高中英语 模块一 Unit 1 School life单元知识清单 牛津译林版

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高中英语 模块一 Unit 1 School life单元知识清单 牛津译林版_第1页
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Unit 1 School life一、重点词汇一览1. 词性(词形)变化select v.选择,挑选selection n.选择,挑选independent adj.独立的independence n.独立depend v.依靠,依赖dependent adj.依靠的,依赖的dependence n. 依靠,依赖challenging adj.具有挑战性的challenge n. &v.挑战encouragement n. 鼓励encourage v. 鼓励courage n.勇气enjoyable adj.有乐趣的;令人愉快的enjoy v.喜欢;享受devote v. 致力于;献身devoted adj.忠实的;深爱的devotion n.奉献;挚爱donate v. 捐赠donation n.捐赠,捐款donator n.捐赠者graduation n.毕业graduate v.毕业 graduate n.(大学)毕业生approve v.批准,通过;赞成,同意approval n.批准,赞成approving adj.批准的,赞成的preparation n.准备,筹备prepare v.把准备好,筹备prepared adj.有准备的satisfaction n.满意satisfy v.使满意satisfying/satisfactory adj.令人满意的satisfied adj.感到满意的respect n.& v.尊敬,尊重respectful adj.表示尊敬的,尊重人的respectable adj.(令人)可敬的;体面的respected adj.受人尊敬的 kindness n.善意,友好kind adj. 善意的,友好的kindly adv. 善意地,友好地recent adj.新近的,最近的recently adv.新近,最近 literature n.文学literary n.文学的 academic adj.学业的,学术的academy n.学业,学术 fluent adj.流利的,流畅的fluently adv.流利地,流畅地2.重要单词experience n. & v. 经历,体验struggle v.奋斗,努力;挣扎 n.难事;斗争;努力earn v.获得;赚,挣得inform v.通知,告知exchange n. & v.交换;交流broadcast v.广播,播放run v.管理;操作professor n. 教授cooking n.做饭;烹饪,烹调extra adj.额外的,外加的former adj.以前的painting n.绘画,绘画作品splendid adj.极佳的,非常好的title n.(书的)名称;(文章的)题目,篇名dynasty n.朝代,王朝somehow adv.不知为什么;不知怎么地headmaster n.校长host n.主持人;主人,东道主schoolmate n.同学,校友event n.(重要)事件;社交活动;比赛项目composition n.作品,成分,作文outing n.短途旅行,远足poet n.诗人generation n.一代,一代人courtyard n.庭院,院子3.重要词组first of all首先 devote to 把奉献给earn respect赢得尊敬sound like听起来象be fond of 喜爱,喜欢at the end of 在的末端used to (do sth.)过去常常(做某事)for free免费look back on回顾introduceto向介绍surf the internet上网 make a speech发表演讲donateto 把捐赠给make good use of充分利用 inform sb. of sth通知某人某事approve of 赞同,同意on average平均in charge of 负责such as如,像这样的for one thing, for another thing一方面,另一方面opening hours开放时间 4.教材原句Welcome to the unit & reading(Ps1-5)1.【教材原句】1.Going to a British high school for one year was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me. (P2)在英国上了一年的中学对我来说是一段非常令人愉快和兴奋的经历。2.I was very lucky to experience this different way of life. (P3) 我很幸运能够体验到这样一种不同的生活方式。2.【教材原句】He also told us that the best way to earn respect was to devote ourselves to study and achieve high grades. (P2)他还告诉我们,赢得尊敬的最佳途径就是努力学习得高分。3.【教材原句】He also told us that the best way to earn respect was to devote ourselves to study and achieve high grades. (P2) 他还告诉我们,赢得尊敬的最佳途径就是努力学习得高分。4.【教材原句】This is about the average size for British schools.(P2)这基本上相当于英国学校的平均班额。5.【教材原句】We also had different students in some classes, so it was a struggle for me to remember all the faces and names. (P2)上某些课的时候,班上的同学也不一样,所以对我来说记住所有人的面孔和名字可是一件难事。6.【教材原句】I usually went to the Computer Club during the lunch break, so I could send e-mails to my family and friends back home for free. (P3)午饭休息时间我常去电脑俱乐部,这样我就可以免费给国内的家人和朋友发电子邮件了。7.【教材原句】I look back on my time in the UK with satisfaction, and I really hope to go back and study in Manchester again. (P3)回首在英国的这段时光,我感到很满意,我真的希望再次回到曼彻斯特去学习。8.【教材原句】Next year, I plan on attending a high school in China on a student exchange programme, and I found your article a great encouragement to me.