教年级: 二年级 任教学科: 英语 教师姓名: 唐琼莹 2015 学年 第 一 学期69.目 录1. 学科思维导图2. 教学计划(1)教材分析(2)学情分析(3)辅优补差计划(4)教学进度(5)学生成绩登记表3. 单元目标、学案设计、重点题型Module 1 Getting to know youUnit 1 Hello单元目标学案课时设计重点题型Unit 2 Im Danny单元目标学案课时设计重点题型Unit 3 A new classmate单元目标学案课时设计重点题型Module 2 Me,my family and friendsUnit 1 I can swim单元目标学案课时设计重点题型Unit 2 Thats my family单元目标学案课时设计重点题型Unit 3 My hair is short单元目标学案课时设计重点题型Module 3 Places and activitiesUnit 1 In the childrens garden单元目标学案课时设计重点题型Unit 2 In my room单元目标学案课时设计重点题型Unit 3 In the kitchen单元目标学案课时设计重点题型Module 4 The nature worldUnit 1 In the sky 单元目标学案课时设计重点题型Unit 2 In the forest单元目标学案课时设计重点题型Unit 3 In the street单元目标学案课时设计重点题型学科思维导图学期初填写语量 语境 教学内容教学过程教学目标 语用语音语法学期初填写基础性目标发展性目标1语音熟练认读48个国际音标,并能就音标拼读单词;掌握一些基本的发音规则;能区别单词中部分字母或字母组合发音的异同。熟练掌握国际音标,以及常见的拼读规则。能根据读音规则拼读生词。2词汇1 熟练掌握S版教材中的82个单词(四会)以及45个词组及常用短语。2 能熟练拼读牛津教材中159个单词,以及一部分短语。熟练掌握两册教材中所出现的单词和常用短语及其变式了解一些常见的构词法。3语法1、 can 句型 .2、 which 3、 Where .及介词的用法。4、 现在进行时。5、 一般现在时6、 When, What time .掌握一般现在时、现在进行时以及can 句型的区别。4语 言技 能能听懂、理解教材中所出现的对话、短文、故事等,并能进行简单的模仿和表演。能就所给的一个题目,运用所学的内容,组织一段对话或即兴演讲(不少于100字)。能正确阅读理解相当于等级考一级中的短文。教学内容的重点归纳如下:1、can句型的肯定式、否定式、疑问式及其回答。2、祈使句的肯定句和否定句。3、现在进行时。包括肯定式、否定式、疑问式及其回答。4、一般现在时。包括肯定式、否定式、疑问式及其回答。5、when, what time 的特殊疑问句。6、序数词的用法,日期的表达形式。7、which句型。教材分析学情分析学期初填写 二(1)班总人数35人,其中男生人数19人,女生人数15人。虽然这个班是我今年新带的,但是他们还是能较快地进入学习状态,总体而言学习都比较积极主动,家长也能够及时配合老师的教学工作。但是,有三四个学生上课注意力集中较差,不能跟着老师的教学节奏走,一小部分学生偶尔会开小差。所以本学期的关键是要帮助他们学习上的一个提升,让他们树立足够的信心,培养良好的学习习惯,争取更大的的进步和提高。 二(2)班总人数32人,其中男生人数17人,女生人数15人。这个班也是我今年新带的,和二(1)班一样,总体情况不是最清楚,但是从上课的表现来看,举手发言的人比一班学生要多,班级里也有个别尖子生比较突出,学习方面都超在老师的前面,所以,本学期的重点是要培养大部分学生良好的学习习惯,在学生、家长与老师的配合下,争取学习上的进步。学期初填写辅优方面:对那些学习习惯较好,能认真听讲、思维活跃、勤学好问,善于发现解决问题的关键,对知识的应用能力较强;课堂积极发言,课后及时复习;基本上掌握了初步的英语学习的学习方法和学习技巧的学习优秀的学生采取以下方法:1.加强基础知识与交际运用能力的训练;2.对个别突出的学生进行单独辅导;3.在每一次的检测练习中,注重对优生情况的检查,及时发现问题,及时解决问题。4.多沟通、多鼓励。通过培优工作,争取使这部分学生的知识面更拓展,学习兴趣及语言运用的综合能力全面提高。补差方面:对少数缺乏学习兴趣和积极性,学习习惯差,上课不认真听讲,经常开小差,对基础知识没有基本的了解和掌握;学习态度不端正,学习态度消极,无所谓的态度很突出;没有基本学习方法;不能完成老师布置的要求任务; 对不懂的知识点也常常不理睬,对知识的应用较差的学生采取以下措施:1.对书本基础知识点进行过关2.上课多提问,抓住差生的注意力,注意培养他们的英语学习兴趣;3.要求他们课后及时辅导,并进行检查;4抓反复,反复抓,注意差生情况更糟的出现;5努力培养他们的英语学习方法;6多沟通、多鼓励、多关心、通过本期的补差工作,让学生端正学习态度,提高英语的学习兴趣,让他们努力多学点知识,争取在现有基础上有不同程度的提高。辅优补差计划教 学 进 度 计 划 表周次起止日期教 学 内 容19.19.2课前准备+M1U1 Hello(1)29.79.11M1U1 Hello(23)39.149.18M1U2 Im Danny(12)49.219.25M1U3 My classmate59.289.30Module1复习 510.110.7国庆放假610.810.10M2U1 I can swim710.1210.16M2U2 Thats my family810.1910.23M2U3 My hair is short910.2510.30Module2复习1011.211.6期中复习+期中考查1111.911.13M3U1 In the childrens garden1211.1611.20M3U2 In my room1311.2311.27M3U3 In the kitchen1411.3012.4Module 3复习1512.712.11M4U1 In the