高考英语一轮复习 完形填空编选(6)1

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广西上林县2017高考英语(一轮)完形填空编选(2016高考模拟选编)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的选项中选出最佳选项。 I had my first chocolate bar at five years old. Ill never forget the delicious taste. But the situation was anything but _1_It was World War .Many people in our village fled in panic.Only _2_ were allowed to board the train. Just before departure,a woman traveling alone pulled me onto the train to get the _3_The entire trip I cried for my mother.We arrived in Hamburg. Now that the woman had escaped,she had no more _4_ for me. I lived on the streets,surviving by _5_ food. Id slip into the mess hall,hide under a table and _6_ off with loaves of fresh bread.One afternoon as I _7_ near a tent in search of food,a huge hand lifted me up _8_ the collar. It was an American soldier.“ Got you !” he shouted.I was _9_,and I could see it upset him.“Its _10_,kid,” he said.He reached into his jacket and handed me a _11_I unwrapped it and took a bite.I thought Id gone to _12_Four years later,I was taken by the soldier to an orphanage(孤儿院) in America.Soon after,a family who lived in Pennsylvania _13_ me.Later,I joined the army,and then attended _14_Eventually I earned a masters degree in clinical social work.I want to _15_ back all the people who were so good to me,I prayed.So in 1983 I went to work as a clinical adviser,treating retired _16_ who suffer from postwar stress syndrome.The troubled soldiers wondered how I can possibly _17_ them or help ease their pain.That is _18_ I tell them my story,and about the soldier sent to save my life.I never did learn his name,but I remember his _19_And then I opened a drawer in my desk that is always full and _20_ them some chocolate.【语篇解读】一个人的一生不会是一帆风顺的。不管你经历了惊涛骇浪,还是小小的考验,只要活下来就是幸运的,离幸福也只有一步之遥。带着一颗感恩的心,去生活、去与人交往,坚持自己心中的梦想与承诺,就定能为他人带去一点快乐、给自己的心灵一丝安慰。1A.bitter BsweetCstrange Dfamiliar答案B由下文“It was World War”可知,巧克力棒的味道是甜美的,但是形势却不乐观。2A.women BchildrenCtroops Dfamilies答案D由下文一位妇女为了上车把作者拉上可知,当时只有一个家庭才可以上火车。下文的“traveling alone”也是暗示。3A.chance BmoneyCprize Dreward答案A结合上下文,可知这位妇女拉上作者是为了获得坐上火车逃跑的机会。4A.like Broom Cuse Dtime答案C现在,那个女人已经逃离了,她就开始讨厌作者了。have no use for“讨厌”。5A.selling Bbegging Cmaking Dstealing答案D由下文“Id slip into the mess hall,hide under a table and.”可知作者是靠偷食物谋生的。6A.leave Bmake Ctake Dturn答案B作者溜进脏乱的食堂,藏在一张桌子底下,然后带着长条面包离开。make off“逃离”;动词leave表示离开时,无需再用off。7A.wandered BsleptChid Dplayed答案C结合上下文可知作者是靠偷食物谋生,因此他的动作应是“藏”在帐篷附近。8A.by Bon Cin Dthrough答案A表示揪某人衣领时,常用“动词某人by the collar”。这时有一只大手抓住作者的衣领把作者拎了起来。9A.excited Bamused Calarmed Dscared答案D作者害怕极了。偷东西被抓心里肯定担心害怕(scared)。10A.fine BokayCserious Dcommon答案B根据“He reached into his jacket.took a bite”可知,这位士兵非常友好,不仅没有责怪作者,反而给他东西吃。因此此处用“okay”。11A.ice cream BcandyCchocolate bar Dcookie答案C结合全文尤其是第一段以及最后一段,可知这位士兵给作者吃的是一根巧克力棒。12A.heaven BhellCprison Dhospital答案A作者不仅没有受到惩罚,反而有东西吃,所以感觉非常好,就像进入了天堂。13A.adapted BrejectedCemployed Dadopted答案D由语境可知,作者被送到孤儿院后,一个家庭收养了他。14A.church Bcollege Cpatients Dclubs答案B由下文“Eventually I earned a masters degree in clinical social work”可知作者上了大学。15A.take B. call Cpay Dbring答案C作者祈祷说,他要报答所有帮助过自己的人。pay back“报答,回报”。16A.teachers BworkersCofficials Dsoldiers答案D由下文“the troubled soldiers wondered how.”可知,作者专门治疗那些退伍军人。17A.cure BunderstandCrepay Ddiscover答案B患病的士兵们怀疑作者怎么会理解他们,怎么能帮助他们减轻痛苦。18A.when Bwhere Chow Dwhat答案A每当这个时候,作者都会告诉他们他的故事,讲述那位营救他的美国士兵。19A.honesty BcourageCkindness Dappearance答案C本篇讲述了美国士兵帮助作者的故事,他给作者东西吃,还把作者送到孤儿院,因此作者一直记得他的善良。20A.sold BshowedCcooked Doffered答案D然后,作者会打开办公桌上一个装满美味巧克力的抽屉,拿出巧克力来请他们品尝。offer sb sth“给某人提供某物”。