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.可编辑修改,可打印别找了你想要的都有! 精品教育资料全册教案,试卷,教学课件,教学设计等一站式服务全力满足教学需求,真实规划教学环节最新全面教学资源,打造完美教学模式一年级英语上册Unit 1 School词汇:ruler尺子,pencil铅笔,schoolbag书包,teacher教师, I 我, have有句子:I have a (book). Whats your name? My name is Show me Stand up. Sit down. Close your eyes. Open your eyes. Unit 2 Face词汇:face脸,nose鼻子,mouth嘴巴,eye眼睛, ear耳朵, this这个, is是, my我的 句子:This is my (face). Touch your (face).Unit 3 Animals词汇:dog狗, bird鸟, tiger老虎, monkey猴子, cat猫, what什么, it它 句子:Whats this? Its a ( cat). Act like a (cat). Unit 4 Numbers词汇:one一, two二, three三, four四, five五, six六, seven七, eight八, nine九, ten十 句子: How many ( rulers) are there? There are ten (rulers).Unit 5 Colours词汇:red红色, black黑色, blue蓝色, yellow黄色, green绿色, colour颜色句子: What colour is it? Its ( black). Show me (black). Guess. Whats this? Its a ( pencil ). Unit 6 Fruit词汇:apple苹果, pear梨, orange柑橘, banana香蕉, do(助动词), you你, like喜欢, Yes 是的, no 不是 句子: Do you like ( apples )? Yes, I do. Choose a number.一年级英语下册Unit 1 Classroom词汇:chair椅子, desk书桌, blackboard黑板, in在里面, on在上面, Under在下面, where哪里, the 放在名词前,特指人、事、物句子:Where is the(book)? Its on/in/under (the desk)。 Put your (book)in/on/under the ( desk).Unit 2 Room词汇:light灯, bed床, door门, box箱子、盒子, near靠近, behind在背后句子:Whats ( behind) the (door) ? ( A chair). Unit 3 Toys词汇:car小汽车, ball球, plane飞机, doll玩具娃娃, bear玩具熊, train火车, can 能, sure当然, sorry对不起句子:Can I have a (car )? Sure. Here you are. / Sorry, no.Unit 4 Food词汇:noodles面条, vegetables蔬菜, egg鸡蛋, fish鱼、鱼肉, chicken鸡、鸡肉, rice米、米饭, hungry 饥饿的, want想要, and和句子: Im hungry. I want ( noodles). Do you like (rice) ? Yes, I do. / No, I dont.Unit 5 Drink词汇:juice果汁、蔬菜汁, milk牛奶, water水, tea茶叶、茶, thirsty口渴的, thanks感谢 句子: Do you want ( tea) ? Yes, please. / No, thanks.Unit 6 Clothes词汇:shirt衬衫, T-shirt T恤衫, skirt裙子,短裙, dress连衣裙, socks短袜, shorts短裤, your你的,你们的句子: I like your ( shirt). Put on your shirt. Look at my / your dress. Its red. I like my red dress.二年级英语上册Unit 1 My family词汇:father 父亲;爸爸, mother 母亲;妈妈,brother 兄;弟,sister 姐, grandmother (外)祖母, grandfather (外)祖父,who 谁,he 他, she 她句子: Whos he? 他是谁? He is my (father). 他是我的爸爸。 Whos she? 她是谁? She is my (mother). 她是我的妈妈。Unit 2 Boys and girls词汇:classmate 同班同学,friend 朋友,woman 女人,girl 女孩,man 男人, boy 男孩, look 看; 瞧, his 他的, name 名字, her 她的, or 还是句子: Whats his name? 他的名字是什么? His name is (Panpan). Whats her name? 她的名字是什么? Her name is (Candy).Unit 3 My friends词汇: big大的, tall 高的,pretty 漂亮的;可爱的, thin 瘦的,short 矮的 handsome英俊的, new 新的, does (助动词)句子: What does he look like? 他长得什么样? He is (tall). 他的个子高。 What does she look like? 她长得什么样? She is (pretty). 她很漂亮。Unit 4 In the Community词汇:bookshop 书店, zoo 动物园, school 学校, supermarket 超市, park 公园,hospital 医院, go 去, to 向;朝句子: Where are you going? 你打算去哪里? Im going to the (zoo). 我打算去动物园。Unit 5 In the park词汇:grass 草,tree 树,flower 花;花朵,boat 小船, lake 湖, hill 小山句子: There is a boat on the lake. 在湖里有一条小船。 There are (trees) in the park.在公园里有很多树。