sky1612.1412.18M4U2 In the forest1712.2112.25M4U3 In the street1812.2812.31Module 4复习191.41.8期末复习+期末考查201.111.15期末工作总结211.181.22期末工作总结_二_年级_1_班学生成绩记录表学号日期 项目姓名平时成绩期中成绩期末成绩学期总评学年总评1卞嘉怡2曹浩杰3陈帅岐4代明瑞5杜佳怡6范朝凯7龚韶祈8顾涵萱9郭馨怡10李可馨11李彦斌12李杨13马浩楠14毛宇星15申心怡16苏洁17孙新仁18汪宇萌19王硕20王毅然21文云鑫22吴顺谊23夏锦豪24夏莹莹25阎瑾26杨宜轩27于佳妮28张皓霖29张伟豪30张欣羽31赵军杰32赵忠运33周晨晨34廖孟祺35杨丽慧_二_年级_2_班学生成绩记录表学号日期 项目姓名平时成绩期中成绩期末成绩学期总评学年总评1姚宇楠2樊易3陈新烽4王璐5常诗瑶6陆云皓7严可欣8毕文俊9王熙睿10聂佳佳11胡钲麟12王杨13陈辰14罗雅妮15程建阳16冯文倩17董海宝18谭文杰19张森20朱永颖21石蓓22唐瑞欣23赵德松24柏文涛25王睿婷26李嘉祺27孟蓓28寇嘉琪29黄俊凯30杜双双31王萱32冯佳单元目标主备人唐琼莹审核部门、日期单元教学目标M1U1知识与能力(1)学生掌握时间类的词汇:morning,afternoon, evening和night(2)学生能运用Good morning /afternoon /evening/night.这个句型来问候他人并做出相应的反应,注意使用正确的语音语调。(3)学生能使用How are you?问候别人并能用Im fine. Thank you.做出正确的回答。(4)正确唱诵和表演歌曲Hello! How are you?(5)学生能熟练掌握四个大小写字母Aa, Bb, Cc和Dd的听书读写,并会读诵两首字母儿歌。过程与方法(1) 能运用所学新单词进行说话练习(2) 通过与老师、学生的对话,表演等培养学生的表达交流能力(3)通过对儿歌的改编,培养学生的创新思维和能力(4) 通过指读,认读,书写,听力和多种小练习来巩固四个字母教学,从 而达到熟练掌握。情感态度与价值观(1)把英语教学与情感教育有机结合起来,尊重学生的不同意见,欣赏学生在学习过程中的真情实感,帮助学生建立自信,养成良好的听说读写的习惯。(2)关注学生情感,努力营造宽松和谐的教学氛围,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,在合作活动中互助共进,并学会礼貌待人,根据不同的场景选择不同的日常问候语,做一个可爱的上海人。(3)培养学生对自然界和日常生活的观察能力,根据太阳的位置不同或时间的变化,分清afternoon 和morning,理解感受evening和night的区别。从而激发他们对大自然的热爱, 对生活的热爱。课时学案设计课题:M1U1 Hello主备人:唐琼莹课时:1审核人:课型:新授课审核日期:学习目标1.Using the key words in context. e.g.morning, afternoon, evening, night.2.Using formulaic expressions to greet people and respond appropriately. e.g.Hello./Good morning./ Good afternoon./ Good evening./ Good night./ Goodbye.3.Using modelled sentences to answer the questions .e.g. Good night.-Good night.4.Learning how to read and write the letters correctly. e.g. A a , B b学习重、难点1.Understanding the meaning of evening and night and pronouncing the words correctly.2.Using formulaic expressions of greetings and farewell in context, and respond apporiatly.课前准备Multimedia: PPT etc学习过程:学生学习教师观察StepContentsMethodsPurposePre-task preparationGreetings.Hello!(Hello,)-Hello, Im.-Hello, Sing a song.Morning songRevision:morning , afternoonGood morning./afternoon.-Good _.-Good _.1. (Introduce myself.)T: Hello, boys and girls. Im Miss Su.Ps: Hello, Miss Su.2. Ask them to introduce themselves.P1: Hello, Im Ps: Hello, .3. Say“ Hello”each other.(PaPb)T: Now lets sing a song.Ps sing together.1.(Show two pictures, look and say)T: Look! The sun is rising. (Point to the sun.)Its morning. Lets say : Good morning.2. Do pair work.While-task procedureGood morning,_.Good afternoon,_.eveningGood evening.Good evening, _.nightGood night.Good night,_.Rhyme1. T: Look! Haibao is coming.