(P5)明年我打算按照学生交流计划到中国的一所高中学习,我觉得你的文章对我来说是个很大的鼓励。Word power, Grammar and usage & Task(Ps6-17)9.【教材原句】Twelve science laboratories are available for different experiments. (P7)有十二个理科实验可以用来做不同的实验。10.【教材原句】He donated most of them to our school library.(P9)他把其中大部分都捐给了我们学校图书馆。11.【教材原句】The rest of the time which they spend at school is used for independent study. (P11)他们在学校度过的剩余的时间用来独立学习。12.【教材原句】With so much free time, students who do not make good use of their time my not pass their exams. (P11) 有这么多的空闲时间,那些没有充分利用时间的学生可能不会通过考试。13.【教材原句】However, somehow I cant remember the title. (P14)但是,不知为什么,我没记住这个题目。Project(Ps18-20)14.【教材原句】He approved the idea, and two years later I am in charge of the radio club as the oldest student member.(P18)他同意了这个想法,两年后,我作为俱乐部的元老负责广播俱乐部的工作。15.【教材原句】He approved the idea, and two years later I am in charge of the radio club as the oldest student member.(P18) 他同意了这个想法,两年后,我作为俱乐部的元老负责广播俱乐部的工作。16.【教材原句】Our club is much more than just music. (P18)我们的俱乐部远远不仅仅是音乐。17.【教材原句】During exam time we have a special programme that tells students the things they should do for preparation. (P18)在考试期间,我们播出一个特别节目,告诉同学们在准备考试时应该做的事情。18.【教材原句】.and we also give messages to inform the parents of events such as outings and school plays.(P18)我们也会告知家长有关诸如远足、校内戏剧表演之类的活动讯息。We regret to inform you that our library will be closed next Wednesday, Thursday and Friday for the sports meeting.(P16)我们很遗憾地通知您,我们图书馆将在下周三、周四和周五因运动会而关闭。二、经典句型仿写1.【教材原句】I am really fond of reading books, and that is why my favourite subject is Literature. (P5)我真的非常喜欢看书,那就是我为什么最喜欢的学科是文学的原因。【典句仿写】我既没有穿雨衣,也没有带雨伞。那就是我浑身上下被淋湿的原因。I had _ a raincoat _ an umbrella. _ I got wet through.【答案】neither, nor, That is why2.【教材原句】I did not realize schools in the UK are so different from schools in China until I read your article.(P5)直到我拜读了你的文章,我才知道英国的学校与中国的学校是如此的不同。【典句仿写】直到他离开了家乡,他才意识到家对他的重要性。He how important the family was for him his home.【答案】didnt know/realize, until he left3.【教材原句】Upon finishing his studies, he started travelling in China.(P9)学习一结束,他就开始了中国之旅。【典句仿写】他一到达机场,就被警方逮捕了。_, he was arrested by the police.【答案】On/upon arriving at/reaching the airport或As soon as we arrived at/reached the airport4.【教材原句】I was a little nervous at first, but everyone was so nice and friendly that I soon stopped worrying.(P18)起初我有些紧张,但所有成员都是那么亲切、友好,我很快就不担心了。【典句仿写】杰克既聪明又勤奋,以至于他能够快速的解决数学难题 Jack is _ he can work out difficult maths problems quickly.【答案】so smart(clever) and diligent that5.【教材原句】Now it is time to present your poster to the class.(P19)现在是你向全班同学展示海报的时候了。【典句仿写】你的作文写完了吗?是该上交的时间了。Have you finished writing your composition? .【答案】It is time to hand it in三、基础语法预习 预习教材Grammar and usage:由that, which, who, whom and whose等关系代词引导的定语从句。然后试做下列填空题:用正确的关系代词(that, which. who, whom, whose)填空(每个只能用一次)。1.All those _ know the truth about it will tell you.?2.He is a strict but kind-hearted father, one _ the children respect but are afraid of.3.Have you read the book _ cover is broken?4.She didnt forget anything _ her mother had told her to buy .5.We visited a factory _ makes toys for children.1. who 2. whom 3. whose4. that 5.which


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