高中英语 Module 3 Interpersonal Relationships-Friendship Section 4 Grammar强化练习(含解析)外研版选修61

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高中英语 Module 3 Interpersonal Relationships-Friendship Section 4 Grammar强化练习(含解析)外研版选修61_第1页
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高中英语 Module 3 Interpersonal Relationships-Friendship Section 4 Grammar强化练习(含解析)外研版选修61_第3页
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Module 3Section .完形填空2014山东曲阜师大附中期中When I was about 13, my father would take me on short outings on Saturdays. On the way homeP1, Dad_1_stopped at the Dairy Queen for 10cent ice creams. I couldnt_2_ it, but I could pray from the_3_ we started heading home to that corner where we would either go straightW1 for the ice cream or_4_and go home emptyhanded. That corner_5_ either mouthwatering excitement or_6_.On one special day, we were heading home, and again I was praying forP2 the_7_sound of his offerW2. It_8_,“Would you like an ice cream today?” That sounds great, “Dad!” But then he said, “How would you like to_9_today?”Twenty cents! My mind reeled(震惊). I could affordW3 it. I got a weekly allowance of 25cents, plus some_10_for odd jobs. But_11_it was my money, ice cream wasnt a good use of it. In a fit of_12_, I said, “well, in that caseP3, I guess Ill_13_,” My father just said, “Okay, Son,”But we headed home, I realized how wrong I was and begged him to_14_. But he just said, “Thats okay, we dont really need one.” I felt _15_for my selfishnessW4 and ungratefully see. He didnt mind, or _16_act disappointed.I_17_that generosity(慷慨) goes two ways and gratefulness sometimes costs more thanP4 “thank you”. On that day gratefulness would have cost 20 cents and it would have been the_18_ ice cream Id ever had.Ill tell you one more thing. We _19_ another trip the next week. As we _20_the corner, I said, “Dad, would you like an ice cream today? My treat.”1. A. frequently B. neverC. hardly D. strangely2. A. mention B. expect C. wait D. get 3. A. month B. day C. weekend D. moment 4. A. finish B. drive C. turn D. return5. A. indicated B. suggested C. instructed D. meant6. A. anger B. shame C. disappointment D. happiness7. A. funny B. surprising C. interesting D. beautiful8. A. spoke B. went C. came D. flew 9. A. treat B. serve C. buy D. provide 10. A. limited B. extra C. little D. easy11. A. after B. while C. although D. when12. A. sadness B. regret C. curiosity D. selfishness13. A. pass B. accept C. payD. eat 14. A. keep up B. turn back C. stop by D. give in 15. A. awful B. unsatisfied C. frightened D. crazy16. A. never B. knew C. even D. somehow17. A. learned B. knew C. acknowledged D. found 18. A. dearest B. worst C. cheapest D. best19. A. made out B. prepared for C. went on D. took up20. A. crossed B. approached C. left D. saw文章讲述了作者和父亲经常在回家的路上买冰淇淋的故事。有一次爸爸想让儿子买冰淇淋,但儿子舍不得买就拒绝了,爸爸没在意但儿子很后悔,在下一次的旅行时儿子下定决心要给父亲买冰淇淋。1. A根据文章中上句中的often和第二段开头一句中的again可以判断出我们经常停下来买冰淇淋,A. frequently经常地,频繁地;B. never从来不;C. hardly几乎不;D. strangely奇怪地,所以A正确。2. B根据文章句意可知,我作为孩子渴望得到冰淇淋。A. mention提到;B. expect期待;C. wait等待;D. get得到。根据句意所以B正确。3. D根据上下文可以知道,从我们开始往家赶的那一刻,我就开始祈祷希望能够得到,所以D正确。4. D根据上文either go straight for the ice cream和下文and go home emptyhanded. 可知,我们或者去买冰淇淋,或者空手而回。A. finish完成;B. drive开车;C. turn转弯,掉头;D. return 回来,所以D正确。5. D根据上下文和常识可以知道,在这里我可以得到美味的冰淇淋,所以这个拐角意味着快乐或失望。A. indicated表明;B. suggested建议,表明;C. instructed介绍;D. meant意味着,所以D正确。6. C根据mouthwatering excitement和文章意思:得到冰淇淋我会快乐,否则我会失望。A. anger生气;B. shame羞愧;C. disappointment失望;D. happiness快乐。所以C正确。7. D根据文章意思,我希望听到父亲主动提出买冰淇淋,对于一个孩子来说,这样的声音是美好的。A. funny滑稽的;B. surprising令人惊讶的;C. interesting有趣的;D. beautiful美好的,所以D正确。8. C根据上下文可以知道我期盼的声音终于来了。A. spoke说;B. went 去;C. came 来;D. flew飞。所以C正确。9. A根据文章结尾出的treat,父亲这次让我出钱请客。A. treat请客;B. serve为服务;C. buy买;D. provide提供,所以A正确。10. B根据文章意思和plus可知,我每周除了得到25美分,而且干零活得到额外的钱。A. limited有限的;B. extra额外的;C. little几乎没有;D. easy容易的,所以B正确。11.C根据文章意思,虽然我有足够的钱,但当让我买冰淇淋时我有点舍不得。A. after在之后;B. while当的时候(只表时间段);C. although尽管,虽然;D. when当时候。12.D根据上下文可知,我是出于自私而放弃了请客吃冰淇淋的念头。A. sadness伤心;B. regret遗憾;C. curiosity好奇心;D. selfishness自私,所以D正确。13.A根据文章意思,我既然不愿意请客吃冰淇淋,就只好放弃了。A. pass过,免掉;B. accept接受;C. pay付钱;D. eat吃,所以A正确。14. B上文提到realize how wrong I was,所以后悔我的自私,从而央求父亲调转车头。A. keep up坚持;B. turn back掉头;C. stop by顺便;D. give in屈服,让步,所以B正确。15.A根据上文父亲对我的回答可知,他实际上委婉地拒绝了我的恳请,所以我感到懊恼。A. awful 懊恼;B. unsatisfied不满意;C. frightened感到害怕的;D. crazy疯狂的,所以A正确。16.C根据文章意思父亲对我的行为并不介意,甚至没有失望。A. never从来不;B. knew知道;C. even甚至;D. somehow不知道怎么地,所以C正确。17. A根据文章意思,我通过此事意识到慷慨是双向的。A. learned了解; B. knew知道;C. acknowledged承认;D. found找到,所以A正确。