高中英语 Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits Section 2 Introduction & Reading-Language points课时作业 外研版必修2

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高中英语 Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits Section 2 Introduction & Reading-Language points课时作业 外研版必修2_第1页
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高中英语 Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits Section 2 Introduction & Reading-Language points课时作业 外研版必修2_第2页
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高中英语 Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits Section 2 Introduction & Reading-Language points课时作业 外研版必修2_第3页
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Module 1Our Body and Healthy HabitsSection Introduction & ReadingLanguage Points.语法填空1George is going to talk about the geography of his country,but Id rather he_(focus) more on its culture.答案:focused2I was late this morning.Is that_you didnt catch the early bus?答案:because3There were 30 people_(injure) in the traffic accident,but the injured_rescued (营救) at once.答案:injured;were4A crowd of local children gathered around,_(eye) us in silence.答案:eyeing5You shouldnt miss the opportunity to see the playits_(rare) put on.答案:rarely6_(make) sure all the windows are shut before you leave.答案:Make7If you work hard and never give up,you will head_success sooner or later.答案:for8Hes never done this type of work before.Im not sure how hell fit_with the other people.答案:in9We noticed a cat_(head) towards the big tree and disappear last night.答案:head10Can you name some illnesses_(connect) with smoking?答案:connected11Why do you eat so little?Mind your health.Oh,please dont be_(anxiety) about me.Im just_(diet)答案:anxious;dieting12Do you mind if I keep pets in this building?Id_you not,actually.答案:rather.选词填空take exercise,have a sweet tooth,keep fit,be anxious about,be connected with,be crazy about,make sure,keep away fro 1Tom_and ate many sweets in his childhood.答案:had a sweet tooth2The best way to_that we feel good is to have a healthy diet.答案:make sure3He_playing computer games and spent many hours on them every day.答案:was crazy about4_regularly is a good way to build up ones body.答案:Taking exercise5The doctor said that the illness_his unhealthy living habits.答案:was connected with6Thats why his parents_his health.答案:were anxious about7More and more people realize_is more important than having wealth.答案:keeping fit8These habits have finally_Tom _games and sweets.答案:kept;away from.句型转换1I saw that Mary was taking a walk along the river just now.I saw_ _a walk along the river just now.答案:Mary taking2Put your heart into your lessons,and youll make great progress._ _ _your heart into your lessons,youll make great progress.答案:If you put3The students were doing the experiment according to what the teacher had told them.The students were doing the experiment_ they_ _ _by the teacher.答案:as;had been told4My little sister likes sweet food very much.My little sister_ _ _ _.答案:has a sweet tooth.完形填空Once upon a time all the spirits set about building two palaces:a palace of truth,and a palace of lies.Every time a child told the truth,a brick was _1_ for the palace of truth.The spirits of truth would then take it and _2_ it to the growing walls.In just the same way was the palace of lies _3_.Each brick was created _4_ a child told a lie.Both _5_ were impressive (令人印象深刻的) and each group of _6_ worked hard to try to _7_ that their own palace was the _8_.So,the lying spirits,who were much more tricky (狡猾的) and _9_,sent a group of spirits to the world to get children to tell more and more _10_.These spirits were _11_,and started getting many more bricks.As a result,their palace became _12_ and more impressive.But one day,something _13_ happened in the palace of lies.One of the _14_ turned into a paper box.A little while later another brick turned into glass,and broke into pieces.And so,little by little,it became clear that whenever a lie was _15_,the brick that it had created _16_ its form,broke,and finally disappeared.In this way,the palace of lies became weaker and weaker,and in the end it _17_ fell to pieces.At this,everyone,including the lying spirits,_18_ that you cannot use lies for _19_.They are never what they _20_ to be.So,you never know what they will turn into.语篇解读本文是记叙文。谎言宫殿的坍塌使我们明白:谎言一无是处。1A.createdBlostCfound Dsold解析:由下文的Each brick was created可知。答案:A2A.show BlendCreturn Dadd解析:此处指“精灵为真理宫殿添砖加瓦”。答案:D3A.designed BprotectedCbuilt Dused解析:根据文章内容可知,两座宫殿的建造方法是一样的。答案:C4A.when BuntilCand Dbut解析:当有小孩子说谎时,谎言宫殿的砖就会增加一块。答案:A5A.towers BpalacesCislands Dvillages解析:由文中多处出现的palace(s)可知。答案:B6A.angels BwomenCchildren Dspirits解析:由上文的all the spirits set about building two palaces可知。答案:D7A.learn about Bmake sureCexplain Ddecide答案:B8A.best BrichestCnewest Dluckiest解析:两组精灵都努力建造宫殿,以确保各自的宫殿是最好的。答案:A9A.beautiful BpopularCdishonest Ddifferent解析:由上文的more tricky可知,谎言精灵使用诡计、不老实。答案:C10A.jokes BstoriesClies Dsecrets解析:由上文的the lying spirits.,sent a group of spirits to the world to.可知,谎言精灵收集的是谎话。