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You used to be so kind to me.2. 总是有太多的人在公共汽车上,并且要花很长一段时间等下一班。There were always too many people on the bus , and it took a long time to wait for the next one.3. 现在政府已经把镇中心变成了一个新公园。Now the government has turned part of the town centre into a new park.4. 之后,政府意识到这个问题并采取行动改善现状。Later the government realized the problem and took action to improve the situation.5. 要像以前一样频繁地见面已经变得不可能了。It has become impossible for us to see each other as often as before.6. 我们过去一起打牌,下中国象棋。We used to play cards and Chinese chess together.7. 过去这个镇子是什么样子的?What was the town like in the past?8. 我们主要通过电邮交流。We mainly communicate by email.9. 因特网使交流更简单了。The Internet makes communication much easier.10. 快速习惯生活的变化是不容易的。It is not easy to get used to the changes of life quickly.11. 我不得不花费比以前更多的时间在我的家庭作业上。I have to spend more time on my homework than before.12. 现在大街上干净了宽敞了,路两边有绿色的树木。Now the streets are wide and clean ,with many green trees on both sides.13. 他们过去在空余时间听收音机,但是现在大部分的家庭有电脑和因特网。They used to listen to the radio or watch TV in their free time, but now most families have computers and the Internet.14. 在过去,人们步行或骑车逛镇子,但是现在他们乘公共汽车或打的到处逛逛。In the past, people travelled around the town on foot or by bicycle , but now they can go around by bus or taxi. 牛津英语8下 Unit 2TravellingComic strip & Welcome to the unit1. 去某地度假 go to sp for a holiday在度假be on holiday2. 我以前去过那。I have been there before.你曾经去过北京吗?Have you ever been to Beijing?去过某地(参见笔记)have been to sp3. 加入某人去做某事join sb in doing sth4. 准备get ready准备(做)某事be/get ready for sth(名词) | be/get ready to do sth(动词)5. 拿上包take the bag6. 我正在收拾东西。I am getting all my things.7. 我认为对我来说这不是一个假期了。I dont think itll be a holiday for me.我认为这不是个好主意。 I dont think its a good idea. 8. 来自某人写的一个故事come from a story by sb9. 这本书有什么特别的?Whats special about this book?Reading1. 我是如此想念你。I miss you so much.2. 我来香港已经两个月了。I have been in Hongkong for two months.3. 玩得特开心have a fantastic time=enjoy oneself4. 花了一整天spend the whole day5. 一个室内过山车an indoor roller coaster6. 高速运行move at high speed以的速度at the speed of加速(动词)speed- sped- sped7. 全程都在尖叫大笑scream and laugh through the ride8. 匆忙去餐馆hurry to a restaurant to匆忙去某地hurry to sp (动词)/ go to sp in a hurry(名词)匆忙做某事hurry to do sth=do sth in a hurry=do sth hurriedly9. 吃了份快餐have a quick meal10. 见到一些迪士尼卡通人物meet some Disney cartoon characters11. 比方说such as12. 迪士尼人物的游行a parade of Disney characters13. 变得兴奋get excited对激动不已be excited about14. 下午的晚些时候later in the afternoon15. 跟在他们后面跑run after them16. 忍不住拍照cant stop taking photos忍不住做某事cant stop doing sth17. 看了一场4D电影watch a 4-D film18. 就像是魔术be like magic (名词)19. 闻到苹果馅饼的味道smell the apple pie20. 给某人买了几个钥匙扣buy a couple of key rings for sb21. 在这天结束的时候at the end of the day辨析:at the end of / in the end22. 看烟花watch the fireworks23. 在烟花下看上去闪亮又漂亮look bright and beautiful under the fireworks24. 在你待在那期间during your stay there待在家stay at home25. 这个是送给你的。Heres one for you.Grammar 1. 去某地参加一个会议go to sp to attend a meeting2. 在沙滩上玩play on the sand3. 顺便说一下by the way4. 邀请某人去野餐invite sb to go for a picnic5. 电影已经开始20分钟了。The film has been on for 20 minutes.6. 游行结束好几小时了。The parade has been over for hours.7. Kitty来香港两天了。