高中英语 第四单元测评 新人教版必修2

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第四单元测评(时间:120分钟满分:150分)第卷第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。W:Lisa said she mailed me some books.But they never came.M:Well,you just moved into a new place.She probably sent them out before she had your new address.1.What is the woman worried about?A.Her friend Lisa.B.Her books.C.Her new house.答案:BM:Did you see Henry at the meeting?W:No.He must have got tied up at the office.M:No,that isnt so.I met him in the lift just now.2.Where did the man meet Henry?A.At the meeting.B.In the office.C.In the lift.答案:CW:I have to cancel my husbands appointment on July 5th because he is ill at home.M:Im sorry to hear that.Would you like to make an appointment for some other time?W:You can come to my house if it is important.3.Why does the woman cancel her husbands appointment?A.Hes ill.B.He is busy.C.He is out.答案:AW:Have you decided to take that position in China?I heard the salary is good.M:No.W:Why?You took Chinese in high school,didnt you?M:Id be all right if they only required a reading or writing knowledge of it.But you see,I have to speak there.4.What is the man poor in when using Chinese?A.Reading.B.Writing.C.Speaking.答案:CW:Do you have another one of these pink T-shirts?M:Theres this one.W:But thats a size 42.I need a smaller one.M:Heres a 40.The size 38 will be too small for you.W:OK.Thanks.Ill take it.5.What size T-shirt does the woman want to buy?A.38.B.40.C.42.答案:B第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。W:Tim,how much do you think we should spend on furniture?M:My early plan is $600.W:Well,lets think about what we should buy.M:Good,thats really something necessary.I dont want to sleep on the floor in our new home.Thats the first thing.W:Just a minute,Ill get a pen to write all this down.M:A dining table,and a desk for us to work on.W:What about just buying one dining table?I think it could be used as a dining table and a desk,too.We can put it here.M:Great idea.Well,we need two chairs in any case.W:Yes,two chairs.6.Whats the probable relationship between the speakers?A.Husband and wife.B.Waiter and customer.C.Teacher and student.答案:A7.What does the woman suggest buying?A.A bed.B.A desk.C.A dining table.答案:C听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。M:I think Steven is the right age to go to school,for both of us have to work and we dont have spare time to take care of him.W:But he is still so young.Its time for him to play.Ill work on night shift from next week.Ill be free in the daytime.M:But he is old enough to learn knowledge from school.Its your duty to plan his future.W:No,I couldnt agree with you.Its his own duty to plan his own future.M:Anyway,Ill send him to school this year.8.What are the speakers mainly talking about?A.Working on night shift.B.Sending Steven to school.C.Looking after Steven.答案:B9.Who should plan Stevens future in the womans opinion?A.The father.B.The mother.C.Steven himself.答案:C听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。W:Did you like the movie?M:Mmm.to be honest,I didnt think it was as good as the former ones,even though the scenery is great.How about you?W:I think the special effects were amazing.But I was a little bit confused,for the plot was too complicated for me.I tried hard to keep track of all the characters and figure out what was going on.M:Did you read the books before watching the movie?W:No.Did you?M:Yes,I have read them all.I think its easier to follow for people who are already familiar with the characters.By the way,do you often go to the movies?W:Yeah.I am a movie goer and enjoy killing time in the theatre.10.What does the man think of the movie?A.Disappointing.B.Amazing.C.Moving.答案:A11.What made the woman confused about the movie?A.The scenery.B.The special effects.C.The plot.答案:C12.How does the woman often kill time?A.By seeing movies.B.By reading books.C.By going shopping.答案:A听第9段材料,回答第 13至16 题。M:Good morning! Im Roy Carroll.W:Hello,Roy.Have a seat.Well,you seem to have the longest service recordseventeen years!M:Thats right.W:Well,youre obviously happy here!M:I am,yes,although it used to be more fun.W:Whys that?M:Well,it was more sociable.I used to go out more with my workmates.When I first started here,we had very long lunch breaks,sometimes for two hours.Now its only thirty minutes.And we all used the gym together.That doesnt happen much now.W:Did you use to work more as a team?M:Yes,we did.Were more on our own now.I used to travel a lot more too.Theyve cut down on that.W:Has anything changed for the better?M:Yes,there are more chances to learn new skills.The moneys much better now.Thats why Im still here!13.What did the man think of working here before?A.Boring.B.Enjoyable.C.Challenging.