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.可编辑修改,可打印别找了你想要的都有! 精品教育资料全册教案,试卷,教学课件,教学设计等一站式服务全力满足教学需求,真实规划教学环节最新全面教学资源,打造完美教学模式新人教版八年级上册英语第四单元精选练习题附答案Unit 4Whats the best movie theater?第一课时 Section A(1a2d) 01 基础过关.根据句意及首字母提示填写单词。1I like living in the countryside. The air there is very f_2The children watched a wonderful movie in the movie t_ yesterday afternoon.3His little daughter can sing a few English s_4Look!The name of the movie is on the s_5Moon Cinema has the most c_ seats. I usually go there to watch movies.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。6Would you like to go to the movies this evening?I have two _(ticket)7Yesterday his mother _(choose) a red T-shirt.8Now people can buy almost everything online _(cheap)9Its raining. You must drive _(care) enough.10Of all the boys,David did _(badly).单项选择。( )11.Look!There is _ ticket on the desk.Yes._ ticket is Toms.Aan;The Ba;TheCa;A Dan;An( )12.Deng Ming runs fastest _ all the students.Yes,he really does.Afor Bof Cat Dwith( )13.What do you want to be after you leave school?I want to be a _ to tell the common (普通的) people the truth.Adentist Bdoctor Cfarmer Dreporter( )14.My home is _ to the school. I only spend five minutes walking there.Aclose Benough Csimilar Dhappy( )15.I think the music of the movie is _ one.Aboring Bas boringCmost boring Dthe most boring.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。16到目前为止我不喜欢住在这儿。I dont like living here _ _17镇上最好的服装店是哪一家? _ _ _ _ clothes store in town?18在这家超市你能够买到最新鲜的蔬菜和水果。You can buy _ _ vegetables and fruit in this supermarket.19哪家电台播放最无聊的歌曲?Which radio station _ _ _ _ songs?20它有最大的座位,坐着最舒服。It has the _ _ and you can _ the most _ 02 能力提升.情景交际。从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话。(其中有两项多余)A:Excuse me!Are there any good restaurants here?B:_21_A:I like English food.Are there any English restaurants?B:_22_ One is on Main Street,named Green Land.The other is close to a library.Its name is Sallys.A:_23_B:Sallys is a little nearer but its more expensive.A:_24_B:Green Land is farther but the food there is much more delicious and cheaper.A:Thats great!But how can I get there?B:_25_ Then you will see Green Land on Main Street.A:Thanks a lot.B:Youre welcome. AYes,and we have two.BHow about Green Land?CWhich is cheaper?DWalk down the street and turn right at the third crossing.ESorry,I dont know.FWhich is nearer?GWhat food would you like?21_ 22._ 23._ 24_ 25._第二课时 Section A(3a3c) 01 基础过关.根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。1We usually eat three _(餐) a day,breakfast,lunch and supper.2Is there any fish on the _(菜单) at the restaurant?3It is _(相当) cold this morning.Please wear your hat.4Bill _(扮演) the old farmer in the play.5The food is good at this restaurant,but the _(服务) is bad.用括号内所给形容词的适当形式填空。6Who runs _ (fast),Jack,Mike or John?7The weather was bad yesterday,but its much _ (bad) today.8Miss Zhao is _ (popular) teacher in our school.9This TV show is _ (interesting) than that one.10I think Sunny Cinema is _ (good) cinema in town because it has _ (comfortable) seats and _ (big) screens.单项选择。( )11.The Yangtze River is one of _ rivers in the world.Athe longest BlongerCvery long Dlongest( )12.I think Moon Theater has _ seats in my town.Yes.I usually go there with my friends.Amore comfortable BworseCthe most comfortable Dthe worst( )13.Did you enjoy the _?Yes,it was delicious.Aparty BmealCtrip Dmovie( )14.Of the three pencil boxes,the boy chose one.Aless expensive Bthe most expensiveCthe less expensive Dmore expensive( )15.Do you know Lin Dan?Yes.He is one of _ sportsmen in China.Apopular Bmore popularCmost popular Dthe most popular.按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。16A meal is 200_yuan in this restaurant.(对画线部分提问) _ _ is a meal in this restaurant?17How do you like the program?(改为同义句) _ do you _ _ the program?18Beckys brother is pretty outgoing.(用in his class改写为含最高级的句子)Beckys brother is _ _ _ in his class.19This jacket is worse than the other two.(改为同义句)This jacket is _ _ _ the three.20Its 10_minutes_by_bus from here to school.(对画线部分提问)_ _ is it from here to school? 02 能力提升.短文填词。用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。 