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关于梦想演讲稿4篇各位有没有注意观察一下我们的校园,比如在打饭时,很多人拿着饭盒满怀期待的排着队,突然,只见耗子似的一些人左边窜进来一个,右边挤进来一个,下边又冒出来一个,上边又跳下来一个,数个耗子的插队,把一列整齐的队伍弄得混乱不堪,长达“万里”。还有,远远看着两人并肩前行,又突然一个人憋起了猴屁股般的红脸,进而一连串的脏话,但杀了我也想不出为什么他们还引以为豪?难道是拥有一种臭脸皮的潇洒吗?当然,那些拿着手里的垃圾去恶意攻击无辜的垃圾筒的,将含在嘴里浓而淡黄的液体屡次抛弃的,在我们的风景里已经很普通了。当然,这些行为也在无意中锻炼了我们的反应能力,敏捷度,还有精准的眼力。比如我们会躲避那些地面上的浓痰,会先精确的判断出空气中那些肆意飞扬的鼻涕纸的飞来方向,再一个移形幻影,躲开。这样,我有了一个疯狂的梦想。我有一个梦想,每个餐厅多放几只猫,这样插队的耗子们便不敢来排队,我们也就不会再排那样长达万里的队列。我有一个梦想,将那些不堪入耳的话语变成男高音的歌声吧,这样,我们每天每时每刻都可以欣赏到高雅的艺术。我有一个梦想,将那些浓痰变成仙丹吧!这样凡它于口中的人便不会吐出,反而会欣喜地咽下!我有一个梦想,将空中肆意飞扬的鼻涕纸变成钞票吧!这样我就不用说了吧,希望你们在抢钱时一定要注意安全!想想看,我们生活会多么美好啊,满地都是仙丹,钞票漫飞,当然还有在歌声中追耗子的猫。可是,上帝不高兴,就在我腚后狠狠打下一闪电,然后冲着我脸就是一巴掌,说:“你神经发育不正常,你的梦想不会实现”是啊,我真该重新做梦,寻找新的梦想。我,于是跪在那些人面前深切地冲他们说:“我有一个梦想,希望耗子你快变成人吧!我有一个梦想,希望你还是去以猴屁股红的脸当个红绿灯吧!我有一个梦想,希望你把痰还是咽下去吧!我有一个梦想,鼻涕纸们还是肆意地飞去吧!”说完,我就一顿痛揍,鼻青脸肿地跪在地上无可奈何,上帝又来了,对我说:“年轻人,为何不试着讲道德呢?”道德?道德是什么?这一条在典那一页?它在世界上还存在吗?感觉道德是一艘通往黑海的船只,是飞往黑洞的宇宙飞船,它还能起作用吗?上帝却说:“你可以试试。”于是我又找到他们跪下,准备说道德,但道德二还未出口,又是一顿痛揍。鉴于此,我的最后一个梦想已经确定了,那群人千万别是你们。但是我仍然坚信:我们的道德,决不是通往黑三角的船只,决不是飞往黑洞的飞船,它就在我典上的第399页,它就是明天喷薄升起的太阳,照耀大地,它就是通往成功大门的铺满红地毯的大道,笔直向前,它还是我们在座次每一个人在未来必须长有一个绝对不可缺少的器官,我们应该没有任何借口把它永远当一颗心脏来看待,未来需要你们对于此的承诺,就在此时举起拳头发誓吧!关于梦想演讲稿范文每个人都有梦想,它是人人所向往的。没有梦想的人的人生将是空虚的,人生没有梦想就如飞机失去航标,船只失去灯塔,终将被社会所淘汰。但梦想总是随着思想的前进而改变的。碌碌无为是庸人所为,奋发图强是智者之举。小学时,我有一个梦想。我希望每天都不要有很多的家庭作业要做。玩耍的时间一点点被剥夺,而我们一天中的三分之一被禁锢在教室,很多时间在学习。上初中的时候,我有一个梦想,我希望自己能成为一名尖子生;回到家能受到家人的表扬;在学校能受到老师们的肯定;在同学之间能有鹤立鸡群的表现。之后,我学会了奋斗。忙忙碌碌一天加上晚自习后放学回家,真是又困又累,吃夜宵都没有味道。这样的日子很单调,也许有时候想念许多小学同学,有时候赶着上课还是一双朦胧的睡眼。讨厌死板的校服装,从不穿着它到处走。星期六、星期天的时间真的很短,孩子脾气真想犯,慢慢懂了做人的辛苦和梦想真是太难,还好我会努力,看每一个人都在为了生活而起早赶晚,把握自己不再松散。今天,我有一个梦想,我希望自己能考上一所中意的高中。我为着梦想,每一天都苦苦寻找着充实自己的辅导书与练习卷,为着光明的未来而努力。梦想像一粒种子,种在“心”的土壤里,尽管它很小,却可以生根开花,假如没有梦想,就像生活在荒凉的戈壁,冷冷清清,没有活力。试问,我们在座的同学们,谁又愿意过那种行尸走肉的日子呢?我相信我不会,你们大家都不会。有了梦想,也就有了追求,有了奋斗的目标,有了梦想,就有了动力。梦想,是一架高高的桥梁,不管最终是否能到达彼岸,拥有梦想,并去追求它,这已经是一种成功,一种荣耀。在追求梦想这个过程中,我们是在成长。它会催人前进,也许在实现梦想的道路中,会遇到无数的挫折和困难,但没关系,跌倒了自己爬起来,为自己的梦想而前进,毕竟前途不仅靠运气,也是靠自己创造出来的!英版:关于梦想演讲稿good evening,dear audience :i am happy that i can have such kind of opportunity to stand here to give you a speech. what i am going to talk about today is “my dream to shine”.we all want to believe that we are capable of great feats ,we can call the potential toreachour fullest dream.“no young man believes he willeverfade”, it was a saying of my old friend , and a fineone. we look round in this world, full of life, and motion, and ceaseless progress, as in setting out on delightful journey, we strain our eager gaze forward . there is a feeling of eternity in youth, just right which makes us amend for everything.about mydream, it can be traced back to my childhood, i just want play more ,when i grew older, i was convinced that i would be a physicist or a psychologist. after ,its a pity for me that i could not do anything to approach it .although they have ceased to exist and dispeared ,they lead my growth along the way. dreams nourish our spirit ,they represent possibility even then we are dragged down by reality . dream is the beacon. , without dream, there is no secure direction; without direction, there is no life. so i believe the important thing in life is to have a great dream, and the determination to attain it. without own dream, wecould neverhave grown up a real man .and in fact, notonlyfor personal, but also for world.now, i have a dream thatoneday our nation would rise up and live out the true meaning of its pledge of territorial integrity and peoples rich and powerful,such as our diaoyu island.and as for personaldream, my ideal future career is to be a urban and regional plannerwho could function as a chief planner and designer of a city.at first, it was my natural teacher of senior high school who brought me great interest in architectures and cities when i was far away from urban planning . and then i met many cities in and out of books by myyself .different places and different cultures just made me more interested in cities.i see that therere many problems caused by urban development and the lack of deliberate planning, such as environmental pollution, slums, urban sprawling etc.cities establish the kind of housing, industrial, and retail facilities which can be built in it. others evaluate the impact of proposed residential or mercial development and suggest ways for munities to respond. and i want to protect open space and agricultural land in the face of increasing demands for new homes and business. the urban planning system should be plete and can run itself and most cities have developed and therere much experience and many cases to learn. i want to mit.finally,planners usually can find a decent job and get good paid and i want to have a house, facing the sea with flowers in the future. i will take every effort to acplish my dream .i wont let it bee a fantasy , it is just my dream .maybe some years later , it will bee true .i