高考英语一轮复习 完形填空训练(三)41

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贵州金沙县2017高考英语一轮完形填空训练题(三)完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳答案。One fine day, a bus driver started his bus and drove off along the route. No 1 for the first few stops, a few people got on, a few got off and things went 2 well.At the next stop, however, a big hulk (笨重的人) of a guy got on. Six feet eight, 3 like a wrestler (摔跤运动员), arms hanging down to the ground. He 4 at the driver and said, “Big John doesnt pay!” and 5 at the back. The driver was five feet three, 6 and basically gentle. 7 , he did not argue with Big John, but he was not happy about it.The next day the 8 thing happened Big John got on again, said, “Big John doesnt pay!” and sat down. This made the bus driver angry, who started losing 9 during the night over the way Big John was taking advantage of his size. 10 , he couldnt stand it any longer. He signed up for 11 building program, Judo (柔道) and all that good stuff.By the end of the summer, he had become quite 12 . So on the next Monday, when Big John got on the bus and said, “Big John doesnt pay!” the driver stood up, glared back and 13 , “And why not?” With a 14 look on his face, Big John replied, “Big John has a Bus pass (公交卡).”The meaning of the story: First be sure and pay more attention to the 15 of problems before working hard to solve one. 1. A. choicesB. problemsC. passengers D. cars 2. A. strangelyB. fortunatelyC. hardly D. generally 3. A. shoutedB. dressedC. built D. performed 4. A. laughedB. shot C. knocked D. glared 5. A. satB. waited C. watched D. fought 6. A. singleB. thin C. sad D. careless 7. A. NaturallyB. ConfidentlyC. Luckily D. Probably 8. A. interestingB. same C. happy D. useless 9. A. sleepB. sense C. direction D. confidence10. A. CuriouslyB. Suddenly C. Finally D. Quickly11. A. characterB. opportunityC. fame D. body12. A. patientB. gentleC. strong D. genuine13. A. explainedB. screamedC. replied D. ordered14. A. worriedB. tired C. disappointedD. surprised15. A. sourceB. difficultyC. appearance D. change本篇完形填空中涉及到文章主旨大意的为第小题。一位瘦弱的司机经常遇到一个身强力壮的大汉坐车不买票,但司机的解决办法却得不偿失!1. B。根据第一段的场景描述可推测,在开始的几站一切像往常 (generally) 一样都很正常,上上下下了几批乘客,没有遇到任何问题 (problems)。2. D。参见第1题解析。3. C。根据本空前a big hulk以及Six feet eight可推测:在这一站上来了一个大块头,他长得 (built) 非常高大,就像一个摔跤手,双臂很长,几乎可以垂到地上。4. D。根据本空后文叙述可知,这个大汉恶狠狠地盯着 (glared at) 司机说:“我不用买票”。然后,他坐 (sat) 到了后排座位上。5. A。参见第4题解析。根据常识也可推测出本空答案。6. B。与上文大汉的形象构成鲜明对比:司机身材矮小,很瘦弱 (thin),脾气很温和。另:本空与basically gentle属并列关系。7. A。根据本文对两人的形象描述对比可推测:自然而然地 (Naturally),司机并没有与大汉发生争执。8. B。根据本空后的叙述可知,第二天,又发生了同样的 (same) 事情。9. A。根据本空后during the night可推测,司机一想到大汉仰仗自己身体强壮耍无赖就无法入睡 (losing sleep)。10. C。根据本空前后文叙事可推测,最终 (Finally),这个司机再也无法忍受了。11. D。根据本空后Judo可推测,司机想像那个大汉一样强壮,所以报名参加了柔道等能强身健体 (body building) 的项目。12. C。根据后文故事的发展可推测,经过很长时间的锻炼后,到了夏末,他终于变得非常强壮 (strong)。13. B。与本空前的glared back构成并列:当那个大汉再一次不买票时,司机猛地站起来,怒目而视,然后厉声责问 (screamed) 大汉:“为什么不买票?” 14. D。一向软弱的司机突然强硬起来,让大汉感到很吃惊 (surprised)。15. A。本空后就是这个故事的寓意:在尽力解决一个问题之前,一定要弄清楚这个问题产生的根源 (source) 是什么,做到“有的放矢”。本篇完形填空中涉及到文章主旨大意的为第15小题。