高中英语 Unit 3 A healthy life Section Ⅲ Learning about Language & Using Language课时作业 新人教版选修6

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高中英语 Unit 3 A healthy life Section Ⅲ Learning about Language & Using Language课时作业 新人教版选修6_第1页
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高中英语 Unit 3 A healthy life Section Ⅲ Learning about Language & Using Language课时作业 新人教版选修6_第3页
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Unit 3A healthy lifeSection Learning about Language & Using Language.单句语法填空1People at the party were_(embarrass) when Frank got drunk and made an exhibition of himself.答案:embarrassed2His _(survive) is still uncertain,for he has been very badly hurt.答案:survival3_(disappoint) at failing in the math exam,John wouldnt like to talk about it to his parents.答案:Disappointed4A great many teenagers became_(addict) to playing computer games,wasting their precious time.答案:addicted 5Do some relaxation exercises every time you feel_(stress)答案:stressed6The boy was almost_(breath) when he stopped running.答案:breathless7The government of the people,by the people and for the people must_ (strengthen)答案:be strengthened8They were accused of their_(abuse) power to keep prices artificially high.答案:abusing.完成句子1Playing on the computer too long_(对身体有坏的影响),so you should have a break now and then.答案:has a bad effect on your health2He always did well at school_(尽管) having to do parttime jobs every now and then.答案:in spite of3They cant_(使他们自己习惯于) the daily life for those bad habits.答案:accustom themselves to4To be honest,I dont_(喜欢处理) such urgent problems.答案:feel like dealing with5_(我很失望),my father doesnt agree to buy me a new bike.(disappointment)答案:To my disappointment6Most of them turned up on time;only Tom arrived late_(由于) the storm.(due)答案:due to.risk题组训练1完成句子(1)If you _(冒险) not wearing a seat belt,you will be _(处境危险) while driving.(2)The disease is spreading,and all children under five are_(处境危险)(3)Sometimes he went after these herbs (草药)_(冒险) losing his life.答案:(1)take the risk of;at risk(2)at risk(3)at the risk of2一句多译 如果你说出你们老板的恶劣行径,你会冒失业之险。(1)If you tell the truth about the ill behavior of your boss,you will _.(2)If you tell the truth about the ill behaviour of your boss,you will_ _.答案:(1)take the risk of losing your job(2)risk losing your job.阅读理解If youre a girl between the ages of 7 and 17,and youre hoping to meet new friends,join the Circle of Friends Club,which offers a safe environment for young girls to meet friends of their own ages on the Internet.The site protects the email addresses of its members and allows girls to send mass emails to many friends at once.Since the club has members from everywhere,friends can be made locally,nationally or around the world.It has a special,interest search so that girls who are,for example,interested in sports can find other friends that have the same interest.Members can create their own page at Circle of Friends where they can introduce others to their family members or their friends.Those who would like to join the club need to pay $12 per year.At least youll feel safe knowing that your daughters privacy (隐私) is well protected here.Theres also a short list of rules,and if the rules are broken,the member will not be accepted anymore.Rules are general:The club is only for girls who are between the ages of 7 and 17.You must stay active in the clubthat is,you must send at least one letter to one of your pen friends every month.Anyone reported for using rude words in their letters will be banned.No one is allowed to put email addresses,last name,the phone number or the name of school in letters.Its also against the rules to ask a member to contact (联系) another member outside of the club.Every member needs to get the okay from their parents to become a member at the Circle of Friends Club.They also ask that you dont take on more pen friends than you can actually write to.Girls looking for friends wont find a safer site than the Circle of Friends Club.In addition,theyll have a chance to meet other girls from around the world,learn about their cultures,and start up friendships that could last forever.语篇解读本文是说明文。文章主要为7至17岁的女孩介绍了一个交友网站。1What do we know about the Circle of Friends Club?AGirls find it hard to follow most of its rules.BMost of its members are from foreign countries.CEach of its members owns just one email address.DGirls with the same hobbies can find each other easily here.解析:细节理解题。由第三段中的It has a special interest search.that have the same interest可知,有相同爱好的女孩在这里很容易找到彼此。答案:D2The Circle of Friends Club aims at_.Agirls who need help with their privacyBgirls whod like to make friends onlineCthose who have trouble making friendsDthose who hope to find their lost friends解析:细节理解题。由第一段中的内容可知,the Circle of Friends Club旨在帮助那些7至17岁的女孩在互联网上结交朋友,故B项说法正确。答案:B3What does the author think of the money the club charges every year?AIt should be free of charge.BIt is a waste of money.CIt is worth the money.DIt charges too much.解析:推理判断题。由第四段中的At least youll feel safe knowing that your daughters privacy is well protected here可知,作者认为给该交友俱乐部所交的费用是值得的。答案:C4How is the text organized?ATopicArgumentExplanationBOpinionDiscussionDescriptionCExamplesDiscussionConclusionDIntroductionDescriptionConclusion解析:篇章结构题。