高考英语一轮复习 完形填空选编(二)31

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湖南怀化市2017高考英语教育完形填空选编(二)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Born in America, I spoke English, not Chinese, the language of my ancestors . When I was three, my parents flashed cards with Chinese 1 at my face , but I pushed them 2 . My mom believed I would learn 3 I was ready. But the 4 never came.On a Chinese New Years Eve , my uncle spoke to me in Chinese , but all I could do was 5 at him , confused , scratching my head . “Still cant speak Chinese?” He 6 me, “You cant even buy a fish in Chinatown.” “Hey, this is America, not China. Ill get some 7 with or without Chinese.” I replied and turned to my mom for 8 .“Remember to ask for fresh fish, Xin Xian Yu,” she said, handing over a $20 bill. I 9 the words, running downstairs into the streets of Chinatown.I found the fish 10 surrounded in a sea of customers. “Id like to buy some fresh fish,” I should to the fishman. But he 11 my English words and turned to serve the next customer .The laugh of the people behind increased 12 their impatience. With every 13 , the breath of the dragons (龙) on my back grew strongermy blood boiling 14me to cry out . “Xian Sheng Yu, please.” “Very Xian Sheng,” I repeated .The crowd erupted into laughter . My face turned 15 and I ran back home 16 , except for the $20 bill I held tightly in my pocket.Should I laugh or cry? Theyre Chinese. I should feel right at 17 . Instead , I was the joke , a disgrace (丢脸)to the language.Sometimes, I laugh at my fish 18 , but , in the end, the joke is on 19 . Every laugh is a culture 20 ; every laugh is my heritage (传统) fading away.( ) 1. A. customB. games C .characters D. language ( ) 2. A. ahead B. around C. along D. aside ( ) 3. A. when B. beforeC. unless D. until( ) 4 A. success B. study C. time D. attempt ( ) 5. A. aim B. joke C. nod D. stare ( ) 6. A. cared about B. laughed at C. argued with D. asked after( ) 7. A. right now B. from now C. at times D. in time ( ) 8A. decision B. permission C. informationD. preparation( ) 9 A. repeated B. reviewed C. spelled D. kept( ) 10. A. farm B. stand C. pond D. market( ) 11. A. guessed B. forgot C. doubted D. ignored( ) 12. A. by B. as C. with D. from ( ) 13. A. second B. effort C. desire D. movement( ) 14. A. forcing B. allowing C. persuading D. leading( ) 15. A. bright B. blank C. pale D. red ( ) 16. A. open-mouthed B. tongue-tied C. empty-handed D. broken-hearted( ) 17. A. service B. home C. risk D. root ( ) 18. A. trade B. deed C. challenge D. incident ( ) 19. A. it B. us C. me D. them( ) 20. A. thrown B. lost C. divided D. reflected【语篇解读】本篇文章为记叙文。“我”长在美国,已熟悉英语,但身为中国人,因为没有学习汉语而导致了去中国城买鱼的尴尬,这让我明白了一个道理:“笑话”反映的是一种文化的缺失,我们不应该让文化丢失。36.答案C。【解析】根据本段第一句中the language of my ancestors可知,这里父母是想利用有汉字的闪存卡放在我面前。故选C项。其余三项不符合语境37.答案D。【解析】由本句中but这个转折连词可知,这里表明作者没有看它,而是将其放在了一边。put aside意为“把某物放到一边”,符合语境,故选D项。put ahead意为“拨快”;put around 意为“传播”。38.答案A【解析】由本句中I was ready可以推断出:我母亲认为当我准备好的时候,我才会学,此处只有when符合语境。故选A项。39.答案C。【解析】由本句中But及never可知,这里强调的是:我学习汉字的时间从来没有来过。故选C项。40.答案C。【解析】由本句中的confused可知,当叔叔跟我讲汉语的时候,我困惑了,不明白了。