答案:B14.How long is the lunch break now?A.Two hours.B.One hour.C.Half an hour.答案:C15.What does the man have more chances to do?A.Learn new skills.B.Go out with workmates.C.Exercise in the gym(体育馆).答案:A16.Why does the man still work here?A.He can travel a lot.B.He has a good salary.C.He can work on his own.答案:B听第 10段材料,回答第 17至 20题。M:So,if everyone is here,Ill make a start.As you know,a few months ago we asked some people to do a survey of the way we answer the telephone across the group.They telephoned our offices as customers normally would.Now,Ill begin with what they found out.First of all,they found out that on average we answer the phone after four rings,which isnt bad,but we can still improve on it.Secondly,friendliness.Now,although some offices scored as high as 8 out of 10 for friendliness,the people only gave the company as a whole 6 out of 10.On this point,they suggested that we use some good phrases on the phone.I think we can choose some new hold music as well.And finally,efficiency.Now here,we did quite well.However,there were one or two bad points which we still have to work on,such as always remembering to ask the callers name.So,we need to do a lot of work.17.When was the survey carried out?A.Several months ago.B.Several weeks ago.C.Several days ago.答案:A18.What was the score for friendliness as a whole?A.8 out of 10.B.7 out of 10.C.6 out of 10.答案:C19.Whats suggested to improve friendliness?A.Using some good phrases.B.Asking the callers name.C.Removing hold music.答案:A20.What is probably the speaker?A.A customer.B.A manager.C.An interviewer.答案:B第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AElephants might be the most well-known and well-loved animals in African wildlife.But conservation(保护)of the African elephants faces special difficulties.While the elephant population is half of what it was 40 years ago,some areas of Africa have more elephants than populated areas can support.Thats why AWF scientists are studying elephant behaviour,protecting habits and finding ways for humans to live peacefully with elephants in Africa.Years ago,overhunting and the ivory trade were the biggest threats to elephants survival.Luckily,ivory bans(禁令),hunting rules and protected areas protect elephants from these dangers today.The 21st century brings a different challenge to elephant conservationland use.Elephants walk across borders and outside parks and other protected areas.So they often destroy crops,causing conflicts(冲突)between local farmers and these big animals.Successful conservation strategies(策略)must allow elephants to walk freely in their natural habitats while people reduce conflicts between elephants and local people.AWF researchers are searching for a way to give both elephants and people the space they need.The AWF is collecting information on elephant habitats and behaviour.The information they gather will help to develop the widest possible space for elephants.The AWF is helping elephants by protecting their habitats.And they also work with local farmers to improve their life in order to encourage them to protect rather than destroy elephants.21.The first paragraph of the text is mainly to tell readers .A.African elephants are endangered nowB.there remains a lot to do to protect African elephantsC.African elephants are popular animalsD.the number of African elephants has increased over the years答案:B解析:段落大意题。由第一段第二句“But conservation(保护) of the African elephants faces special difficulties.”可知,B项正确。22.What is the biggest difficulty in protecting African elephants now?A.They are still being killed.B.Their habitats are being destroyed.C.They dont have enough food.D.They cant live in peace with farmers.答案:D解析:细节理解题。由第三段“So they often destroy crops,causing conflicts(冲突)between local farmers and these big animals.”可知,D项正确。23.The underlined word“them”in the last paragraph refers to “”.A.members of the AWFB.local farmersC.conservation strategiesD.other big animals答案:B解析:词义猜测题。由最后一段“And they also work with local farmers to improve their life in order to encourage them to protect rather than destroy elephants.”这一句中的前后关系可知,them在此指代前面的local farmers。24.What is the best title for the text?A.African elephant conservationB.Living with African elephantsC.African elephants situationD.African elephants being endangered答案:A解析:主旨大意题。由全文可知文章讲的是非洲象的保护,故A项正确。