(Stick the sun.)Try to say. H: Good morning.Ps: Good morning, Haibao.2. (Change the sun.) Try to say:Good afternoon, Haibao.3.(Change the sun again) Teach: evening(1)Read after the teacher.(2)Little train.4. Try to say: Good evening.(1) Read after the teacher.(2) Read group by group.(3) Play a game. T: Now Im standing at the top of the big mountain, and I shout: Good evening. What will happen? We will hear: Good evening! Good evening! Good evening!5.T: Haibao has many friends. They will have dinner with Haibao.(show Winnie Bear, Kittty Cat, Mickey Mouse.)Greet to his friends.Make a short dialogue.A: Good evening, Haibao.B: Good evening, _.6. T: Its very late. We should sleep.(body language and point to the picture).Lets say“ Good night.”to Haibao.Teach : nightGood night, Haibao.(1) Follow me.( Low voice to loud voice,then from loud voice to low voice)(2)Little teacher.7. Greet to Haibao and his friends.Ps: Good night, _.8. Work in pairs.A: Good night,_.B: Good night, _.8.Read the following rhyme:Good night, Mum.Good night.Good night, Dad.Good night.Good night, my little bear.Good night! Good night! Good night!9. Make a new rhyme.Post-task activityLook and read.Play a game.Make a dialogue.A: Hello, Im_.(name)B: Hello, _.A: Nice to see you.B: Nice to see you , too.A:Good_ .(morning/afternoon/evening/night)B: Good _, _.A: Goodbye, _.(name)B: Goodbye.A aB b(Show many pictures at different time)1. Read one by one.2.Play a guessing game.3. T: Boys and girls, now choose one picture and make a dialogue like this.(1) Make a dialogue with the teacher.(2) Make a dialogue with the deskmate.1. T: Now lets enjoy a song about abc.( Ps listen to the song).2. (Show the letter card )Teach : A(1) Follow me.(2) Read by all kinds of means(3) Write after me.(T write on the blackboard then ask Ps to write with their finger.)(4) Write themselves on the paper.(5) Greet to letter A.(Put A in the picture of four sight. Ask the students to say: Good morning/afternoon/evening/night ,A.)3Teach “a”, “B” and “b” like “A”AssignmentHomework1. Listen to the tape.2. Read the new words and sentences.3. Copy the new letters.4. Make a new dialogue. 板书设计教学反思课时学案设计课题:M1U1 Hello主备人:唐琼莹课时:2审核人:课型:新授课审核日期:学习目标1.The pronunciation and writing of the letters: C c and D d.2. Using How-questions to greet people and respond appropriately.e.g.How are you (today)?3.Using the modelled sentences to answer the question: e.g.Im fine. Thank you. (Im very well. Thank you.)学习重、难点1.Using formulaic expressions to greet people and respond appropriately.2.Using the modelled sentences to answer the question.