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.可编辑修改,可打印别找了你想要的都有! 精品教育资料全册教案,试卷,教学课件,教学设计等一站式服务全力满足教学需求,真实规划教学环节最新全面教学资源,打造完美教学模式2018年人教版中考英语九年级英语总复习教案课时授课计划 授课日期_年_月_日 星期_课 题(第 课时)初中英语总复习计划 课时教学目标考试性质、考试标准分析、试题分析、复习安排重点和难点制定自己配合老师复习的学习计划教学媒体A tape recorder , CAI时间教 师 活 动 设 计学生活动一、考试性质 初中毕业英语学业考试是以英语课程标准五级目标为依据,义务教育阶段英语学科的终结性考试。考试结果既是衡量学生是否达到初中毕业标准的主要依据,也是高中招生的重要依据之一。依据英语课程标准来确定考查内容和标准。注重落实知识与能力、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观的三维目标,重视考查学生对英语基础知识与基本技能的掌握情况,考查学生在具体情境中综合运用语言的能力。二、考试标准分析 英语课程标准规定的义务教育阶段英语课程的总体目标是发展学生的语言综合运用能力,这一能力是建立在语言知识、语言技能、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识等五个方面的基础之上的。在这五个方面中,情感态度、学习策略等课程目标难以直接通过笔试的方式进行考查,因此,英语学业考试主要侧重考查学生的语言技能、语言知识、跨文化交际意识和跨文化交际能力。有以下考试内容与要求:(一)语言知识要求考生能够恰当运用基本的语音、语法知识,学会使用1600个单词和300个习惯用语或固定搭配。本部分侧重考查学生在一定的语境中灵活运用语音知识、语法知识、词汇知识等语言知识的能力。(二)语言技能1、听力技能要求考生能听懂有关日常生活所熟悉的话题。考生应能够:理解主旨要义;获取事实性的具体信息;推测说话人的身份、意图和观点;在听的过程中作出恰当反应;针对所听语段的内容记录关键信息本部分侧重考查学生对口头语言材料的理解能力以及从中获取信息的能力。2、阅读技能要求考生读懂各种题材和体裁的简短书面材料。考生应能:理解主旨要义;理解材料中的具体信息;根据上下文和构词法推断生词的含义;推测作者的身份、意图和观点;预测故事情节的发展和可能的结局;阅读技能是初中毕业考试英语学科的主要考查内容之一,着重考查考生理解各种书面材料的能力以及从中获取信息的能力。本部分不考查语言知识,但将适当选用一些实用性的语言材料,如广告、告示、说明书、指令、图表、故事和短文作为阅读素材。3、写作技能要求学生根据提示,使用所学语法和词汇等基础知识,以书面的形式清楚、连贯地表达自己的意思。学生应能:A、 具有基本的英、汉句子翻译能力;B、 根据提示图示或表格写出简单的文章或操作说明;C、 从文章中获取主要信息并能摘录要点;D、 写简单的应用文,如书信、电子邮件、告示、海报等;E、 根据上下文猜测说话人的意图,完成对话。本部分侧重考查学生运用所学知识,以书面的形式进行信息沟通,再现生活经历,描述周围事物,表达意见和观点的能力,将尽可能考查学生表达真实意义或个人经验的能力。三、试题描述1、听力技能(计20分,主观题10分,客观题10分)A)理解 根据你所听到的对话,选择正确的答案。听下面五段对话,选出与所听内容相符的图片;听下面一段对话,做第6、7小题;听下面一段对话,做第8、9、10小题;本题型属于客观性试题,主要测试学生对功能意念项目和话题项目的掌握情况,重点考查学生理解所只内容的主旨要义和具体信息的能力,考查学生推断说话人的身份、意图和观点等的能力。B)反应 根据你听到的内容和实际情况,写出尽可能简要的答语;本题属于主观性试题,测试学生对功能意念项目和话题项目的掌握情况,重点考查学生针对所听内容并结合自己的实际情况进行应答的能力。C)笔录要点 根据你听到的内容,填写下面的表格。以能力立意,属于主观性试题。测试学生对话题项目的掌握情况,重点考查学生对所听内容进行归纳并笔录要点的能力。2、知识运用(计25分)A) 单项填空 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择正确的答案填空;以知识立意,属于客观性试题,测试学生对语法项目的掌握情况,重点考查学生在一定语境下正确运用语法、常用相似词语以及功能意念项目的能力。B)完形填空 以能力兼知识立意,属于客观性试题,重点考查学生的阅读理解能力,同时测试学生通过上下文灵活运用语法知识的能力。3、阅读技能。(计30分)A)阅读短文,判断下列句子是否符合短文内容。符合的写T,不符合的写F。B)阅读短文,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳回答问题或完成句子;C)阅读下列图表,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项回答问题或完成句子。D)阅读下列材料,从所给的AE五个选项中,选出正确的选项填空,使短文通顺、内容完整。以上题型都是以能力立意,属于客观性试题。主要测试学生理解各种题材和体裁的文章以及其他载体信息的能力。4、写作技能(计25分)A)摘录要点 阅读短文,然后完成内容摘要以能力立意,属于主观性试题,重点测试学生从文章中获取主要信息并加以摘录的能力。B)翻译 阅读下面的句子,按要求完成其翻译以能力立意,属于主观性试题,主要测试学生对两种语言表达习惯异同的理解和掌握情况,考查汉英互译的能力和表达能力。5、附加部分(两部分,计20分)A)完成对话 通读下面的对话,然后根据上下文补全对话。属于主观性试题,测试学生对功能意念项目、话题项目的掌握情况,重点考查学生提出问题、请求帮助等方面的能力,考查学生积极、主动与人交流的能力。B)情景作文 以能力立意,属于主观性试题,本题型提供情景的形式尽可能多样化,重点在于测试学生各种文体的简单的写作技能。四、复习安排针对今年考试标准,将对学生进行针对性的复习。全期基础复习阶段时间约为80课时。综合复习阶段40课时。