B1970 was the world conservation (自然保护) year.The United Nations wanted everyone to know that the world is in danger.They hoped that governments would go into action (行动) quickly in order to conserve nature.Here is one example of the problems.At one time there were 1,300 different plants,trees and flowers in Holland,but now only 860 remain.The others have been destroyed by modern man and his technology.We are changing the earth,the air and the water,and everything that grows and lives.We cant live without these plants.If we continue like this,we will destroy ourselves.What will happen in the future?Perhaps it is more important to ask “What must we do now?” The people who will be living in the world of tomorrow are the young of today.A lot of them know that conservation is necessary.Many are helping to save our world.They plant trees,build bridges across rivers in forests,and soon.In a small town in the United States a large group of girls cleaned the banks of 11 kilometres of their river.Young people may hear about conversation through a record called “No ones going to change our world”.It was made by the Beatles,Cliff Richard and other singers.The money from it will help to conserve wild animals.25.If we continue to change the earth we live in,we shall in the end.A.destroy the air and waterB.destroy everything that grows and livesC.destroy the outer spaceD.destroy ourselves答案:D解析:细节考查题。由第一段最后一句可以得出答案。26.What will happen in the future is decided by .A.the young of todayB.the young of tomorrowC.what we do todayD.how much we know about the earth答案:C解析:推理判断题。由第二段第一、二句可以推知:我们今天所做的事情决定着这个世界将来会发生什么事情。27.“No ones going to change our world” is .A.a call given by the BeatlesB.the name of a popular recordC.the name of a popular bookD.the name of a radio station答案:B解析:细节考查题。由第二段中的倒数第二、三句可以得出答案。28.Some of the world famous singers made a record to collect money for .A.the United NationsB.saving the living thingsC.the conservation of natureD.the poor people of the world答案:C解析:推理判断题。由短文最后一句可知,一些歌手是为保护自然而筹资。C“Wild animals seem to have escaped the Indian Ocean tsunami (海啸),adding weight to the notion they possess a sixth sense for disasters,” experts said.Sri Lankan wildlife officials have said the giant waves that killed hundreds of thousands of people along the coast of Indian Ocean island seemingly missed the wild beasts,with no dead animals found.“No elephants are dead,not even a dead hare or rabbit.I think animals can sense disasters.They have a sixth sense.They know when things are happening,” H.D.Ratnayake,deputy director of Sri Lankas Wildlife Department,said.The waves washed floodwaters up to 3 km (about 2 miles) inland at Yala National Park in the southeast,Sri Lankas biggest wildlife reserve and home to hundreds of wild elephants.“There has been a lot of evidence about dogs barking or birds migrating before volcanic eruptions or earthquakes.But it has not been proven,” said Matthew van Lierop,an animal behaviour specialist at Johannesburg Zoo.“There have been no specific studies because you cant really test it in a lab or field setting,” he said.Other authorities agreed with this judgment.“Wildlife seem to be able to pick up certain phenomenon,especially birds.There are many reports of birds detecting coming disasters,” said Clive Walker,who has written several books on African wildlife.Animals certainly rely on the known senses such as smell or hearing to avoid danger such as predators (食肉动物).The notion of an animal “sixth sense” is a lasting one that the evidence on Sri Lankas damaged coast is likely to add.The Romans saw owls as omens of coming disasters and many ancient cultures viewed elephants as sacred (神圣的) animals endowed with special powers.29.It can be inferred from the first paragraph that .A.after the Indian Ocean tsunami scientists are sure of an animal “sixth sense”B.before the Indian Ocean tsunami scientists didnt believe in an animal “sixth sense”C.before the Indian Ocean tsunami scientists had some idea of an animal “sixth sense”D.the Indian Ocean tsunami has offered the only proof for an animal “sixth sense”答案:C解析:从第一段的“adding weight to the notion they possess a sixth sense for disasters”可知,在印度洋海啸发生之前,科学家们就认为动物有第六感觉。30.The author quoted Clive Walkers words to .A.throw doubt on an animal “sixth sense”B.show the different opinions between Sri Lankan wildlife officials and the authoritiesC.show that authorities know better than animal behaviour specialistsD.add proof to an animal “sixth sense”答案:D解析:作者引用Clive Walker的话,就是为了进一步证实动物确实有第六感觉,能提前预知危险的到来。31.Which of the following does not belong to an animal “sixth sense”?A.Elephants avoiding the coming Indian Ocean tsunami.B.Dogs barking or birds migrating before volcanic eruptions or earthquakes.C.Birds detecting coming disasters.D.Animals relying on the known senses such as smell or hearing to avoid danger.答案:D解析:第六感觉指的是视觉、听觉、嗅觉、味觉、触觉这五种官能之外的感觉。32.The underlined word in the passage probably means .A.victimsB.signsC.testsD.causes答案:B解析:该句意为“罗马人曾把猫头鹰视为灾难即将来临的预兆”,由此可推知该词的词义。