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.可编辑修改,可打印别找了你想要的都有! 精品教育资料全册教案,试卷,教学课件,教学设计等一站式服务全力满足教学需求,真实规划教学环节最新全面教学资源,打造完美教学模式Unit1 Living with technologyWelcome to the unitTeaching aims:1. students will be able to list the electrical appliances and electronic devices they have at home;2. students will be able to talk about how modern technology affects their lives;3. students will be able to take an overall attitude and discuss its advantages and disadvantages;4. students will be able to use their imagination to create the ideas of their own invention.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Warming upCan you make a list of the electrical appliances and electronic devices you have at home?electrical appliances: a machine, usually one that is electrical, that is used for doing jobs in the home, such as washing clothes or cooking.Most homes now have numerous electrical appliances, from dishwashers to microwave ovens.electronic devices: a usually small piece of equipment, especially advanced electronic equipmentSome cars are fitted with a safety device which wont let the car start unless passengers are wearing seat belts. Microwave ovens Refrigerators TV sets Digital camera Step 2 Talking about your experienceHow have they changed our life?“Personally, I think the invention that has greatly changed our life is _ because _.”What contributed to these great inventions?A. The development of science and technology.B. C. Step 3 Sharing your opinions1. Do you agree with the following statements? (Please specify.)(1) Technological developments in the last few decades have been breathtaking.(2) Technological inventions have greatly improved peoples lives.advantages and disadvantagespositive effects and negative effectspros and cons2. If you were an inventor, what would you like to invent?For studyFor entertainmentFor the householdStep 4 Homework1. Write a short passage about what youd like to invent and why.2. Workbook Page106-107 Reading A, B. 3. Preview Reading (Page2-4).ReadingTeaching aims:1. students will be able to read some exhibition boards about the history of television and audio devices;2. students will be able to know the reading strategy - understanding subtitles;3. students will be able to talk about the development of other electronic devices.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Lead-inWhere did the writer find this piece of writing?What is it about?On the display boards at a media and technology exhibition.The development of TV and radio devices.Step 2 Reading the development of TVWhat do you think is the best way to get the most important information in such a long passage?Follow the chronological order (in order of time). 1925 Wireless TV transmissions, USA 1923-1927 _ 1928 _ 1928-1929 _ 1929 _ 1948 _ 1951 _ 1962 _ 1989 _ 1996 _ 1925 Wireless TV transmissions 1923-1927 Early forms of TV invented 1928 first long-distance TV broadcast 1928-1929 Regular public broadcasting 1929 Color TV shown 1948 Cable TV 1951 Color broadcasts 1962 Satellite TV 1989 International standards for digital TV 1996 WebTV set-up boxesStep 3 Reading the history of audio devices 1877 The first recording of a human voice 1931 _ 1948 _ 1954 _ 1958 _ 1979 _ 1982 _ 1986 _ 1987 _ 1992 _ 1877 The first recording of a human voice 1931 The first tape recorders 1948 Transistor invented 1954 Cassette recorders developed 1958 The first LPs (long-play records) 1979 The Walkman introduced 1982 The first CDs produced 1986 Walkman was added to the Oxford English dictionary 1987 Development of MP3 technology started in Germany 1992 The MD player was developedStep 4 How is so much information organized?1. What is the structure of the passage?2. Why are subtitles used? 3. Reading strategy TV Early history of TV The modern age: cable TV, satellite TV, digital TV Audio devices Early history of audio devices Tape recorders and players Sound goes digitalStep 5 Detailed questions1. Why is it still uncertain who invented TV?2. Why are digital TV superior to satellite TV?3. What advantage has the new concept of WebTV brought to people since it was introduced in 1996?4. What were the major disadvantages of the first record player?5. What did the popularity of MP3 result in?Step 6 Further discussionCan you briefly introduce the development of the computer?Step 7 HomeworkReadingTeaching aims:Students will be able to understand some difficult sentence patterns and learn to use some key words.