因此我只能用我的眼睛盯着我的叔叔看。A项意为“瞄准”;B项意为“开玩笑”;C项意为“点头”;D项意为“注视,瞪着眼睛看”。只有D项符合语境,其余三项不符合,排除41.答案B。【解析】A项意为“关心”;B项意为“嘲笑”;C项意为“与争论”;D项意为“问候,问安”。由本句中You cant even buy a fish in Chinatown可以推断出,叔叔是在嘲笑我。故选B项42. 答案A。【解析】由本句中Ill get some_ with or without Chinese.及联系下段可知,我想证明给我的叔叔看,我现在就能去唐人街买到鱼。right now意为“现在,立即”,符合语境。故选A项43. 答案B。【解析】由下段中母亲说话的内容可知:我希望征得母亲让我去卖鱼。A项意为“决定”;B项意为“许可”;C项意为“信息”;D项意为“准备”。由语境可知,应为母亲的许可比较合适,其余三项与语境不符,排除。44. 答案A。【解析】由上句母亲话中的Xin Xian Yu及我没有学习汉语可以推断出:我为了防止忘掉要买的东西的名字,而不断重复着母亲的话。故选A项。45. 答案B。【解析】A项意为“农场”;B项意为“货摊”;C项意为“池塘”;D项意为“集市,市场”分析句子结构可知:我发现鱼摊被很多顾客围着。故选B项46. 答案D。 【解析】由第二段中You cant even buy a fish in Chinatown及本句中turned to serve the next customer可知,这个卖鱼人没有在意我说的话,即无视,不理睬。只有D项符合句意47. 答案C【解析】本句中The laugh of the people behind increased表明我身后的人因为失去耐心而开始。笑起来。with impatience意为“因为不耐烦”。故选C项。48. 答案A。【解析】由本段的第三句中turned to serve the next customer及本句中the breath of the dragon on my back grew stronger可知,当我再一次问的时候,我生气了。second表示“在一”的意思。故选A项49. 答案A。【解析】由本句中my blood boiling可知,我被激怒了,因此我强迫自己大声喊出我要买的东西。B、C、D三项不符合作者当时的心情,故排除。50. 答案D。【解析】由上句中The crowd erupted into laughter可知,因为我说错了汉语而引来了大家的哄堂大笑,这让我十分难堪,故我的脸变红了。因此答案为D。51. 答案C。【解析】上段中母亲让我买Xin Xian Yu及由本句中expect for the $20 bill可知,我没有买到鱼,而是空着手回家的。故选C项52. 答案B。【解析】由本段中Theyre Chinese. Im Chinese可知,同为中国人,我应该感到自在、自如才对。这与后面的Instead , I was the joke形成对比。故选B项。53. 答案D。【解析】A项意为“交易,买卖”;B项意为“行动,所做之事”;C项意为“挑战”;D项意为“发生的事(常指小事)”。由本句中I laugh at可知,作者时常以自己买鱼的那件小事自嘲。故答案为D项54. 答案C。【解析】分析句意可知,这里作者以买鱼这件小事自嘲,当然自嘲的对象是作者本人。因此C项符合语境。55. 答案B。【解析】分析句子结构可知,该空应与fading away意思相近。A项意为“被扔掉”;B项意为“被丢失”;C项意为“被分开”;D项意为“被反映的”。因此B项符合语境和句意【深圳市2014高考英语综合能力测试题(2)】完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1-15各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。Robots could soon be introduced into classrooms across the United Kingdom to help children with autism (自闭症).The use of technology in 1 is nothing new, but Topcliffe Primary School in Birmingham is breaking new ground by helping to develop 2 for children with autism. The knee-high robots, with the appearance and qualities of a 3 , can dance to Michael Jacksons Thriller, play games and 4 Tai Chi. They are made by the French firm Aldebaran, which is working with education experts from the University of Birmingham to inspire interactive learning among 5 children. Dr Karen Guldberg, from the universitys school of education, said, We have been 6 how technology can support pupils with autism to communicate more 7 . Pupils and teachers in the classrooms are experimenting with the robots as well as other 8 in a scientific way, and they are showing great benefits for children with autism. The robots have been 9 modeling good behavior and acting as friends of pupils. Research shows that children with autism often find such technology interesting, 10 and entertaining, particularly in encouraging them to 11 and communicate with each other. Ian Lowe, the head teacher at Topcliffe Primary School, said, The robots have been very 12 at supporting autistic children with their interactive learning and communication. You can program them to teach language, play games and 13 behavior. We have even used them in assemblies. And in the future, we are looking to see if they can be used to support learning not just in 14 but at home as well. The boys are so happy to talk about the robots. 