高考英语一轮复习 Unit4 Wildlife protection学案新人教版必修3

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Unit 4 Wildlife protection【Learning Aims】1. To master the usage of the basic words and expressions in unit 4.2. To enjoy our class and prepare for the college entrance examination.【重难点】单词、短语的准确运用,话题写作。【学案用法指导】范文背诵,复习识记课本单词、短语及句型的用法,进行自我检测,然后完成相关题目。话题背诵亮点词句诵读I单词回顾1. wildlife _ 2. protection _ 3. wild_ 4. habitat_ 5. decrease _ 6. reserve _ 7. hunt _8. mercy _ 9. importance _10. powerful _ 11. attention _ 12. harm _II. 短语填空1. die_ 灭亡 2. in_和平地 3. in_(of)在危险中 4. protect_保护不受(危害) 5. pay_to注意 6. _harm to伤害 7. _to根据所说 8. so_结果 9. without_无情地 10. take_采取措施III. 完成句子1. 农民们惨无人道地捕杀野生动物。Farmers hunted wild _(animal) without mercy.2. 野生动物的数目在急剧减少,有些动物有灭绝的危险。The number of wild animals_(be) decreasing rapidly and some of them are in danger of_(die) out.3. 我们应该采取强有力的措施来惩罚那些伤害野生动物的人。We should take powerful measures_ (punish) those who do harm to wildlife.4. 只有通过共同努力,我们才能更好地保护野生动物。Only by_(work) together can we protect wild animals better.话题作文背诵【话题写作】野生动物的数量正在急剧减少,请结合以下提示,给校英文报写一篇词数为100左右的文章,倡导同学们关注野生动物保护问题。【要点提示】任意捕猎;生存环境遭到破坏;污染严重;政府提高公众的动物保护意识;建立自然保护区;惩罚危害动物的人。【范文背诵】According to a recent report, the number of wild animals is decreasing rapidly and some of them are in danger of dying out. There are several reasons for it.Firstly, some people are still hunting wild animals without mercy. Secondly, the habitat of wild animals is being destroyed. Lastly, serious environment pollution also leads to wildlifes disappearing.What should we do to help the animals? On the one hand, the government should pay attention to the problem and let people fully realize the importance of wildlife protection. On the other hand, more reserves should be set up so that animals can live in peace. Last but not least, we should take powerful measures to punish those who do harm to wildlife. Only by working together can we protect wild animals better.自主检测I. 单词【核心单词】不可不记1. _ (vi. & vt.)减少; (使)变小;(使)变少 2. _(n.)损失;遗失;丧失 3. _ (n.)仁慈;宽恕;怜悯 4. _(vt.)鉴赏;感激;意识到 5. _ (n.)保护_(vt.)保护 6. _ (n.)(痛苦或忧虑的)减轻或解除;减轻痛苦的事物_(vt.)使减轻;缓解 7. _(vt.)包含:容纳:容忍_(n.)容器 8. _ (vt.)影响;感动;侵袭_(n.)喜爱;感情_(n.)影响;效果;作用9. _(vi.)成功; (vt.)接替;继任_(n.)成功_(adj.)成功的_(adv.)成功地 10. _(n.&vt.)损害;危害_(adj.)有害的_(adj.)无害的【高频单词】不可不知11. _ (n.)保护区 12. _ (adj.)安全的;可靠的 13. _(vt.&vi)咬;叮;刺痛 14. _ (vt.)检查;视察 15. _(n.)事件;事变 16. _ (adj.)凶猛的;猛烈的 17. _ (vt&vi.)打猎;猎取;搜寻_ (n.)猎人 18. _ (vi.)回答;响应;做出反应_(n.)回答;反应 19. _(adj.)远的;远处的_ (n.)距离)远方 20. _ (vt.)雇用;利用(时间、精力等) _(n.)雇主_(n.)雇员;雇工_ (n.)雇用;使用;就业_(n.)(反义词)失业;失业率II. 短语1. 灭亡;逐渐消失_ 2. 和平地;和睦地;安详地_ 3. 在危险中_ 4. 如释重负;松了口气_ 5. 突然笑起来;大声笑了出来_ 6. 保护不受(危害)_ 7. pay attention to _ 8. pick out _ 9. come into being_ 10. according to_ 11. so that_ 12. do harm to_【语境取词】选用上面的单词或短语填空 Dinosaurs _ (灭绝)because of an unexpected _ (事件). But wildlife today disappears or is_ (处在危险中)just because humans do _(伤害)to it.Tigers are _ (猎杀)for fur so that they can only live in _ (安全的)reserves; grassland is destroyed without _(怜悯)and so dust storms_ (形成) _ (影响) _(遥远的)cities.III.句型1. as 引导方式状语从句 It shows the importance of wildlife protection, but Id like to help as the WWF suggests (按照世界野生生物基金侧的建议).【仿写】我会按照你的希望去做。I will arrange to do it _. 2. It is a pity that It is a pity that (很遗憾)in the story nobody helped the dodo.【仿写】我们明天必须离开,真是遗憾。_ tomorrow.3. There be (no) left This is the only home of the red Colobus monkey but there are very few left (所剩无几).【仿写】剩下这么少的时间,我想我不能按时完成。_ that I dont think I can finish it as scheduled. IV.