Unit 6 Happy Holidays 词汇: Christmas 圣诞节,Father Christmas 圣诞老人,Christmas tree 圣诞树, too 也;又, present 礼物, card 贺 卡;明信片, New Year 新年, merry 高兴的;愉快的,here 这儿,for(表接受某事物或从某事物中获益的人), thank谢谢, happy快乐的、幸福的 句子: Happy New Year! 新年快乐! You too! 你也是! Here is a card for you. 这张贺卡送个你。 Thank you. 谢谢。 二年级英语下册Unit 1 Playtime词汇: play football踢足球, fly a kite放风筝, ride a bike骑自行车, cant不能, make a modle plane做飞机模型, swim游泳, make a snowman堆雪人 句子: Can you ( play football )? Yes , I can. / No , I cant . Unit 2 Weather 词汇: umbrella雨伞, rainy下雨的, cloudy多云的, snowy下雪的, windy刮风的, sunny晴朗的,weather天气, wow哇, lets 让我们 句子: Its (windy). 介绍简单天气情况。询问和回答天气状况的功能句:Whats the weather like today? Its (sunny).Unit 3 Seasons词汇:spring春天, summer夏天, autumn秋天, winter冬天, hot炎热的, warm温暖的, cool凉爽的, cold寒冷的, favourtite最喜欢的, season季节句子: Whats your favourite season? My favourite season is spring.Its warm /hot /cool/ cold. Unit 4 Time词汇:eleven十一, twelve十二, thirteen十三, fourteen十四, fifteen十五, Twenty二十, thirty三十, forty四十, fifty五十, time时间, playtime游戏时间句子: What time is it ? Its ( twelve ) oclock. Its (ten thirty).Unit 5 My Day词汇:get up起床, eat breakfast吃早饭, go to school上学, eat lunch吃午饭, go home回家, eat dinner吃晚饭, go to bed上床 睡觉, when什么时候 every day每天, at在点钟句子: When do you ( get up ) every day? I ( get up ) at ( six ) oclock.Unit 6 My Week词汇:Monday星期一, Tuesday星期二, Wednesday星期三, Thursday星期四, Friday星期五, Saturday星期六, Sunday星期天, today今天句子: What day is it today? / What day is it? Its ( Monday ).三年级英语上册Unit 1 Myself词汇:my(我的) , your(你的), name(名字), new(新的), year(年岁), old(年老的) How old多大, class班级, grade年级, age年龄, dear亲爱的句子:Which class are you in?(你在几班) Im in class one grade six. Unit 2 My Body词汇:body(身体), head(头), hair(头发), arm(胳膊), leg(腿), hand(手), foot/feet(脚), the matter困难、毛病, hurt疼痛, help帮助, bad坏的, bite咬, tongue舌头, kick踢, morning早晨, afternoon下午, summary总结、摘要句子: Whats the matter? (你怎么了? My (leg) hurts. (我的受伤了。)Unit 3 Food词汇:bread(面包), cake(蛋糕), ice-cream(冰淇淋), potatoes(土豆), tomatoes(西红柿, meat(肉), fruit(水果), for当作, cola可乐 shopping list购物单, buy买句子: What do you want for breakfast?(你早餐想要什么?) I want some bread and milk.(我想要一些)Unit 4 Pets词汇:rabbit(兔子), duck(鸭子), chicken(小鸡), snake(蛇), turtle(兔子),small(小的), long(长的),look for寻找, tail尾巴, dance跳舞句子:What does it look like? (它长得怎么样?) Its small). It has ( long tail). Unit 5 Clothes词汇: cat(帽子), coat(大衣), shoes(鞋), sweater(毛衣), jacket(夹克), gloves(手套), trousers(长裤),should应该, wear穿, week星期, soon不久, look forward to盼望句子: These are(shoes)(这些是.) What should I wear today?(今天,我应该穿什么衣服?)You should wear (a coat).(你应该穿)Unit 6 Birthdays词汇:January一月, February二月, March三月, April四月, May五月, June六月, July七月, August八月, September九月, October十月, November十一月, December十二月, birthday生日, first第一, party聚会, delicious美味的句子: When is your birthday?(你的生日是什么时候?) Its in January.