课前准备Multimedia: PPT etc学习过程:学生学习教师观察StepContentsMethodsPurposePre-task preparatio nSong Revision1.Enjoy the song.2.T: We have learned two letters Aa and Bb.(Present the letter cards) Please show me your finger.(body language) Lets read and write.(A-A-A, a,B-B,b)3.Quick response.(Present the letters quickly,Ps look and say)4.T: Who can write the first letter Aa on the blackboard?(Ask two students to write Aa and Bb on the blackboard)While-task procedureC c and D dRevisionMr Mr _How are you ?How are you, _?Im fine. Thank you.MrstodayHow are you today?very wellIm very well. Thank you.1.(Present C )T: Look, this is the third letter.Teach: C(1) Follow me.(2) Read by all kinds of means(3) Write after me.(T write on the blackboard then ask Ps to write with their finger.)(4) Write themselves on the paper.The same teaching other letters.Look and say: Good morning/afternoon/evening/night.1.T: Today Haibao will visit his friend. Look! Whos she ?Ps: Kitty.T: Yes. Heres the Li family.This is Mr Li. ( Point to Alices father.) Please guess:What does Mr Li say?Mr Li : Hello, Haibao. Good morning.Now youre Haibao. Greet to Mr Li.Haibao: Good morning, Mr Li.Mr Li :How are you ?Teach :How are you?(1)Follow me.(2)Little train.(3)Practise the sentence.How are you,_?( Haibao/ Alice/)(4) Ps : How are you, Miss Su? T: Im fine. Thank you.Teach : Im fine. Thank you.(Present the sentence and read it.)(5) Ask and answer.(T-Ps) (Ps-T) (Boys-Girls)(Pa-Pb)2Role-play act out the short dialogue.A: Hello, Haibao. Good morning.B: Good morning, Mr Li.A: How are you?B: Im fine. Thank you.3.T: This is Mrs Li. Shes in the garden. Its three oclock in the afternoon.Now Im Mrs Li. Youre Haibao. OK?T: Good afternoon, Haibao.Ps: Good afternoon, Mrs Li.T: Im happy today. How are you today?To elicit: today(1)Read the sentence.(2)Do pair work.A: How are you today?B: Im fine. Thank you.(2) Now you ask, I answerPs : How are you today?T: Im fine. Thank you.I can also answer : Im very well. Thank you.To elicit: very wellPost-task activitySay and actMake a new dialogue.A: Hello, Im_.B:Hello,_.Good_.A: Good_. How are you today?B: Im very well. Thank you.A: GoodbyeListen and enjoyExercises1.(1) T: Open your books, turn to P4. Listen to the tape and follow it.(2) Read the text together.(3)Group work. Divide the students into four groups, then ask them to act out the dialogue.2.T: Look! There are four pictures.Choose one and make a dialogue with your deskmate.3.(1).Play the casstte, students listen and enjoy the song.(2).Teach : How do you do?