第一阶段:分两部分同时进行一部分:粗讲初中英语七、八、九年级的教材,以教材上的单词、句型、惯用法、对话、日常用语、课文为重点,重点督促学生熟悉教材,反复抽查,要求掌握好考标上要求的单词、句型,背诵日常用语,重点对话和重点课文;本阶段在讲解的同时主要以背、默为主二部分:分知识点阶段复习,针对考试命题的要求,以考试标准上的要求为向导,进行知识点的讲解,语法知识的系统复习、巩固、练习、测试。听力技能:5课时 基础知识:10课时阅读技能:12课时写作技能:12课时附加题: 12课时综合运用:6课时第二阶段:全面复习、巩固、提高阶段在市模拟考试后,进行全面的综合复习,针对今年中考的试卷要求,依据英语课程标准和考标要求对学生进行综合试卷的考试,查漏补缺,解决学生的遗留问题。进行中考模拟题型练习、检测,使学生有针对性的进行提高。综合复习:40课时三、制定自己的英语学习详细计划。教后录 课时授课计划 授课日期_年_月_日 星期_课 题(第 课时)七年级上册Unit1-6 课时教学目标一、 基础知识巩固二、 基础练习巩固重点和难点中考链接教学媒体A tape recorder , CAI时间教 师 活 动 设 计学生活动一 基础知识巩固词组1.用英语读 read in English2.拼写你的名字 spell your name3.用号码给某人打电话 call sb at 4. 一串钥匙 a set of keys5.你的全家福(2种)a photo of your family/your family photo6为而感谢你 thank you for doing sth. 7. 问问题 ask questions8. 回答问题 answer the questions9.玩电脑游戏 play computer games10.做运动 play sports11.看电视 watch TV12.打排球 play volleyball13.有大量的体育收集品 have a great sports colletion14. 许多 a lot of/lots of15.去野餐 go on a picnic16.在失物招领处 in the lost and found case 17.一张身份证 an ID card 重要句型:1Whats this in English ? 这个用英语怎么说?回答: _ orange . 问Whats this 或Whats that 时,英语中一律用it is 来回答。拓展:Whatre those in English ? _ chairs. 2. What color is it ? 它是什么颜色的?1)color 颜色 造句:2)color sth. + 颜色 把涂成颜色 造句:3) be colorful 五彩斑斓的 造句:3. Is this your watch ? Call Alan at 4953539. A.对划线句子进行回答:Yes, _ _ .Is that your bother ? No, _ _ .this 反义词: 复数: _ _ That is my brother.变复数 _ .this is 这是 也可用于介绍他人造句:call sb. at 拨打联系某人拓展: 总结打电话的词组:1)2)3)4)call on sb./ call at sp.拜访某人造句:called = named 名为 造句:4Thanks for the photo of your family . 划线部分改写 Thank _ _ Thanks for sth. / doing sth. 为而感谢你造句:填空:Thanks for _ . (邀请我们)5Here is my family photo ! 这是我的全家福be 的单复数取决于后面的名词。选择: Here _ my best wishes to you . A. is B. are 6. Please take these things to your sister. 请把这些东西带给你的妹妹。Can you bring some things to school ? 你能带些东西来学校吗?辨析: take to 带/送去某地造句:bring to 拿来,送来造句:请用take 或bring 填空:1)My father is going to _ me to Beijing next week . 2) I want to buy a tennis racket, but I forget to _ money with me . 3) Please dont _ it here, it smells too bad. 4) She doesnt _ the thing there, she just put it at home . 7. Lets watch TV. 让我们看电视吧!A.反义疑问句:Lets watch TV, _ _ ?划线部分改写:1)_ watch TV ? 2) _ watch TV ?3) _ Watching TV ? let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事造句:B: 易混词组辨析:watch 观看 造句:watch sb do/ doing sth. 观看某人做/正在做某事造句:look at 看不一定看见造句:see 看见 看到 过去时/过去分词 _ _造句:see sb do/doing sth. 看到某人做/正在做某事造句:8That sounds good. 听起来不错。sound + 形容词 听起来造句:sound like + 名词 听起来像造句:总结其他感官动词:9Lets play sports! 让我们锻炼吧!划线部分还可以改写成:_10. Runner eats well . 跑步者吃得好good 修饰形容词 well 表示身体好或修饰动词/副词请用good 或well 填空:1)He is _ at sports, he plays basketabll very _ . 2) After the meat is _ cooked, you can eat it . 