Kitty has been in Hongkong for two days.8. 自从上周二他就离开家了。He has been away from home since last Tuesday.9. 这本书我已经借了好几天了。I have kept this book with me for a few days.10. Simon自从去年就加入足球俱乐部了。Simon has been in / a member of the Football Club since last year.11. 他们结婚15年了。They have been married for 15 years.12. 这些鱼死了有一段时间了。These fish have been dead for some time.13. 在寒假第一天on the first day of the winter holidayIntegrated skills1. 旅行的地方places for travelling2. 中国园林Chinese gardens3. 自然景观places of natural beauty4. 海滨城市seaside cities5. 去的地方places to go6. 主题公园theme parks7. 提一些在中国旅游的建议give some advice on travelling in China8. 全年去那儿go there all year around / in any season9. 喜欢水上运动like water sports10. 他觉得那很有趣。He thinks it is great fun.11. 参观像大连这样的海滨城市visit a seaside city like Dalian12. 在任何季节in any season13. 在寒冷的雪天爬山是危险的。It is dangerous to climb mountains on cold and snowy days.14. 去那最好的时节是在春天或秋天。The best time to go there is in spring and autumn.15. 可能会下雨。There may be some rain. / It may be rainy. / It may rain.16. 有一些关于五一节的计划have some plans for the May Day holiday17. 去某地出差go to sp on business18. 乘直达航班去某地take a direct flight to sp19. 坐飞机去成都要多久?How long does it take to fly to Chengdu?20. 跟我爸爸给你核实一下check it for you with my dadTask1. 我们期待的日子终于到了.ooking forward to _(arrive) at last / finally.2. 动身去机场leave for the airport3. 动身去某地,前往某地leave for sp4. 离开A地去B地leave A for B5. 在一大早in the early morning6. 坐飞机去香港花了我们三个半小时。It took us three and a half hours to fly to Hongkong.7. 爱看有趣的迪士尼人物游行love watching the interesting parade of Disney characters8. 去了另一个有名的主题公园visit another famous theme park因而闻名 / 作为而闻名be famous for / be famous as: 1) Moyan is famous _ his article.2) Moyan is famous _ a writer.9. 看海豚表演watch the dolphin show10. 看鸟表演watch the bird show11. 能去参观博物馆太有趣的。It is (great) fun to visit the museum.We have fun _ (watch) fireworks.Its fun _ (watch) fireworks.12. 最喜欢那一天enjoy that day most13. 给我们的亲戚们买了很多礼物buy a lot of presents for our relatives14. 去了一家海鲜馆go to a seafood restaurant15. 吃了一顿美食have a delicious meal16. 我希望有一天我能再次来这儿玩I hope I can visit it again some day.17. 坐飞机去某地take a plane to sp / take a flight to sb go to sp by air / plane go to sp on a plane八下 Unit 3 Online tours短语和句子1.so much for sth.关于就讲这么多2.dream of / about梦想;想象dream of / about doing sth. 梦见做某事3.Its my pleasure.不客气,这是我的荣幸。=Its a pleasure.4.With pleasure.很乐意。5.be made up of.由组成6.online tours网上旅行7.change the channel换频道8. remote control遥控器9. learn about places of interest around the world了解全世界的名胜10.with the help of the Internet or libraries在网络或图书馆的帮助下11.use sth to do用做= use sth. for doing sth. 12.do word processing做文字处理13.search for the information搜索信息14.send and receive emails发送和接收电子邮件15.watch videos看录像/视频16.be fast and easy快捷17.a website called “Around the World in Eight Hours” 一个名叫“八小时环游世界”的网站18.a tour guide导游19.at the top of the page在这页顶部20.at the bottom of the page在这页底部21.click on it点击它22.the world-famous trade centre举世闻名的贸易中心23.at the southern end of Manhattan Island在曼哈顿岛的南端24.further on再向前25.on New Years Eve在新年前夕26.in the centre of the island在岛的中央27.Dont miss Broadway. 不要错过百老汇。28.miss doing sth.