高中英语 Unit 3 Under the sea Section Ⅱ Warming up and Reading-Language points课时作业 新人教版选修7

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高中英语 Unit 3 Under the sea Section Ⅱ Warming up and Reading-Language points课时作业 新人教版选修7_第1页
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高中英语 Unit 3 Under the sea Section Ⅱ Warming up and Reading-Language points课时作业 新人教版选修7_第3页
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Unit 3Under the seaSection Warming up and ReadingLanguage points.词汇运用(用所给词的适当形式填空)1He left the country on _(urge) business.答案:urgent2Thanksgiving Day is a holiday celebrated_(annual) in the United States on the fourth Thursday in November.答案:annually3Students must have opportunities to practice new skills and_(deep) their understanding of new information.答案:deepen4Can you tell the relation between these two questions and the_(relate) between the persons who put forward them?答案:relationship5There was an _(abandon) baby under the bridge.答案:abandoned6We can provide_(accommodate) for sixty people in our hotel.答案:accommodation.动词专练(用所给动词的适当形式填空)1Im really terrified_(witness) the slaughter.答案: to witness2_(sort) out all her clothes,she went on_(cook) supper for her large family.答案: Having sorted;to cook3You should say sorry if you are late as no one likes_(keep) waiting for a long time.答案:being kept4He _(flee) from France when the World War broke out.答案: had fled5Now he felt ashamed for _(abandon) his wife.答案:having abandoned.选词填空bury oneself in,urge,it was a time when,flee from,ahead of,witness,abandoned,help.out1. Tom was on the way to his friends party when he_a traffic accident.答案:witnessed2The car_the scene where the accident happened.答案:fled from3She finished the work _the rest of the class and got praised.答案:ahead of4Tom called,_the doctor to rush there and then he gave first aid to the injured.答案:urging5_cars were rare while now the air pollution is filled with every corner of the world.答案:It was a time when6He tried his best to_the injured _of danger.答案:help;out7Im more than glad to see you _studying.答案:burying yourself in 8The police found the _car at the shore and at last they arrested the driver.答案: abandoned .根据汉语提示,完成语段训练汤姆正在去参加朋友晚会的路上,就在这时他目睹了(witness)一起交通事故。更糟糕的是,肇事车辆逃离了(flee)现场。汤姆先打电话,催促(urge)医生火速赶往现场,然后对伤者进行了急救。最终,他帮助(help out)伤者脱离了危险。警察在海边(shore)找到了那辆已经被抛弃(abandon)的汽车,最后,他们逮捕了司机。_答案:Tom was on the way to his friends party when he witnessed a traffic accident.Worse still,the car fled from the scene where the accident happened.Firstly,Tom called,urging the doctor to rush there and then he gave first aid to the injured.Eventually,he helped the injured out of danger.The police found the abandoned car at the shore and at last they arrested the driver.阅读理解Parents job is to teach their children the basic skills and give them the knowledge they need to be successful in life.This,to me,requires teamwork.For example,the mother teaches her children manners and good health skills,while the father teaches them how to catch a ball or drive a car.However,in todays society,we find that more and more parents are feeling that this teamwork is a onesided thing.According to a report,there are about 13.7 million single parents raising their children in the USA and this could be due to the fact that parents dont take responsibility for their children,so they leave one parent to do it alone.This is a sad fact,and it reflects that effective teamwork is losing ground in the parenting aspect of our everyday lives.Another place where teamwork affects us greatly is in our jobs.It doesnt matter if you are in a small or large company;if you have at least one employee and yourself,then teamwork works.I have noticed that with the current economic recession (衰退),people are racing to find jobs but the quality of peoples work has gone down greatly.It just appears to me that people dont take pride in their work anymore.They get to work as fast as they can,just to receive the paycheck,but their quality standards fly_right_out_of_the_window.So I think teamwork is losing its ground in the workforce.As you can see,we run into the aspects of teamwork in just about everything we do.Teamwork is all about working together to achieve a common goal and after reading this article,please judge this for yourself “do you believe teamwork is losing ground in todays society”In my opinion,I think it is.语篇解读年轻人的团队精神正在丧失,主要原因是单亲家庭增多和目前经济萎缩导致人们不太乐意跟他人合作,作者也提出了自己对这个问题的看法。