3) The clothes feel pretty _ . 4) She is feeling very _ now . 5) He is a _ man, and gets on _ with others. 6) The product sells _ , so I think the quality of it is rather _ 11 人称代词和物主代词:1)人称代词:主格:I , you , he, she, it 复数:_, _, _.用法:句首作主语宾格: me, you , him , her, it 复数:_, _, _ .用法:句中动词或介词后作定语 填空:2) 物主代词: 形容词性:my, your, his , her , its 复数: _ , _, _用法: 名词前作定语名词性:mine, yours, his , hers, its 复数: _, _, _用法: 句首作主语,句中动词后作宾语或系动词后作表语填空:_ is a singer, _ song is very good. (her)We dont know _. Can you tell us some _ stories ? (he)Thats too hard for _ . (our)_ answers are the same as ours. _ (theirs)Wheres _ keys ? _ are on the bed. (she)Her CD is better than _ . (me)We both have kites, but _ are better. (he)Did you win _ ? Yes, our team beat _ . (they)12. 名词复数的不规则变化形式。box-_, watch-_, story-_, lady-_, knife-_, leaf-_, photo-_, photatoes-_, child-_, foot-_, tooth-_, mouse-_, a piece of paper -_, a man doctor-_, a woman pilot-_, deer-_, Chinese-_(二)基础知识练习1.His telephone number is 6752219.(对画线部分提问)_ _ telephone number.2. I can spell it. N-E-W. _ _ you spell it ?3. -用英语表达这是什么?-它是一只桔子。-What_ this _ English? - It_ _ orange.4.-非常感谢你。-不用谢。-Thank you _ _.=Thank you _ _.-You are _.=Thats _ _.=Thats _.5.他的姓是什么?他的姓是布朗.Whats his _name?=Whats his _ name? _ _ _is Brown.6.你能告诉我她的名是什么?Could you tell me What _ name _ ?7.用take或bring填空 Please_me some books. Please_these books to your mother.8.打扰了!那是一本书吗? _ _!_ _ a book? 9.Is this her clock?(作肯定回答) Yes,_ _.10.Is that a telephone?(作否定回答)No,_ _.11.This is a dictionary.(改为复数)_ _ _.12.Are those erasers?(肯定回答)_ _ _.13.她的钥匙在哪?他们在梳妆台上。_ _ _keys? They _ _the dresser.14.Marys bag is under the bed. (对画线部分提问) _ _ Marys bag?15. 书桌在书橱和床之间。The desk is _the book case _ the bed .16.He has a tennis racket.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)_ he _ a tennis racket? No,_ _.17.-我没有足球,让我们打网球吧。-那听起来真好。-I _ _ a soccer ball._ _tennis.-That _ _.18.我爸爸每天在电视上看新闻。My father _ news _TV_ _.19.汤姆不喜欢吃沙拉做晚餐!Tom _ _salad _dinner.20.用括号内所给单词的适当形式完成句子(1).We like_(strawberry)for brekfast.I dont like _ (broccoli) for supper.(2).Here _(be) my family photos.(3).Victor _(have)five ping-pong bats.(4)Dale and Bob are my good friends.I like _ (they)(5) -Do you know Liu Xiang?-Yes,he is a _(run) star.(6)Its good for you to eat some _(tomato)(7)Three and two _ (be) five.21.选词填空am , is , are , do , does , dont , doesnt , his , her , my , your , he , she (1)I have a brother . _ name is Bob . (2)Miss Sun is our English teacher . _ favourite food is ice cream . (3)What _ this in English ? (4)_ your parents like noodles ? (5)My friend _ like bananas . 