错过做某事29.be famous for因而著名30.be famous as作为而著名31.since the early twentieth century自二十世纪早起32.hear of听说33.a play filled with many songs一部充满着许多歌曲的剧34.tickets to different places去不同地方的票35.fall from the sky从天上掉下来36.another great place to visit另一个参观的好地方37.gather there to welcome the new year聚在那里迎接新年38.write an email to sb. 给某人写电子邮件39.start a new online tour开始一次新的网上旅行40.some differences between A and BA和B之间的区别41.the other day不久前的某天,几天以前42.so far = up to now 到目前为止(用现在完成时)= till now = until now43.realize your dream实现你的梦想44.Her dream came true yesterday. 她的梦想昨天终于实现了。45.take an online tour进行网上旅行46.eat lots of local food吃许多当地食物47.show me an online tour of the USA给我演示美国的网上旅行48.on the south-east coast of Australia在澳大利亚东南海岸49.look like a ship with many sails看起来像一艘有很多帆的船50.return from the USA从美国回来= come back from the USA51.an online course一门网上课程52.mind (sb. / ones)doing 介意(某人)做某事53.book tickets and hotels预定票和旅馆54.order meals订餐55.daily English= everyday English日常英语56.use English in daily communication在日常交际中使用英语57.the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国58.an island country一个岛国59.the capital city首都城市60.in this old European country在这个古老的欧洲国家61.prepare for为准备1.What do you usually use your computer for? What .for = Why你通常用电脑干什么?= What do you usually use your computer to do?2. Every year, thousands of people gather here on New Years Eve. 每年新年前夜,数以千计的人们聚集在那里。3. Its exciting to see the huge glass ball falling through the darkness!看巨大的玻璃球在黑暗中落下,真是太让人兴奋了!4.In the centre of the island is Central Park. (倒装句)在岛的中心是中央广场。5.With several lakes, hills and a large green lawn, its a good place to relax after a hard days work. (公园内)有几片湖泊、几座小山以及一大片草坪,是人们辛苦工作一天后放松的好地方。6.It has been famous for its theatres since the early twentieth century.自从二十世纪早起以来它就因其剧院而著名。7.Pick another city and then start your new tour挑选另一座城市然后开始你的新的旅行。8.To learn about a city, just find it in the menu at the top of the page and click on it.要了解一座城市,只要在这一页顶部的菜单里找到它并点击。9.Have you ever dreamt of travelling the world without a passport?你曾经梦见过不带护照周游世界吗?10.Australian seasons are the opposite of ours.澳大利亚的季节和我们的是相反的。11.-Thanks for your help. 感谢你的帮助。- My pleasure./ Its my/ a pleasure.不用谢,这是我的荣幸。 12.-Would you mind showing me how to start this online tour? -Of course not你介意给我演示如何开始这次网上旅行吗? 当然不(介意)。不介意的回答有:Of course not. Certainly not. Not at all. No, I dont mind. No, please do. Go ahead, I dont mind.介意的回答有:Im sorry. Im afraid Youd better not.13.The UK has a long history.英国有着悠久的历史。14.The UK is an island country with a long history.英国是一个有着悠久历史的岛国。15.Among them is the British Museum.(倒装句)大英博物馆就在其列。 16.You can learn a lot about the worlds culture there.在那里关于世界的文化你可以了解很多。17.The best time to visit the UK is from May to September.游玩英国的最佳时间是五月到九月。18.The weather changes often there. = The weather is changeable there.那里天气多变。8B Unit 4重点词组及句型一、短语整理1.improve my knowledge of the past 增进我对过去知识的了解2.in my free/spare time 在我的空闲时间3.a book by the French/Canadian writer 由这名法国、加拿大作家写的书4.start/begin climbing all over me 开始爬遍我的全身5.lift my left hand into the air 把我的左手举到空中6.in such a short time 在如此短的一段时间7.and so on 等等8.a huge army of tiny people 一大批的小人9.by the way 顺便说一下10.come straight towards me 径直朝我走来11.write a book report about the book 写一篇这本书的读书报告12.on a bus/train/plane trip to. 