delicious,friend,some,cheap,seat,big,we,close,good,shopDear Lisa,You asked about places to go and things to do in_21_town.The Downtown Mall is always fun.It is a great_22_place.There are_23_good stores and restaurants there.Hope Clothing Store is a fun place to shop,and it has the_24_clothes.The shop assistants(售货员) are_25_to people.My favorite restaurant is Nicks Restaurant.Its the_26_to my house.Its cheap and the hamburgers there are great.You can also eat wonderful noodles there and the beef noodles are the _27_!Showtime Cinema is my favorite cinema.It has the_28_screens and the most comfortable _29_It doesnt have the newest movies,but the tickets are the _30_There are lots of things to do and to see here.Come for a visit soon!Yours,Susan21_ 22._ 23._24_ 25._ 26._27_ 28._ 29._ 30_第三课时 Section B(1a1e) 01 基础过关.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1Sally sang the most _(beautiful)2Mike is the most _(creative) student in his class.3Who is the most _(serious),Frank,Dave or Nick?4Her friend wants to be a _(perform) when she grows up.5Lucy is _(quiet) than Julie,but Tara is the _(quiet) of all.单项选择。( )6.We have a lovely room.Its one of _ rooms in the hotel.Anice BnicerCnicest Dthe nicest( )7.How do you like Millers Clothing Store?Oh,its too bad.I think it is _ clothing store in town.Athe best Bthe worstCbetter Dworse( )8.My father always exercises every day,so he is _ of my family.Ahealthy BhealthierCthe healthiest Dthe most healthy( )9.Which month has _ days in a year?February.It usually has twentyeight days.Afew BlittleCthe least Dthe fewest( )10.Li Hua speaks English _ Xiao Lin.I dont think so.I think Li Hua does _ better than Xiao Lin.Aas good as;a lot Bas well as;muchCas good as;a little Das well as;more.按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。11Monica is thinner than the other two girls.(改为同义句)Monica is _ _ of the three girls.12Cathys Store is the best clothes store in town.(改为一般疑问句) _ Cathys Store the best clothes store in town?13I think that radio station is_pretty_good(对画线部分提问) _ _ _ _ _ that radio station?14The green jacket is cheaper than the blue one.(改为同义句)The blue jacket is _ _ than the green one.15The City Park is more crowded than any other place on weekends.(改为同义句)The City Park is _ _ _ place on weekends. 02 能力提升.情景交际。从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话。(其中有两项多余)A:Jenny,its time for lunch.What kind of food do you like?B:Oh,any kind of food is OK._16_A:The French Deli is the best restaurant in town.B:Is it expensive?A:_17_ Its the most expensive restaurant,but it has the best service.B:What about Nicks Diner?A:_18_B:And how about the Curry House?A:Oh,thats the most popular restaurant in town.B:_19_A:The food there is really delicious.B:Oh,sounds good!_20_A:OK.Lets go. AIts cheaper than the French Deli,but the food there is not good.BWould you like to go with me?CYes,it is.DLets go there to eat.EWhats the best restaurant in town?FWe often eat at that restaurant.GWhat about the food there? 16_ 17._ 18._ 19_ 20._第四课时 Section B(2a2e)01 基础过关.根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。1This question seems easy,but not _(每人) can answer it.2Mrs.Depp was _(贫穷的),so she couldnt buy any new clothes for her children.3How about _(给) the kite to the little boy?4Performer means that an actor plays a _(角色) in a movie.5Tu Youyou won the 2015 Nobel _(奖).用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。6I think Liu Qian is the most exciting _ (magic)7The _(win) is an 8yearold girl in the dancing competition.8Who can sing songs the most _(beautiful) in your family?9You must take this English test _(serious)10He was the most _(talent) person of all in ChinasGot Talent.单项选择。( )11.I think _ is always interesting _ others show their talents.Ait;to watch Bit;watchingCthat;to watch Dthat;watching( )12.There is something _ everyone in the beautiful park.Aat Bwith Cfrom Dfor( )13.His house is _ to the movie theater.He often walks there.Afar Blong Cclose Dshort( )14.I want to read the book.Can you _?Agive me it Bgive it to meCgive it me Dgive it for me( )15.I enjoy eating fruit,_ bananas,apples,pears and so on.Ahowever Binstead Csuch as Dfor example.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。16格雷格是最有天赋的舞者,对吗?Greg is _ _ _ dancer,isnt he?17梦想在人们的生活中起着重要的作用。Dreams _ _ _ _ in peoples life.18体育新闻是最精彩的电视节目之一。Sports News is one of _ _ _ TV programs.19山前有各种各样的花吗?Are there _ _ _ flowers in front of the mountain?20这个公园是放风筝的最好地方。The park is _ _ _ _ fly kites. 02 能力提升.