完形填空In my early childhood, my parents and teachers taught me to be persistent(执着的)in every task I devoted myself to. I was1that persistence is the only way towards success. But a small2made me change my mind. One day my two-year-old son, 3at a dozen of“stood”color marker-pens, cheered excitedly, “Mummy, look! I did it. ”Afterwards, he collected some ballpoint pens, 4to do the same. Hard though he tried, the ballpoint pens just lay5. He turned to me for help. Noticing they had either sharp or round ends, I said6, “Mummy cant help you. ”To my surprise, he wouldnt listen and continued trying. . . I was dumbfounded by his persistence. My sons behaviour reminded me of George who was always7in his work and rarely talked to anyone. To him, 8, there was no such thing called weekends or holidays. Our boss praised9about him and10us to look up to him as a role model. One day I met George. “Gonna work late again tonight? ”“Probably I cant leave till midnight, ”he said. “How many hours have you put in here each week, eighty or ninety? ”“11. ”“Dont you have time to be with your family at all? ”He shook his head slowly and12a sigh. “Its not what I wanted. But I have worked on it for so long. Its much too13to even think about letting go. ”A year later I resigned. The14thing I heard about him was that his wife divorced him. Since then Ive never seen him. But occasionally his aged15would come to my mind. Until that day, 16knowing why the ballpoint pens couldnt stand up, the two-year-old son had17the impossibility after many failures. He put aside all the ballpoint pens and kept only those marker-pens for his“game”. 18, he already learned to let go of his previous19attempts. In our daily life, many headaches can be avoided if we know how to20them and then decisively let them go immediately. 【文章大意】作者自小就被父母和老师教育: 做任何事都要执着, 但一次两岁的儿子试图将圆珠笔竖起来, 结果却没能成功, 这让她想起一个名叫George的朋友, 他是个工作狂, 心中只有工作, 没有家人, 结果妻子与他离婚。这让作者意识到生活中有许多自己不能做的事, 该放手时就放手, 这样生活才能有乐趣。作者欣慰地看到自己的儿子在玩笔的游戏中已经学会了这一点。1. A. confidentB. consistentC. consciousD. convinced【解析】选D。前后照应题。因为小时候, 父母和老师教育“我”做每件事时都要执着。所以“我”一直相信(I was convinced)执着是成功的唯一途径。2. A. eventB. incidentC. accidentD. affair【解析】选B。词义辨析题。event多指重要、有意义的大事件; incident指平常小事; accident指意外事故; affair泛指事件, 事务。此处语境指儿子玩记号笔, 应为平常小事。3. A. pointingB. shoutingC. screamingD. laughing【解析】选A。前后照应题。一天我两岁的儿子指着(point at)一堆竖着的彩色记号笔, 兴奋地欢呼着。4. A. insistingB. requiringC. intendingD. urging【解析】选C。前后照应题。后来, 儿子又拿了一些圆珠笔, 打算做同样的事, 即把圆珠笔也竖起来。intend to do sth. 打算做某事。5. A. flatB. silentC. stillD. quiet【解析】选A。背景知识题。根据Hard though he tried(尽管他费了很大的劲试着将圆珠笔竖起来)可知结果没有成功, 圆珠笔仍然没有竖起来。因为这些圆珠笔要么是尖头, 要么是圆头。lie flat意思是“平躺着”。6. A. deliberatelyB. casuallyC. unintentionallyD. enthusiastically【解析】选B。前后照应题。看到这些圆珠笔要么是尖头要么是圆头, 我不加考虑地(casually)说: “妈妈帮不了你。”但儿子不听, 继续坚持做下去。7. A. interestedB. busyC. devotedD. buried【解析】选D。前后照应题。be buried in his work专心致志地忙于他的工作。这由后文的“他很少和任何人讲话”可知。8. A. thereforeB. howeverC. otherwiseD. though【解析】选A。逻辑推理题。因为他总是忙于自己的工作, 因此(therefore)对他来说没有周末或假日这样的概念。9. A. highB. highlyC. wellD. much【解析】选B。固定搭配题。因为他一心扑在工作上, 所以老板对他高度赞扬。10. A. promisedB. demandedC. inspiredD. appealed【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。老板鼓舞我们把他当成模范榜样看待。11. A. At randomB. At timesC. At mostD. At least【解析】选D。前后照应题。因为作者的朋友George是个工作狂, 所以每周至少工作80或90小时。12. A. let offB. let outC. sent offD. sent out【解析】选B。前后照应题。根据shook his head slowly(慢慢摇头)可知此处他发出(let out)一声叹息。13. A. encouragingB. comfortableC. painfulD. ashamed【解析】选C。前后照应题。根据George讲的话可知“他心中只有工作, 没有家人”, 所以“他认为即使想(在工作方面)放手也是很痛苦的(painful)”。14. A. latterB. laterC. lastD. lately【解析】选C。前后照应题。根据后面一句“Since then Ive never seen him. ”可知此空填last, 说明“这是我听到有关他的最后一件事”。15. A. pictureB. figureC. reflectionD. image【解析】选D。前后照应题。根据come to my mind可知此处选image。虽然后来我再也没见到过他, 但他年迈的形象还会出现在我的脑海中。16. A. forB. withC. withoutD. besides【解析】选C。前后照应题。直到那一天, 我两岁的儿子虽然并不知道为何圆珠笔竖不起来, 但是在多次失败后学会了接受这种不可能。