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课时作业(三十二)(时间:45分钟满分:100分).单句语法填空1Having been warned of danger in the street at night, she had to go home, with a friend accompanying (accompany) her.2The young lady dressed elegantly (elegant) when she went to work.3Could you do me a favour and pick up Sam from school today?4He has so much desire for wealth that he works hard every day.5Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains to_be_seen (see) whether they will enjoy it.6He quickly turned around when he heard someone asking for help behind him.7Marriages based on money rather than love are bound to_end (end) in divorce sooner or later.8Did you see the CEO in his office?Yes, he was_being_interviewed (interview) by the journalist from BBC.9If left alone outside, dogs and cats can be very smart in their search for warm shelter.10She showed a talent for acting at an early age.单句改错1He threw a stone towards his car out envy.out后加上of2Listening to his continued stream of empty chatter was really tested out my patience.去掉was3I try to set up a few minutes each day to read English aloud.upaside4Would you please go away and leave me lonely?lonelyalone5His wife was accompanied him on the trip.去掉was6I desired go with you,but I had no time.go前加上to7It was necessary that a doctor was sent for.doctor后的wasbe8The books are not allowed to be taken out from the room.fromof9The harder you study,the great progress you will make.greatgreater10Do you want tea or coffee?Both.I really dont mind.BothEither.阅读理解(2016东北三校联考)There are robot cleaners and robot mops to help us around the house, so why not a robot to build our homes?Wait no longer.Now there is a set of electronics to do just that, build a house from scratch, and fast.Forget weeks to find a builder and months for house construction; a machine developed in the United States can build a 232 sqm home layer by layer in a single day.University of Southern Californias Professor Behrokh Khoshnevis has designed the giant robot that replaces construction workers with a mouth on an arm of crane, which spits out concrete and can quickly build a home according to a computer pattern.The technology, known as Contour (轮廓) Crafting, could revolutionize the construction industry.Contour Crafting could greatly decrease the cost of homeowning, making it possible for millions of displaced people to_get_on_the_property_ladder.It could even be used in disaster relief areas to build emergency and replacement housing.As Prof Khoshnevis points out, if you look around you almost everything is made automatically these days“your shoes, your clothes, home appliances, your car.The only thing that is still built by hand is these buildings.”The Contour Crafting system is a robot that automates ageold tools normally used by hand.These are applied by a robotic crane that builds a threedimensional object.The nature of the technology means it will also be possible to create curved walls and architecture that is both “exotic (异国情调的) and beautiful” according to Prof Khoshnevis.As a result, it could be ideal to print out expensive homes according to customers demands.Furthermore, Prof Khoshnevis believes that the technology could be applied beyond our planet.“Contour Crafting technology has the potential to build safe, reliable, and affordable structures, habitats, laboratories, and other facilities on the moon and Mars before the arrival of human beings,”his website reads.According to the International Labour Organisation construction employs nearly 110 million people worldwide and “plays a major role in fighting the high levels of unemployment and in absorbing extra labour from the rural areas”What the implications are for builders is, of course, a major concern.But Khoshnevis says “the reality is that a lot of new jobs can be created in this field as well”Instead of building the house workmen are used to maintain the machine.语篇解读本文是一篇说明文。随着科技的发展,巨型机器人可用于建设房屋,而且具有时间短、成本低等优势,并且能够满足不同收入的人们的实际购房需求。1Which advantage does the giant robot have for the consumers?AIt saves a great deal of time.BIt decorates houses beautifully.CIt provides energysaving apartments.DIt builds environmentally friendly houses.A细节理解题。根据第二段第一句可知,巨型机器人的明显优势是它可以节省大量的时间。2The underlined part “to get on the property ladder” (in Paragraph 3)means “_”Ato print objectsBto purchase a houseCto predict disastersDto accumulate wealthB推理判断题。根据第三段画线部分之前的内容“Contour Crafting could greatly decrease the cost of homeowning, making it possible for millions of displaced people”中的“decrease the cost of”并结合选项可推知,由于建房成本大大降低了,所以许多人可以买得起房子了。因此B项与画线部分意思相近。3The new construction technology can satisfy the needs of _.Alowincome residentsBpeople at different income levelsCmiddleincome peopleDwealthy immigrantsB推理判断题。根据第四段最后一句“As a result, it could be ideal to print out expensive homes according to customers demands.”可知,它可以根据客户的需要建设出豪宅。由此结合第三段第一句可推知,新的建设技术能满足不同收入水平的人们的需求。4What influence will Contour Crafting have on construction industry?AMany construction workers will lose jobs.BProfessionals will be hired to make robot builders.CMore rural people will engage in construction.DConstruction workers will update their skills.D推理判断题。根据最后一段最后两句可知,随着巨型机器人技术的发展,在建筑业会有新的就业机会,而建筑工人的主要任务是维护机器。由此可推知,建筑工人将会更新自己的技能。.任务型阅读(2016兰陵一中检测)Should you go back to school?Consider these questions before making your decision.Why are you thinking about going back to school?Why is going back to school on your mind lately?_1_Are you bored and looking for a way out of your current situation?Be sure that youre going to school for the right reason,or you might not have the determination you need to see it through.Can you afford to go back to school?School can be expensive,but help is out there.If you need financial aid,do your research ahead of time.Find out how much money you need and how you might get it._2_Look into grants(政府或机构的拨款)and payasyougo.Then ask yourself if your level of desire is worth the cost.Is this the right time in your life?_3_Is this a good time for you to go back to school?Do you have the time youll need to study?Will you still have time to work and to enjoy time with your family?You might have to give up lots of things in order to devote yourself to your studies._4_Is the right school within reach?Depending on your goal,you might have lots of options open to you,or very few.Is the school you need available to you,and can you get in?_5_Online learning is becoming hugely popular,and for good reason.AIt takes a long time to go to school.BStudent loans arent the only option.CCan you do it?DHow can you get enough money for college?ELife demands different things of us at different stages.FIs it because your degree will help you get a better job?GRemember that getting your degree online might be possible.【答案】15FBECG.语法填空(2016呼和浩特市调研)Cindy:David, what are you reading on the site?David:Oh, Im just reading this news report.A 62yearold bird gave _1_ to a healthy young bird.Cindy:Really?Is she the _2_ (old) living wild bird in the world?David:I think so.At least thats _3_ the news report says.This bird is _4_ (amaze)She _5_ (fly) an estimated 2 million to 3 million miles so far.That is four to six trips from the Earth to the Moon and again with plenty of miles to spare.Cindy:Wow, thats really something.You seem to be very interested in wildlife.Do be a biologist?David:I want to be a photographer and take photos of animals in _6_ wild.Cindy:That kind of job would mean _7_ (travel) around the world.You _8_ not be able to spend that much time with your family.What do your parents think of your idea?David:_9_ (actual), my father thinks its a great job.And he really thinks I have a gift _10_ taking photographs.Do you want to have a look at the photographs that Ive taken?答案1.birth2.oldest3.what4.amazing5.has flown6.the7.traveling8.might/may9.Actually10.for


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