高考英语一轮复习 暑假完形和阅理选练21

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高考英语一轮复习 暑假完形和阅理选练21_第1页
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江西丰城市2017高考英语暑假完形和阅理选练完形填空。I was on a bus one March evening. The driver didnt_1_to start the bus soon because it was not yet_2_. A middleaged woman got on. Tired and sad, she told her story_3_, not to anyone in particular. On her way to the station, half of her_4_was stolen. The other half was hidden under her blouse, so she_5_still had some left. A few minutes later, she stopped crying, but still looked_6_.When all the seats were taken, the driver started the engine. The conductor began to collect fares(车费). When she came to an old man in wornout clothes, he_7_that he had spent all his money when he had accidentally got on a wrong bus and now he was trying to go home. On hearing this, she ordered the old man to_8_the bus. The old man was almost in tears as he_9_her to let him take the bus home. The driver took the conductors side and repeated the conductors_10_.The woman was watching the incident._11_the driver and the conductor raised their voices at the old man, she interfered(干预)“Stop_12_him! Cant you see hes only trying to get home?”“He doesnt have any money! ” the driver_13_.“Well, thats no_14_to throw him off the bus,” she insisted.Then she reached inside her blouse, took out her_15_money, and handed it to the conductor. “Heres his fare and mine. Just stop giving him a_16_time.”All heads turned to the woman. “Its only money,” she shrugged.She rode the rest of the way home_17_a happy smile, with the money shed lost earlier_18_.On the road of life, the help of strangers can_19_our loads and lift our spirits. How much sweeter the_20_will be when we make it a little smoother for others!本文主要讲述了作者在乘车期间目睹的一切和自己内心的感触。1A.try BcareCdecide Dintend答案:Dintend to do.想/欲做。2A.empty BfullCcrowded Dready 答案:B司机不想开车走的原因是因为车内未坐“满”人。3A.tearfully BseriouslyCcarefully Dcalmly答案:A因为下文她讲述的遭遇非常不幸,所以她“声泪俱下”。 4A.fare BpossessionCmoney Dwealth 答案:C从下文看,是她的“钱”被偷了。5A.strangely Bhappily Csecretly Dfortunately 答案:D“幸运的是”,她的钱没被偷光。6A.unsatisfied Bweak Cunhappy Dexcited 答案:C因为遭遇不幸,尽管几分钟后她不再哭了,但依然面带“不悦”。 7A.explained Bdeclared Cadmitted Dfound 答案:A因为自己没钱了,老头要向乘务员做出“解释”。 8A.get off Bstart Cget on Dstop 答案:A乘客因为没钱,所以乘务员命令他“下车”。9A.begged BscoldedCpraised Dthanked 答案:A于是,那老头“乞求”乘务员让他乘座。 10A.request Baction Csuggestion Dcommand答案:D司机与乘务员站在一边,“命令老头下车”。11A.Unless BAlthough CUntil DWhen 答案:D“当时候”要用when,而不能用unless(除非),although(尽管)或until(直到)。12A.attacking BbotheringCblaming Dwronging答案:B别再“烦/为难”他了!attack(袭击,攻击),blame(责备/怪)及wrong(冤枉,委屈),在此处意义不符。 13A.warned Bwhispered Cshouted Drepeated 答案:C因为司机当时非常激动与气愤,所以shouted(喊叫)。14A.problem BneedCmatter Dreason 答案:D没“理由”让他下车。15A.spending BcollectedCremaining Dborrowed答案:C拿出自己被偷后“剩下”的钱,而不是borrowed(借来的),collected(收集/募捐来的)或spending(正在花费的)。16A.busy Bcold Chard Dfearful答案:Cgive sb. a hard time“让某人难过”。17A.giving BwearingCtaking Dforcing答案:Bwear a happy smile“(脸上)带着幸福的微笑”英语中表示人佩带的各种饰物、表情、相貌、发型、肤色、心情等都可用wear。18A.forgotten Bused Cearned Dreturned 答案:A当她幸福地微笑时,就把被偷钱的事“忘了”。19A.move BincreaseClighten Dcarry答案:C陌生人的帮助能“减轻”我们人生道路上的负担。20A.world Bjourney Csmile Dfriendship答案:B当负担减轻后,我们的人生“旅程”就会更加甜美、平坦。2016高考训练题。阅读理解。阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 As a college student, I have planned my future career goals. I would like to work as a sales assistant in a computer company, then a sales manager and finally boss of my own company. At the very beginning, I plan to find a job in a famous company producing computers, in which all the staff are fully happy at work and I can experience job satisfaction most of the time. Only such kind of company can provide me with good working atmosphere and eagerness to learn more so as to get well prepared for my future profession. At first I want to be a sales assistant and always keep myself busy working in and out of the company, such as answering telephones, doing repair work, even cleaning the rooms. Although the salary may be low, I will seize every chance to learn from other staff. In my spare time, I will take some courses so as to get more qualifications and experience in this field. In three or five years, I am determined to become a sales manager who is responsible for the selling of the computers. I will interview as many customers as possible and do market research and improve our products. Meanwhile I will take care of my staff so as to make them eager to work to the best of their abilities. As is known to us, it is hard to manage a company, but I will make every effort to achieve my goal step by step, and I am sure “There is nothing difficult in the world if you put your heart into it.”1. If the writer has a company, his company will provide his staff with _. A. high wages B. dormitories C. some computers made in his company D. good working atmosphere and eagerness2. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. The writer would like to be a sales assistant first. B. The writer wants to set up a business of his own. C. The writer makes his mind to be the president of a famous company producing computers. D. The writer will take courses to get an MBA3. A sales assistant should do the following EXCEPT _ in the opinion of the writer. A. answering telephones B. interviewing customers C. cleaning the rooms D. doing repair work4. The text is mainly about _. A. how to improve the writers abilities B. how to achieve the writers future career goal C. how to become a managerD. how to become a sales manager参考答案14、DCBB 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。【2014模拟调研】 Taking place every spring in the worlds leading publishing and cultural capital, its aunique opportunity to explore and understand the innovations shaping the publishing world ofthe future.When:08-10 April 2014Where: Earls Court Exhibition Centre, Warwick Road, London, SW5 9TAWho Attends? The London Book Fair attracts a global audience of visitors and exhibitors from all areas of the publishing community. 25,000 Attendees(出席者),113 countries Key visitor audiences include: Literary Agents/Scouts Publishers Booksellers Library and Information Professionals Production, Distribution, Technical and Creative Professionals1,500 Exhibiting Companies The LBF floorplan allows exhibitors to showcase their products and titles by sector: AcademicArt, ArchitectureDesign!ChildrensYoung AdultDigitalMobileGeneral PublishingPublishing Solutions】STMELTEarls Court Information The Earls Court Business Centre offers a comprehensive range of business services,including: Incoming and outgoing fax and telephone calls Photocopying and printing Internet access Telephone points for laptops PC workstations with standard office software Courier serviceVisa Information If you are not a British citizen or a citizen of one of the European Economic Area (EEA)countries, you may need to acquire a visa-entry clearance certificate-before you travel toBritain. Visitors can access the visa letter service only once they have registered for theLondon Book Fair online. On completion of your registration you will receive a confirmationemail which includes your badge number and a link to the visa letter service completion page.Here you need to complete all your contact and company details, your badge number, yourpassport number and your date of birth. Once you have successfully submitted this information,it will produce,a printable letter that you can take to your nearest British consular. Exhibitors can access the visa letter service via the Exhibitor Portal online. Join us in April 2014 at Earls Court, London, registering as a visitor allows you access toexhibitors, show features and over 250 Love Learning seminars and events. The London Book Fair team is on hand to help you with any questions you may have about visiting or exhibiting at the show.60. According to the passage, we can learn that the London Book Fair A. is held in different cities in the UK every year B requires visitors from EEA countries to get a visa C. attracts a global audience with no limit to exhibitors D. gives attendees three-day access to seminars and events61The Earls Court Business Centre A. allows companies to exhibit their art products B enables customers to work on the Internet C. informs people of the key visitor audiences D. offers readers the service of visa application62. Which of the following statements about the visa letter service is true? A. You11 get the visa if you complete the confirmation email. B You can receive the confirmation email without registering online. C. The London Book Fair offers this service to registered exhibitors and visitors online. D. The visa letter service completion page saves you the trouble of going to the British consular.