1According to the first paragraph,the author may agree that_.Atodays parents are too busy to spare time for their childrenBit is the mothers duty to bring up the young childrenCfathers are spending too little time taking care of their childrenDparents play a very important role in their childrens success in life解析:作者观点题。根据Parents job.be successful in life可知D项正确。答案:D2What might be the reason why there are many single parents raising their children in the USA?ABecause single parent families are more popular in the USA.BBecause parents in the same family find it hard to get along.CBecause more parents are not responsible for their children.DBecause the children prefer to have one parent in the house.解析:细节理解题。根据第一段的this could be due to the fact that parents dont take responsibility for their children可知C正确。答案:C3The underlined phrase “fly right out of the window” probably means_.Adisappear BimproveCincreaseDmatter解析:词义猜测题。根据前文的the quality of peoples work has gone down greatly和but表示的转折关系可知,该短语表示“丧失,失去”的意思,故选A这一项。答案:A4Whats the main idea of this passage?AWhat an economic recession is and what influence it has.BThe life of single parent families in the USA.CPeople dont take pride in their work any more.DTeamwork is losing ground in todays society.解析:主旨大意题。本文主要是分析团队合作在当今社会的状况。答案:DThe pressure to feed Asias growing population has led to dangerous levels of overfishing near Pacific coastlines.An example can be found in Sindangan,a fishing town in the southern Philippines.The areas once healthy fishing is in danger because of an increase in the number of fishing boats.Across the South China Sea,fish catches near shore have dropped since the 1980s.That drop has pushed fishermen to go offshore with bigger boats.Benjamin Francisco,an official with the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization,says some of the methods they use to increase their catches are harmful.These methods harm the ability of some species to reproduce.The fish watcher in Sindangan,Julie Buot,says most of the local fishermen use fine_mesh_nets.Such nets have been banned for years because they catch very young fish.To deal with problems like this,Benjamin Francisco has been thinking of the idea of licensing systems.The aim is to limit the number of boats on the water.Asia has the worlds largest fishing fleets (船队)They represent nearly 3 million of the worlds 4 million fishing boats.In some parts of Asia,there are increased efforts to control fleets and to ban fishing near shore.But these measures are costly.Benjamin Francisco says a lot of governments in Asia are not in a position to copy them.“The issues are deeply rooted in poverty (贫穷),the inability of local government to respond immediately,and no help from outside,” Benjamin Francisco said.In Sindangan,Wilfredo Ortega feeds a family of 9 children from fishing.On a recent day,he caught only half a dollars worth of fish because of strong winds,and he had to return to shore.“In these months,it s quite hard,” he says,talking about the difficulty of saving money.“We can only save during the months of November,December,and January.We can save by catching young sardines (沙丁鱼)”The young sardines may feed Mr Ortegas family for now.But the catches today mean fewer big fish tomorrow.And they mean an even riskier future for those who depend on fishing when no other work is available.语篇解读本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了由于亚洲人口增加带来的过度捕鱼问题。5The underlined part “fine mesh nets” refers to nets that_.Ameet the standard the government has setBhave very small spaces in betweenCare made of strong materialsDhave attractive appearance解析:词义猜测题。根据下文的because they catch very young fish可知,fine mesh nets指细网。答案:B6Whats the purpose of licensing systems?ATo protect big fish.BTo set young fish free.CTo control the number of fishing boats.DTo stop fishermen fishing on the water.解析:细节理解题。根据第五段的The aim is to limit the number of boats on the water可知答案。答案:C7According to the text,many Asian governments_.Adont consider overfishing a serious problemBdont deal with overfishing for lack of moneyCfind it hard to ban fishing near shoreDlearn from other successful examples解析:推理判断题。根据第七段中的But these measures are costly.Benjamin Francisco says a lot of governments in Asia are not in a position to copy them可知答案。答案:B8Wilfredo Ortegas story is mentioned in the text to show_.Athe local government doesnt care about poor peopleBsaving money is hard for fishermenCtheres reason for overfishingDyoung sardines are in danger解析:推理判断题。根据倒数第四段中的The issues are deeply rooted in poverty可知,文章讲述Wilfredo Ortega的故事是想说明过度捕鱼的一种原因,即贫穷。答案:C

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