高中英语 2.1 Warming Up,Pre-reading,Reading & Comprehending练习 新人教版选修6

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PoemsSection Warming Up,Pre-reading,Reading & Comprehending课时训练基础夯实.单词拼写1.He climbed up the tree and hid among the b.答案:branches2.The other boys often t Bill because he is so fat.答案:tease3.The prince was t into a frog in the fairy tale.答案:transformed4.At that time,I found it hard to c my feelings in words.答案:convey5.This price is Andrews(最低限度),so he refuses to lower it any further.答案:minimum6.I dont understand,so please give me a(n)(具体的)example.答案:concrete7.The government needs a more(灵活的)approach to education.答案:flexible8.Adam has a house in London and a(n)(小屋)near the sea.答案:cottage9.Erics statement is(矛盾的)to what he said before.答案:contradictory10.Can you think of a(n)(押韵词)for “mouse”?答案:rhyme.选词填空take it easybe made up ofrun out ofmake sensein particular1.Linda liked all her subjects,but she liked English .答案:in particular2.The man named Andy never ideas for unique party decorations.答案:runs out of3.Eric,youve done quite a lot of work today;now for several hours.答案:take it easy4.The mother explained to her son that a truck many different parts.答案:was made up of5.The sentence just doesnt ,no matter how you read it.答案:make sense.翻译句子1.请告诉我你为什么缺席。(reason why)答案:Please tell me the reason why you were absent.2.作为一名老师,他非常清楚怎样向学生们传达他的思想。(convey)答案:As a teacher,he knows exactly how to convey his ideas to the students.3.有这么多事情要处理,我必须现在就走。(with复合结构)答案:With so many things to deal with,I must go now.4.在去海滩的路上,我的车因为汽油耗尽而抛锚了。(run out of)答案:My car broke down on the way to the beach because it had run out of petrol.5.放心吧,你会赶上我们的。(take it easy)答案:Take it easy.You are sure to catch up with us.课文浓缩There are various reasons 1. people write poetry.Some poems tell a story or describe something in a way.Others try to 2. certain emotions.Some of the first poetry in English is 3. rhymes,which 4. small children.Children can learn about language by 5. with the words.Another simple form of poetry is the 6.,a poem made up of five 7.,which can convey a strong picture in a few words.Haiku is translated from 8. and it is made up of 17 9.What is more,English poems also adopt some poems from 10. poems.答案:1.why2.convey3.nursery4.delight5.playing6.cinquain7.lines8.Japanese9.syllables10.Tang能力提升.阅读理解(导学号51970015)“Play is what we want to do.Work is what we have to do,” said W.H.Auden.Poetry is both of those things.Robert Frost,in fact,defined poetry as “serious play”.Poetry is the liveliest use of language,and nobody knows more instinctively(本能地) how to take delight in that playfulness than children.Surely no parent or educator feels that children must be forced to learn Dr.Seuss or Mother Goose for that matter;children love rhymes,word games,and the magic effects of verse.It is not an exaggeration(夸张) to say that all children,at least until adolescence,are natural poets.It is a fact that some children are more drawn to words than others.Sometimes all it takes is the influence of the right person or book at the right moment,to tap something insidea love of language,of the sound or meaning of words,of their look on the page.But it is fairly important for all children that the right opportunities and the right people be there when the moment is at hand.Often the first of these opportunities is the influence of family.How many of us cant remember a song that our parents sung,a book or a poem that was read to us countless times,or a favourite bedtime story? That language of love is poetry.Also,there is the world around us.Adrienne Rich noted,“Poetry reflects on the quality of life. in our lives,in our relationships,in our communities.”Once the love for poetry has been established,and some understanding of the art has been acquired,we need to ensure children the opportunity to read and share and respond to poetry in new ways.1.Which of the following is TRUE?A.Adults cant take delight in poetry.B.All children are born with the ability to enjoy poetry.C.All children are equally attracted by poetry.D.Children can naturally write poems.答案:B解析:细节理解题。依据文章内容尤其是第一段最后一句“毫不夸张地说,所有的孩子至少一直到青春期,都是天生的诗人”可推知B项正确。2.What may be discussed in the following paragraph?A.The reasons why children love poetry.B.Other opportunities for children to enjoy poetry.C.Some new ways to enjoy poetry.D.How to create opportunities for children to enjoy poetry.答案:C解析:推理判断题。依据文章最后一句可知我们需要确保给孩子们机会用新的方式阅读、分享和回应诗歌,因此下面的段落要谈论欣赏诗歌新的方式。3.Which is the best title of the passage?A.Give Children Chances to Enjoy PoetryB.Why Children Love PoetryC.How to Help Children Love PoetryD.Children Understand Poetry Better答案:A解析:标题判断题。本文第一段主要说孩子天生会欣赏诗歌;第二段中心句是最后一句话,要给孩子们机会来欣赏诗歌;第三段谈的是学习诗歌的机会;最后一段作为总结。因此中心意思是给孩子们机会欣赏诗歌,故选A项。.七选五(导学号51970016)Top Poetry Writing TipsTip 1:Poetry involves work,rest and play.1 It involves hard work,especially in the early stage when you are deciding on the overall form and tone of the poem,and getting the bones of it onto the page.But writing poetry should be a playful activity,too.Have fun playing around with the language,the ideas and the music inside the poem.Tip 2:2 Poetry has been defined as “the best words in their best order”.Choose your words carefully for their sounds and meanings.But poetry is also about silence.Just as the white space on the page is needed to shape the pattern of words,the thoughts that are left unsaid,the pauses,and the quiet hints will add something extra to your poem.3 If you have created enough solid stepping stones in words and thoughts,then the reader will follow you to the end of the poem without falling in.Tip 3:4 Poets often turn to writing a poem when they experience a strong emotion and have the need to express it.The reading of other peoples poetry can also give comfort or a sense that you are not alone in how you are feeling.But be careful not to swamp your poem with abstract emotions and dont tell your readers how to think or feel.Tip 4:Writing poetry can be difficult to start and hard to let go.It is often difficult to know how to start a poem,but the trick is to recognize the beginning of things in everyday life.5 They can start from remembering a funny conversation that youve overheard(偶然听到) at the bus stop,yesterdays nightmare,a secret youve been told or an interesting postcard that you notice in a shop.If you catch yourself thinking about something for more than a minute or two,thats when you reach for a pen and some paper and start jotting down thoughts,words and phrases.A.Dont be scared of the gaps that you leave.B.Poetry needs an emotion and a control of it.C.Poetry requires both words and silence.D.Writing a good poem rarely comes easily.E.Poetry sets the scene for readers to step into.F.Poems dont have to come from exciting events.G.You must write your feelings and views with a passion.答案:15 DCABF4

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