高中英语《Unit 3 Computers》Warming Up and Reading课时作业 新人教版必修21

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高中英语《Unit 3 Computers》Warming Up and Reading课时作业 新人教版必修21_第1页
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高中英语《Unit 3 Computers》Warming Up and Reading课时作业 新人教版必修21_第3页
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Unit 3 Computers Warming Up and Reading .单词拼写1These flowers look like real ones,but in fact they are _(人工的)flowers.2A childs _(智力)develops rapidly between the ages of four and five.3In my opinion,computers have more _(广泛的)uses than any other things in the world.4I havent _(计算,估算)the cost that we will spend in travelling.5If we work together,the problem can be _(解决)easily.6Sometimes if you want to call abroad,you should first ring the _(接线员)7Since the kids are too young to accept your words,please _(简化)your explanation.8He spent much of his life _(探测)the wildness.9Please leave us alone;we have something _(私人的)to discuss.10Filling in a college _(申请)form is an important matter so you must consider it carefully.完形填空Computers have done us a lot since they turned up. In the future they will play a more important part in many _1_,such as education,transport,personal lives,scientific research and so on. Nowadays,computers are being _2_ in agriculture and industry and can help the farmers to _3_ the conditions of the plants.More and more computers will come into our daily life with the _4_ of science and technology. If you want to change money or pay your electricity bills,you wont have to go to the _5_A computer and a telephone will help you. It can also help you to do the housework and it can even _6_ human voices and carry out the instructions. It is _7_ that the majority(大多数)of the labour force will work at home. People will be able to use the videophone _8_ conferences. This can help us to save a lot of energy and _9_It is said that trains in Japan will have no drivers,because theyll be well _10_ by computers,which can also tell the best _11_ between trains.Computer programmes for _12_ whole texts are already well developed. You can _13_ the name of a certain subject and a worldwide list of book titles will _14_ on your screen. You may choose _15_ you want.1A. familiesBfieldsCfactoriesDplaces2A. usedBputCshownDgiven3A. formBgrowCcontrolDmanage4A .increaseBprogressCproductionDdevelopment5A. officeBbankCshopDpost office6A. understandBcarryChearDrecognize7A. importantBnecessaryCpossibleDcomplete8A. atBforCwithDin9A. materialBtimeCplaceDmoney10A. operatedBdoneCmadeDrun11A. positionBdirectionCdistanceDway12A. storingBwritingCremainingDrecording13A. giveBputCtypeDwrite14A. showBappearCofferDcome up15A. whateverBwhatCwhicheverDwhich.阅读理解A Northern Ireland team is leading the research for a thinking computer which can sense a users moods(情绪)Researchers at Queens University in Belfast hope to complete the 10millioneuro project for an emotionsensitive(感知情感功能的)computer within four years.The aim is to make computers think and do things more like humans. And 160 researchers join in the project. The universitys researchers made an agreement with the European Commission. The work may try to make “multimodal interfaces (界面 )”which allow machines to sense and respond to the moods of the user.Programme coordinator (协调者) Professor Roddy Cowie said while it sounded like science fiction,computers which responded to human feelings would appear.“At the moment,our use of computers is limited by the fact that we need a keyboard and a screen to access(使用) them,”he said.“But feelings are part of normal speech, and experience has shown that most users are deeply uncomfortable with speech interfaces that ignore themtoo uncomfortable to use them very much.”“If we can make computers more expressive, and also less challenging to use,there is a great chance to let people make full use of information technology.”The emotionsensitive computer would have its own “personality” and build a social relationship with the user.“Its a fair bet that in 30 years time, emotionsensitive interfaces will be as much part of life as windows and mouse interfaces are now,”said Professor Cowie.The project team believes such computers would play an important part in teaching and learning.1What does the passage mainly tell us?AResearchers at Queens University have completed a project.BThe research for an emotionsensitive computer is being led by a Northern Ireland team.C160 researchers have joined in the 10 millioneuro project for a thinking computer.DComputers are playing a more and more important part in our daily life.2It can be learned from the passage that _Aan emotionsensitive computer has been invented and is being put into useBan emotionsensitive computer cannot respond to the moods of the userCan emotionsensitive computer has not been invented by the teamDthe research for an emotionsensitive computer has not gained peoples support3What does Professor Roddy Cowie think of the emotionsensitive computer?AHe thinks it is only a part of science fiction.BHe thinks it is worth the research and it is easy to produce.CHe believes it is impossible for the team to invent the emotionsensitive computer.DHe believes it can come into being.4In Professor Roddy Cowies opinion,_ limits our use of computers.Athe fact that a keyboard and a screen are needed to use computersBthe fact that we dont know much about computersCthe fact that feelings are part of normal speechDthe fact that the emotionsensitive computer has its own “personality”5What are emotionsensitive computers believed to do in the future?AThey will take the place of teachers in teaching and learning.BThey can build a social relationship with human beings.CThey will replace human beings and control the world.DThey will have the same“personality”as their users.翻译句子1随着春天的到来,万物复苏了。(as)_2这地方如此美丽以至于每年都有许多游客被吸引到这里。(so.that.)_3由于大雾,100多辆车堵在高速上。(as a result of)_4即使他们几乎没有共同点,他们相处很融洽。(in common)_5我相信不久房价就会下降。(before)_参考答案.1.artificial2.intelligence3.widespread4.calculated5.solved6.operator7.simplify 8exploring9.personal10.application.1.Bfields此处指“领域”。2A计算机正在被应用于工农业。3Ccontrol the conditions of the plants“控制植物的生长状况”。4Dwith the development of science and technology“随着科学技术的发展”。5B“换钱,付账单”等都去“银行”。6D下文接着说“并执行指示”,可见上文应该是指“电脑能够辨别声音”。7C通篇文章讲了电脑在各个领域的广泛应用,此处应该指“(电脑使得)大多数劳动力将在家里办公成为可能”。8B此处不是单纯指在会议上,而是指“用可视电话来开会”,for可以表示“为了”。9B进行电话会议自然是节省精力和时间。10Aoperate“操纵,操作”,火车将由电脑操作,也对应上文不用司机了。11Cthe best distance between trains“火车之间的最佳距离”。12Astore whole texts“存储完整的文档”,store“存储”。13Ctype在这里指“往电脑里输入信息”。14Bappear on your screen“出现在你的屏幕上”。show“展示”;offer“提供”,均为及物动词;come up“走上前来”。15Cwhichever指“名单上的任何一种(本)书”。.1.B主旨大意题。从整篇文章来看,本文第一段的第一句是本文的主题句,即本文主要告诉读者北爱尔兰的一些研究人员正在带头研究一种能够感知人类情感的电脑。故B项最能概括文章大意。2C推理判断题。从第一段最后一句可知,研究人员计划在四年之内完成这项能够感知人类情感电脑的研究。3D观点态度题。从第三段Professor Roddy Cowie所说的话可知,他认为这种能够感知人类情感的电脑能够出现。4A细节理解题。由第四段可知,我们需要键盘和显示器来使用电脑的事实限制了我们对电脑的使用。5B细节理解题。由倒数第三段可知,这种感知人类情感的电脑将能够与它们的使用者建立一种社会关系。. 1.As spring comes,everything comes to life.2The place is so beautiful that many visitors are attracted here every year. 3.More than 100 cars were held up on the highway as a result of the heavy fog.4.Even though they have nothing in common,they get along well with each other.5.I believe it wont be long before the house price falls down.

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