高中英语 Unit 3 Travel journal Period 7 Revision and sum-up教学设计 新人教版必修1

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高中英语 Unit 3 Travel journal Period 7 Revision and sum-up教学设计 新人教版必修1_第1页
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高中英语 Unit 3 Travel journal Period 7 Revision and sum-up教学设计 新人教版必修1_第2页
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高中英语 Unit 3 Travel journal Period 7 Revision and sum-up教学设计 新人教版必修1_第3页
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Period 7 Sum-up and revisionTeaching Goals 教学目标1. Target language 目标语言a. 重点词汇 Cambodia, Laos, inn, Phnom Penh, Vietnam, Vientiane, Ho Chi Minh City, atlas, deltab. 重点句子: It also had wide streets with trees in rows and old French houses.We went to see a great temple with floors made of silver.2. Ability goals能力目标After learning the text, students are requested to learn more about the customs and landscape in the countries that lie along the Mekong River in Southeast Asia. Students can also do a summary about the unit.3. Learning Ability学能目标Help the students learn how to sum up what they have learned Teaching important points 教学重点How to sum up what they have learnedTeaching methods 教学方法Listening and fast reading and discussingTeaching aids 教具准备A recorder, a projector and a computerTeaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方法Step I RevisionCheck homework. Show some students homework on the screen. Let the whole class have a discussion and try to improve it.T: Please look at the screen. Here is an advertisement by Wang Hong. What do you think of it? Hope Travel Agency offers chances to visit famous places of interest in Shanxi2 days 2 nightsBMB 680Any places you want to go in ShanxiWith Hope Travel Agency you can ENJOYBuddhism holy place: Wutai mountainDaojiao Holy place: North WudangTASTEShanxi noodlesLEARNJin business cultureSs: Wonderful!T: Do you think if there is anything else to improve?S1: Let me try. I think he should make the ad more attractive. For example, the forms of the characters should be more colorful. T: A good idea. Do you have any other opinion?S2: I think everyone should have his own style. This ad seems to copy the example.T: You are right. Every one should try to have his or her peculiar design, his or her special idea, to make his or her ad more attractive and more beautiful. In this case you will attract more peoples attention. O K. Boys and girls, try to improve your ads after class. Well select the best one to show on the classroom wall.Ss: Well do our best.T: Attention please! This is our first task in persuasive writing. That is, you will persuade more people to join you in traveling by showing them your ad. It is very helpful after you finish your education and enter the workforce. Practice more after class.Step II Reading T: OK. Now lets turn to Page 59. Well go on with the journey down the Mekong with Wang Kun and Wang Wei. This is the end of their journey. Please go through the passage quickly and quietly and get a general idea. Then Ill ask you some questions about it.Students read the passage for a few minutes. Then the teacher shows the questions on the screen.Questions 1 Do children in Cambodia have a good education?2 Why did Wang Kun say that he felt lucky?3 Whats the difference between Vientiane and Phnom Penh?4 Why did Wang Weis cousins make jokes about them?5 Which country is larger, Cambodia or Vietnam?6 How many times did the farmer grow a new rice crop? T: (Five minutes later) All right, lets start our questions. Who is the first to answer Question One?S1: No. Half of the people in the country cant read or write.T: What about the second one?S2: He felt lucky to have had a good education.T: Whats your opinion about the third one?S3: Unlike Vientiane, ships could travel the Mekong River in Phnom Penh.T: Can you tell the answer to the fourth one?S4: Because they made jokes about their cousins before. They said their cousins were not strong enough. This time they were not strong enough themselves.T: The fifth One?S5: Vietnam is larger. Vietnam has almost seven times the population of Cambodia.T: How about the last one?S6: Four times.T: Well done. Here is a form for us to complete. Please fill it yourselves.TopicLaosCambodiaVietnamPopulationThe smallest number of people in Southeast AsiaTwice of Population of LaosSeven times of CambodiaWeatherDry and cool in autumnWarmWarm in the south, cool in the northLearningPoorPoorPoorFarmingRiceRice, fishingRiceStep III Careful reading and explanationT: Well done. Read the passage for the second time carefully and see if you have any problems. You can underline the sentences you dont understand. Students read for another three minutes.T: OK. Do you have any problem?S1: The sentence “ We ate an early supper and went to see a great temple with floors made of silver.” Whats the function of “made of silver”?T: We can say “made of silver” is used to modify “floors” as attribute. We can also say that “ with floors made of silver” is a phrase. The structure is: with + a noun + the past participle / prepositional phrase / the present participle / adj. / adv. etc. Additional examples1. The children are having a class in the classroom with all the windows broken.2. The girl arrived at a river with red flowers and green grass on both side of it.3. They went asleep, with the light on.4. The old man left, with the door open.T: Do you understand the phrase?S: Yes.T: All right. Since we have understood the whole massage lets listen to the passage together. Please pay attention to pronunciation and intonation while listening.After listening students should be asked to read the first two paragraphs after the tape.Step IV Summing up and learning tip Summing upWrite down what you have learned about traveling custom in local places, landscape, life of the people, how to make preparations for traveling.From this unit you have also learnedUseful verbs: cycle, persuade, insist, determine, record Useful nouns: journal, fare, transportation, altitude, topic, valley, shorts, campOther expressions: change ones mind; give in, stubborn, familiar, finallyNew grammar item: the Present Continuous Tense expressing futurity.T: Now lets turn back to the textbook. We have learned the whole unit. Well do a summary practice. Lets go through what we have learned in this unit. Please fill in the chart on Page 24.T: Nice. Thats all what we have learned in this unit. But if you want to know what you really mastered, you can look at Page 61. Here is a form for you to check yourself. Please complete it yourselves after class. You must hand it in before next class.Step V Homework T: Now lets look at the Learning tip. Look through it. It advises you to write a travel journal when you go on a journey. Please try to do this later. In this unit we have also learned some useful words and expressions. We have also learned the usage of the present continuous tense for future use. Please do more practice after class to grasp them. Thats all for today. Now your homework is the Project on Page 61 in workbook. Do you remember the homework we did last class? We were asked to write a poster. This project is an extension of the writing task. You can do it according to the questions in it by discussing with the same classmates with whom you made a poster. Perhaps this task is a bit difficult. But try your best. Please read the information carefully before you write one brochure. You can do this within a week. OK. Class is over. Good-bye.


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