(我的生日在)三年级英语下册Unit 1 School Subjects词汇: Chinese语文, English英语, science科学, PE体育, music音乐, art美术, maths数学, computer class计算机课,we我们, that那个, 句子:What classes do you have on ( Monday )? We have ( Chinese and English).Unit 2 My School词汇:classroom教室, library图书馆, toilet厕所, playground操场, floor(楼)层, first第一的, second第二的, third第三的, room房间, our我们的, they他们, chair椅子, desk书桌,blackboard黑板句子:Do you have a ( a playground)? Yes, we do. / No, we dont. Where is it? Its on the ( first) floor.Unit 3 After School Activities词汇:after school放学后, play sports做运动, draw pictures画画, dance跳舞, play chess下棋, sing songs唱歌, read books读书, really确实, tomorrow明天, wake up叫醒,be back回来句子: What are you going to do after school? Im going to ( play sports). Whats he / she going to do after school? Hes / Shes going to (read books).Unit 4 My Family词汇:family家庭, uncle姑父;伯父, aunt姑母;伯母, cousin堂(表)兄弟, handsome英俊的, beautiful美丽的, lost遗失, water bottle水平, know知道, OK好的, much很多地, welcome受欢迎的句子: Is she your (mother)? Is that man your (father)? Yes, she is. / No, he isnt.Unit 5 Family Activities词汇: cooking dinner正在做饭, walking the dog正在遛狗, watching TV正在看电视, watering the plants正在给植物浇水, cleaning the room正在打扫房间, listening to music正在听音乐, feeding the fish正在喂鱼,play with与玩耍, in one hour一小时之后, everyone每人, children孩子们, run跑句子: What are you doing? What is he / she doing? I am ( cooking dinner). He / She is ( walking the dog).Unit 6 My Home词汇:home家, bedroom卧室, living room客厅, bathroom卧室, dining room餐厅, study书房、学习, kitchen厨房, for rent供出租,sofa沙发句子: Where is (Andy)? Whats he / she doing? He / She is in the ( bedroom). He / She is ( sleeping ). 四年级英语上册Unit 1 Sports and Games词汇: running跑步, basketball篮球, roller skating滑旱冰, jumping rope跳绳, ping-pong乒乓球, What about?怎么样? Interesting有趣的, often经常, be good at擅长, late晚句子:Do you often (play hockey)? Yes, I often (play hockey). Im good at it. Yes, I sometimes (play tennis), but Im not good at it.Unit 2 On the Weekend词汇:visit ones grandparents看望(外)祖父母, go to a drawing club去绘画俱乐部, climb a hill爬山, pick fruit采摘水果, play computer games玩电脑游戏, go fishing钓鱼, go to the cinema看电影, on the weekend在周末, fun有趣的, always总是, step踏、踩, paint颜料, evening傍晚, dirty脏的, their他们的, house房子, poor可怜的, hope希望, so那么句子: Do you like ( baseball)? Yes, I do. I also (like jogging). What about you?I like (cycling). Its (interesting).Do you often ( play tennis)? Yes, I often ( play tennis). Im good at it.Unit 3 Transportation词汇:usually通常,by bus乘公交车,by boat乘小船, by ship 乘轮船, by car乘小汽车, by taxi乘出租车, by bike 骑自行车, on foot步行, by school bus乘校车,by subway乘地铁, by plane乘飞机,by train乘火车, garden花园, meeting place集合地点, gate大门,transportation交通, film电影,earth地球、世界,snow雪,theatre剧场,come来,enjoy欣赏句子: How do you usually go to school? I usually go to school (by car). Unit 4 Asking for Help词汇:pen钢笔,knife小刀, eraser橡皮, crayon 蜡笔, scissors剪刀,paper 纸, glue stick胶棒, use使用, please请, find找到, Information Centre咨询中心, Excuse me对不起,打扰一下。