17. A. receivedB. acceptedC. refusedD. rejected【解析】选B。词语辨析题。accept指“主观接受”, 而receive指“客观上收到”。C、D两项指“拒绝”。18. A. GenerallyB. EventuallyC. AdditionallyD. Obviously【解析】选D。前后照应题。儿子将不能竖起来的圆珠笔放在一边, 只留下可以站起来的记号笔用来玩游戏。很明显(obviously), 他已经学会了对以前无用的(useless)尝试选择放弃。19. A. uselessB. endlessC. hopefulD. meaningful【解析】选A。逻辑推理题。上文中的many failures已提示, 可推知他做了一些无用的尝试。useless无用的。20. A. clarifyB. distinguishC. identifyD. acknowledge【解析】选C。前后照应题。在我们的日常生活中, 很多令人头疼的事是可以避免的, 只要我们知道如何鉴别(identify)它们并果断地做出放弃的决定。2016高考完形填空选练 完型填空。阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Just once I would like to see a celebration of life instead of a gathering of death. A celebration 41 stories are told, laughter rings out, and as the speaker 42 his or her loving tribute(颂词), the person they are 43 rises from their chair and gives them the biggest bear hug! Wouldnt that be 44 ! I now have a stronger 45 to tell those around me how much they mean to me. I am going to let my wife 46 just how loved and appreciated she is, not only by my 47 , but also by my actions. I am going to 48 Batman with my four-year-old more often, and in the middle of our romping(嬉闹).I am going to grab him, hug him 49 , and tell him how thankful I am that he is my 50 . Each day I will make a 51 to tell both of my boys how much I love them, 52 they are four or eighteen! From there, I am going to let family and friends know the tremendous impact they have 53 on my life. Finally, I am going to let the high school 54 I coach know that I look forward to each and every minute that I get to 55 with them in the gym. Dont let another day 56 by without letting that person know. There is something special about a written letter that 57 feelings of love towards another. I dont know about you, but I have letters and cards from people that I have 58 for years, and from time to time, I get them out and re-read them.They can turn a(n) 59 day into one where I realize just how blessed and lucky I am. Life is too 60 to leave kind words unsaid. The words you say, or the letter you write, might just make all the difference in the world.41.A.when B.how C.why D.where 42.A.receives B.concludes C.forgets D. collects 43.A.honoring B.admiring C.blaming D.evaluating 44.A.anything B.nothing C.something D.everything 45.A.excuse B.desire C.ambition D. anxiety 46.A.explain B.answer C.imaggine D.know47.A.words B.notes C.ideas D.plans 48.A.buy B.invent C.play D.produce 49.A.carefuly B.tightly C.curiously D.absolutely 50.A.friend B.father C.brother D.son 51.A.point B.suggestion C.record D.promise 52.A.although B.until C.whether D.because 53.A.taken B.had C.sent D.found 54.A.workers B.teachers C.singers D.players 55.A.spend B.waste C.seize D.pass 56.A.stay up B.run out C.go by D.leave off 57.A.introduces B.expresses C.includes D.displays 58.A.written B.drawn C.posted D.saved 59.A.depressing B.exciting C.surprising D.amusing 60.A.long B.short C.rich D. poor【文章解读】本文是夹叙夹议文章。作者通过自己参加葬礼时人们对去世的人的颂词引发自己对人生的感慨:人们不要等到离开人世的那一天再告诉他对我们多重要,生活中就应该让对方知道他对我们的重要性。爱他就要让他知道。41【答案】D【命题立意】考查定语从句的用法。【解析】本空考查定语从句基本含义的辨析。when何时;how如何;why为什么;where哪里。空后是定语从句,句中缺少地点状语,故选D。42【答案】B【命题立意】考查动词的用法。【解析】本空考查动词基本含义的辨析。receives收到;concludes得出结论,总结;forgets忘记;collects收集。这是在别人的葬礼时,主持葬礼的人总结去世的人的功绩。故选B。43【答案】A【命题立意】考查动词的用法。【解析】本空考查动词基本含义的辨析。honoring给荣誉;admiring羡慕;blaming责备;evaluating估价。与前文的tribute对应。故选A。44【答案】C【命题立意】考查代词的用法。【解析】本空考查代词基本含义的辨析。anything任何事情;nothing没什么;something某事;everything一切。