grew up in ages and also in thoughts. it was that time i began to know that life is a difficult journey. and it was that time i began to think about my life. i asked myself what a life i want to live, and what a man i want to be. but it was hard to give myself a satisfactory answer. but maybe that is the best answer ,we are growing better in this process. in the journey of life, only our dreams are permanent, and only the spirit of pursuing dreams is permanent. classical is something not fade, but grow more precious with time pass by , so is dream. when i am old, maybe my dreams still shine, hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly. i wish everyone can make your dream alive. good luck to everyone! thank you!hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly. hold fast to dreams, for when dreams go, life is a barren field frozen with snow. so my dearfriends, think of your old and maybe dead dreams. whatever it is, pick it up and make it alive from today.how to say future? maybe its a nice wish. let us make up our minds, stick to it and surely well enjoy our life. dreamers are not content with merelymediocre , because no one ever dreams of going half way . sonow i will not avoid the tasks of today and charge them to tomorrow . once my teacher said :” you are not sewing, you are stylist; never forget which you should lay out to people is your thought, not craft.” i will put my personality with my interest and ability into my study, during these process i will bine learning with doing. if i can achieve that, i think that i really grow up.to be honest, being a quiet girl can have the courage to show myself, i think i succeed.im not a diamond, not a crystal and nor a star, not something like jewels or plas will be always bright and twinkling as you imagine. but i do believe shining is not a dream far away, because i have seen the success is on its way.life is just like sailing on the sea, there are lots of fierce storms on your way. you should be brave enough to go through with full of confidence. you have to deal with it on your own, not depending on others.life is a long race, where you have to try your best to win the game. even sometimes you spare no effort, success is not easy to get. so just devote yourself to everything in your life.life is where you have to show your honest personality for everybody. it can win for the love and respect as prizes, live in the big big world, love is the eternal theme for human.all the above are the things i always remember in my teaching. independence, bravery devotion and love are the keys i need to shine and win. everybody has his or her own dream, so do i. i keep on chasing my target and never give up. because i believe this is my time to shine. i do believe.life is a process of growing up, actually im standing here is agrowth. if a persons life must constituted by various choices, then i grow up along with these choices. once i hope i can study in a college in future, however thats passed, as you know i e here, now i wonder what the future holds for (= what will happen to) me.when i e to this school, i told to myself: this my near future, all starts here. following i will learn to bee a man, a integrated man, who has a fine body, can take on important task, has independent thought, an open mind,has the ability to judge right and wrong.英语演讲稿:关于梦想good evening,dear audience :i am happy that i can have such kind of opportunity to stand here to give you a speech. what i am going to talk about today is “my dream to shine”.we all want to believe that we are capable of great feats ,we can call the potential to reach our fullest dream.“no young man believes he will ever fade”, it was a saying of my old friend , and a fine one . we look round in this world, full of life, and motion, and ceaseless progress, as in setting out on delightful journey, we strain our eager gaze forward . there is a feeling of eternity in youth, just right which makes us amend for everything.about my dream, it can be traced back to my childhood, i just want play more ,when i grew older, i was convinced that i would be a physicist or a psychologist. after ,its a pity for me that i could not do anything to approach it .although they have ceased to exist and dispeared ,they lead my growth along the way. dreams nourish our spirit ,they represent possibility even then we are dragged down by reality . dream is the beacon. , without dream, there is no secure direction; without direction, there is no life. so i believe the important thing in life is to have a great dream, and the determination to attain it. without own dream, wecould never have grown up a real man .and in fact, not only for personal, but also for world.now, i have a dream that one day our nation would rise up and live out the true meaning of its pledge of territorial integrity