phone电话,dad爸爸,hamburger汉堡包 句子: Do you have ( pens)? Yes, we do. Do you have (scissors)? Sorry, we dont.Can I use your eraser, please? SorryI dont have oneCan I use your dictionary, please?SorryIm using itCan I use your eraser, please?SureHere you areMy grandpa is illPlease call _! Whats the weather like? Please call _!Fire! Fire! Please call _! Look! A thief! Please call _!Unit 5 Safety词汇:climb on the window ledge爬窗台, dangerous危险, play with fire玩火, be careful 当心,run down the stairs跑下楼梯, sidewalk人行道, safe安全的, wait for等待,safety rule安全规则,stop停,street街道, 句子: Be careful! Please use Its safe.Dont run down the stairs. Its dangerous! Dont climb on the window ledge.Unit 6 Jobs词汇:nurse护士, cook厨师, doctor医生, farmer农民, bus driver公交司机, police officer警官, taxi driver出粗司机, worker工人,in the future将来, great好极了,job工作,sick有病的, people人们,teach教, just只是, myself我自己,sound听起来 句子: What do you want to be? I want to be a / an In the future, Binbin wants to be a police officer.What does he want to be? He wants to be a doctor.四年级英语下册Unit 1 My Neighbourhood词汇:across from在对面, next to紧邻, between在之间, restaurant餐馆, post office邮局, bank银行, grocery食品杂货店, turn left向左转, turn right向右转, go straight直行, crossroads十字路口, neighbourhood街坊, send寄、发送, get得到,money钱, get to到达, before在之前,leave离开, toy玩具句子: Excuse me. Where is the (bank)? Go straight and turn left/right.Unit 2 Cities词汇:city城市, street街道, sports centre体育中心, hotel宾馆, square广场, buy toys买玩具, see a film看电影, go boating去划船, busy忙碌,station车站, place地方,thing事, stay停留, star星, king国王,central中心的,dream梦 take photos照相,museum博物馆句子: Excuse me. Where is the (hotel)? Go straight and turn left/right.Unit 3 Travel Plans词汇:sea海洋, ski滑雪, eat seafood吃海鲜, visit the Mogao Caves参观莫高窟, West Lake西湖, row a boat划船, the Great Wall长城, take photos照相,travel旅游, summer vacation暑假句子: Where do you want to go? I want to go to ( Hainan).What do you want to do there? I want to (eat seafood).Unit 4 My Hobbies词汇: reading读书, skateboarding玩滑板, singing唱歌, dancing跳舞, doing jigsaw puzzles拼拼图, making models制作模型, collecting erasers收集橡皮, different不同的, hobby爱好, stamp邮票,catch抓住句子: What are your hobbies? I like singing and dancing.Unit 5 Free Time词汇:go for a picnic去野餐, play the violin拉小提琴, go skating去滑冰, free 空闲, go camping去野营, do the housework做家务, once a week一周一次, twice a week一周两次, three times a week一周三次,never从不句子: How often do you (play the violin) ? I play the violin three times a week.Unit 6 Countries词汇:Canada加拿大, Australia澳大利亚, the UK英国, the USA美国, China中国, koala考拉, Big Ben大本钟, maple leaves枫叶, Disneyland迪斯尼乐园, Campfire篝火, cute可爱的, country国家,句子: Where are you from? Im from ( China ).五年级英语上册Unit 1 Classmates词汇:clever聪明的, careless粗心的, polite有礼貌的, quiet安静的, cute可爱的, Friendly友好的, helpful肯帮忙的, active活跃的, popular受欢迎的, talk说话, party聚会, all全部, but但是, sometimes有时,bark吠、叫, forget忘记, with同一起句子:Whats your friend like? He is tall and polite. He has short hair. What does your friend look like? He is Unit 2 Teachers词汇:wear glasses戴眼镜, slim苗条的, curly卷曲的, straight直的, nice好的, Young年轻的, teach教,guess猜, has/have有句子:What does he teach? He teaches PE.Unit 3 Animals词汇:animal动物, elephant大象, panda熊猫, horse马, cow奶牛, pig猪, bee蜜蜂, sheep绵羊, farm农场, fast快的, why为什么,lovely可爱的,butterfly蝴蝶句子: Whats your favourite animal? My favourtie animal is the (panda).Unit 4 Shopping Day词汇:exercise book练习本, pencil sharpener铅笔刀, a pair of scissors一把剪刀, pencil box铅笔盒, a box of crayons一盒蜡笔, please请, only只、仅仅, also也,saleswoman女销售员, great好极了, how much(价钱)多少, love喜欢,a lot很多句子: How much is the pencil box? Its (eleven)yuan.Unit 5 TV Shows词汇: wonderful精彩的, cool酷的, fantastic极好的, cartoons动画片, news shows新闻节目, nature shows自然节目句子: When do you usually watch TV? I usually watch TV at seven oclock.Unit 6 Chores词汇:Chore家务, clean the room打扫房间, make the bed整理床铺, take out the rubbish倒垃圾, wash clothes洗衣服, tidy the desk清理书桌, sweep the floor扫地, call打电话给句子: What chores do you usually do at home? I usually clean the room.五年级英语下册Unit 1 Keeping Healthy词汇: too much太多, candy糖果, go to bed去睡, early早, exercise锻炼, tired困倦的, drink喝,before在之前, dirty肮脏的, always总是, stomachache胃疼, headache头疼, toothache牙疼,a lot of许多,sleepy困的, subject学科, mark分数, advice建议, more 更多句子: Whats wrong? Ive got a ( headache).You should/shouldnt go to bed late.Unit 2 Special Days词汇:New Years Day新年, Tree Planting Day植树节, Mothers Day母亲节, Childrens Day儿童节, Fathers Day父亲节, Teachers Day教师节, National Day国庆节, Christmas Day圣诞节, birthday生日, fifth第五 tenth第十, twelfth 十二, twenty-fifth第二十五, plant种植, maker a poster制作海报,celebrate庆祝,have a picnic野餐, office办公室, together在一起,special特殊的句子: How are you going to celebrate it? We are going to ( buy some flowers).Unit 3 Making Contact词汇:send an email发送电子邮件, write a letter写信, make a phone call打电话, send a short message发送短消息, say说, make a card制作卡片,everywhere各处、到处,flower show花展句子:What would you like to do? I would like to (send an email).Unit 4 Last Weekend词汇:Cleaned the window擦窗子, watched TV看电视, climbed a hill爬山, visited grandparents看望祖父母, danced跳舞, jumped rope跳绳, listened to music听音乐, rowed a boat划船, played the piano弹钢琴,played chess下棋, played computer games玩电子游戏, stayed at home呆在家里, washed clothes洗衣服, boring单调的, badminton羽毛球, won获胜句子: How was your weekend? It was wonderful. What did you do last weekend? I climbed the hill.Unit 5 Have a Great Trip词汇: went to the beach去海边, drank cold drinks喝冷饮, swam游泳, ate ice-cream吃冰淇凌, the Stone Forest石林, bought some gift买礼物, took photos拍照片, saw flowers赏花, slept睡觉, delicious美味的, felt happy觉得高兴,sad难过的, left(leave的过去式)离开,French fries法式炸薯条, were(are的过去式)是句子: Where did you go? I went to (the beach).Unit 6 Growing Up词汇:was born出生, started to speak开始说话, learned to walk学走路, learned to ride a bike学骑自行车, went to kindergarten上幼儿园, went to school上学, learned to swim学游泳, fifteenth第十五, started to buy things开始学买东西, started to study English开始学英语, started to use a computer开始使用电脑,all over到处,out of离开,into进入, chopsticks筷子, wet湿的句子: When did you start to speak? When I was two years old.六年级英语上册Unit 1 In China词汇:morning tea早茶, soup汤, garden花园, the Potala Palace布达拉宫 the Summer Palace颐和园, the Terracotta Army兵马俑, vacation假期 taste品尝, map地图, north北, south南, east 东, west西, around遍及,the Yangtze River长江,foggy有雾的,spicy辣的,silk丝绸,forest森林,stone石头句型:Where is ? 