答案:C11A.proud BsuccessfulCpatient Dfamous解析:由下文的started getting many more bricks可知,谎言精灵很成功。答案:B12A.cleaner BsofterCsafer Dbigger解析:由上文的started getting many more bricks可知,谎言宫殿比真理宫殿大。答案:D13A.strange BinterestingCwrong Dpleasant解析:由下文的turned into a paper box.another brick turned into glass可知,有一天发生了奇怪的事情。答案:A14A.stones BbricksCwalls Dbuildings解析:由下文的another brick turned into glass可知。答案:B15A.told BcorrectedCdestroyed Ddiscovered答案:D16A.hated BhidCavoided Dchanged解析:由上文的turned into a paper box和turned into glass可知,每发现一条谎言,由谎言所构建的砖块就改变了原来的形状。答案:D17A.generally BimmediatelyCcompletely Dgradually解析:谎言宫殿的砖块纷纷破碎,因此,宫殿最后也就彻底散架。答案:C18A.expected BunderstoodCdiscussed Dexpressed答案:B19A.nothing BsomethingCanything Deverything解析:在这时,大家都明白了谎言一无是处。答案:C20A.appear BchooseCdream Dprepare解析:由下文的you never know what they will turn into可知,谎言从来都不是它表面上看上去的那样。答案:A.阅读理解Is there anything more important than health?I dont think so.“Health is the greatest wealth,” wise people say.You cant be good at your studies or work well when you are ill.If you have a headache,toothache,backache,earache or bad pain in the stomach,if you complain of a bad cough,if you run a high fever and have a bad cold,or if you suffer from high or low blood pressure,I think you should go to the doctors.The doctor will examine your throat,feel your pulse (脉搏),test your blood pressure,take your temperature,sound your heart and lungs,test your eyes,check your teeth or have your chest Xrayed.After that he will advise some treatment,or some medicine.The only thing you have to do is to follow his advice.Speaking about the doctors advice,I cant help telling you a funny story.An old gentleman came to see the doctor.The man was very ill.He told the doctor about his weakness,memory loss and serious problems with his heart and lungs.The doctor examined him and said there was no medicine for his disease.He told his patient to stay in a quiet place for a month and have a good rest.He also advised him to eat a lot of meat,drink two glasses of red wine every day and take long walks.In other words,the doctor advised him to follow the rule:“Eat with pleasure,drink with pleasure and enjoy life as it is.”The doctor also said that if the man wanted to be well again, he shouldnt smoke more than one cigarette a day.A month later the gentleman came into the doctors office.He looked cheerful and happy.He thanked the doctor and said that he_had_never_felt_a_healthier_man.“But you know,doctor,”he said,“its not easy to begin smoking at my age.”语篇解读身体是革命的本钱,没有一个好身体,学习和工作就没有保证。如果你感到不舒服,就应当去看医生。作者还讲述了一个医生与病人之间的幽默故事。1The writer thinks that_.Ahealth is more important than wealthBwork is as important as studiesCmedicine is more important than pleasureDnothing is more important than money解析:推理判断题。根据文章第一段前三句可知作者认为健康最重要,由此可推出“健康比财富更重要”。答案:A2The doctor usually tells his patient what to do_.Awithout examining the patientBafter he has examined the patientCif the patient doesnt take medicineDunless the patient feels pain解析:细节理解题。由第二段中的“The doctor will examine your throat.After that he will advise some treatment,or some medicine.”可知医生在给出建议前会检查一下患者的身体状况。答案:B3The underlined part means“_”Ahe was feeling better than everBhe wasnt a healthy manChe was feeling worse than beforeDhe would be well again解析:句意理解题。一位先生病了,感到很虚弱,于是来看医生,医生给了他一些建议。一个月之后,他来了,看起来很高兴,还感谢了医生,自然是他的病已经好了,所以该句意为“他感觉身体比以前好多了”。答案:A4Which of the following is NOT true?AThe doctor usually tests his/her blood pressure when a person is ill.BThe man told the doctor he couldnt remember things.CThe man thanked the doctor.DThe man didnt follow the doctors advice.解析:正误判断题。根据这位先生第二次来看医生时的精神状态可知,他听从了医生的建议。故D项错误,应入选。答案:D.任务型阅读Lots of people give you advice on overcoming (克服) fear._1_However,I want to tell you that a world without fear would be more dangerous,less rewarding.So we want to treat fear as a friend?Here are three reasons._2_Think about it.Do you get more nervous when you meet the girl (or guy) of your dreams?Which is more fearful,talking to the boss of your company or to some of your friends?_3_If you didnt have fear to guide you,you might not know that!Not so bad,right?Next,fear encourages us to take action.Fear is a call to action.In the past,our ancestors (祖先) didnt run away in fear when they saw a tiger running toward them but tried to kill it for food.Now,most of us dont face serious danger like hungry tigers every day,but we do face serious bosses or public speaking.So,what can we do?_4_Lastly,fear lets you know you are alive.Why do we like roller coasters (过山车)?_5_Same for horror movies.So fear can guide you towards whats important for you and encourage you to take action to improve.Dont we all need that kind of friend?ADont fear to be wrong.BIt frightens us in a mostly safe way.CImagine what life would be like without fear.DThe first is that fear is an excellent guide to opportunity.EThey say if you can overcome fear,you will be successful.FLet fear provide us with the energy to do what needs to be done.GFear is showing you what is important and what matters to you.答案:1.E2.D3.G4.F5.B

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