高考英语一轮复习 完形填空精编(1)

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辽宁灯塔市2017高考英语完形填空一轮精编(1)完形填空【2014济南巩固性训练】Lilly was a French Canadian girl who grew up in the farming community.When she was 16,her father_1_her to drop out of school to contribute to the family income.With English as her second language and_2_education,the_3_didnt look bright for Lilly.Lillys father was a stubborn man who_4_took “no” for an answer.He_5_Lilly to find a job.With small hope of gaining_6_,each day she would just ride to the city,walk_7_about and return home at dusk.On one of her_8_,Lilly saw a sign at a big company._9_,she knocked on the very first door.In her_10_English,Lilly told the office manager she was interested in the secretarial position.The manager _11_to give the girl a chance.He directed her to type a letter,and then_12_.Lilly looked at the clock and saw it was 1140 am.She thought everyone would be leaving for_13_at noon,when she could_14_away in the crowd.But she knew she should_15_the letter.On her first try,Lilly_16_one line of five words and made four mistakes.On her second attempt,she completed a full paragraph,but still made many mistakes.She looked at the clock:1155five minutes to_17_.Just then the manager walked in.He came directly to Lilly,read the letter and said,“Lilly,youre doing_18_work!”With those simple words of encouragement,her desire to escape disappeared and her_19_began to grow.Lilly thought,“Well,if he thinks its good,then it must be good.I think Ill stay!” Lilly did stayall because someone had given a_20_and uncertain girl the gift of selfconfidence when she knocked on the door.1.Areminded BforcedCencouraged Dhelped2A.poor Bformal Cgood Dmodern3A.advice Bpromise Cfuture Dchange4A.always Busually Csometimes Drarely5A.warned Btold Callowed Dbegged6A.employment BexperienceCjudgment Dindependence7A.carefully B happily Caimlessly Drapidly8A.steps Btrips Cpurposes Dchoices9A.Bravely BProudly CCalmly DCautiously10A.broken Bperfect Cwritten Dfluent11A.refused Bdecided Cpretended Dfailed12A.stopped Bcontinued Cleft Dsighed13A.lunch BlifeCfun Dluck14A.break BslipCpass Ddrive15A.read Bwrite Cattempt Ddeliver16A.went over Bpicked upCgave away Dgot through17A.freedom Bsuccess Cdiscussion Dreward18A.terrible Bexcellent Chonest Deasy19A.belief Bpatience Cconfidence Dstrength20A.shy Blonely Cselfless Dmodest语篇解读Lilly到一家公司求职,面试时她本来打算放弃,后来因为经理给予的鼓励和自信而被成功录用了。1解析:当她16岁时,她的父亲强迫(forced)她辍学来为家里赚钱。答案:B2解析:由上文的“drop out of school”可知她没有受到良好的教育。poor不佳的,差的,符合语境。答案:A3解析:既然英语是她的第二语言,且她所受的教育不好,根据常识可判断她的前途(future)不是很光明。答案:C4解析:Lilly的父亲是一个固执的人,他几乎不允许孩子说半个“不”字。rarely很少,难得,符合语境。答案:D5解析:他吩咐(told) Lilly去找一份工作。答案:B6解析:由上文Lilly找工作可知,应选employment雇用。答案:A7解析:每天她都骑车到市里,漫无目的地(aimlessly)四处走走,黄昏的时候回家。答案:C8解析:此处选trips指找工作的旅程。答案:B9解析: 此处指她敲门时的忐忑心情。Cautiously小心地,谨慎地,符合语境。答案:D10解析: broken English蹩脚的英语,是固定用法。第一段提到的“English as her second language and_2_education”是线索提示。答案:A11解析:由下文的“He directed her to type a letter”可知,他决定(decided)给Lilly一个机会。答案:B12解析:他指示她打一封信,然后就离开(left)了。答案:C13解析:由上文的时间1140 am以及下文的at noon可知,她想人人都会在中午去吃午餐(lunch),到时她就可以混在人群中溜掉。答案:A14解析: 参见上题解析。slip away溜出去,悄悄离开。答案:B15解析:但她知道她应该尝试(去打)那封信。attempt尝试,符合语境。答案:C16解析:get through完成,符合语境。下文中的completed(完成)是线索提示。答案:D17解析:还有五分钟就自由(freedom)了,此处表示她想逃离的心情。答案:A18解析:由下文的“simple words of encouragement”可知,此处为表扬的话语。故选excellent。答案:B19解析:听到这些简单的鼓励的话语,她想逃离的愿望消失了,而且自信心(confidence)开始增强。答案:C20解析:由上文的“她小心翼翼地敲门”可知,她是一个害羞的(shy)女孩。答案:A【2014高考英语广东省华侨中学四模】完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1-15各题所给的ABC和D项中,选出最佳选项。Life is filled with challenges. As we get older we come to realize that those challenges are the very things that _1_ us and make us who we are. It is the same with the challenges that come with _2_.When we are faced with a challenge, we usually have two _3_. We can try to beat it off, or we can decide that the thing _4_ the challenge isnt worth the _5_ and call it quits. Although there are _6_ times when calling it quits is the right thing to do, in most _7_ all that is needed is _8_ and communication.When we are committed to something, it means that no matter how _9_ or how uncomfortable something is, we will always choose to _10_ it and work it through instead of running away from it. Communication is making a _11_ for discussion and talking about how you feel as opposed to just saying what the other person did wrong. If you can say to a friend, “I got my feelings hurt.” rather than “You hurt my feelings,” you are going to be able to solve the problem much _12_.In dealing with many challenges that friendship will bring to you, try to see them for what they are: small hurdles you need to jump or get through on your way through life. Nothing is so big that it is _13_ to get over, and hurt only _14_ to make us stronger. Its all part of growing up, it _15_ to everyone, and some day you will look back to all of this and say, “Hard as it was, it makes me who I am today. And that is a good thing.”1Adesign Bpromote Cdirect Dshape2Aconfidence Bfriendship Cpressure Ddifficulty3AopportunitiesBexpectationsCchoices Daspects4Ademanding Bdeserving Cpredicting Dpresenting5Acomment Bloss Ctrouble Dexpense6Aseriously BcertainlyCscarcely Dclosely7Acases Bfields Cparts Dareas8Aassessment BcommitmentCencouragement Dadjustment9AdoubtfulBshameful Charmful Dpainful10AkeepBcontrol Cface Dcatch11Aspace Bplan Ctopic Drate12AfasterBworseCfurtherDslower13Aunnecessary BimportantCimpossibleDillegal14AservesBmeansCaimsDattempts15Aopens BappealsCturnsDhappens【参考答案】完形填空:1-5. DBCDC 610. BABDC 1115. AACAD完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。【说明文】(2012课标全国)Body language is the quiet,secret and most powerful language of all! It speaks _41_ than words.According to specialists,our bodies send out more _42_ than we realize.In fact,nonverbal(非言语)communication takes up about 50% of what we really _43_.And body language is particularly _44_ when we attempt to communicate across cultures.Indeed,what is called body language is so _45_ a part of us that its actually often unnoticed.And misunderstandings occur as a result of it._46_,different societies treat the _47_ between people differently.Northern Europeans usually do not like having _48_ contact(接触)even with friends,and certainly not with _49_.People from Latin American countries,_50_,touch each other quite a lot.Therefore,its possible that in _51_,it may look like a Latino is _52_ a Norwegian all over the room.The Latino,trying to express friendship,will keep moving _53_.The Norwegian,very probably seeing this as pushiness,will keep _54_ which the Latino will in return regard as _55_.Clearly,a great deal is going on when people _56_.And only a part of it is in the words themselves.And when parties are from _57_ cultures,theres a strong possibility of _58_.But whatever the situation,the best _59_ is to obey the Golden Rule:treat others as you would like to be _60_.【语篇解读】 肢体语言在日常交际中非常重要,但是在不同文化背景下对它却有着不同的理解,因此有时也会引起双方的误解。41A.straighter Blouder Charder Dfurther解析根据上句中的most powerful language以及下文的内容可知,此处表示肢体语言比文字语言更容易把意思表达清楚,用副词比较级修饰speaks。louder更响亮,更引人注目;straighter更直接地;harder更困难地;further更进一步。答案B 42.A.sounds Binvitations Cfeelings Dmessages解析在专家们看来,与我们所意识到的相比,我们的身体能传达出更多的信息。根据bodies以及send out可以得知答案。答案D43A.hope Breceive Cdiscover Dmean解析实际上,在我们想进行的交际中,非言语交际大约占到了50%。hope希望;receive收到;discover发现,察觉;mean想说(的话),想表达(的意思)。答案D44A.immediate Bmisleading Cimportant Ddifficult解析当我们试图进行跨文化交流时,肢体语言就显得格外重要。答案C45A.well Bfar Cmuch Dlong解析上文提到肢体语言在日常交际中占到了一半,故此句表示它是我们自身很大的一部分,以至于实际上我们经常忽视它的存在。答案C46A.For example BThus CHowever DIn short解析上句中提到会发生误解,下文是对此进行举例,for example用于举例说明,符合语境。答案A47A.trade Bdistance Cconnections Dgreetings解析下文提到拉丁人努力缩短和挪威人之间的距离,故distance(距离)符合语境。答案B48A.eye Bverbal Cbodily Dtelephone解析甚至朋友之间,北欧人也不喜欢肢体上的接触,对于陌生人,他们当然更不会喜欢这种接触了。答案C49A.strangers Brelatives Cneighbours Denemies解析此处与friends形成了对比。stranger陌生人;relative亲属;neighbour邻居;enemy敌人。答案A50A.in other words Bon the other hand Cin a similar way Dby all means解析上文讲到了北欧人的习惯,此处要针对拉丁人的习惯进行说明,on the other hand另一方面,符合上下文语境。in other words换句话说;in a similar way相似地;by all means当然可以。答案B51A.trouble Bconversation Csilence Dexperiment解析根据下文可知,拉丁人一直在缩短与北欧人之间的距离,此时两个人应该是在房间进行交谈。答案B52A.disturbing Bhelping Cguiding Dfollowing解析根据下文的叙述,拉丁人想离对方近一些以示友谊,而挪威人却一直在后退,好像是拉丁人在追着挪威人跑一样。答案D53A.closer Bfaster Cin Daway解析根据trying to express friendship可知,拉丁人极力想离对方近一些。答案A54A.stepping forward Bgoing on Cbacking away Dcoming out解析根据pushiness可知,挪威人在向后退。答案C55A.weakness Bcarelessness Cfriendliness Dcoldness解析拉丁人认为距离近是表明两人的友好,而挪威人却在不断后退而保持双方的距离,故拉丁人认为这是“冷漠”的表现。答案D56A.talk Btravel Claugh Dthink解析根据上文出现的conversation以及下句中的words,可知talk符合语境。答案A 57.A.different BEuropean CLatino Drich解析根据上文可知,谈话的双方来自不同的文化。答案A58A.curiosity Bexcitement Cmisunderstanding Dnervousness解析根据上文出现的misunderstanding以及拉丁人和挪威人之间的误解可得知答案。答案C59A.chance Btime Cresult Dadvice解析根据to obey the Golden Rule:.可知,此处表示“建议”。答案D60A.noticed Btreated Crespected Dpleased解析要想别人怎么对待你,你就要怎么对待别人。根据treat可得知答案。答案B

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