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Understanding difficult sentences 1. (Line 3) Regular public broadcasting followed shortly after, first beginning on 11 May 1928 in New York.Regular public broadcasting followed shortly after. It first _ on 11 May 1928 in New York. 2. (Line 17) Satellites were used to broadcast TV beginning in 1962.Satellites were used to broadcast TV and this _ in 1962.3. (Line 36) record and play sounds on a tape wound around a round object. record and play sounds on a tape _ _ _ around a round object.Step 2 Important phrases Early history of TV shortly after contribute to the development It is still uncertain that The modern age A is superior to B allow the same services to be delivered establish international standards for had access to 200 channels introduce new concepts come onto the market combine with respond to questionnairesEarly history of audio devices develop the first record player wind up the record player by handTape recorders and players a small electronic device control the electric current develop it for military use apply the technology to create the transistor radio lead to the development of be added toSounds go digital be made available launch a portable CD player for the first time ever take over the portable music player market spring up all over the InternetStep 3 Key wordsreview, demand, introduce, apply, take (over)reviewTell the different meanings of “review”TV and audio devices: a review(1) The committee is reviewing its decision. (2) The play was very well reviewed.(3) We now spend most time reviewing history for the coming tests. to study or examine sth. again to decide whether it is suitable or satisfactory to write an article giving your opinion of a play, book, film, etc.to go over what has been learnt before an exam.survey or report of past eventsintroduce(1) They want to introduce a new system of identity cards.(2) Potatoes were introduced into Europe from South Africa. to bring sth into existence or use for the first time(3) Ill introduce you to all my friends.(4) Shes introducing the children to literature.to show sb. sth. for the first timeapply1. The new technology has been applied to almost every industrial process. use 这些想法很难付诸于实践。2. These ideas are often difficult to apply in practice. 3. You have to apply to the U.S. embassy for a visa.4. Why dont you apply to join the club?to make a formal request for (job, permission to do sth , a place in a university)我已经向那所大学申请了奖学金。5. I have applied to that university for a scholarship.to have effect on 6. The restriction no longer applies to him because he is over 18. 7. 这个规定对每个学生都适用。This regulation applies to every student. demand to ask for sth very firmly 1. The demonstrators demand the release of all the political prisoners. 2. She demanded to know what was happening.3. They committee demanded that the report (should) be made public. demand sthto do sth that sb (should) do sth requiredemand (n.)meet / satisfy ones demand forsupply and demand take over(1) Jane took over as manager when Mike retired.(2) Can you take over cooking while I walk the dog?to take control / charge of sthto begin to do sth that sb else is doingAfter dinner, she took the trays _ from the table.If the shirt doesnt fit, take it _. You can change it for another one.The teacher said we should take _ all the important points in his class.Youre wet all over. Come in and take _ your raincoat.Dad said he would take us _ for dinner tonight.He took painting _ for a while, but soon lost interest.Step 4 HomeworkWord powerTeaching aims:1. students will be able to recognize words related to electrical and electronic goods;2. students will be able to use these words to complete a short passage and write their own;3. students will be able to be more creative to discuss their dream goods;4. students will be able to know some effective ways to learn vocabulary.