中考链接1. Toms card is much more beautiful than_. A .our B. her C.mine D.me2.Everyone can have _ID card ,even a newly-born baby.A. a B.an C.the D./3.It isnt _watch.I left mine at home. A.my B.me C.I D.myself4.Kate has lost _ key._asked_for help. A.her ;He ;I B.his;He;me C.his;She;I D.her;She;me 5.Mike is _Englishman.He studies in _university in Changsha. A.the ;a B. a;a C.an;a D.an ,the6.We traveled all night to London and got there_Sunday morning. A.for B.on C.at D.to7.Who will be _duty tomorrow?-Susan will. A at B.on C.for D.in8. Tom is good at playing _, but he cant play _ well . A. soccer, the drums B. the basketballl, violin C. tennis, trumpet 9. No news _ good news. A. is B. are C. be 10. The bigger basketball is _ and the smaller one is _ . A. Bens, my B. Bens, mine C. Ben, Is 11. Its about _ train ride from Beijing to Jinan. A. 4 hours B. 4-hour C. 4 hours12. This is _ bedroom. A. Tinas parents B. Toms parents C. Bobs parentss 13. Where are you going ? Im going to _ . A. the doctors B. Uncle Liu C. Mrs Browns 14.(1)I have two_(knife).Which one do you want?(2).Are they any_(sheep) on the farm?(3).This is _(Jim and David) picture.(4).These are _ (Lily and Lucy) rooms.(5).My daughter_(go) to school from Monday to Friday.22. 写一段话,谈谈你喜欢什么东西,有什么收藏。80字左右。教后录 课时授课计划 授课日期_年_月_日 星期_课 题(第 课时)七年级上unit 7- 9 课时教学目标三、 基础知识巩固四、 基础练习巩固重点和难点中考链接教学媒体A tape recorder , CAI时间教 师 活 动 设 计学生活动一 基础知识巩固词组:1. 物美价廉 at a good price2. 想要(某人)做某事 want (sb) to do sth.3. 给你 Here you are !4. 从买 buy . from.5. 卖给 sell to6. 看一看 have a look (at) 7. 大减价 be on sale = have a sale8. 付得起的价格 afford the prices /afford to do 9. 去看电影 go to a movie / go to see 10. 了解 learn about 11. 举行艺术节 have an Art Festival 12. 说英语 speak English 13. 需要帮助 need help 14. 展示给某人某事show sb. sth/ show sth to sb15. 帮某人某事 help sb.with sth. (help kids with swimming)重点句型1.How much is this T-shirt? -Its seven dollars.这件T恤衫多少钱?7美元。划线部分同义句改写:Whats _ ? How much _ ? how much 可以提问价格:这双鞋多少钱How much _ ?这些裤子多少钱How much _?注意:句中be 的单复数由主语决定how much 可以提问不可数名词,表示多少杯子里要多少咖啡?How much _ is there _ ?how many 提问可数名词,表多少,常用复数桌子上有几个杯子How many _?注意:be动词的变化2.Can I help you? Ill take it 您想买点什么?(我能帮你吗?) 我买了。= can I do you?= I can do you? 一 基础练习巩固1 I want to buy .。我想买一条长裤。 Ill it/them.我要买它(们)。 the money.给钱。2. 200 yuan.= 200 yuan. 我们每人有200元。5.The price of the watches .手表的价格是低的/高的。The watch is cheap/expensive=dear.手表是便宜/昂贵的。6.We English .我们必须学好英语。7.We pants only 30 yuan you我们的长裤30元卖给你。We .我们有许多种颜色的衬衫。8.Can I ?我可以试一试吗?Can I ?我可以试穿它(们)吗?9.-When is your birthday?你的生日在什么时候?-My birthday is .我的生日在十月十日。10.The is January.一月是一年的第一个月。11. How old are you?= ?你几岁?16. today? = today? 今天是几月几日?。17. When you born? = you born?你是哪一年出生的? I was born 1995.我是95年出生。18. 