高考英语一轮复习 完形填空精编(8)

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辽宁灯塔市2017高考英语(一轮)完形填空精编完形填空。Antarctica is the continent which is the most southern area of land on the Earth and is mostly_1_with ice.This is one of the driest and_2_places in the world.But people from all over the world come to_3_there.Near the South Pole,three thousand people live together in a place_4_AmundsenScott Station.The Station_5_libraries,cinemas,shops,sports rooms,canteens and laboratories.There is electricity,and they have telephonethe system_6_they use to have a conversation with someone in_7_place.And they have _8_electronic machines that store information and use programs to help them find,organize,or change the information.But the people here_9_travel by car,or train or bus,because there arent any roads or railways near the Station.They_10_by ship,helicopter,plane,or snow tractor,or_11_dogs.There arent_12_trees or flowers there,but there are hundreds of different birds and other_13_.Most of the people here are_14_.They study plant and animal life and how ice_15_.The ice can_16_us about changes in climate.Ray Kingman is an expert at AmundsenScott Station,telling us_17_the phone,“This is my second year here.Its a very interesting and beautiful place,but life is very_18_in winter.In summer we can go_19_in hot pools of water.We welcome newcomers here for further_20_of the continent!”1A.filled BfullCdiscovered Dcovered答案:D南极洲在地球最南部,被冰覆盖是常识,它是一个大陆不是容器,不可用“装满”;B、C项搭配有误。2A.warm BcoldestCcool Dhottest答案:B与driest并列,也用形容词最高级形式,可排除A、C两项;前文提到南极洲在地球最南部,是最冷的地方。3A.travel BsettleCwork Dlive答案:C根据最后一段这里的大多数人们研究南极洲的动植物生活规律及冰的移动来预测天气,可知,世界各地的人去那儿目的是工作。4A.called BbuiltCknown Dlived答案:A前面是一个地方,后面是一个名称,所以应用called“被称为,叫”,选known时,后需加as。5A.exists BbuiltChas Dlies答案:C研究站与后面设施(图书馆、电影院等)是所有关系6A.where BthatCwho Dhow答案:Bthat they use.是定语从句修饰先行词system,从句中use缺少宾语。7A.other BanotherCthe another Dthe other答案:Banother后加名词,表示多者之中的另一个,the other后加名词,表示两者之中的另一个或剩余的一个,other需接可数名词复数,C项无此用法。根据句意可知答案为B。8A.printers BiconsCmice Dcomputers答案:D根据后文“能储存信息、并能帮助工作人员找到、组织或变换信息等功能”可知,此电子设备是电子计算机。9A.dont B. mustntCshouldnt Dneednt答案:A此处是指在南极洲的工作人员的通常情况下的出行交通方式,应用一般现在时,另外mustnt表禁止;shouldnt“不应该”;neednt“没必要”,均不符合语境。10A.go BwalkCtravel Drun答案:C根据第9空后的travel可知。11A.with Binstead ofCon Din front of答案:Aby接交通工具,表示“坐”,但dogs“狗”属动物,应用“with”表示伴随。12A.some BanyCmany Dmuch答案:B见下题解析。13A.plants BlifeCanimals Dthings答案:C那里没有任何树、花,但有成百上千种鸟类与其他动物。14A.teachers BscientistsCdoctors Dworkers答案:B根据后文中的“study”“研究”及expert“专家”可知此处大多数人是科学家,不可能是老师、医生或工人。15A.flows BmeltsCfreezes Dmoves答案:D科学家们研究南极洲冰块/山的移动、变化、动植物的生活规律,南极洲是一个极冷的陆地,冰山不可能(在水上)流动、溶化,更不可能结冰,故答案为D。16A.show BtellCsuggest Dsay答案:B此题可先用排除法去做,show sb.sth.,suggest to sb.,say to sb.,均不符合语境及结构。而tell sb.about sth.向某人显示/说明,符合语境。17A.in BwithCby Don答案:Don the phone或by phone表示“打电话”。18A.pleasant BeasyChard Dcomfortable答案:C前文中讲述南极洲的有趣与美丽,但此句中的转折词“but”,可暗示此处应选与前文意义相反的词。19A.boating BswimmingCfishing Dwashing答案:B在夏季我们可以在热水池里游泳。20A.study BlifeCvisit Dclimate答案:A现在南极洲的科学家们在研究此处,他们欢迎再来的科学家们做进一步研究。