高中英语 5 Cultural Corner练习4 外研版必修2

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Cultural Corner姓名:_测试时间:45分钟本卷总分:50分自评或老师评分:_基础训练.用所给单词的正确形式填空1. The magazine is written, edited,_ (produce), and published by some young people . 2His _(review) about the novel are accepted by most people. 3It is quite _(evidence) that he is not equal to the job. 4The politician was appointed as Minister of _(financial). 5. The _(found) of the company retired at the age of 85. 6. Any given _(cultural) is a reflection of the politics and economics of a given society.答案:1produced2.reviews3.evident4.finance5.founder6. culture.句型转换1May you have more success in the future!I wish _ _ _ in the future.2There are altogether 50 students in my class.There are 50 students _ _ in my class.3We were excited that our experiment was successful.We were excited that our experiment was _ _.4All the tourists photographed the beautiful scenery.All the tourists _ _ _ the beautiful scenery.5All my friends called me offering their congratulations on my birthday.All my friends called me _ _ _ my birthday.答案:1you more success2.in total/all3.a success4.took photographs of5.congratulating me on语篇提能.完形填空There is an Indian story about a bar of candy that came to see God in heaven and complained,“Dear God, I am so _1_. I am so nice! I keep the Five Precepts. I meditate(打坐)_2_.”The sugar candy, as you know, it always sits on the _3_ doing nothing. He says he never does harm to _4_. “But anyone, even the ants, the fliesanyone who comes _5_ me wants to eat me. _6_? What have I done? Doesnt the law of karma exist any more?”_7_ God says that if you do something _8_, if you harm someone, and if you are sour, _9_ people will return sourness to you. But if you are sweet to people, if you are nice and you dont do any harm to people, then they will _10_ harm you, right?So the candy said,“Why? I am a candy. I am so sweet, and people always _11_ me and abuse me, why?”And God said,“Youd better step a little bit further _12_ I answer you.”And the candy said, “Why, you dont _13_ me?”So God said,“Just do it! Stand _14_, please!”Hes nearly lost his temper. Hes _15_ very hard, very loud. And the sugar was shaking, thinking that God got _16_ with him and didnt like him. He said,“Mmmy Gggod, but what did I do?”So God said,“You didnt do _17_, but if you stay too near, I will _18_ want to eat you!”Everything in this world has a nature of _19_ own. Some are charming, some are seducing, like the candy, chocolate and cakes, and some can burn everything like _20_, as soon as you get near.1A.sweet BhappyCdangerous Dangry2A.at no time Ball the timeCat times Dat any time3A.telephone BboardCpark Dtable4A.everyone BsomeoneCanyone Dno one5A.near BbackCout Don6A.When BWhatCWhy DWho7A.Though BWhetherCIf DBecause8A.good BniceCbad Ddangerous9A.but BthenCand Dso10A.always BneverChardly Dnearly11A.help BdrinkCeat Dteach12A.ago BbeforeCafter Dlater13A.tell BeatChate Dlike14A.away BupCdown Doff15A.cried BshoutedCsmiled Dlaughed16A.happy BafraidCangry Dpleased17A.everything BsomethingCnothing Danything18A.also BtooCeither Dneither19A.his BherCits Dtheir20A.water BwoodCsugar Dfire本文主要讲述了一个印度的故事。糖果问上帝为什么它那么甜那么好,人们却总是想要吃它,上帝却让糖果离自己远一点,因为如果糖果靠得太近,连上帝自己都会忍不住想要吃掉它。这说明每个事物都有它特定的定律,是无法改变的。1解析:我们知道糖果通常都是很甜的,所以这里要选sweet。答案:A2解析:由上下文可知,这里糖果是说它遵守五戒并且“一直”打坐。答案:B3解析:这里是对前文糖果说它一直在打坐的解释,因为糖果一直都是躺在“桌子”上什么也不做。答案:D4解析:由上下文可知,这里糖果是说它从不伤害“任何人”,但是却总被人伤害。答案:C5解析:因为糖果是供人食用的,所以这里糖果是说每个“靠近”它的人都想吃掉它。答案:A6解析:由上下文可知,这里糖果是不明白“为什么”它不伤害任何人,但是人们却总想吃掉它。答案:C7解析:由上下文可知,这里是指因为上帝说过。所以选Because。答案:D8解析:由上下文可知,这里是说如果你做了什么“坏事”,如果你伤害了别人答案:C9解析:由上下文可知,这两句话是一种递进的关系,所以这里选then,意为“然后”。答案:B10解析:这里是说如果我们不伤害别人,别人也“不会”伤害我们。答案:B11解析:这里是对前文的呼应,糖果不明白为什么人们总要“吃掉”它。答案:C12解析:ago和before都意为“之前”,但是ago前面一般接时间,所以这里应该选before。答案:B13解析:从上文可知,这里糖果是认为上帝不“喜欢”它才让它站远一点。答案:D14解析:这里上帝是重复前面的话,让糖果站远点。