and peoples rich and powerful,such as our diaoyu island.and as for personal dream, my ideal future career is to be a urban and regional plannerwho could function as a chief planner and designer of a city.at first, it was my natural teacher of senior high school who brought me great interest in architectures and cities when i was far away from urban planning . and then i met many cities in and out of books by myself .different places and different cultures just made me more interested in cities.i see that therere many problems caused by urban development and the lack of deliberate planning, such as environmental pollution, slums, urban sprawling etc.cities establish the kind of housing, industrial, and retail facilities which can be built in it. others evaluate the impact of proposed residential or mercial development and suggest ways for munities to respond. and i want to protect open space and agricultural land in the face of increasing demands for new homes and business. the urban planning system should be plete and can run itself and most cities have developed and therere much experience and many cases to learn. i want to mit.finally,planners usually can find a decent job and get good paid and i want to have a house, facing the sea with flowers in the future. i will take every effort to acplish my dream .i wont let it bee a fantasy , it is just my dream .maybe some years later , it will bee true .i grew up in ages and also in thoughts. it was that time i began to know that life is a difficult journey. and it was that time i began to think about my life. i asked myself what a life i want to live, and what a man i want to be. but it was hard to give myself a satisfactory answer. but maybe that is the best answer ,we are growing better in this process. in the journey of life, only our dreams are permanent, and only the spirit of pursuing dreams is permanent. classical is something not fade, but grow more precious with time pass by , so is dream. when i am old, maybe my dreams still shine, hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly. i wish everyone can make your dream alive. good luck to everyone! thank you!hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly. hold fast to dreams, for when dreams go, life is a barren field frozen with snow. so my dear friends, think of your old and maybe dead dreams. whatever it is, pick it up and make it alive from today.how to say future? maybe its a nice wish. let us make up our minds, stick to it and surely well enjoy our life. dreamers are not content with merelymediocre , because no one ever dreams of going half way . sonow i will not avoid the tasks of today and charge them to tomorrow . once my teacher said :” you are not sewing, you are stylist; never forget which you should lay out to people is your thought, not craft.” i will put my personality with my interest and ability into my study, during these process i will bine learning with doing. if i can achieve that, i think that i really grow up.to be honest, being a quiet girl can have the courage to show myself, i think i succeed.im not a diamond, not a crystal and nor a star, not something like jewels or plas will be always bright and twinkling as you imagine. but i do believe shining is not a dream far away, because i have seen the success is on its way.life is just like sailing on the sea, there are lots of fierce storms on your way. you should be brave enough to go through with full of confidence. you have to deal with it on your own, not depending on others.life is a long race, where you have to try your best to win the game. even sometimes you spare no effort, success is not easy to get. so just devote yourself to everything in your life.life is where you have to show your honest personality for everybody. it can win for the love and respect as prizes, live in the big big world, love is the eternal theme for human.all the above are the things i always remember in my teaching. independence, bravery devotion and love are the keys i need to shine and win. everybody has his or her own dream, so do i. i keep on chasing my target and never give up. because i believe this is my time to shine. i do believe.life is a process of growing up, actually im standing here is a growth. if a persons life must constituted by various choices, then i grow up along with these choices. once i hope i can study in a college in future, however thats passed, as you know i e here, now i wonder what the future holds for (= what will happen to) me.when i e to this school, i told to myself: this my near future, all starts here. following i will learn to bee a man, a integrated man, who has a fine body, can take on important task, has independent thought, an open mind,has the ability to judge right and wrong.第 16 页 共 16 页

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