高中英语 Module1 TheSecond Period Reading教案 外研版必修5

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高中英语 Module1 TheSecond Period Reading教案 外研版必修5_第1页
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The Second Period ReadingTeaching goals 教学目标1. Target Language目标语言a. 重点词汇和短语obvious, confusing, compare, omit, variety, differ, steadily, get around, be similar to, have difficulty (in) doing sth.b. 重点句式The accent, which is most similar to British English, can be heard on the East Coast of the US.A Londoner has more difficulty understanding a Scotsman from Glasgow than understanding a New Yorker.2. Ability goals 能力目标 Learn about the differences between British English and American English and the development of English.3. Learning ability goals学能目标By comparing the differences between American English and British English, students will be consistent in their preference of English, either American English or British English.Teaching important & difficult points教学重难点The differences between British English and American English. Teaching methods教学方法 Listening, reading and discussing.Teaching aids 教具准备A tape recorder, a projector and a computer.Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式Step I RevisionCheck the homework.T: Good morning / afternoon, class!Ss: Good morning / afternoon, Mr / Ms.T: What did we learn yesterday?Ss: Some differences between British English and American English.T: What are they?Ss: They are different in vocabulary and spelling.T: Who can give us some examples?S: Sidewalk is American English. In Britain people say pavement.S: Americans spell program while British spell programme.S: Americans spell theater while British spell theatre.S: Americans sometimes omit prepositions. For example, “Write me when you have a moment.”.T: Im glad youve done a very good job. This class we are going to learn more about British English and American English. Before starting the text, please work with your partners and do Exercise 1 on page 2: Check the true statements.Step II ReadingDeal with the reading passage.ScanningAsk the students to scan the text and find the differences between American English and British English.T: First Id like you to do scanning and then finish the form with the information you get from the text. After you finish, please compare it with your partners.Show the form on the PowerPoint.Differences (in)American EnglishBritish Englishautomobile, freeway, gascar, highway, petrolGrammarSeveral minutes later, let the students compare their information with each other in pairs. Then show the following form on the PowerPoint.Differences (in)American EnglishBritish EnglishVocabularyautomobile, freeway, gascar, highway, petrolGrammarDo you have.?Write me soon!Have you got.?Write to me soon!Spellingcenter, color, programcentre, colour, programmePronunciationaccent on the East CoastNew York accentLondon accentGlasgow accentT: From this form we can have a clear image of the ways in which British English and American English are different. Lets come to Exercise 3 on page 3. Skimming Ask the students to skim the text and then finish Exercise 4 on page 3.T: Look at the questions first. Then skim the text to find the answers. Then check the answers with the whole class.Step III ExplanationDuring this procedure, play the tape for the students. Ask them to underline the difficult sentences. After the students listening to the tape, explain the text and deal with some language problems. T: Now we will deal with some difficult language focuses. Now I will play the tape for you. Please make a mark where you have difficulties.After listening to the tape. T: Do you have any difficulties with the text?S: Could you please explain the sentence to us: But it has also led to lots of American words and structures passing into British English, so that some people now believe that British English will disappear.T: We can understand it like this: Lots of American words and structures have been brought in with the help of the non-stop communication, so some people are worried that British English will disappear. This sentence implies that American English is simpler and the US is much more influential. So American English is more popular. Just like the Chinese language, more and more people are learning Chinese, because our country is becoming stronger and stronger. Maybe in the future Chinese will become many countries official language. Do you have any other questions?Ss: No.Step IV Analyzing the textHelp the students analyze the structure of the text. Ask the students to discuss in groups and later each group will be asked to speak out their opinions. After that, show the sample answers on the PowerPoint.T: OK. Lets read the text again. Please look at the structure of the text and find out its writing style. You may discuss it in groups. You are given 5 minutes.5 minutes later.T: Please stop here. Im glad you thought actively and had a heated discussion. What is the topic of the text? What is the text about?S: The English language.S: The text compares British English with American English. It introduces the differences between British English and American English.S: It tells in the future there are going to be many Englishes.T: Quite good. This text is an expository writing. It compares British English with American English. The paragraphs below the first four headings introduce the differences between British English and American English in four ways. From them we can learn the differences in vocabulary, grammar, spelling and pronunciation. The last heading tells us the development of English. Some people believe that British English will disappear while the international dimension suggests that in the future there are going to be many Englishes.Show the following on the PowerPoint.Part 1 (the first four headings) Differences between British English and American English in four ways: vocabulary, grammar, spelling and pronunciation.Part 2 (the last heading)The development of English:Some people believe that British English will disappear while the international dimension suggests that in the future, there are going to be many Englishes.T: Now lets come to Exercise 5 on page 3. Discuss our language Chinese.Step V DiscussionDivide the students into different groups and ask them to discuss the questions in Exercise 5 on page 3. They are given several minutes to discuss. Each member is encouraged to think actively and participate in the discussion. Make sure all the students have their own opinions.Sample answers:1. There are 2 main varieties, Mandarin and Cantonese.2. They are different in pronunciation.3. Yes, they do. People from different regions speak with different accents. Some accents are quite different from others, and you may find you dont understand even a word of a person from some region.4. I think more and more foreigners will learn Chinese and Chinese will be one of the most widely used languages in the world. It is also possible that Chinese will be the official language in many countries. Step VI HomeworkPick out the verb forms in the text.

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