文章第一段先是对the Circle of Friends Club进行了简单介绍,然后详细介绍了其特点、规定等,在最后一段中对全文进行了总结。答案:DLaughter is part of the human language around the world.Unlike English or French,we dont have to learn to speak it,and were born with the ability to laugh.Studies show that the first laughter appears at about 3.5 to 4 months of age,long before were able to speak.As the saying goes,“Laughter is the best medicine.” Best of all,this priceless medicine is fun,free and easy to use.Nothing works faster to bring your mind and body back into balance than a good laugh.It helps relax your whole body leaving your muscles relaxed for up to 45 minutes after.Laughter also helps you fight against diseases.It can improve the function of blood vessels (血管) and increases blood flow,which can help protect you against a heart attack.And the good feeling you get when you laugh remains with you even a few minutes later.It helps you keep a positive,optimistic attitude toward difficult situations,disappointments and losses.Laughter gives you the strength to find new sources of meaning and hope.Even in the most difficult days,a laugh or even simply a smile can go a long way toward making you feel better.Shared laughter is one of the most effective tools for keeping relationships fresh and exciting.And it helps build strong and lasting relationships,and it unites people during difficult times.So its necessary to create opportunities to laugh with others.More often,people are very happy to share something funny because it gives them an opportunity to laugh again.When you hear laughter,find it out and ask,“Whats funny?” And you can make time for fun activities such as bowling,golfing or karaoke.In short,the ability to laugh and have fun not only makes life more enjoyable but also helps you solve problems,connect with others,and be more creative.The more laughter there is,the more benefits youll receive.语篇解读本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了“笑”的种种好处。5The author develops the second paragraph mainly by_.Atelling storiesBproviding examplesCdiscussing questionsDshowing research findings解析:写作手法题。作者在第二段中通过举例说明了“笑”对我们身体的好处。答案:B6Paragraph 3 mainly talks about_.Athe difficult times in ones lifeBthe benefits of laughter to our mindCthe physical health benefits of laughterDdifferent ways to feel better about oneself解析:段落大意题。根据该段中的keep a positive,optimistic attitude,feel better等可知,第三段主要介绍了“笑”给我们精神上带来的好处。答案:B7Why does the author suggest laughing with others?AIt strengthens the relationships between people.BIt makes people look much younger.CIt helps treat many kinds of diseases.DIt creates opportunities to be friendly.解析:细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的Shared laughter.create opportunities to laugh with others可知,和别人一起分享快乐可以加强人际关系。答案:A8What would be the best title for the text?AManthe only creature that laughsBLaughing makes us youngerCDifferent types of laughterDWhy should we laugh?解析:标题归纳题。文章主要从三个方面介绍“笑”的好处,即:身体上的好处、精神上的好处以及人际关系上的好处。正因为此,我们应该笑口常开。答案:D.语法填空Many Chinese believe eating pig brains will increase their 1._ (intelligent) and some Americans eat uncooked eggs to keep 2._ minds sharp.3._,doctor dont recommend to eat 4._raw eggs or animal brains.Then,what food is good for your brain?Scientists 5._(find) a relationship between diet and 6._healthy brain.Generally speaking,fish is a brain food.Besides fish,you should introduce lots of dark green leafy vegetables and colorful fruits into your diet 7._most people lack the special vitamins that these brain food provide.If you eat brain foods 8._(regular),they can increase brain powerhelp you pay attention,keep you motivated,improve your memory and 9._(less) stress from studies.So you will surely do 10._(good) in your test than before.答案:1.intelligence2.their3.However4.either5.have found6.a7.because8.regularly9.lessen10.better.短文改错More and more foreigners like to come to China.Last Friday our school was invited a foreign teacher in our city give a class to the students of Senior Grade Two.We found his class interested.I learned a lot from him.The teacher had a free talk to us with easy English.He spoke slow so that we could understand him well.Sometimes he repeated what we dont understand.My classmates were all active in the class.To his joy,I understood everything the teacher said.And I was able to ask question in English.This class encouraged me very much.Im sure that until we keep on practicing,it will be easy for us to learn speaking English well.参考答案More and more foreigners like to come to China.Last Friday our school was invited a foreign teacher in our city give a class to the students of Senior Grade Two.We found his class .I learned a lot from him.The teacher had a free talk to us easy English.He spoke so that we could understand him well.Sometimes he repeated what we understand.My classmates were all active in the class.To joy,I understood everything the teacher said.And I was able to ask in English.This class encouraged me very much.Im sure that we keep on practicing,it will be easy for us to learn English well.

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