2016高考英语完型填空(日常生活类) A strange thing happened to me last Sunday. It was such a beautiful day _ I drove to go for a look in the country. On the way back home, my stopped. It was out of gas on a _ road far from a town! I decided to walk until I found someone _ could sell some gas. I had walked almost a mile _ I finally found a house near the _ . I was glad to see it because it was getting dark. I knocked at the door and a little old lady with long white hair _ . She said, “Ive been _ for you here for a long time. Come in._ is almost ready.” “But I only came for some gas,” I answered. I couldnt _ what she was talking about. “Oh, Alfred! Gas? You _ tea,” said she. I quickly _ that my car was out of _ , but she didnt seem to listen to me. She just kept _ me Alfred and talking about how long it had been _she had seen me. She was acting very strangely and I was anxious to leave. As soon as she went to get tea, I went out of the house as fast as I _ . _, there was another house down the road and I was able to buy the gas I needed. When I told the man about my _ , he said, “Oh, thats Miss Emily. She lives by herself in that big house. Shes strange, but she wouldnt _ anybody. She is still waiting for the man she was going to marry thirty years ago. The day before their wedding he left home and _ came back because of the war.”【小题1】AandBsoCbutDthat【小题2】AcarBbusCbikeDtruck【小题3】AnarrowBlonelyCcrowdedDbusy【小题4】AwhatBwhomCwhoDhow【小题5】AbeforeBafterCwhileDas【小题6】AstreetBpathCwayDroad【小题7】AcameBanswered CopenedDappeared【小题8】AaskingBlooking CcallingDwaiting【小题9】AGasBCoffeeCTeaDLunch【小题10】AconsiderBunderstandCacceptDthink【小题11】AlikeBloveCused to likeDenjoy【小题12】AansweredBexplainedCrefusedDpromised【小题13】AgasBteaCstrength Denergy【小题14】AcallingBcallCto callDcalled【小题15】AuntilBbeforeCsinceDwhen【小题16】AcouldBcanCwouldDshould【小题17】AUnfortunately BAbsolutelyCFortunately DSeriously【小题18】AaccidentBeventCexperienceDsurprise【小题19】AhitBinjure ChurtDfrighten【小题20】AneverBeverCyetDstill2016高考完形填空选练 完型填空。阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。I am a mom of two young children who are my students in my home. This 41 that they are usually with me.Whenever possible I will 42 some acts of kindness, 43 things like showing ways to strangers, holding doors, etc. So, they are very 44 with such kind acts and are, of course, 45 to also do “nice” things for others.Just a few days ago we stopped 46 our local grocery store to pick up a few things which quickly turned into a load of goods in the cart(超市手推车). We got into one of the two open checkout channels and waited our 47 . While waiting, a young man came up behind us with only a few 48 in his basket. I told him to go ahead of us as we were in no 49 .He seemed very pleasantly surprised and politely 50 . As he began putting his items on the belt ,the clerk began to 51 her till tape (出纳机纸带) so we had a fairly long wait in line.My kids were very 52 behaved but they were still children; they asked questions, they talked 53 , they moved around and they were generally very pleased.I could see the young man watching and listening with a smile on his face.We were putting our items on the 54 when the clerk finished with 55 order. What I didnt know was that he had heard my kids 56 bubble gum(泡泡糖). I had agreed they could have some. 57 , he picked up a pack of bubble gum and asked the clerk to ring it through twice before putting it back.He then told my kids that he bought their gum 58 their mom was 59 enough to let him go ahead in the queue.The experience really showed the 60 that good causes good for my lovely little kids.41. A.tellsB.leavesC.meansD.ensures42.A.entertainB.serveC.leave D.perform43.A.importantB.impressiveC.suitableD.simple44.A.satisfiedB.occupiedC.familiarD.pleased45.A.supportedB.taughtC.encouragedD.supposed46.A.nearB.byC.withD.against47.A.opportunityB.returnC.turnD.time48.A.fruitB.vegetableC.itemsD.sales49.A.timeB.hurryC.caseD.sense50.A.acceptedB.collectC.carriedD.agreed51.A.changeB.removeC.continueD.stop52.A.badlyB.poorlyC.wellD.ill53.A.constantlyB.immediatelyC.impolitelyD.rudely54.A.beltB.benchC.basketD.cart55.A.herB.hisC.their D.our56.A.complain aboutB.allow for C.ask forD.concern about57.A. ThereforeB.HoweverC.OtherwiseD. Meanwhile58.A.whenB.unlessC.becauseD.until59.A.happyB.helpfulC.seriousD.nice60.A.ideaB.rewardC.chanceD.instruction参考答案4145 CDDCC 4650 BCCBA 5155 ACAAB 5660 CACDA

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