在哪儿? Its in the west of . 它在的西部。 Whats famous for? 它因什么而著名? Its famous for . 它著名是因为Unit 2 Around the World词汇: London伦敦, Toronto多伦多, Sydney悉尼, Washington D.C.华盛顿, the British Museum英国博物馆, kangaroo袋鼠 the CN Tower加拿大国家电视塔, speak 讲, the Opera House悉尼歌剧院 the White House白宫, clock钟, French法语, Tower Bridge(伦敦)塔桥, the London Eye伦敦眼, hiking远足, sunrise日出, president总统, 句型: What do you know about? 关于你知道些什么? Its in the of 它在的部。 Its famous for 它因而著名。 People there speak 那儿的人讲 You can there. 你可以在那里Unit 3 Animal World词汇:reptile 爬行动物,bird鸟类,fish鱼类,mammal 哺乳动物, insect 昆虫, penguin企鹅, shark 鲨鱼, whale 鲸鱼,kind种类,metre米,spend花费 trunk象鼻, peanut花生, fan扇子,tust(象、野猪等)长牙,Africa非洲, Asia亚洲, smart聪明的句型: What kind of animals are (the whales)? 属于什么种类的动物? They are (mammal). 它们是爬行动物。Unit 4 Feelings词汇: scared 恐惧的,worried担忧的,angry生气的,proud自豪的,sad伤心的, excited兴奋的,happy高兴的, ill生病的,win获胜,race赛跑, find发现, cry哭, because因为,test测验,competition竞赛, hurt弄伤句子: You look so (scared). Why? 你看起来很恐惧。为什么? I am/ was because 我因为Unit 5 Famous People词汇: inventor 明家,artist艺术家,scientist 科学家,poet 诗人,writer作家, American美国人, French法国人, Danish丹麦人, poem诗、诗歌, Paint用颜料画,invention 发明,invent 发明,study研究,story故事, university大学,deaf聋的,blind失明的, fall落下句子: Why is it famous for? 为什么著名? Hes famous for .他著名是因为Unit 6 Winter Vacation词汇:dumpling 饺子, fan 迷, ice lantern 冰灯,bring 带来,be afraid of 害怕, hear 听说,pen pal笔友, broken损坏了的, pity遗憾,prize奖(品), look forward to盼望句子: What are you going to do? 你打算去做什么? Where are you going? 你打算去哪儿? I am going to. 我打算去六年级英语下册Unit 1 Visiting Canada1. 能够听懂、会说、熟记以下单词: live 居住、生活, quite有点, scarf围巾, airport 机场, pupil 小学生, arrive到达, meet 迎接、遇见、会面, rdrobe 衣柜2、熟悉并复习会话。运用几个话题解决实际问题。1) Where is Bill going ? He is going to (Canada).2) When is he going there? 3) Whats the weather like there?4) What should Bill take with him?5) What does Teds mother/father do ?6) What does Bills mother/father do ?7) What are your hobbies?8) What did Bill do in Beijing?9) How many pupils were there in his class ?10) When were you born?.11) When do you go to school?12) What class are you in ?13)What pet do you have ?14) What is your pet like?15) What pet do you want?16)What is your favourite season?17) What do you like to wear in this season?18) What does your father /mother do ?19) How many people are there in your family?20) How many rooms are there in your home?21) What do you want to be when you grow up?Unit 2 All around me1. 能够听懂、会说、熟记以下单词: show-around 带领-参观 Queens Park 女王公园 art gallery 艺术馆 public library 公共图书馆 downtown 市中心 Lake Ontario 安大略湖 stadium (露天)体育场2. 熟悉并复习会话。运用几个话题解决实际问题。1) Is there a ( ) ? Yes , there is .2) How can I get there ? Its on Pear Street. Go straight . Turn left at the second crossroads. The library is on the right.3) Where are Bill and Ted ? Theyre in Willow Pr


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