阅读理解New Student Talent ShowDont miss the New Student Talent Show!Itll show the talent of new students.It will be on Friday,October 28th,2016,from 8:30 pm10:00 pm.Audition(试唱)New students who want to audition for the show can:Submit(提交) a video to getconnectedbyui.edu.Join the Talent Show Auditions on Thursday,October 27th,9:00 am2:30 pm in the Manwaring Center(MC201)If you have any questions about the show,write an email to getconnectedbyui.edu or call the Student Support Office at (208) 4961420.( )21.The New Student Talent Show is on _.AFriday BSunday CMonday DThursday( )22.The show will last for _.Aan hourBtwo hoursCone and a half hoursDtwo and a half hours( )23.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AStudents can call (208)4961420 to join the audition.Bgetconnectedbyui.edu wont answer questions about the show.CThere are two ways to get more information about the show.DStudents can watch the show on October 17th.( )24.The passage is about a(n) _.Adance party Bsinging competitionCTV program Dschool activitySelf Check .单项选择。( )1.Does your friend live in _ town?No. He lives in _ countryside.A/;/ B/;theCthe;the Dthe;/( )2.Do you like the _ in the theater?No,theyre hard and not comfortable.Ameals BscreensClessons Dseats( )3.Parents play an important role _ their childrens learning.Aon Bfor Cin Dwith( )4.Larry is much better at _ than Jeff because he performs plays each year.Aacting BactCsinging Dsing( )5.What do you think of his teaching?No one teaches _ than him.Agood BwellCbetter Dthe best( )6.She is the second _ student in our class.Ashortest BshortCthe shortest Dmost shortest( )7.People in this small village are all _,but little Bills family is _ of all.Apoor;poorer Bpoor;the poorestCthe poorest;the poorest Dpoorer;poorer( )8.How does your father go to work?On foot.Our house is _ his office.Afar from Bdifferent fromCsimilar to Dclose to( )9.The old man often _ funny stories for the children.Acares about Bbrings outCmakes up Dfeels like( )10.Winter is coming.The weather is getting _.Acold and coldBcolder and colderCthe colder and the colderDthe coldest and the coldest.词汇运用。A) 根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。11The air in the mountains is _(清新的) and clean.12The _(屏幕) of the computer is too bright.Its bad for your eyes.13There are too many people in the subway.Its really _(拥挤的)14I am very hungry.Please _(给) me something to eat.15John is a smart boy.He always has _(创造性的) ideas.B) 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。16The little girl put the cup on the table _(careful)17Lets go to Dannys.The food there is _(cheap) than any other place in town.18Though our house is very small,it is very _(comfortably)19Youyi Supermarket is the best in town.You can buy the _(fresh) vegetables there.20There are all _(kind) of books in the bookshop.按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。21Wang Feng is taller than any other student in his class.(改为同义句)Wang Feng is _ _ student in his class.22I think Jasons is the best clothing store.(改为否定句)I _ _ Jasons is the best clothing store.23This bookstore is less popular than that one.(改为同义句)This bookstore is _ _ popular as that one.24I think Jacks restaurant has the best service.(改为同义句)I think the service _ Jacks restaurant _ the best.25Jane sings more beautifully than the other students in her class.(改为同义句)Jane sings _ _ _ in her class.完形填空。Everyone is good at something,for example,singing,dancing or playing instruments(乐器)Amy and Danny are my good friends.Amy sings the best_26_us.She joined a lot of singing competitions and won many _27_Danny has talent for playing the piano.His mom_28_him a piano as a gift on his eighth birthday.Then he started to play it.What about me?I am good at _29_There is a talent show in our school every year.It is a_30_event(事件),and almost everybody takes part in(参加) it.Its up to the teachers and students to_31_who sings the best or play the piano the most beautifully.Last year,Amy and Danny_32_the show,but I didnt,_33_ I thought no one would go to a talent show to watch a child draw a picture._34_ of them practiced hard before the show.Amy won second prize and Danny didnt win a prize,but he was_35_very happy.“The most important thing is that I tried my best to do it,” he said.( )26.A.for BintoCof Das( )27.A.prizes BpartiesCprograms Dtickets( )28.A.chose BtouchedCbroke Dgave()29.A.acting BdrawingCsinging Ddancing( )30.A.similar BpoorCwonderful Dterrible( )31.A.decide BworryCfollow Dlearn( )32.A.watched BaskedCjoined Dleft( )33.A.so BalthoughCif Dbecause( )34.A.Other BBothCAll DAny( )35.A.still BalreadyCever Dnever.