1949年读nineteen forty-nine 2004:two thousand and four1804:eighteen (o) four 1600:sixteen hundred15 you want to ?Yes,I .你想去看电影吗?是。16 he want to ?. No,he .他想去旅行吗?不,他不想。 17. do you like? 你喜欢哪种电影?18. do you them?= do you them?你觉得它们怎样?19.I think theyre .我认为他们是令人兴奋的。I think theyre .我认为他们是不吓人的。20.Do you think theyre interesting? 你觉得它们有趣吗?Yes, ./ 是,我认为是这样的 No,I 。/不,我认为不是如此。21. is Paul Jackson=I Paul Jackson .=Paul Jackson is .我最喜欢的演员是Paul Jackson。22.I comedies. 我对喜剧感兴趣。23.She often to see a movie on weekends.= She often goes to see a movie on weekends with her friends.= She often to see a movie on weekends.在周末她经常和她的朋友去看电影。24_(Jack) birthday is in November.25.September is the _ (nine) month of a year.26.Which is the _ (twelve) month of a year?This is his_(twelve) birthday.27.The two_ _(comedy) are very interesting.28.She_ _ (want)_ _ (see) the movie.29.I _ _ (like) _ (watch) TV.30.My father often _(watch) TV in the evening.三、中考链接1、 of the teachers in out school are women teachers.A. Three quarter B. Two thirds C. Second threes D.three four2.There are CDs and DVDs in the big video shop.A.hundred B. hundreds C.hundreds of D.hundred of3.Theree are people in my family. We live on the floor in a tall building. A.five,six B.fifth, sixth C.fifth, six D.five,sixth4.Dont worry.We have hours left before beginning the class. A. one and a half B. one hour and half C. one hour and a half D. one and half5. -when will Mr. Black come to Beijing? - September 5th. A.on B.to C. at D.in6.His aunt went to America May,1960. A. from B. in C. on D. at7.The engineer will return from Macao a few days. A. since B. in C. on D. after8.Another way of saying eleven forty is .A. twenty to twenty B.twenty to twelveC. twenty to eleven D. eleven past forty9.The boy has stamps. A. two hundreds and fifty-fiveB. two hundred and fifty-five C. two hundred and fifty-five10 The girl _ red is my sister. A .in B. on C of D. over.教后录 课时授课计划 授课日期_年_月_日 星期_课 题(第 课时)七年级上unit 10-12 课时教学目标基础知识巩固基础练习巩固重点和难点中考链接教学媒体A tape recorder , CAI时间教 师 活 动 设 计学生活动一 基础知识巩固: 1. 想要做某事 2. 下国际象棋3. 和相处得好4. 弹吉它 5. 帮助孩子们游泳 6. 参加校音乐节 7. 起床 8. 吃早饭9. 到达10. 洗淋浴11. 乘坐到某地12. 整个晚上13. 回家,到家14. 做作业15. 写信给某人 16. 他最喜欢的科目 17. 对某人严格 18. 在周四上午 19. 上体育/艺术/数学课 20. 和玩二重点句式:1. She can play computer games. 一般疑问句,否定回答_ _ play computer games? No, she _.2. I can sing a song on the school music festival. _ _ you _ on the school music festival?3. My sister wants to join the swimming club. _ _ _ your sister _ _ _?4. Lucys brother wants to be an actor. 一般疑问句_ Lucys brother _ to be an actor? Yes, _ _.5. She runs at 6:00 every morning. 划线提问_ _ _ she _ every morning?6. Its nine oclock. _ the _?