DCell phones with cameras are really a popular way to capture(捕捉) a moment in time,but some “clever” students found another usecapturing tests as a way to cheat.The Magnolia Independent School District in Montgomery County has added camera phones to a list of electronic devices(器具) students are banned from having at school.School officials said the move was made as a preventative(预防的) measure to stop potential(潜在的) test cheaters,since students could use the phones to snap(拍照) pictures of test questions.Another concern was that students might take inappropriate(不合适的) pictures of classmates to later share or post on a website.Cell phones without cameras are allowed on campus,but must be turned off.Camera cell phones will be taken away from students if found on campus,and disciplinary action will be taken,officials said.Some students were unhappy to hear about the ban.“Id be lost without my phone,” said Kendall Paul,a Magnolia High School student.“All my numbers are in it.Ive never used it to cheat and I dont know anyone who has at our school,so I think its kind of stupid.” But other students said they saw it all the time at their school.“You would take a picture of the test and then send it to the next person taking the test,” said Melissa Sparks,a student.“They would send the question and the answer,or just the number of the question and the answer.Its quicker that way,” another student said.Parents often provide their children with cell phones for use in emergencies(紧急情况)and to keep in better touch with them.“My Mom wants me to have my phone with me all the time for emergency purpose.So,it goes with me wherever I go,” Paul said.33.Which of the following can probably replace the word “banned” in the second paragraph?A.cheated.B.Allowed.C.Ordered.D.Kept.答案:D解析:词义猜测题。根据画线词所在句子的下一句中的as a preventative measure to stop potential test cheaters可推知,ban的含义是“禁止”,故选D项。34.According to this passage,which of the following statements is TRUE?A.Cell phones cant be taken into the school.B.Students parents are in favour of the ban.C.Students have different opinions about the ban.D.Students can use cell phones without cameras freely at school.答案:C解析:推理判断题。由第三段第一句“Some students were unhappy to hear about the ban.”可推知,学生们对这条禁令有不同的看法。35.What does the writer think of the ban?A.The writer thinks every coin has two sides.B.The writer thinks that the ban is right.C.The writer thinks schools shouldnt invade(侵犯) students rights.D.The writers opinion is not mentioned in the passage.答案:D解析:推理判断题。从整篇文章来看,作者只是在客观地阐述这一现象,并没有发表自己的见解,故选D项。第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。导学号02000041More and more bosses worldwide are expecting their workers to be good at two or even more languages.So these workers are beginning to take online language courses.Learning English online can be a satisfying and very interesting experience. 3637There are free courses,but they usually arent as good as courses taken at a college or school.With a good online course you will have to pay money.And sometimes you have to also pay for books and other learning tools like DVDs or CDs. Learning English online can be very time-consuming.38You will have to do the online classes,taking time out of your busy schedule.Learning a new language is a great investment of your time.A foreign language can be hard to learn,even if that learning is done online.39 English has a complex system of grammar rules.That makes it hard to learn if youve been out of school for a while.40 You can do business or travel everywhere and there will likely be people who speak the language.Before taking an English course online,you should ask yourself whether the time you will spend would be put to better use than learning something else,such as mathematics or computer education.A.It has a lot of advantages.B.They can be very expensive.C.But it also has some disadvantages.D.It can take several months or even years of practice.E.Once we have learnt English well,well enjoy our life more.F.English is the official language of business around the world.G.You have to build a completely new vocabulary,as well as pronunciation and grammar.答案:3640 CBDGF第三部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(2014四川高考)导学号02000042My husband,Tom,has always been good with animals,but I was still amazed when he befriended a female grouse(松鸡).Its 41 for a grouse to have any contact(接触) with people.In fact,theyre hard to spot,42they usually fly off when they hear humans approaching.This grouse came into our lives in 43.Tom was working out in the field when he 44 her walking around at the edge of the field.She was 45 unafraid and seemed to be 46 about what he was doing.Tom saw the 47 bird several times,and she got more comfortable around him.We quickly grew 48 of the bird and decided to call her Mildred.One day,as Tom was working,Mildred came within a few feet of him to watch.Tom 49 he didnt see her and kept working to see what she would do next.Apparently,she didn


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