stand away意为“离开”。答案:A15解析:由上下文可知,上帝快要发脾气了,所以这里是说上帝“叫”得很大声。答案:B16解析:因为上帝叫得很大声,并且不断地让糖果站远点,所以糖果认为上帝“生气”了。答案:C17解析:由上下文可知,这里上帝是对糖果问话的回答,说糖果没做错什么。故选anything。答案:D18解析:also意为“也”,用于肯定句,且在句中。符合此处语意。答案:A19解析:由上文可知,这里修饰的是everything,所以应该选its。答案:C20解析:此处是说有些东西可以烧掉一切事物,所以四个选项中只有fire符合此语境。答案:D.语法填空Reading the newspapers is one way to get the information of the world. Many people like to read the _1_(late) newspaper, but few people know the reason _2_ it is produced so quickly.The most important man may be _3_ chief editor who decides _4_ to do. Every morning there are a number of journalists _5_(send) to report the events. Sometimes they need a facetoface interview with people _6_ do telephone interviews. Meanwhile, the picture editors send _7_(photograph) to take the photos that they need. Later in the day, they pass the stories and the developed photos on _8_ the chief editor. The chief editor will choose the most important news for the front page. _9_ editors read the stories, make some necessary changes and write headlines for them. Only when all the processes are finished, will the newspapers be printed and delivered to _10_(difference) places.答案:1解析:根据上下文可知,人们喜欢看“最新的”报纸,latest意为“最新的,最近的”。答案:latest2解析:此处引导定语从句,修饰先行词the reason,且表示原因,故用why。答案:why3解析:特指“主编”用定冠词the。答案:the4解析:“疑问句不定式”作decide的宾语,疑问词作不定式中动词do的宾语,故用what。答案:what5解析:本句谓语动词为are,send与journalists是被动关系,故用过去分词作后置定语,表被动。答案:sent6解析:“面对面沟通”与“电话沟通”是选择关系,故用连词or。答案:or7解析:此处表示“派摄影师去拍照”,且photographer是可数名词,故用其复数形式。答案:photographers8解析:pass sth.on to sb.“将传递给”,为固定搭配。答案:to9解析:此处意为“其他的编辑阅读稿件,做必要的修改等”,other意为“其他的”。答案:Other10解析:设空处修饰名词places作定语,应用形容词形式。答案:different.短文改错Today is my birthday. Yesterday our English teacher told us that we were going to have a English exam this morning, so I got up early and went off my lessons. During the exam, I careful finished my paper. When I get back home in the evening, Mother was waiting for me. With a new dictionary in his hand, she patted me on the shoulder and told me to studying even harder in the future. Father was bought me a tenspeed bicycle. How happily I was! I made up my mind to one of the top student in my class. 答案:Today is my birthday. Yesterday our English teacher told us that we were going to have English exam this morning, so I got up early and went my lessons. During the exam, I finished my paper. When I back home in the evening, Mother was waiting for me. With a new dictionary in hand, she patted me on the shoulder and told me to even harder in the future. Father bought me a tenspeed bicycle. How I was! I made up my mind to one of the top in my class. .书面表达假如你是高一学生李华,平时喜欢看报纸。你的英国笔友John想让你说说读报的好处。请根据下面内容,用英文给John发一份电子邮件。 1了解国内外新闻; 2开阔眼界,增加自己多方面的知识。如人间趣闻轶事、新的政策法规等。3可以通过阅读提高写作能力。4通过阅读体育新闻和新闻故事等达到放松、娱乐的目的。注意:1.词数100左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数;2包含所给内容,可适当增加细节,使行文连贯; 3参考词汇:开阔眼界 broaden our horizons; 政策 policy Dear John, Glad to get your email. In your email, you asked me about the advantages of reading newspapers. Well, there are many. _Yours,Li Hua答案:Dear_John,Glad_to_get_your_email._In_your_email,_you_asked_me_about_the_advantages_of_reading_newspapers.Well,there_are_many. first of all, there are many news on those papers about international and national events, which let me keep contacting with the world, Plus, you will have more topic when chat with your friend. Otherwise, I could broaden my horizons and improve my knowledge in many fields, because many varieties of special columns are offered, like common sense in life, biography, and so on. At last, I have to say an important advantage for me, which I really want to share. I realized I have made progress with my written ability after reading, sometimes, I even wrote the better sentences than before without thinking.Yours,Li_Hua


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