阅读理解。Richard is the unluckiest boy in the world.He hardly ever falls ill (生病),but if he falls ill,it is on the weekend.He is a good student,but when he takes a test,his pen breaks.His bird sings very well,but when he asks his friends to listen to it,the bird becomes silent (沉默的)But Richard thinks he is the luckiest boy in the world.He has wonderful parents and a lovely sister.He has a singing bird.His classmates are friendly.Richard is always happy and he is kind.One day his mother gave him some money to buy an icecream.When he arrived at the ice-cream shop,he saw an old man outside it.He had old clothes,terrible glasses,and he looked hungry.Richard thought he was poor.He decided not to buy the icecream and gave the money to the man.“Thank you.You are a kind boy.But Im not poor.Keep your money.Im the richest (最富有的)man in town and I sometimes wear old clothes to see what people do,” the man said and gave the money back.The man took Richard to the biggest shop in town and said,“Choose anything you like.I can buy you the most expensive one.”Richard asked,“Can I choose two?” “Of course,” answered the man.Richard chose the newest radio because when his bird keeps silent,he can at least listen to it with his friends.He then chose a new pair of glasses for the man.( )36.How does the passage show us “Richard is the unluckiest boy in the world”?ABy giving examples.BBy asking questions.CBy describing his look.DBy using an old mans words.( )37.Which of the following does NOT make Richard feel lucky according to Paragraph 2?AA singing bird. BA lovely gift.CWonderful parents. DFriendly classmates.( )38.What did Richard do after he saw an old man outside the icecream shop?AHe gave him some money.BHe gave him an icecream.CHe bought him new clothes.DHe bought him a new pair of glasses.( )39.How many gifts did Richard choose?A1. B2. C3. D4.( )40.Why did Richard choose the newest radio?ABecause it looked cool.BBecause his friends liked it very much.CBecause it was the most expensive in the shop.DBecause he and his friends can listen to it when his bird doesnt sing.单元重难点题组训练 题组训练一_choose的用法.单项选择。( )1.Wow!There are so many nice gifts in the shop.I dont know which one I should _.Achoose BgiveCclean Dopen( )2.Why did you _ me for the job?Because you are more excellent.Areach BchooseCshare Ddream( )3.All the skirts are beautiful.Its difficult for me to _ my favorite one _ them.Aask;for Bbring;toCchoose;from Dshare;with.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。4I want you to help me make a _(choose)5Finally,Miss Smith decided _(choose) a white dress.题组训练二_carefully的用法.单项选择。( )1.The teacher asks us to write the dairy _ after school.Acarefully BcomfortablyCloudly Dbeautifully( )2.Alice worked the _ of all the students.Amost carefully Bmost carefulCmore careful Dmore carefully( )3.Boys and girls,please read the paper carefully,_ you are,_ grades you can get.Athe more carefully;the better Bthe most careful;the bestCthe most carefully;the bestDthe more careful;the better.根据句意及所给首字母或英语提示填写单词。4You should be more _(care) with your money.5We must listen to the teacher c_ in class.题组训练三_be_up_to的用法.单项选择。( )1.Mom,can I go to play soccer with Jim?Its up _ you.Awith Bfor Cto Dof( )2.Alex,its up to you _ when we will start.Any time is OK to me.Ato decide BdecideCto describe Ddescribe( )3.Its up to you _ them what they should do.Atell Bto tellCtells Dtelling.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。4咱们是去看电影还是待在家里?你决定吧。Shall we go to the movies or stay at home?It _ _ _ you.5导游会告诉你们什么时候动身。_ _ _ the guide to tell you when to start.题组训练四_give的用法.单项选择。( )1.Millie,where is Miss Li?She is _ a speech on Chinese art to the firstyear students in the hall.Agiving Blistening Ctalking Dmaking( )2.Could you help me _ this book _ Linda?Sure.Agive;for Bgiving;forCgive;to Dgiving;to( )3.Mary helped me buy a ticket.She _ an hour ago.Agave it to me Bgives me itCgives it me Dgave me to it.按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。4Please give me the dictionary on the desk.(改为同义句)Please _ the dictionary on the desk _ _5明天上午给我打个电话。(汉译英)_ _ _ _ tomorrow morning.6数学老师给我们提供了一种解这道数学题的方法。(汉译英)The math teache

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