完形填空【2014蚌埠市高三第三次教学质量检查考试】Some years ago when I was in my second year in university,I heard Salome Bey sing for the first time.The moment was exciting.Salomes _1_filled the room and brought the theater to life.I was so_2_that I decided to write an article about her.I_3_Salome Bey,telling her I was from Essence magazine,and that I wanted to meet her to talk about her career.She_4_and told me to come to her studio next Tuesday.When I hung up,I was scared out of my mind.I_5_I was lying.I was not a writer at all and hadnt even written a grocery list.I interviewed Salome Bey the next Tuesday.I sat there_6_,taking notes and asking questions that all began with,“Can you tell me.” I soon realized that_7_Salome Bey was one thing,but writing a story for a national magazine was just impossible.The_8_was almost unbearable (不可容忍的)I struggled for days _9_draft after draft.Finally I put my manuscript (手稿) into a large envelope and dropped it into a mailbox.It didnt take long.My manuscript_10_.How stupid of me!I thought.How could I_11_in a world of professional writers?Knowing I couldnt _12_the rejection letter,I threw the unopened envelope into a drawer.Five years later,I was moving to California.While_13_my apartment,I came across the unopened envelope.This time I opened it and _14_the editors letter in disbelief:Dear Ms Profit,Your story on Salome Bey is fantastic.Yet we need some _15_ materials.Please add those and return the article immediately.We would like to_16_your story soon.Shocked,it took me a long time to_17_.Fear of rejection cost me dearly.I lost at least five hundred dollars and having my article appear in a major magazine.More importantly,I lost years of_18_writing.Today,I have become a fulltime writer.Looking back on this_19_,I learned a very important lesson:You cant_20_to doubt yourself.1.AjoyBvoice Cspeech Dsmile2A.moved BactiveCsatisfiedDproud3A.visited Bemailed Cinterviewed Dphoned4A.agreed Brefused Chesitated Dpaused5A.replied Bdiscovered Cexplained Dknew6A.seriously Bnervously Cpatiently Dquietly7A.blaming Bfooling Cinviting Durging8. Ahardship Bfailure Ccomment Dpressure9A.on Bby Cwith Din10A.returned Bdisappeared Cspread Dimproved11A.compare BcompeteCsurvive Dstruggle12A.ignoreBdeliver Cface Dreceive13A.cleaning BrepairingCdecorating Dleaving14A.saw Bread Cfound Dnoticed15A.memorial Brelevant Cprivate Dreliable16A.broadcast Bcreate Cpublish Dassess17A.prepare Brecover Cescape Dconcentrate18A.energetic Benjoyable CtypicalDendless19A.experience Bsuccess Cbenefit Daccident20A.attempt Bpretend Cexpect Dafford语篇解读本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者通过第一次投稿的经历给了我们很多启示:千万不要怀疑自己,否则你将会因此而错失很多。1解析:考查名词辨析。句意为:Salome的声音(voice)充满了整个房间,整个剧院因她的歌声而焕发生机。根据上一句“I heard Salome Bey sing for the first time.”可知,答案B符合文意。答案:B2解析: 考查动词辨析。句意为:我被震撼(move感动)了,因此我决定写一篇关于她的文章。active积极的,活跃的;satisfied满意的;proud骄傲的,均不符合语境,故排除。答案:A3解析: 考查动词辨析。句意为:我打电话(phone)给Salome,说我是Essence杂志的,想约她见面并谈谈她的职业。根据下文的“When I hung up,I was scared out of my mind.”可知,答案D符合文意。答案:D4解析: 考查动词辨析。句意为:她同意(agree)了我的请求,约好下个星期二在她的工作室见面。根据本句中“.told me to come to her studio next Tuesday”可知,她同意了“我”和她见面的请求。答案:A5解析:考查动词辨析。句意为:我知道(know)我在撒谎。根据下文“I was not a writer.”可知,作者是在说谎。reply回答;discover发现;explain解释,均不符合语境,故排除。答案:D6解析:考查副词辨析。句意为:我坐在那里,很紧张地(nervously)记着笔记,开始问一些简单的问题,与上文“When I hung up,I was scared out of my mind.I was lying”相呼应,故答案B符合文意。答案:B7解析:考查动词辨析。句意为:我很快意识到欺骗(fool)Salome是一回事儿,但是给一个国家级的杂志写稿发表几乎是不可能的事儿。根据上文“I was lying”可知,答案B符合文意。答案:B8解析:考查名词辨析。句意为:这种压力(pressure)几乎不能让人承担。与下句“I struggled for days.”和作者怀疑自己的能力相呼应,故答案D符合文意。hardship艰难;failure失败;comment评论,均不符合语境,故排除。答案:D9解析:考查介词辨析。句意为:我几天来一直都一遍一遍地打草稿,写了撕,撕了写。struggle with为固定搭配,意为“与挣扎,搏斗”,符合文意,故答案C正确。答案:C10解析:考查动词辨析。句意为:不久后,我的手稿被退回了(return)。根据下文“the rejection letter”和“How stupid of me!”可知,答案A符合语境。disappear消失;spread传播;improve改善,均不符合语境,故排除。答案:A11解析:考查动词辨析。句意为:我怎么能够竞争(compete)过那么多专业作家呢?与文章最后一句“You cant_to doubt yourself.”相呼应,故答案B符合文意。compare比较;survive存活;struggle斗争,均不符合语境,故排除。答案:B12解析: 考查动词辨析。句意为:知道自己不能够面对(face)那封拒绝信,我把那封信拆都没拆就直接放在抽屉里了。