高中英语 Unit 3 Celebration Section Ⅳ Christmas学业分层测评 北师大版必修1

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高中英语 Unit 3 Celebration Section Ⅳ Christmas学业分层测评 北师大版必修1_第1页
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高中英语 Unit 3 Celebration Section Ⅳ Christmas学业分层测评 北师大版必修1_第3页
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Unit 3 Celebration Section Christmas.单句语法填空1When people ask you to do something, you should take it (serious)2They have put signs in some places to remind the visitors not to step on the grass.3He is clever a boy that we all like him very much.4His plan was such a good one we all agreed to accept it.5After months practice,they decided to carry in the face of a lot of difficulties till success.6In the room (find) a pretty bookshelf and a great many books.7He has two children,doesnt he?Thats right. He got (marry) in 1972.8When (take) according to the directions, the medicine has no side effect.9While (walk) in the street, she saw a young girl fall over suddenly and (lie) still on the ground.10Put those heavy bags for a moment to have a rest.【答案】1.seriously2.up3.so4.that5.on6.are found7.married8.taken9.walking;lay 10down.单句改错1Its unfortunately that the father and the son have never got on well with each other. 2We must try to carry on even if nothing had happened. 3A new traffic light will put up at the crossing. 4Peter has been out of work for half a year,so he wants to apply to a job in this company. 5You may depend on that we shall never give up. 【答案】1.unfortunately改为unfortunate2.even改为as3.will 后面加be4.to改为for5.on后面加it.阅读理解AThe freezing Northeast hasnt been a terribly fun place to spend time this winter,so when the chance came for a weekend to Sarasota,Florida,my bags were packed before you could say “sunshine”I left for the land of warmth and vitamin C(维生素C),thinking of beaches and orange trees.When we touched down to blue skies and warm air,I sent up a small prayer of gratefulness.Swimming pools,wine tasting,and pink sunsets(at normal evening hours,not 4 in the afternoon)filled the weekend,but the best partparticularly to my taste,dulled by months of coldweather root vegetableswas a 7 am.adventure to the Sarasota farmers market that proved to be more than worth the early wakeup call.The market,which was founded in 1979,sets up its tents every Saturday from 7 am.to 1 pm.,rain or shine,along North Lemon and State streets.Baskets of perfect red strawberries;the redpainted sides of the Java Dawg coffee truck;and most of all,the tomatoes:amazing,large,soft and round red tomatoes.Disappointed by many a broken,vineripened(蔓上成熟的)promise,Ive refused to buy winter tomatoes for years.No matter how attractive they look in the store,once I get them home theyre unfailingly dry,hard,and tasteless.But I homed in,with uncertainty,on one particular table at the Browns Grove Farms stand,full of fresh and soft tomatoes the size of my fist.These were the real dealand at that moment,I realized that the best part of Sarasota in winter was going to be eating things that back home in New York I wouldnt be experiencing again for months.Delighted as I was by the tomatoes in sight,my happiness deepened when I learned that Browns Grove Farm is one of the suppliers for Jack Dusty,a newly opened restaurant at the Sarasota Ritz Carlton,whereluckily for meI was planning to have dinner that very night.Without even seeing the menu,I knew Id be ordering every tomato on it.【语篇解读】本文为一篇记叙文。作者冬季去佛罗里达州的萨拉索塔度假,游泳池、品酒以及粉红色的晚霞都令作者陶醉不已。但是,最吸引作者的并不是这些,那么,到底是什么呢?大家快来读一读文章吧!1What did the author think of her winter life in New York?AExciting.BBoring.CRelaxing.DAnnoying.【解析】推理判断题。由第一段中的The freezing Northeast hasnt been a terribly fun place to spend time this winter和dulled by months of coldweather root vegetables可知,作者厌倦了纽约的冬天,因为那里根本没有乐趣,同时也厌倦了冬天的根茎蔬菜,所以可以推断出作者认为纽约的冬天是令人厌烦、枯燥和单调的。boring“枯燥的,乏味的”,故选B项。exciting“令人兴奋的”,显然与作者真实的感受相反;relaxing“令人放松的”,文中体现不出作者明显的放松情绪;annoying“令人恼怒的”,作者只是感觉“枯燥、单调”,并非“恼怒”。【答案】B2What made the authors getting up early worthwhile?AHaving a swim.BBreathing in fresh air.CWalking in the morning sun.DVisiting a local farmers market.【解析】细节理解题。根据题干关键信息词worthwhile可以定位到第一段的最后一句。由.the best part.was a 7 am. adventure to the Sarasota farmers market that proved to be more than worth the early wakeup call.可知,作者认为,早起去参观萨拉索塔农贸市场很值得,因此选D项。【答案】D3What can we learn about tomatoes sold in New York in winter?AThey are soft.BThey look nice.CThey taste great.DThey are juicy.