高中英语 Unit 3 Travel journal Period 1 Warming up and reading教学设计 新人教版必修1

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高中英语 Unit 3 Travel journal Period 1 Warming up and reading教学设计 新人教版必修1_第1页
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高中英语 Unit 3 Travel journal Period 1 Warming up and reading教学设计 新人教版必修1_第2页
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高中英语 Unit 3 Travel journal Period 1 Warming up and reading教学设计 新人教版必修1_第3页
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Period 1 Warming up and reading教学目标分析知识与技能目标:1. 通过阅读,能够从篇章中获取主要信息,掌握旅行日志文体的结构特点。2. 根据对时间的关键词的查找,学会有条理的介绍事情发展经过。3通过查找关键信息,能够准确分析人物性格。4. 能够使用有关地理的名词和短语,并能够模仿阅读篇章结构介绍一处旅游景点。过程与方法目标:1. 通过教师引导,运用略读、寻读、细读和查找关键词技能获取信息。2.通过小组讨论, 生生合作方式进行学习。情感态度和价值观目标:1. 通过学习培养学生对旅游的浓厚的兴趣,。2. 通过旅行了解世界各地的文化,增强对祖国大好河山的热爱和国际意识,进而培养学生的跨文化交际能力。3. 通过参与小组活动提高团队意识,能积极与他人共同合作解决问题,交流思想。教学重点、难点分析教学重点:1.通过语篇学习掌握旅行日志的文章结构,培养学生分析文章,获取信息的能力。2.培养学生的阅读微技能,尤其是略读,查读等以及信息重组与信息转换的能力。教学难点:1对于高一学生来说,本篇课文较长,且含有较多生词,可能对学生的阅读理解造成一些影响,通过整体和分段阅读相结合,化难为易,帮助学生扫除阅读中的障碍。2.高一学生对于skimming 和scanning这些阅读技能还不太熟悉,通过相关阅读活动设计,引导学生正确运用这两项阅读微技能。教学过程设计步骤1:Lead-in (10分钟):Lead in the new lesson with two pictures of the golden week of this year. And ask students why people like travelling? Q1: What can you see in the pictures? Q2: Why do people like travelling? Group DiscussionAsk the presenter of each group to present their reasons. (In order to make friends, broaden horizon, enrich stories, gain more knowledge, to stay away from troubles, to get relaxed, experience cultures and customs, and admire the scenery)设计意图:通过国庆黄金周的出行图片,引发学生对为什么越来越多的人喜欢旅游的思考。 在学生的小组讨论中激活了旅游的相关话题知识、语言知识,为下面的学习活动进行铺垫。步骤2: Pre-reading(2分钟):Lead students to look at the map of the Mekong River and learn to find out the key information from the map. Q: Where is the river? Which countries does the river flow through?The Mekong River flows through _ countries. (six)China(中国),Laos(老挝),Myanmar(缅甸),Thailand(泰国),Cambodia(柬埔寨),Vietnam(越南)设计意图:培养学生从地图上查找关键信息的能力,并使得学生对于湄公河的地理位置有宏观的了解。 步骤3:Fast Reading(5分钟):Let students to look through the whole passage and find out the main idea of each paragraph. Task1: Which is the main idea of the passage?(C)A. The author and his sisters plan about their winter holiday.B. The experience during the author and his sisters trip in Qinghai.C. The author and his sisters plan and preparations for their trip.D. Stories that happened during their trip.Task2: Please find out the main idea of each paragraph. Para 1: _ ( B. dream ) Para 2: _ (C. a stubborn sister )Para 3: _ (A. preparation ) A. preparation B. dream C. a stubborn sister 设计意图:引导学生通过速读掌握文章主旨,培养学生skimming这项基本的阅读技巧。步骤4:Careful Reading(13分钟):Guide students to catch the detailed information through reading tasks and share the answers. Task1: Para1 Q1: Who will travel in the text?Q2: Where are they going?Q3: How are they getting there?Q4: What happened at the different time?Since middle schoolTwo years agoLast yearWhen we graduated from collegenow Task2: Para2 Q1: Did his sister look at the map? (No, she didnt.)Q2: What did she do when I told her that the source of the Mekong? ()Q3: What did she do when I told her that our journey would begin at an altitude She seemed to be excited about itQ4: What did she do when I told her the air would be hard to breathe?She said it would be an interesting experienceQ5: Use some adjectives to summarize Wang Weis Characters: _(stubborn, careless, confident, brave)Task3: Paragraph 3Let students review the geographical terms according to some pictures:(glacier, waterfall, valley, plain, rapids, meander, delta, bend) Fill in the blanks (1) The Mekong begins in a _ on a Tibetan Mountain. (2) Then, it becomes _ as it passes through deep _, sometimes it becomes _.(3) As it enters Southeast Asia, it runs slowly. It makes _ or _ to the _.(4) At last ,the river _ enters the _设计意图:培养学生带着阅读任务快速寻找关键词的能力,并通过课件图片展示,帮助学生培养从语篇中分析人物性格和有条理介绍地理景色的能力。同时在小组活动中培养与人交流合作的能力。步骤5:A Challenging Game(8分钟):There are six questions for students. Each group can choose the different question and get different scores. 1. 1. Both Dao Wei and Yu Hang are Dai and they grew up in eastern Yunnan province. (F)2. 2. The Mekong River begins in a glacier on a Tibetan mountain, and the water there is clear but not cold. (F)3. Which provinces does the Mekong flow through in China? (Qinghai and Yunnan)4. Find a sentence to replace the following one.The Mekong flows slowly and gently through the valleys and reaches the farming plains.(It makes wide bends or meanders through low valleys to the plains where rice grows).5. What difficulties did Wang Kun and Wang Wei find about their journey? The journey would begin at an altitude of more than 5000 meters, where it is hard to breathe and very cold.4. 6. Match the great rivers with their countries.The Mekong (Southeast Asia), Seine (France), Nile (Egypt), Yellow River (China), Amazon (Brazil ), Mississippi (US), Thames (England).设计意图:使学生在竞赛抢答中,能够更好的理解文章内容,同时拓展课外知识,培养组内合作的意识。步骤6: Summary(1分钟) Today we have learned a passage about a travel journal. I hope you know what a travel journal is and how to prepare for travel. Finally, Id like to share two proverbs with you, “Read ten thousand books; travel ten thousand miles.” “The world is a book and those who dont travel read only one page.”设计意图:教师总结概括本节课的内容并对旅游的意义升华,为写作的布置打下伏笔。步骤7: Homework(1分钟)Writing task: Suppose you are a tour guide and introduce your home town to your visitors. (Location, population, history, scenic spot, delicious food, transport)设计意图:课堂教学的延伸和落实。通过读和说的活动为写作的输出提供body 部分。为写作课提供准备,读、说、写得综合技能培养能够实现。

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