高中英语 Module 2 Fantasy Literature Section 2 Everyday English and Function强化练习(含解析)外研版选修61

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高中英语 Module 2 Fantasy Literature Section 2 Everyday English and Function强化练习(含解析)外研版选修61_第1页
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高中英语 Module 2 Fantasy Literature Section 2 Everyday English and Function强化练习(含解析)外研版选修61_第2页
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高中英语 Module 2 Fantasy Literature Section 2 Everyday English and Function强化练习(含解析)外研版选修61_第3页
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Module 2Section . 阅读理解A2013安徽高考 “People are ruder today because they are rushed and more time poor than ever before,” says Patsy Rowe, “Manners have fallen off the radar(雷达)” Due toP1 our strong attraction to electronic equipment it is a wonder more people dont wake up each morning and greet the singing birds with a complaintW1 about the noise. Here are some examples of rudeness. Some people prefer to doP2 almost everything over the internet. To them,dealing withP3 an actual human is like an evolutionary step backward. It feels very slow because humans dont work at 4G speeds. When you have dinner with friends,you will often notice someone paying more attention toP4 his mobile phone. We have programmed ourselves to think that every new message brings lifechanging news, so taking calls and checking our texts are more important than talking to the people we are with.S What is worseP5, some people even tend to send anonymous(匿名的) rude messages by email.However, rudeness is never acceptableW2. Dont assume it is OK to be rude if the person youre in touch with wont recognizeW3 you. If you have something awful to say, have the courage to face the person and say it, write a letter or email and sign it, or forget it. Upsetting people with unsigned messages is cruel and disgusting.We shouldnt blameW4 technology for our shortcomings. Technology is here to help us,but we should not allow it to take over our lives. An important step is acknowledgingW5 our shortcomings. People spend a lot of time pointing out bad manners but it would be even more helpful if wed publicly acknowledge good manners when we see them.1. What can be inferred from the underlined sentence in Paragraph 1?A. People can tell good from bad behavior.B. Radar is able to observe human behavior.C. People care little about their behavior.D. Radar can be used to predict human behavior.2. Some people are less willing to deal with humans because _.A. they are becoming less patientB. they are growing too independentC. they have to handle many important messagesD. they have to follow an evolutionary step backward3. The author thinks sending unsigned awful messages is _.A. ridiculous B. disgustingC. acceptable D. reasonable4. What can we learn from the last paragraph?A. We should applaud good behavior.B. Technology can never be blamed.C. We should keep pointing out mistakes.D. Technology will take over our lives one day.是一篇有关现代文明礼仪的文章。第一段的第一句话其实就是文章主题句。 1. C推理判断题。根据第一段所表述的内容,可推测C项为“Manners have fallen off the radar(雷达)”的含义。 2. A细节理解题。根据第二段前三句可知答案为A。 3. B 细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“Upsetting people with unsigned messages is cruel and disgusting.”可知答案。4. A推理判断题。根据文章最后一段可知,A项为正确答案。W重点单词1. complaint n. 抱怨 2. acceptable adj. 可接受的 3. recognize v. 认出,承认 4. blame v. 批评,斥责 5. acknowledge v. 承认 P重点短语1. due to 因为,由于 2. prefer to do sth. 宁愿做某事 3. deal with 处理,论述 4. pay attention to 注意 5. whats worse 更糟糕的是 S长难句译文:我们自认为每一个新信息都会带来改变一生的消息,因此接电话或看短信比面对面交谈重要。剖析:本句是主从复合句,其中that引导的是宾语从句,so引导的是状语从句。