在坐汽车、火车、飞机到.的旅途中13.finish the last book of the series完成这一系列书的最后一本14.in the very beginning 在刚开始的时候15.at a time 一次at all time 一直at times有时Unit4 重点词组和句型一、词组或短语 1 决定做某 decide to do sth. 2处理这些书 do with these books3够冰箱上的盒子 reach the box on the fridge 4对历史书感兴趣 be interested in history books6增加我关于过去的知识 improve my knowledge of the past7 一本关于二战中的德国的书 a book about Germany in World War II 8在我的空闲时间 in my spare/free time 10一本法国作家的小说 a novel by a French writer11 真得感动了我 really touched me 12撞上岩石 crash against the rocks13尽可能游 swim as far as sb can (could) 14筋疲力尽 be tired out15 感觉到我脚下的陆地 feel the land under my feet 16跌倒在海滩上 fall down on the beach17入睡 go to sleep / fall asleep 18那个丑陋的男人的故事 the story of the ugly man19被捆在地 be tied to the ground 20 把这匹马系在上 tie the horse to the tree21上移到我的肚子和脖子 move up over my stomach and neck 22往下看 look down23瞧不起某人 look down on sb 24 与我的小手指一样大小 the same size as my little finger25开始爬遍我的全身 start climbing all over me 26它们大约四十个 around 40 of them27对他们大喊 shout at them 28使他们全跌倒 make them all fall over29继续做某事 continue doing sth. 30继续爬过我的身体 continue moving across my body31 开始和我交谈 begin talking to me 32努力拉伸一只手 try to pull one hand free 33 设法弄断绳 manage to break the ropes 34 向空中抬起我的左手 lift my left hand into the air35 直接向我走来 come straight towards me 36 一大群小人 a huge army of tiny people 37逃离他们 run away from them 38如何逃脱 how to get away 39 再次爬起来 get up again 40不断地做某事 keep doing sth. 41不能做某事 be unable to do sth 42建议某人做某事 advise sb to do sth 43上交我们的读书报告 hand in our book report44推荐如此多的有趣的书 recommend so many interesting books45 如此多的钱 so much money 46 如此少的朋友 so few friends47 如此少的牛奶 so little milk 48找出问题的答案 find out the answer to the question49在如此短的时间内 in such a short time50 读有关这本书的一些评论 read some reviews about the book51 在图书馆保持安静 keep quiet in the library52 准时归还书 return the books on time53记得带上你的图书卡 remember to bring your library card 54拒绝做某事 refuse to do sth 55 拒绝出版这本书 refuse to publish this book56 把它们译成英文 translate them into English 57 在一开始 in the very beginning58看小说和戏剧 read novels and plays59 读故事给他妹妹听 read stories to her sister60在电脑上搜索信息 search for information on the computer61 在网上续借书 renew books online62 因此as a result63 事实上 in fact64大获成功 a great success65在前往伦敦的火车途中on a train trip to London66 发现它们确实刺激find them really exciting67航海去寻找隐藏的宝藏sail the sea to look for hidden treasure68主人公, 主要人物the main character69给我许多自信give me a lot of confidence70跟我过去一样害羞as shy as I used to be71 乐意尝试新的东西be willing to try new things 72 有令人兴奋的经历have exciting experiences73 决定写我自己的故事 decide to write my own stories74看不同种类的的书read different types of books75给我开创一个完整的新世界open up a whole new world to me.76 给我许多看书的建议 give me lots of advice on books77 帮助我在繁忙的一天后放松 help me relax after a busy day78 四大中国古典小说 four great classical Chinese novels79 我的阅读习惯 my reading habits80 我最爱的一类书 my favourite type of book81 收到书作为礼物 receive books as gifts82 为一份报告收集信息 collect information for a report83 在我家对面 opposite my home84 讨论读什么 discuss what to read85 与那些小人交流 communicate with the small men二、重点句子及句型:1. 你已经决定如何处理这些书了吗? Have you decided what to do with these books?2. 