15 , the fact shows that the robots are valuable in helping autistic children communicate.l. A. factories B. schools C. shops D. hospitals 2. A. computers B. robots C. systems D. dogs3. A. girl B. doll C. man D. cat4. A. create B. invent C. imitate D. use5. A. foolish B. smart C. lazy D. autistic6. A. reaming B. developing C. organizing D. researching7. A. politely B. happily C. gracefully D. effectively8. A. programs B. technologies C. tools D. pets9. A. successfully B. tightly C. partly D. frequently10. A. boring B. tiring C. pleasant D. ridiculous11. A. interact B. fight C. compete D. love12. A. stupid B. intelligent C. happy D. confused13. A. model B. act C. prevent D. communicate14. A. offices B. classrooms C. restrooms D. museums15. A. Luckily B. Seriously C. Obviously D. Regularly【参考答案】1-5 BBCCD 6-10 DDBAC 11-15 ABABC完形填空本文是一篇说明文。讲述的是机器人被引进学校,帮助自闭症孩子提升交流能力。1. B。答案重现,根据后面的Topcliffe Primary School可知,应选 B。2. B。根据文章第一句Robots could soon be introduced into classrooms across the United Kingdom to help children with autism (自闭症)可知答案为B。3. C。根据逻辑推理.can dance to Michael Jacksons Thriller, play games可知是“人的特质”,因此应选C。4. C。根据句意排除法,机器人只能“模仿”太极,其他选项均不符合句意。5. D。根据逻辑推理,前文讲的是自闭症孩子,而autistic 是自闭症(autism)的形容词,因此应选D。6. D。根据句意,应是观察研究这种技术如何帮助孩子,而选项只有D符合该意思。7. D。根据逻辑推理和上下文可知自闭症孩子交流有问题,所以该技术可使孩子的交流更加有效顺利, effectively意为“高效的”,因此应选D。8. B。根据前文as well as other.,可知此处应与robots 同类,都是技术,因此应选B。program意为“节目,程序”,technology 意为“技术”,tool意为“工具”,pet 意为“宠物”。9. A。根据上下文,机器人已经“成功地”模仿了一些好的行为并且扮演了孩子们的好朋友的角色。10. C。此处应与interesting 和 entertaining 同性质的词,因此应选C。11. A。根据句意及后面的and communicate 可知,此处应选择与communicate同义的词, 所以应选A。12. B。根据下文You can program them to teach language, play games可知,机器人很聪明。13. A。根据前文The robots have been modeling good behavior and acting as friends of pupils可知机器人可以“模仿”人的行为,因此应选A。14. B。根据全文背景,机器人在学校中得到应用,与之相关的场所应是教室,因此应选B。15. C。根据最后一段The boys are so happy to talk about the robots这一事实“明显”可知机器人很有价值,因此答案为C。完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。【记叙文】(2012山东)Whenever we hear about“the homeless,”most of us think of the Developing World.But the _1_ is that homelessness is everywhere.For example,how many of us would expect to see people living on the streets of a _2_ country like Germany?Kurt Muller and his wife Rita have spent eleven years making _3_ for the homeless of Berlin,Germanys capital.They first _4_ one long hot summer when most Germans were _5_ on holiday.Kurt and his wife stayed at home,made sandwiches,_6_ a table in the street and gave food to the homeless.The Mullers soon realised that food and clothing werent _7_.