【参考答案】60、D 6162、BC 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。【2014模拟调研】 The closest known relative of the ancestors of limbed(肢体)animals such as humans may have evolved the foundation for back legs even before the move to land, researchers say. This ancestor may have even been able to walk underwater, they add. These findings reveal that a key step in the evolution of back limbs happened in fish,challenging previous theories that such appendages(附肢)evolved only after the move to land.Scientists investigated fossils(化石)of a 375-million-year-old fish known as Tiktaalik,discovered in 2004 in northern Canadas Ellesmere Island. Possessing a broad flat head andsharp teeth, Tiktaalik resembled a cross between a fish and a crocodile, growing to a length of 9 feet (2.7 meters) as it hunted for its food in shallow freshwater. This ancient creature was undoubtedly a fish. However, it also had features seen in modern tetrapods(四足动物) This ancient fish had large forefins and shoulders, elbows and partial wrists, enabling it to support itself on ground. This makes it the best-known example of a link between finned(鳍)animals and limbed animals marking the evolutionary change from water to land for creatures with backbones. Previous analyses of other fossils dating from the water-land change found their backappendages were small and weak compared with their front appendages. This suggested theearliest ancestors of tetrapods perhaps had a front-wheel drive form of movement thatdepended more on their front limbs, and that a four-wheel drive form of movement with strong hips and back limbs only developed after tetrapods evolved. Until now, the only fossils of Tiktaalik researchers had examined were of its front parts. To find out more about the fish, researchers investigated additional blocks of rock recovered from the dig site where Tiktaalik was discovered. Although some of these blocks were first dug in 2004, researchers did not look at them more closely until recently, mainly because the blocks did not seem to contain much bone. Moreover, it took years to carefully and properly remove the rock surrounding the fragile fossils. The scientists discovered the back part of TiktaalikThis made a direct comparison of the front and back appendages of the animal possible. Unexpectedly, the researchers found Tiktaalik had big, strong pelvic(胃盆)bones with similarities to early tetrapods. I was expecting to find a diminutive back fin and pelvis, study lead author Neil Shubin, a paleontologist at the University of Chicago, told LiveScience. Seeing the huge pelvis set me back a bit-I looked at it again and again, because I was quite surprised. Shubin cautioned that Tiktaalik is not the ancestor of all limbed vertebrates. It is currently the closest known relative, but not the only, direct ancestor, he said. It is more like our closest cousin.63According to the passage, previous findings show that A. the evolution of back limbs happened under the water B. the ancestors of limbed animals could walk underwater C. the back legs of limbed animals evolved after the transition to living on land D. tetrapods had a four-wheel drive form of movement before they evolved64. Scientists think the findings of Tiktaalik are significant because A. Tiktaalik is the earliest fish living on the earth B. Tiktaalik fills a gap between fish and limbed animals C. Tiktaalik is the only closest known relative of limbed animals D. Tiktaalik gives them a chance to compare the front and back limbs65Why didnt the researchers examine the fossils of the back part of Tiktaalik many years ago? A. Because the blocks contained too much bone of Tiktaalik. B Because Tiktaalik is not the ancestor of all limbed animals. C. Because the research of fossils is a slow and time-consuming process. D. Because the fossils were discovered in northern Canadas Ellesmere Island.66. What does the underlined word diminutive in Paragraph 8 mean? A. Unique. B. Complete. C. Flexible. D. Small. 【参考答案】 6365、CBC 66、D

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