B Argentina in the late nineteenth century was an excitingW1 place. Around 1870,it was experiencing an economic(经济的)boom, and the capital, Buenos Aires, attracted many people. Farmers, as well asP1 a flood of foreigners from Spain and Italy, came to Buenos Aires seeking jobs. These jobs didnt pay well, and the people felt lonely and disappointedW2 with their new life in the city. As the unhappy newcomers mixed together in the poor parts of the city, the dance known asP2 the tango(探戈舞)came into beingP3. At the beginning the tango was a dance of the lower classes. It was danced in the bars and streets. At that time there were many fewer women than men, so if a man didnt want to be left outP4, his only choice was to dance with another man so that he could attract the attention of the few availableW3 women. Gradually, the dance spread into the upper classes of Argentinean society and became more respectable. In Europe at this time, strong interest in dance from around the world was beginning. This interest in international dance was especially evidentW4 in Paris. Every kind of dance from ballet(芭蕾舞)to belly dancing could be found on the stages of the Paris theaters. After tango dancers from Argentina arrived in Europe, they began to draw the interest of the public as they performed their exciting dance in cafes. Though not everyone approved of the new dance, saying it was a little too shocking, the dance did find enough supporters to make it popular.SThe popularity(流行) of the tango continued to grow in many other parts of the world. Soldiers who returned to the United States from World War brought the tango to North America. It reached Japan in 1926,and in 2003 the Argentinean embassy in Seoul hired a local tango dancer to act as a kind of dance ambassador, and promote tango dancing throughout South Korea.5. The origin of the tango is associated with _.A. belly dancers B. American soldiersC. a Spanish city D. the capital of Argentina6. Which of the following is true about the tango?A. It was created by foreigners from Spain and Italy.B. People of the upper classes loved the tango most.C. It was often danced by two males in the beginning.D. A dancer in Seoul became the Argentinean ambassador.7. Before World War , the tango spread to _.A. America B. Japan C. France D. South Korea8. What can be the best title for the text?A. How to Dance the Tango B. The History of the TangoC. How to Promote the TangoD. The Modern Tango Boom属于信息阅读类文章,全文讲述了tango(探戈舞)的历史。5. D细节理解题。根据文章第一段可知A、B、C为错误选项,再据 Around 1870,it was experiencing an economic(经济的)boom, and the capital, Buenos Aires, attracted many people. Farmers, as well as a flood of foreigners from Spain and Italy, came to Buenos Aires seeking jobs. 可知正确答案为D。6. C细节理解题,根据文章第二段内容可知正确答案为C。7. C细节理解题,A项应为“After World War , the tango spread to America”,B项发生的时间是1926年,D项为2003年,利用排除法可知正确答案为C项。8. B主旨大意题,据全文内容可知正确答案为B。W重点单词1. exciting adj. 令人激动的2. disappointed adj.失望的3. available adj. 可获得的,可利用的 4. evident adj. 明显的 P重点短语1. as well as 也,和,和一样好2. be known as 作为而出名 3. come into being 产生,形成 4. leave out 遗漏,省去 S长难句译文:尽管不是每个人都赞成这种新舞蹈,说它有点令人吃惊,但它的确有很多支持者并让它很快流行。剖析:这是一个主从复合句,though引导让步状语从句,句中not everyone 为部分否定。.短文改错My parents live in the country. They keep a dog calling Ah Fu. One day my parent went to work in the fields taking my little sister with Ah Fu along. While they working, my sister walked to the river nearby. Ah Fu followed her there. She was trying to pick a flower while she fell to the river. Ah Fu barked and jumped to the water immediate. When my parents heard Ah Fu barking they ran to the river. They saw Ah Fu swimming towards the bank carried my little sister. My parents praised Ah Fu warm. It was our brave Ah Fu who had saved my little sister.答案:My parents live in the country. They keep a dog Ah Fu. One day my went to work in the fields taking my little sister Ah Fu along. While they working, my sister walked to river nearby. Ah Fu followed her there. She was trying to pick a flower she fell the river. Ah Fu barked and jumped to the water . When my parents heard Ah Fu barking they ran to the river. They saw Ah Fu swimming towards the bank my little sister. My parents praised Ah Fu . It was our brave Ah Fu who had saved my little sister.

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