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Revision of ReadingA. Fill in the blanks with proper words1. MP4 is s_ to MP3 in many aspects.2. The clock has stopped! Did you remember to w_ it?3. New technology is being a_ to almost every industrial process.4. I read a r_ of the years sport events in the last issue of this magazine5. The workers on strike are d_ better pay.6. A c_ is someone who buys and uses products and services.7. He shows a high d_ of skill in his work.8. Fast-food restaurants are s_ up all over town.9. The company hopes to l_ the new drug by next October.10. Best Buy sells various kinds of e_ appliances, such as washing machines, refrigerators, air conditioners, etc.11. S_ are a series of light waves, sound waves etc that carry an image, sound, or message, for example in radio or television.12. I got an e_ shock from that faulty light switch.Keys:superior, wind, applied, review, demanding, customer, degree, springing, launch, electrical, signals, electricB. Fill in the blanks with correct forms of verb1. Regular public broadcasting followed shortly after, first _ (begin) on 11 May 1928 in New York.2. They could record and play sounds on a tape _(wind) around a round object.3. A mini CD player can record music and is very easy to carry, _ (be) very small, as the name “mini” indicates.4. A lot of his time was spent _ (review) his lessons for the coming tests.5. The new technology _ (apply) to almost every industrial process. 6. I _ (introduce) to the American literature in Mr. Kolinskys class at college.7. The workers on strike demanded their working conditions _ (improve).keys:beginning, wound, being, reviewing, is applied, was introduced, (should) be improvedC. Translate the following sentences into English 有些人认为数字电视比卫星电视好,因为传输同样的图像时数字电视的画面比以前更清 晰。 他们买下了这项专利,并把这项技术用于发明晶体管收音机。 在随后几年里,更多的CD唱片面市,人们对CD唱片的需求量逐渐超过了LP唱片。 如此受欢迎,各大公司便开始用播放器来占领便携式音乐播放器市场。Keys:Some people consider digital TV to be superior to satellite TV because it allows the same services to be delivered with clearer pictures than before.They bought the patent and applied the technology to create the transistor radio.In the following years, more CD recordings became available, and gradually people were demanding more CDs than LPs.The popularity of MP3 increased to such a degree that major corporations are taking over the portable music player market with MP3 players.Step 2 Match the words with their picturesMP3 player, video camera, digital camera, electronic dictionary, mobile phone, refrigerator, microwave oven, electric rice cooker, electric wok, vacuum cleanerStep 3 Meet the new wordsRead about Su Meis first day in a big department store on Page 6 and answer some questions.1. How many sections do they have there?2. What are goods in electronic section for?3. Why does Su Mei has to study different manuals?4. What are audio devices?5. What are household appliances for?Step 4 Use the wordsSu Mei is at home talking with her family about her first day in the department store.1. Complete Part C.2. Complete Part D.Step 5 Write with the new wordsIf you were allowed only three electrical and electronic goods in your daily life, what would you choose? Why?Discuss with your partner first, then write an essay.Step 6 Homework1. Preview Page 8-9.2. Complete C1, C2 on Page 104.Project 1Teaching aims:1. students will be able to use what theyve learned in this unit to complete a project;2. students will be able to learn how to make a list of advantages and disadvantages of some modern electronic devices.Teaching procedures:Step 1 RevisionTranslation1 一款全能的电子字典。2 同义词和反义词。3 托福和雅思考试的提示。4 它仅重96克,长104毫米,宽72毫米,厚度15毫米。5 它外形优雅。6 特别适合有阅读障碍的人使用。7. This e-dictionary keeps the last 80 words scanned for easy review.8. It comes in an elegant leather case, and has a clip so that you can wear it like a pen, for instant access.9. It has a one-year guarantee.Step 2 Reading Lead-in Read Are mobile phones safe? on P14 What information have you got from this newspaper article? Opinions are divided Some people think _. Some people think _. Other people think _. Quotations from 1. Sir William Stewart 2. Dr Alan Harris 3. Professor Tony Basten Conclusions and findings conclusion findings from experiments the British Association for the Advancement of Science the Walter and Eliza Institute in Melbourne What puzzles us is 1. When some people say humans and mice are very different, and the evidence from the experiment is not valid, how some scientists fight back? 2. Why is there no definite scientific evidence available now about the effects of mobile phones on peoples health? 3. What can be inferred from the comparison between mobile phone industry and cigarettes industry? The writers attitude positive / negative / neutralFurther discussion Do you believe the mobile phone has some potential dangers? What other problems are you concerned about, such as “Does it matter how long you use them”? Read more about the safety of mobile phones.No cancer from Mobile phone use Readers Digest March 2007 Summarize the passage within 120 words(1) Topic sentences(2) findings(3) Conclusions(4) Divided opinionsProject 2Teaching aims:1. students will be able to understand difficult sentences and learn some key words;2. students will be able to take up responsibilities in teamwork and learn to work corporately with others.