【解析】细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的.Ive refused to buy winter tomatoes for years.可知,作者在纽约已经好多年不买冬季出售的西红柿了,然后通过No matter how attractive they look in the store,once I get them home theyre unfailingly dry,hard,and tasteless.可知,纽约冬季出售的西红柿只是看起来好看,但是吃着发干、很硬而且无味。故B项正确。A、C、D三项与作者所描述的纽约冬季出售的西红柿的现实情况相反,故排除。【答案】B4What was the author going to do that evening?AGo to a farm.BCheck into a hotel.CEat in a restaurant.DBuy fresh vegetables.【解析】推理判断题。根据题干关键信息词that evening可定位到最后一段中的“.I learned that Browns Grove Farm is one of the suppliers for Jack Dusty,a newly opened restaurant at the Sarasota Ritz Carlton,whereluckily for meI was planning to have dinner that very night.”,句中的that very night是关键信息词。由此可知,这个农场是Jack Dusty(一个新开的饭馆)的一个(蔬菜和水果)供应商,而幸运的是作者那晚正好要去这个位于the Sarasota Ritz Carlton的饭馆吃饭。故C项正确。此处并未提到“晚上去一个农场”“入住一家宾馆”,因此可以排除A、B两项。文章最后一句话说的是在那个饭馆直接点(order)每一道带西红柿的菜,而不是D项所说的“买新鲜的蔬菜”。【答案】C.完形填空 【导学号:20670035】Two weeks before Christmas, Mum told me we were going to my grandmas house for the holiday. Grandma and Uncle Henry lived on a farm some 15 miles out of town.They had no electricity or running water and 1 what I considered the “good things” in life. They 2 made no plans for Christmas. When Christmas Eve arrived, Mum told me in her best “Imeanit” voice to 3 all the decorations from our tree. She packed those up,along with all the trimmings (配料) for a 4 turkey dinner.Christmas morning 5 perfectly, with the sun shining brightly across a fresh blanket of snow. 6 I sulked(生闷气) silently in the backseat of the car as we made our 7 to Grandmas. This was going to be the 8 Christmas ever!Grandma was 9 to see us as we walked up to her door. “What on earth are you doing here?”she stammered. “We werent expecting 10 . Its Christmas,and I dont even have a turkey to 11 for you.”“I knew that,”Mum said as we set boxes of goodies on the kitchen table. “Thats 12 we brought one with us.”“We must have a 13 ,” Mum insisted. “ 14 , what will we do with all these decorations?”Uncle Henry quickly caught Mums spirit. He called me to join him, and we 15 a perfect Christmas tree in the woods. Soon the 16 smelled fresh as we decorated the tree,and the day 17 a festive air. The turkey dinner was very good, too. I was actually beginning to enjoy this unusual Christmas day!Dessert was forgotten 18 Mum came out with the final surprisea flaming pudding! “Merry Christmas, Mother!” Mum said.“Dear me!” Grandma gasped. “I havent seen a flaming pudding since I left England.” Tears of 19 filled her eyes.I could not keep the tears 20 my eyes,either. I knew then that Mum had also given me the best Christmas present evershe had taught me what a beautiful thing it is to give.【语篇解读】本文讲述了作者和妈妈去农场外婆家过圣诞节的经过和作者内心的感悟。1A.preparedBlackedCrefusedDdesired【解析】lack意为“缺乏,缺少”,与had no electricity or running water并列。句意:他们没有电和自来水,并且缺少生活中我认为的“好东西”。【答案】B2A.alsoBstillCneverDhardly【解析】此处承接上文,意为“他们也不为圣诞节做准备”,故选also。【答案】 A3A.replaceBcollectCremoveDshow【解析】remove意为“移走,挪走,摘下”。句意:从我们的圣诞树上摘下所有的装饰品。【答案】C4A.freshBcompleteCnormalDserious【解析】这里表示“为了使火鸡宴完备无缺”,故用complete(完整的)。fresh新鲜的,normal正常的,serious严肃的,均不合语境。【答案】B5A.dawnedBpassedCbrokeDhappened【解析】dawn此处是动词,意为“破晓”。句意:圣诞节早晨的天气很好【答案】A6A.ButBSoCAndDThen【解析】but表转折,与前句相对应,意为“但我却坐在小汽车的后座上一声不吭地生闷气”。【答案】A7A.decisionBwayCwishDplan【解析】make ones way to意为“向行进”,为固定搭配。【答案】B8A.lastBbusiestCbestDworst【解析】worst意为“最糟糕的,最坏的”。句意:这将是有史以来最糟糕的圣诞节!【答案】D9A.expectedBeagerCsurprisedDready【解析】由下文外婆说的话可知,外婆对我们的到来感到惊讶。be surprised to do意为“对做感到惊讶”。【答案】C10A.anyoneBothersCsomeoneDno one【解析】anyone意为“任何人”,用于否定句中。句意:我们没想到会有人来。【答案】A11A.giveBcareCcookDwait【解析】cook意为“烹饪,烹调”。句意:今天是圣诞节。我甚至没有一只火鸡做给你们吃。【答案】C12A.howBwhyCwhereDwhat【解析】why引导表语从句,表原因。句意:这就是我们带来一只(火鸡)的原因。【答案】B13A.puddingBboxCturkeyDtree【解析】这里表示我们必须要有一棵树。根据下文提到的decorations可知此处选tree。【答案】D14A.Meanwhile B. ThereforeCHowever D. Otherwise【解析】otherwise意为“否则的话”,表转折。句意:要不然,我们怎么处理这些装饰物?【答案】D15A.found B. acceptedCreceived D. searched【解析】find和search都有“找”的意思,但前者强调结果“找到”,search表示“寻找”,故选A项。【答案】A16A.flowerBhouseCfamilyDday【解析】house指“房子”。句意:圣诞树的装扮很快给房子带来了新鲜的气息【答案】B17A.showed upBcarried onCtook onDlighted up【解析】take on意为“呈现”。句意:这个日子呈现出了节日的气氛。【答案】C18A.untilBafterCbecause D. unless【解析】until意为“直到”。句意:甜点被忘记了,直到妈妈带出来最后一个惊喜【答案】A19A.sadnessBjoyCregretDworry【解析】tears of joy幸福的泪水。从上下文可以得知此处表示外婆流出了幸福的泪水。【答案】B20A.insideBbackCintoDfrom【解析】句意:我也无法阻止泪水从眼中流出来。【答案】D


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