= _ _ is it?7. He often has lunch at school. _ _ he often _ lunch8. He goes to bed at 9:50 p.m._ _ he _ at 9:509. He does his homework at home 否定句He _ _ his homework at home10. 你通常几点钟起床?五点。_ _do you usually get up?I usually _ _ _five11. I have biology on Tuesday and Friday. _ _ _you have on Tuesday and Friday?12. His favorite subject is biology. _ _ his favorite subject?13. We have Chinese from Monday to Friday._ _ you _ Chinese?14. Linda likes to play with her little sister._ _ Linda _ to play _?15. They have history on Monday afternoon._ _ _ they _ on Monday afternoon?三中考链接:1. Bob can play _ tennis but cant play _ violin. A the, the B /, / C the, / D /, the2. Can you play volleyball? - Sorry, I _.A dont B do C cant D can3. Please come and join _! You can be in _ club! A us, us B us, our C our, us D our, our4. Can you help me _ my homework A with B of C learning D about5. Miss Read is good _ music. She is good _ children in the music club.A at, at B with, with C at, with D with, at6. Little Tom can draw _. His drawings are very _. A good, well B well, good C good, good D well, well7. Its time _ Class. A to B for C with D of8. What time _ the child _ his homework?A does, does B does, do C do, does D do, do9. _ weekends we go to school _ 7 oclock.A In, at B On, at C On, in D In, on10. We often go to park _ Sunday afternoon. A on B in C at D to11. Maria _ to school early _ every morning.A go,in B goes, in C goes, / D goes, in the12. How many _ are there in your school?A woman teachers B women teacher C women teachers D woman teacher13. There _ a teacher and some students in the classroom.A is B are C have D am14. Miss Gao is very strict _ her students _ their studiesA in, in B with, with C in, with D with, in15. Lets play tennis after school. That _ great!A sounds B sound C hears D looks教后录 课时授课计划 授课日期_年_月_日 星期_课 题(第 课时)七下 Unit 1-2 课时教学目标基础知识巩固基础练习巩固重点和难点中考链接教学媒体A tape recorder , CAI时间教 师 活 动 设 计学生活动一、基础知识巩固I.重点词组:1. be from = come from来自于 2. speak a little French说一点法语 3. take/have a walk= go for a walk散步4. go through 步行穿过go straight一直走5. go down /along/up 沿着向前走走6. turn left/right at the first turning/crossing :在第一个路口向左/右转7. be next to=be close to 在隔壁,旁边8. be across from= be opposite to :在对面 9. between. and.:在和之间10. infrontof在前面11. near here=in the neighborhood:在附近 II.重点句型1.Where does your pen pal come from ? 你的笔友来自哪里? My pen pal comes from France. 划线部分同义句:Where _ ? My pen pal _.拓展:划线部分提问The girl from Canada studies in China now ._ gril _ in China now ?2. What language does he speak ? 他说什么语言?He speaks Japanese.日语。 思考并完成表格:国家 语言 人/复数E.G. England English Englishman/Englishmen China Japan Fr

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