我原来不知道你喜欢读书。I didnt know you liked books.3. 我不得不用它们去够冰箱上的书。I have to use them to reach the box on the fridge.4. 在我们的船撞在岩石上之后,我尽可能地游了很远。After our ship crashed against the rocks, I swam as far as I could.5. 当我最终感觉陆地在我脚下时, 我筋疲力尽。6. By the time I finally felt the land under my feet, I was tired out.6. 我倒在沙滩上,睡着了。I fell down on the beach and went to sleep.7. 当太阳升起时,我醒过来了,但是我发现我不能动了。I woke up as the sun was rising, but I found I could not move. 8. 我的手臂、腿和头发被绑在了地上。My arms, legs and hair were tied to the ground.9. 他和我的小手指一样大。He was the same size as my little finger.10. 我尽力挣脱一只手,最后设法弄断了绳子。I tried to pull one hand free and finally managed to break the ropes.11. 它爬到我的肚子和脖子上,直到它站到我的脸附近。 It moved up over my stomach and neck until it was standing near my face.12. 不久更多的小人开始爬遍我的全身。Soon more small men started climbing all over me.13. 我也不知道说什么。I didnt know what to say either.14. 我朝下看,看到一大群小人。I looked down and saw a huge army of tiny people.15. 我不知道如何逃离。I didnt know how to get away.16. 然而很快他们再次上来,继续爬边我的身体However, they soon got up again and continued moving across my body .17. 我不知道和谁谈论这本书 。 I dont know who to talk to about this book.18. 我不知道向谁请求帮助。I dont know who to ask for help.19. 请告诉我什么时候交作业。Please tell me when to hand in my homework.20. 我去年自学了如何用电脑画画。 I taught myself how to use a computer to draw.21. 我不知道随身要带多少钱。 I dont know how much money to take with me.22. 我们不允许在墙上乱写和乱画。 We mustnt write or draw on the wall.23. 如果这些书你想借的更久,你不得不续借。If you want to keep the books longer, you have to renew them.24. 在我读完这本书后,我没有以前那么害羞了。 After reading the book, I am not as shy as I used to be.25. 我每周花7个多小时读不同类型的书。I spend over seven hours a week reading different types of books. 8B Unit 5重点词组及句型一、重点词组:1. cut in on sb/ sth打断某人 / 某事2. drop litter 乱扔垃圾3. keep quiet保持安静4. obey traffic rules 遵守交通规则5. pick flowers 摘花6. queue for your turn 排队等轮到某人7. keep the library clean 保持图书馆的清洁8.put them back 把。放回原处9. the proper way to 。的正确方法10.shake your hand 同某人握手11.start a conversation 开始谈话12.in public 在公共场合13.push in 插队14.bump into someone 撞到某人15.in their way 挡住某人的路16.excuse me 对不起17.as well 也,还有18.keep your voice down 压低你的声音19.by accident/ by chance 偶然, 意外地20.make everyone laugh让每个人笑21.on her own 独自22.join the discussion加入讨论23.express himself clearly清楚地表达他自己24.all the main points所有的要点25.be busy with忙于某事26.keep sb. from sth.阻止某人做某事27.warn sb (not ) to do sth警告某人不要做某事28.take a photo of给。拍照29.soon after不久之后30.at one time同时,一次31.make too much noise制造太多的噪音32.reach over someones plate for something越过别人的盘子去够东西33.purpose of the talk谈话的目的34.take place发生35.above all首要的是二、重点句型1.Youre old enough to learn about manners now, Hobo.你现在够大了,可以学习礼仪了。2.Youre never too old to learn.活到老,学到老。3.Dont drop litter everywhere.不要随处扔垃圾。4.Whats the proper way to greet people there, Jenny?什么是和别人打招呼的正确方式?5.British people only greet relatives or close friends with a kiss.英国人只和亲戚或亲密的朋友用亲吻打招呼。6.Theyll say “excuse me” and be polite enough to wait till you move. 他们会说“劳驾”,然后很有礼貌地等着,直到你让出路为止。7.When in Rome, do as the Romans do. 入乡随俗。8.You are old enough to learn about manners. 你现在够大了,可以学习礼仪了。9.British people are too p

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