something此处指“不简单的事”故选C。【举一反三】something的特殊用法(1)something 不简单的事,可观的成绩,有些地位的人At least we?didnt lose any money. Thats something.Its something to have got $500 from them.She?thinks shes something since she won the beauty contest.(2) 用于成语或词组:have something on 拿着某人的把柄Although Miss Brown is not a good worker, her boss not fire her because she has something on?him.make something of1) 小题大做,瞎猜测When girls see another girl with a boy, they often try to make something of it.2) 藉吵架/生气Ann?didnt like what Mary said about?her. She tried to make something of what Mary said.3) 看懂意思I apologize for the untidiness of my letter , but I hope you can make something of it .make something of oneself/ ones life 取得成功, 有出息Hes a clever boy-I hope hell make something of?himself.or something 之类的人(东西、情况等)Mr Green is a shopkeeper or something.I hear he has broken an arm or something.see something of someone 有时见到某人I hope well something for nothing 不冒风险(不下功夫)就有收获Some people will never learn that you cant get something for nothing.something like1) 大约,约摸It cost something like ten pounds.2) 有点像The building looked something like a church.something like that/ this 大致如此I see them once every two months, or something like that.Ill whistle the tune for you; it goes something like this.something of 有点,可说是一个,在某种程度上是Hes something of a liar, dont you?think?The soldier found?himself something of a?hero when he returned to?his?village. something tells me 我想感到,我有理由相信Something tells me my watch isnt quite right.Something tells me shes lying.something to/ in (话里)有些道理There is something to / in what you say: Ill take your advice.have/ be something to do with 和有关/联系I think Guy Fawkes is/ has something to do with a plan to blow up Parliament.45【答案】B【命题立意】考查名词的用法。【解析】本空考查名词基本含义的辨析。excuse原谅;desire渴望、愿望;ambition雄心;anxiety焦急。 “我有一个强烈的愿望”。故选B。46【答案】D【命题立意】考查动词的用法。【解析】本空考查动词基本含义的辨析。explain解释;answer回答;imaggine想象;know知道。与前文的tell对应。故选D。47【答案】A【命题立意】考查名词的用法。【解析】本空考查名词基本含义的辨析。words话;notes笔记;ideas主意;plans计划。与下文的actions对应。故选A。48【答案】C【命题立意】考查动词的用法。【解析】本空考查动词基本含义的辨析。Buy购买;invent发明;play玩;produce生产。Play sth with sb和某人一起玩耍,与下文的four-year-old对应。故选C。49【答案】B【命题立意】考查副词的用法。【解析】本空考查副词基本含义的辨析。carefuly认真地;tightly紧紧地;curiously好奇地;absolutely绝对地。与hug对应。故选B。50【答案】D【命题立意】考查名词的用法。【解析】本空考查名词基本含义的辨析。friend朋友;father父亲;brother兄弟;son儿子。与前文的four-year-old对应。故选D。51【答案】A【命题立意】考查名词的用法。【解析】本空考查名词基本含义的辨析。point要点;suggestion建议;record记录;promise许诺。make a point to do sth决心、打定主意做某事。故选A。52【答案】C【命题立意】考查连词的用法。【解析】本空考查连词基本含义的辨析。although虽然,尽管;until直到;whether是否;because因为。与下文的or对应。故选C。53【答案】B【命题立意】考查动词的用法。【解析】本空考查动词基本含义的辨析。taken带走;had拥有;sent寄走;found发现。根据此组have an impact on对有影响,此处是现在完成时。故选B。54【答案】D【命题立意】考查名词的用法。【解析】本空考查名词基本含义的辨析。workers个人;teachers教师;singers歌唱家;players运动员。与空后的coach对应。故选D。55【答案】A【命题立意】考查动词的用法。【解析】本空考查动词基本含义的辨析。spend花费,度过;waste浪费;seize抓住;pass经过。珍惜和他们一起度过的每一分、每一秒。故选A。56【答案】C【命题立意】考查动词短语的用法。【解析】本空考查动词短语基本含义的辨析。stay up不睡觉;run out用光;go by从旁边经过,(时光)飞过;leave off离开。与前文的another day对应。故选C。57【答案】B【命题立意】考查动词的用法。【解析】本空考查动词基本含义的辨析。introduces介绍;expresses表达;includes包括;displays展示。与feeling对应。故选B。58【答案】D【命题立意】考查动词的用法。【解析】本空考查动词基本含义的辨析。written写;drawn画画;posted邮寄;saved节省,储存。与for years对应。故选D。59【答案】A【命题立意】考查形容词的用法。【解析】本空考查形容词基本含义的辨析。Depressing令人沮丧的;exciting令人激动的;surprising令人吃惊的;amusing令人有趣的。与下文的blessedand lucky对应。故选A。60【答案】B【命题立意】考查形容词的用法。【解析】本空考查形容词基本含义的辨析。long长的;short短暂的,短的;rich丰富的;poor贫穷的。“生命太短暂而不能留下没有说的好心的语言。”故选B。

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