语篇Daisy had always longed to help endangered species of wildlife. She 1._ (fly) in a wonderful carpet 2. _ (talk) with an antelope in Tibet. The antelope told her they 3. _(hunt) because of their fur which can be used 4. _ (make) sweaters for people like her. Later, she flew to Zimbabwe 5. _she talked with an elephant and got to know the farmers there no 6. _hunted them. Thats 7. _the government decided to help and the farmers 8. _(final) made a lot of money. At last she arrived at the thick rainforest 9. _a monkey told her “No rainforest, no animals, no drugs.” Although finally everything was gone, she 10. _ (learn) so much!V. 语法专练1. A computer center _ (build) in our school and it will be finished in two months.2. The report _(print) there. I will hand it to you in ten minutes.3. John has just arrived home and _(question) by his daughter about why he always comes back ao late.4. -Some measures have been taken to prevent the environment from being destroyed.- Yes. And the wildlife in this area _(protect).5. Do you know what Lily is doing?一 She may_(interview).强技提能I. 单句语法填空1. Mr. Lee decided to fight for the_ (protect) of the environment.2. Id prefer_ (reserve) my judgement until I find all the evidence.3. The weather is concerned with all of us because it _ (affect) us so directly - what we wear, what we do, and even how we feel.4. Much to everyones _ (relieve), the airplane took off without any problems. 5. This file may contain a virus that can be_(harm) to your computer. 6. Instead, I suggested _ (choose) some students to see him on behalf of the whole class.7. You speak English very well, but more attention should_(pay) to your written English.8. I appreciate_(give) the opportunity to work in your company two years ago.9. Nearly all of the young people interviewed believed that work was the key to_(succeed).10. Around 540 million people_(affect) by second-hand smoke, which causes 100,000 deaths per year.11. He was worried, because he lost his bag_ (contain) his passport, ID card and a lot of money.12. After graduation from college, he began to wander from city to city, _(hunt) for a suitable job.13. Its a pity that there is little water_ (leave) for them to drink.14. If all visitors to the Fairy Lake do_ the couple did, the lake will be severely polluted and soon turned into a huge dustbin.15. _ (bite) twice, the postman refused to deliver our letters unless we chained our dog.II. 完成句子1. 你若能帮我找到他的地址,我将不胜感激。I _ you could help me to find his address. (appreciate)2. 他们伸出胳膊去保护孩子免受伤害。They raised their arms to_ hurt. (protect)3. 她成功地说服他们把受欢迎的电视谈话编辑成一本书。She succeeded _transform their popular television conversations into a book. (persuade)4. 被他的故亊深深地打动,听众长时间热情地鼓掌。The audience_, warmly applauded for a long time. (affect)5. 提髙空气质量已经引起了广泛关注,但是效果不大。_improving the air quality, but there is almost no effect. (pay)III. 单句改错1. Almost all the animals have their special ways to protect them from their enemies.2. You should pay attention about your pronunciation so that you can make yourself understood.3. Tom,its late for school. Get up and get dressing quickly.4. As we all know, smoking is harmful for our health.5. How beautiful flowers they are!6. I would appreciate if you can give me some advice on how to solve these problems.7. Many traditional customs have died away because they are out of date.8. Something must be done to keep the environment from polluted.IV. 话题写作根据要求运用本单元所学知识写一篇短文。 1. 过度捕杀影响了野生动物的数童。2. 结果,一些动物绝迹,还有一些处境危险。3. 幸运的是,政府已经开始关注这个问题,并采取了一系列措施。4. 一系列的法律已经付诸实施。5. 我们会成功地阻止这种状况的恶化。


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