18.D根据文章意思,我在想:如果我当时请客吃了冰淇淋,将是我对父亲多年来的回报,也是我所吃到的最好的冰淇淋。A. dearest最亲的;B. worst最差的;C. cheapest 最便宜的;D. best最好的,所以D正确。19.C我们下周将去旅行,根据后面关键词trip。 A. made out辨认;B. prepared for为做准备;C. went on 继续;D. took up开始从事,went on和trip构成固定短语:go on a trip ,所以C正确。20.B根据上下文可知,我已经做错了一次,当再次出游时,到拐角处我就主动提出请客。A. crossed横越;B. approached临近,接近;C. left离开;D. saw看见。根据宾语是corner,是快到即接近角落时,所以B正确。W重点单词1. straight adj.&adv.直的(地);直接的(地)2. offer v&n. 提供 3. afford v. 买得起,支付得起 4. selfishness n. 自私 P重点短语1. on ones way to 往去的路上2. pray for 为祈祷 3. in that case 要是那样的话 4. more than 超过,不仅仅,非常 . 阅读理解2014惠州市第二次调研Visitors to Londons Millennium Dome building on the morning of November 72,000 would have seen much more than they had expected. The Dome, a building which was built to celebrateW1 the beginning of the new millennium, had a special display, called “Money”, containing some of the worlds most famous diamonds.Shortly after opening time, four men disguised as workmen drove a large digging machine past security guards at the entrance. After coming near the exhibition, they put onP1 masks and releasedW2 smoke bombs.Their target was the Millennium Star, a 203carat perfect blue diamond, thought to be the most beautiful large diamond in the world, and the third largest ever discovered.Unfortunately for the thieves, the police had been keeping an eye onP2 them for months, after seeing two gang members videotaping the diamonds two months earlier. As the thieves used hammers to break intoP3 the glass case containing the diamonds, police dressed as cleaners quickly surroundedW3 and arrested them. The police had also swapped the diamonds for fakes a few hours before the robbery attempt. The gang had planned to get away by speedboat along the river outside the exhibition. The two drivers of the boat were also arrested after a highspeed chase along the river. If the robbery attempt had succeeded, it would have been the largest in historyworth 5, 000 million.S The thieves were given a total of 71 years in prison, with the two main leaders receiving 18 years each. Two years later, in February 2002, another gang of thieves succeeded in stealing millions of dollars worthW4 of diamonds in Antwerp, a diamonddealing city in Belgium. They used copied stolen keys and security passes to get into the area containing the diamonds on Sunday night. The robbery wasnt discovered until Monday morning. The four thieves might have gotten away withP4 the robbery, except forP5 their carelessnessthey were captured after they left a garbage bag containing security passes, videotapes, and documents with their names on the side of a road.1. Whats the best title of the passage?A. Careless Robbers B. Smart Policemen C. Diamond Robberies D. Famous Diamonds2. Why was the first robbery unsuccessful?A. Because the robbers actions were under close observation by police.B. Because the robbers didnt design the robbery carefully beforehand.C. Because an unexpected thing happened by chance.D. Because the real diamonds had been replaced.3. Why were the second gang of robbers caught eventually?A. Because they were too careless.B. Because they copied the wrong keys.C. Because they were videotaped.D. Because they used security passes.4. Whats the similarity between the two robberies?A. Both of them were unsuccessful. B. Both of them happened in the same city.C. Both of them were planned carefully in advance.D. Both of the two gangs were caught on the spot.5. Which of the following statements is True according to the passage?A. Many visitors had expected to witness the first robbery in London.B. The Millennium Star is the largest diamond ever discovered.C. The two main robbers in London robbery were sentenced to 71 years in prison.D. The two speedboat drivers tried to escape before caught.大意:本文讲述了两起著名的钻石抢劫(盗窃)案,一详一略,语言地道,可满足学生的好奇心。1. C由文章内容可知,本文主要讲述两起钻石抢劫案,故选C。2. A答案可从第4段第1行 “Unfortunately for the thieves, the police had been keeping an eye on them for months”得知。3. A答案可从最后1段最后7行,特别是“except for their carelessness”可知。4.C从两起抢劫案的过程看选C,本题易错选A,从最后1段第2行“succeeded in stealing”可知A错误。5. D从第5段第2行“The two drivers of the boat were also arrested after a highspeed chase along the river”可知。W重点单词1. celebrate v. 庆祝 2. release v. 释放,放出 3. surround v. 包围 4. worth adj.&n. 值的;价值 P重点短语1. put on 穿上,上演 2. keep an eye on 密切注视 3. break into 闯入 4. get away with 侥幸逃脱 5. except for 除了 S长难句译文:如果这次蓄意抢劫成功的话,那将是历史上最大的一次价值5亿英镑。剖析:本句是与过去事实相反的虚拟,虚拟条件句用had过去分词,主句用would_have过去分词。

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