根据下文“Fear of rejection cost me dearly.”和“I threw the unopened envelope into a drawer”可知,作者害怕被拒绝,所以不敢面对。故答案C符合文意。答案:C13解析: 考查动词辨析。由上句可知,作者要搬去别的地方了,故本句句意为:在屋里打扫卫生(cleaning)时,我偶然看到了那封没有拆开的信。repair修理;decorate装修;leave离开,均不符合语境,故排除。答案:A14解析:考查动词辨析。句意为:这次我拆开了这封信,开始读(read)编辑给我写的信,有些难以置信。根据下文引用的信的内容可知,作者在读信。故答案B符合文意。答案:B15解析:考查形容词辨析。句意为:然而,我们需要一些相关的(relevant)资料。memorial纪念性的;private私人的;reliable可依赖的,均不符合语境,故排除。答案:B16解析:考查动词辨析。句意为:我们很希望不久后就出版(publish)你的文章。根据下文“I lost at least five hundred dollars and having my article appear in a major magazine.”可知,答案C符合文意。答案:C17解析:考查动词辨析。句意为:过了很久我才从震惊中恢复(recover)过来。与本句中的“shocked”和上文的“in disbelief”相呼应,故答案B符合文意。答案:B18解析:考查形容词辨析。句意为:更重要的是,我失去了多年愉悦(enjoyable)的写作。作者听到别人优美的歌声就想为别人写点什么,说明写作对作者是一个很享受的过程,故答案B符合文意。energetic有活力的;typical典型的;endless无尽的,均不符合语境,故排除。答案:B19解析: 考查名词辨析。句意为:回顾这次经历(experience),我学到了重要的一课,success成功;benefit受益;accident事故,车祸,均不符合语境,故排除。答案:A20解析: 考查动词辨析。句意为:回顾这次经历,我学到了重要的一课:你承担(afford)不起怀疑自己的代价。attempt尝试;pretend假装;expect期望,均不符合语境,故排除。答案:D。2016高考完形填空选练 完型填空。阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。A few years ago, on a flight I fortunately met with a psychologist, Dan Gilbert. He was very humorous, and we talked a lot. I was completely 41 . He was interested in the questions that we 42 but never have the opportunity to 43 .Now Gilbert has written a book Stumbling on Happiness. Reading it 44 me of that plane ride long ago. It is a 45 to read his book. Gilbert is charming and 46 . He has a rare 47 for making very complicated ideas come 48 .Stumbling on Happiness is a book about a very simple 49 powerful idea. What distinguishes us from other animals is our ability to predict the future, 50 , our interest in predicting the future. We spend much time 51 what it would be like. Why? It is what allows us to 52 our life. It is by trying to apply some control over our futures 53 we attempt to be 54 . But by any objective measure, we are really 55 at that predictive function. We re terrible at knowing how we will feel tomorrow, and even worse at 56 what will bring us happiness. Gilbert 57 to explain why we are so terrible. In making his case, Gilbert walks us 58 a series of attracting facts about the way our minds work. I suppose I really should go on at this point. But I think that might ruin the 59 of reading Stumbling on Happiness. This is a story about the mysteries of our lives. If you have even the slightest 60 about the human condition, you ought to read it. Trust me.41. A. attracted B. shocked C. excited D. interested42. A. talked about B. thought about C. cared about D. worried about43. A. find B. explore C. understand D. answer44. A. reminds B. informs C. suggests D. thinks45. A. step B. way C. hobby D. pleasure46. A. intelligent B. firm C. funny D. active47. A. interest B. gift C. ability D. power48. A. magic B. serious C. alive D. good49. A. and B. besides C. or D. but50. A. or rather B. in all C. in addition D. or else51. A. telling B. developing C. imagining D. guessing52. A. make B. protect C. thank D. shape53. A. when B. that C. where D. what54. A. relaxed B. peaceful C. happy D. perfect55. A. bad B. angry C. slow D. disappointed56. A. predicting B. knowing C. realizing D. feeling57. A. sets about B. sets off C. sets out D. sets up58. A. over B. to C. on D. through59. A. love B. experience C. scene D. idea60. A. curiosity B. hope C. patience D. knowledge参考答案41-45 ACBAD 46-50 CBCDA 51-55 CDBCA 56-60 BCDBA

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