(3).Play the casstte again, sing the song together.4.Do Workbook P3AssignmentHomework1.Read and imitate the tape2.Copy the new letters.3. Sing the song to your parents板书设计 教学反思课时学案设计课题:M1U1 Hello主备人:唐琼莹课时:3审核人:课型:新授课审核日期:学习目标1. The pronunciation and writing of the letters: Aa, Bb, C c and D d.2. Using formulaic expressions to greet people and respond appropriately. e.g.Good night.3. Using How-questions to greet people and respond appropriately.e.g. How are you (today)?Im fine/very well. Thank you.4. Learning how to use a/an correctly. e.g. An apple and a bag学习重、难点1. Say out the rhyme fluently and make a new rhyme with another two words.2. The using of “a/an”课前准备Multimedia: PPT etc学习过程:学生学习教师观察StepContentsMethodsPurposePre-task preparationSongRevisionSing and act together.1.(T-Ps) Ask and answer.T: Good morning. Ps: Good morning.Good afternoon. .Good evening.Good night.How are you today?2.Look and say: Good3.Look and choose:4.Review the letters.(Aa, Bb, Cc and Dd)(1) Read and write. (2) Do some exercises.(Workbook P4,P8)While-task procedurePlay a touching and guessing game.A-a-apple big and redB-b-bag big and niceC-c-cat small and brownD-d-dog big and yellowan/aan or a.and.Listen and say1. (Show four boxes, BoxA, BoxB, BoxC and BoxD.)(1)T: Look! There are four boxes on the table. Please touch and guess whats in the Box A. Ask some children touch it. What is it in BoxA?Teach: apple(2)Follow me: A-a-apple big and red ( clap and say)2. The same teaching: bag, cat, dog1.T: This is an apple.to elicit: an2.Make some phrases with”an” an apple/orange/egg/elephant/ice-cream3.Try to say: a big/small/red apple to elicit: a4. Do some exercise.1.(Show an apple and a bag)T: Its an apple. Its a bag. An apple and a bag.Ps: An apple and a bag.2.Try to say : A dog and a cat3.More oral practice.4.T: Its a big apple. Its a big bag.Ps: A big apple and a big bag.T: I put the big apple in the big bag. Now the big apple is in the big bag.Teach: A big apple is in the big bag.1Listen to the tape and follow it. .2. Say it together.3. Make a new rhyme with cat and dogPost-task activityExercises1. Workbook P2P52.Listen and choose3.Look and chooseAssignmentHomework1.Listen and read .2.Copy the letters.3.Make a new rhyme.板书设计 教学反思单元重、难点题型主备人唐琼莹审核部门、日期单元概述 本单元主要学习四个大小写字母Aa, Bb, Cc和Dd;学习四个表示时间的单词:morning,afternoon, evening和night;能根据对话的场景正确使用Good morning /afternoon /evening/night. 问候他人,并对他人的问候做出相应的反应,语音语调正确。还要学习使用How are you (today)?来问候别人以及用Im fine. Thank you.来回答别人的问候。此外,本单元第一次接触字母教学,要求学生听书读写熟练掌握大小写字母,加强Bb和Dd的辨认和辨读,发音准确,书写规范,字体笔顺正确,这也是本单元的教学重点。易错、重点、难点题型单元目标主备人唐琼莹审核部门、日期单元教学目标M1U2 本单元主要教

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