高中英语 第1辑 百味人生素材1

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高中英语 第1辑 百味人生Ten characters of a man really strong in heart内心真正强大的人的10个特点Are you average when it comes to mental strength or has putting in some effort made you more resilient than most? You can read on for a taster of 10 signs of mental strength to watch out for if youre looking to monitor your progress and celebrate your newfound resilience. 你的内心状态是否总是平稳淡定的呢?你是否正花功夫让自己的情绪恢复力更强?阅读下面10大精神意志坚强的表现,如果你在观察自己的进步,那么就为自己的新发现庆贺吧。 1. You balance emotion and logic 1. 你能平衡感性思维与逻辑思维 You cant make good decisions without some emotion, but you cant make good decisions with too much emotion either. The truly resilient strike the right balance. 没有感性思维,你无法作出好的决定,但如果你的感性思维过于泛滥,也会阻碍你作出正确的选择。真正的情绪平稳是适当的平衡。 2. You feel confident that you can adapt to change 2. 对自己的适应能力充满自信 Change is constant. That reality doesnt stress out the truly mentally strong. 变化是常常有的,但只要内心强大,就不会被现实打败。 3. You face your fears 3. 你能直面恐惧 Everyone has fears and not every one of them needs to be conquered, but the very resilient among us strives to face the fears that hold them back. 每个人都有自己害怕的东西,并且不是每一样都得去克服,但我们内心的重要恢复力就在于努力面对那些让自己却步的恐惧。 4. You learn from your mistakes 4. 你能从错误中吸取经验教训 Dont justify them. Dont hide from them. Learn from them. Thats what mentally strong people do. 别为犯错找借口,也不要隐瞒错误。从错误中学习。那就是内心强大的人会做的事情。 5. You balance self-acceptance with self-improvement 5. 你能平衡自我完善与自我提高 Mentally strong people accept themselves for who they are, while simultaneously recognizing their need for personal development. 内心强大的人能接受自己,同时也能意识到个人发展的需求。 6. You celebrate others success 6. 你能为他人的成功喝彩 If you truly feel strong, theres nothing to fear when others do well in fact, theres a great reason to celebrate. The truly mentally strong dont feel as though other peoples success somehow diminishes their own achievements. So if you sense your feelings of envy are diminishing, take it as a good sign that your resilience is improving. 如果你真的感受到内心的强大力量,那么在别人成功的时候也没有什么值得担忧的实际上,这也是很值得庆贺的理由。真正的内心强大不会因他人的成功而感到对自己成就的削弱,所以当你感到自己的嫉妒感越来越少,你就可以确定自己的心智正在不断地增强。 7. You live according to your values 7. 你能遵循自己的价值观生活Mentally strong people make decisions with relative ease because they understand their priorities and they live according to their values. 内心强大的人相当容易就能作出决定,因为他们能分清轻重缓急,并遵循自己的价值观生活。 8. You dont need to achieve to feel good about yourself 8. 你不必努力争取自我满足Its natural to feel good when you succeed and bad when you fail, but the mentally strong dont let the ups and downs of life interfere with their essential self-image. Next time life deals you a blow, then, notice how deeply it affects you. If you can shrug it off more easily without feeling too bad about yourself, congratulations! Youve likely achieved a high measure of mental strength. 成功时喜悦,失败时悲伤是人之常情,但内心强大的人不会让这些生活的起伏影响基本的自我形象。所以下次当你感到很糟糕的时候,那就留意一下这些情绪对你影响的程度有多深。如果你能毫无顾忌地把它抛之脑后,那么恭喜你!你的内心已经很强大了。 9. You express gratitude 9. 你会表达感恩之情 Its easy to look around and see all the things you lack, but the mentally strong choose to focus their attention on the things they do have and feel grateful for them. Do you? 环顾四周,自己缺少的东西一目了然。但内心强大的人会选择专注于当下真实拥有的东西,并对其表示感恩。你是不是也这样呢? 10. You dont try to hide your weaknesses 10. 你不会试图掩盖自己的弱点 Not only does trying to mask your weaknesses waste your energy, it also makes you less likely to put in the work necessary to improve these areas. 掩盖弱点不仅会削弱自己的力量,还会减少实现自我完善的努力。 How many of these 10 behaviors do you exhibit? 那么,这10大内心强大的特质中,你拥有了多少呢?


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