高中英语 Module 5 Newspapers and Magazines Section Ⅲ Integrating Skills课时作业 外研版必修2

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高中英语 Module 5 Newspapers and Magazines Section Ⅲ Integrating Skills课时作业 外研版必修2_第1页
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高中英语 Module 5 Newspapers and Magazines Section Ⅲ Integrating Skills课时作业 外研版必修2_第3页
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Section Integrating Skills姓名:_测试时间:45分钟本卷总分:50分自评或老师评分:_基础训练.根据所给单词的首字母或括号内提示,写出单词的正确形式1The football f_ cheered the victory of their team in the street, dancing and singing.2Many stars can be seen only through t_ because they are too far away from us.3People hold the b_ that eating carrots can improve the eyesight.4The football team is made up of _(业余的) players from different walks of life.5Lucy asked the movie star to sign his _(亲笔签名) in her book.6We still have no _(证据) that the liquid ever existed on the moon.答案:1fans2.telescopes3.belief4.amateur5.autograph6.evidence.用所给短语的适当形式填空1. Animals _ rabbits and deer continue to be active in winter.2The building style in this city _that in a European country.3Dont _ him. He is spreading it on thick. 4Mo Yan _ a wellknown writer in the world.5If you dont _ your work, youll be dismissed sooner or later.6_ ! Join our club and you will have great fun. 7. He would like to _ this historic process. 8. He suggested that our class should _ five groups.9. That will cost you $120 _ if you buy these things. 10. Yesterday she _ my telephone number and address so that she wouldnt forget them.答案:1such as2.is similar to3.believe in4.is known as5.concentrate on6.Come on7.play a part in8.be divided into9.in total10. made a note of语篇提能阅读理解AMass media are tools of communication. Mass media allow us to record and pass information rapidly to a large, scattered(分散的) audience. They extend our ability to communicate with each other by helping us overcome barriers caused by time and space.There are various ways in which mass media make daily life easy for us. First, they inform and help us keep a watch on our world. They gather and pass on information we would be unlikely or unable to get on our own.Second, mass media help us to arrange time and life. What we talk about and what we think about are greatly influenced by the media. When people get together, they tend to talk about certain happenings in the newspapers or on TV. Because we are exposed to different points of view through different kinds of media every day, we are able to evaluate(评价) all sides of a certain issue.Third, the media are used to persuade people. A good example is advertisements through the media. Newspapers, magazines and TV are filled with all kinds of colorful, persuasive advertisements. Though many advertisements may not say openly that they want you to buy a certain product, they describe their products in such a way that you may want to buy them. Fourth, the media also entertain. All of the media make some efforts to entertain their audience. For instance, even though the newspaper is primarily a medium of information, it also contains entertainment features. Television, motion pictures, fiction books and some radio stations and magazines are devoted mainly to entertainment. It is estimated that in the future, the entertainment function of mass media will become even more important than it is now.1What are mass media according to the passage? ATools for entertainment which make daily life easy. BTools for education which help improve peoples knowledge. CTools for communication which record and pass information to people. DTools for advertisements which persuade people to buy things.2Which of the following statements is NOT true? AFrom mass media, we know what is happening in the world. BMass medias main purpose is to pass the information of advertisements. CSometimes we arrange our time and life according to mass media. DMass media can make people feel easy.3How do advertisements make people buy certain goods according to the passage? AThe advertisements make some efforts to entertain people. BThe advertisements say openly that they want people to buy a certain product. CThe advertisements describe their products in such a way that people may want to buy them. DThe advertisements use a lot of colorful pictures to persuade people.4From the passage we know that _. Amass media are the only tool of communication Bmass media make our life much more difficult Cin the future mass media will make us more relaxed Dthe media tell us truth at any time答案:1解析:细节理解题。由第一段“Mass media are tools of communication .”可知选C项。答案:C2解析:细节理解题。提供广告信息只是mass media的目的之一,并不是主要目的,故选B项。答案:B3解析:细节理解题。由第四段最后一句“Though many advertisements may not say openly that they want you to buy a certain product, they describe their products in such a way that you may want to buy them.即他们采用让你可能购买的方法来描述产品”可得出答案。答案:C4解析:推理判断题。由文章最后一句“It is estimated that in the future, the entertainment function of mass media will become even more important than it is now.即将来媒体的娱乐功能会更加重要”可得出答案。答案:CBBEIJINGChina has finished building of its fourth and most advanced space launch center, a senior space official said. Yang Liwei, deputy director of the China Manned Space Agency, said in Beijing on September 10 that infrastructure construction (基础建设)on the Wenchang Satellite Launch Center in the southern island province of Hainan has been completed and that the station will soon become operational.“The center is basically ready for spacecraft launches,” he said. Yang also said the nations space program is progressing in the development of the Tiangong2 space lab, the Tianzhou cargo spacecraft, the Shenzhou11 manned spacecraft and the Long March 2FY11 rocket as astronauts and ground facilities begin preparing for new missions.After Tiangong2 is launched around 2016, Shenzhou11 and Tianzhou will be sent into space to dock with (对接)it, he said. China has three operational space launch centers in Sichuan and Shanxi provinces and the Inner Mongolia autonomous region. According to earlier reports, more than 6,000 people would be relocated to make way for the Wenchang center. The construction of the center was approved by the State Council and the Central Military Commission(中央军委) in 2007, and work began in 2009.The biggest advantage of the Wenchang center is its low latitude (纬度)19 degrees north of the equatorwhich will enable rockets to save a lot of fuel compared with launches from other centers in China, experts said. A satellite launched from Wenchang is expected to have a longer service life as a result of the fuel saved by the shorter trip from transit orbit to geosynchronous orbit (同步轨道)The favorable location also allows a substantial increase in payload(有效载荷) on the rockets to allow them to carry heavier spacecraft. Liu Jianzhong, deputy designer of the Long March5 rocket system, Chinas most powerful rocket that is under development, said the new center would be suitable for the launch of the Long March5 because the large rocket can be transported to the center by sea. Other launch centers in China are in inland regions and have to transport their rockets by rail.“Launching from the Wenchang facility also means rocket wreckage(残骸) will fall into the sea rather than onto inhabited areas(居民区),” he said.5. The best title of the passage should be “_”. AChinas most powerful rocket that is under developmentBChina completes construction of advanced space launch facilityCThe new space center would be suitable for the launch of the Long March5DShenzhou11 and Tianzhou will be sent into space to dock with Tiangong2 6. What is the possible meaning of the underlined word“relocate”in Paragraph 2? AGive prizesBTeach the skillsCask questions officiallyDMove to a new place7. The biggest advantage of the low attitude of the Wenchang center is that it will enable rockets to _. Asave a lot of fuelBtravel much fasterCfall into the sea safelyDcarry lighter spacecraft8. Which of the following is WRONG? AThe construction of the new space center began in 2009.BYang Liwei is deputy director of the China Manned Space Agency.CThere is a space center in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region.DLaunching from the Wenchang facility means rocket wreckage will fall onto inhabited areas 答案:5解析:主旨大意题。根据全文尤其是开头:China has finished building of its fourth and most advanced space launch center, a senior space official said可知答案。答案:B6解析:词意猜测题。根据6,000 people和make way for可知是“迁移”的意思。答案:D7解析:事实判断题。根据第三段:which will enable rockets to save a lot of fuel compared with launches from other centers in China, experts said可得答案。答案:A8解析:事实判断题。根据第二段:China has three operational space launch centers in Sichuan and Shanxi provinces and the Inner Mongolia autonomous region可知答案。答案:C

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