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Language pointsDifficult sentences1 (Line 15) People who used mobile phones were two and a half times more likely to have a brain tumor on the side of the head where they held their phones than people who did not use them. 2 (Line 44) It was found that after eighteen months, the first half had more than twice the cancer rate of the second half. 3 (Line 9) The report is based on the findings of research that was carried out in Sweden, comparing 1,617 patients found to have brain cancer with the same number of healthy people.4 (Line 29) Another study conducted in Australia has suggested that digital mobile phones are an actual danger.5 (Line 70) The telecommunications industry is huge, and the amount of profit involved is enormous.6 (Line 57) It has been argued that as human and mice are very different, the evidence from this experiment is not valid.7 (Line 107) It is worrying as there are effects we will not know about for some time.8 (Line 61) However, as one scientist has pointed out, DNA has the same qualities in all animals. Important phrases 1. pros and cons 2. the possible negative effects of mobile phone use on peoples health 3. think about the potential problemsPara 1provide us with some worrying findingsPara 2 1. double the risk of developing brain cancer 2. a terminal disease 3. be based on the findings of research 4. carry out researchPara 3 1. concentrate on older types of mobile phones 2. produce less radiation 3. That does not necessarily mean 4. without cautionPara 4 1. conduct / make a study (of) 2. be exposed to radiation 3. The amount of radiation was equal to using a mobile phonePara 5 1. previous to this 2. It says conclusively that 3. a definite and direct link between Para 6 1. It has been argued that 2. valid evidence from the experiment 3. point out 4. affect human genesPara 7 1. There is no definite scientific evidence available about 2. huge industry and enormous profit 3. be unwilling to do 4. The findings have not been made public. 5. There is not enough evidence to do so. 6. draw a parallel between A and B 7. the dangers of the latter 8. be associated withPara 8 1. prove the safety of their product 2. have faith inPara 9 1. at a conference on the subject 2. for the time being 3. I see no scientific reason to Para 10 1. Childrens skulls are not fully developed. 2. over their lifetimes 3. It is worrying that 4. support higher pricing 5. reduce use of mobiles by childrenKey wordsexposeto (v.)(1) Its harmful to expose the skin to _ too long. (2)His carelessness will expose him to _. the sun, many dangersThe press exposed the terrible living conditions of coal miners. make sth covered or hidden publicly known be equal to (adj.)An egg is equal _ half a pound of steak in protein value. Men and women should receive equal _for equal work. to, payacknowledge (v.)(1) He never acknowledges his mistakes. 1. It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a great fortune must be in want of a wife. admitWe gratefully acknowledge the contributions of everyone who helped us. thankdouble (vi. / vt.) 1. Within two years the company had doubled in size. 2. A promise was given to double the number of police on duty. 3 这几年来房价涨了一倍。 4 如果把这个菜谱上的所有原料都增加一倍, 就够八个人吃了。Step 2 Get ready for the project 1. Planning Our group want to focus on _ (a type of electronic device). We want to find information in / on / from _. We are going to present its advantages and disadvantages by _. 2. Preparing In our discussion, we listed its advantagesdisadvantages 1. 1. 2. 2. 3.3. 4. Producing _(Two members) are going to writing up the list. _(Two members) are going to present our findings to the class.Unit 2 Fit for lifeWelcome to the UnitTeaching aims:After this class, the students will be able to:1. learn more words about doctors;2. have general idea of the history of acupuncture;3. practise their spoken English.Teaching procedures: Step 1 Lead-in1. How can we keep fit?2. What will people do when they fell ill?3. Guessing game: What are the doctors?Step 2 Pictures talking.In what way do doctors give patients treatment?Step 3 Discussion 1. Do you know any person related to invention or discovery of medicine?2. Can you imagine a day without

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