“What these people also need is warmth and _8_,”says Rita.The Mullers didnt _9_ to give their phone number to the street people and told them to phone anytime.Rita _10_ there was somebody at home to answer the phone and their home was always _11_ to anyone who couldnt face another night on the street.The couple were soon _12_ all their time and money,so Kurt visited food and clothing companies to _13_ donations.Today,over thirty companies _14_ donate food and other goods to the cause and volunteers help to _15_ them to the homeless.The public also give clothes and money and a shoe producer _16_ new shoes.Kurt and Rita receive no _17_ for their hard work.“We feel like parents,”says Rita,“and parents shouldnt _18_ money for helping their children.The love we get on the streets is our salary.”Though Rita admits she often gets _19_,she says she will continue with her work because she likes the feeling of having made a _20_ in the world.【语篇解读】 本文是记叙文。“无家可归的人”不只在发展中国家存在,在德国这样的发达国家同样存在。本文讲述了Kurt Muller夫妇如何在德国为“无家可归的人”提高各种各样的帮助,及如何向公司及公众发起为“无家可归的人”进行捐赠活动的事迹。1A.result Btruth Creason Didea解析读文章第一段可知,无论何时我们听到“无家可归的人”,我们中的大部分人会想到发展中国家。但是事实是任何地方都有“无家可归的人”。四个选项只有B符合题意。答案B2A.traditional Bdeveloping Ctypical Dwealthy解析根据常识我们知道德国不属于发展中国家,故排除B,又因为traditional“传统的”和typical“典型的”跟“无家可归的人”没有关系,故选D,即像德国这样富裕的国家也有“无家可归的人”。答案D3A.preparations Bhouses Cmeals Dsuggestions解析由下文的“made sandwiches”可知,此空要用meals。答案C4A.began Bmet Ccalled Dleft解析他们首次开始于一个漫长而炎热的夏天,在那时大部分德国人都离开家去度假了。这里是指他们开始帮助“无家可归的人”。其他选项均不符合题意,故选A。答案A5A.asleep Balone Cacross Daway解析“were away”指离开家。A:睡着;B:单独的;C:横过,在对面;D: 离开。答案D6A.brought up Bset up Cput aside Dgave away解析根据前文可知,Kurt Muller夫妇没有去度假而是待在家里做三明治并且在街道上摆放了一张桌子,给“无家可归的人”提供食物。A:教育,培养,提出;B:摆放,竖起;C:放在一边;D:分发,泄露。答案B7A.enough Bnecessary Chelpful Dexpensive解析通读第二段可知,Kurt Muller夫妇发现只提供食物和衣服是不够的,“无家可归的人”还需要温暖和关心。necessary必要的;helpful有帮助的;expensive昂贵的,均不符合题意,故选A。答案A8A.fame Bfreedom Ccourage Dcaring解析根据设空处前面的warmth,再根据下文所述“Kurt Muller夫妇把自己家的电话号码给了流浪者并且告诉他们可以在任何时候打电话,他们的家随时为他们开放”可知选D。caring关心,照顾,符合语境。答案D9A.hesitate Bagree Cpretend Dintend解析hesitate to do sth意为“做某事犹豫不决”。这里用否定形式表示Kurt Muller夫妇毫不犹豫地把电话号码留给流浪者。agree同意;pretend假装;intend打算,想要。答案A10A.made sense Bfound out Cmade sure Dworked out解析把电话号码留给流浪者之后,Kurt Muller的妻子Rita确保家里有人接听流浪者随时打来的电话。A:有意义,讲得通;B:发现,找到;C:确保,确信;D:算出,设计出。答案C11A.open Bcrowded Cnoisy Dnear解析be open to对开放,这里指Kurt Muller夫妇的家总是对任何在街上无法过夜的人开放。其他选项都不符合题意。答案A12A.costing Bwasting Ctaking Dspending解析这对夫妇不久就花费了他们所有的时间和钱。cost花费,物作主语;waste浪费;take表示花费时常用it作形式主语。答案D13A.pay for Bask for Clook into Dcarry out解析根据上下文所述,可知Kurt Muller夫妇为了请求捐赠而去拜访食品公司和服装公司。A:支付;B:请求,要求;C:调查;D:贯彻,执行。答案B14A.completely Bcalmly Cregularly Droughly解析如今有三十多家公司定期地给这个事业捐赠食物及其他物品。completely完全地,彻底地;calmly冷静地,平静地,安静地;regularly定期地,有规律地;roughly粗糙地,粗略地。答案C15A.advertise Bsell Cdeliver Dlend解析这里是指志愿者帮助把这些捐赠物品发放到无家可归者手里。A、B、D三项均不符合题意。答案C16A.donates Bproduces Cdesigns Dcollects解析社会大众也提供了衣服和钱,并且有一位鞋商捐赠了新鞋。donate捐赠;produce生产;design设计;collect收集。答案A17A.permission Bpayment Cdirection Dsupport解析Kurt Muller夫妇说他们从街头流浪者那里得到的爱就是他们的报酬,由此可知设空处选payment(报酬,回报)。A:许可;C:方向;D:支持。答案B18A.borrow Braise Csave Dexpect解析根据句意及上下文内容可知,设空处用expect(期望,指望)。答案D19A.surprised Bexcited Ctired Damused解析最后一句话包含有though引导的让步状语从句,尽管Rita承认常常感到劳累,她说她会继续她的工作。答案C20A.profit Bdifference Cdecision Drule解析make a profit赢利;make a difference(对某人/某事物)有作用或影响;make a decision作决定;make a rule制定规则。根据语境,选B。答案B

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