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第9练阅读理解写作.阅读理解AFund Tianhong Zenglibao has become the first fund in China to hit 100 billion yuan ($16.30 billion) of sales thanks to its cooperation with Yuebao,Alibabas wealth management product.Alipay (支付宝),attached to the ecommerce giant Alibaba Group,announced in June it would offer its users the option to directly invest with the private Tianhong Fund using spare cash from Alipay accounts.The business is called Yuebao.The past five months have seen this fund blossom,owing to the prosperous Internet ecommerce platform,and Singles Day shopping spree on November 11 had helped Yuebao.In the process of a deal on Taobao,once the buyer pays for the order,his or her money is first accepted by Alipay,and then after he or she receives the goods,a final confirmation is made and Alipay then gives the money to the seller.If a buyer forgets to confirm payment,the money is transferred into the sellers account after 10 days by the system.Singles Day had a total volume of 35 billion yuan ($5.75 billion) and thus a large amount of money passed through Alipays account.Analysts estimated that Alipay may have also bought the fund using the extra income,which powerfully enlarged the scale of Yuebao.Profit purchasing investors tend to choose safe financial management tools.The relatively stable yields of Yuebao is favored by most customers,the report said.Chinese ecommerce giant Alibaba allows consumers to invest their spare cash in the money market funds through its Alipay online payment service.The product,called Yuebao,or “Leftovers Treasure”,has netted 130 billion yuan so far,making the funds management firm,Tianhong Fund,the countrys largest fund management company.Meanwhile,due to the cooperation with Alipay,the management scale of Tianhong monetary fund has doubled from 55.653 billion yuan at the end of September to over 100 billion yuan.During Singles Day,the frequency of payment of Alipay and Yuebao exceeded 188 million and 16.79 million with total transaction volume at 35 billion yuan and 6 billion yuan.【语篇解读】本文主要介绍了天弘基金是如何成为中国第一大基金的。1The fund has been successful so far mainly because _Ait is the countrys largest fundBit was the first fund in China to cooperate with YuebaoCconsumers can directly invest the spare cash in it through online payment serviceDthe online shopping is prosperous and Singles Day shopping makes a great contribution答案D细节理解题。根据第三段的“The past five months have seen this fund blossom,owing to the prosperous Internet ecommerce platform,and Singles Day shopping spree on November 11 had helped Yuebao”可知,基金的成功主要在于网购的繁荣和光棍节的购物,即D项正确。2From the passage,we can know that Alipay _Aallows sellers to invest their spare cash in the money market fundsBis attached to YuebaoChas doubled to 55.653 billion yuan at the end of SeptemberDtransfers the money from the buyer to the seller directly答案A推理判断题。根据第二段“Alipay (支付宝),attached to the ecommerce giant Alibaba Group,announced in June it would offer its users the option to directly invest with the private Tianhong Fund using spare cash from Alipay accounts.The business is called Yuebao”可知,支付宝允许购买者将多余的钱投资到基金,即A项正确。3Which of the following is the best title of the passage?AYuebao,the right choice to investBAlibaba helps make Chinas largest fundCCelestica,the largest fund in ChinaDAlipay,a branch of Alibaba Group答案B文章主旨题。根据第一段的内容可知,本文主要讲述了阿里巴巴帮助天弘基金成为中国最大的基金,即B项正确。BBikes,new selection for the summer in the US!Diamondback 2015Price:$524.99ASIN:B008O2FXCGItem model number:CSDDCPShipping:This item is also available for shipping to select countries outside the US.Since 1978,the Diamondback brand name has enjoyed the fame of precision,durability and reliability.Likewise,it should be no surprise to know that these are our core values which inform the design and production of each and every one of our bikes.It is designed for riding on single track trails,fire roads,and other unpaved environments.GMC DenaliPrice:$159.00ASIN:B000FDDWB6Item model number:$5396Shipping:Currently,this item can be shipped only within the US and to APO/FPO addresses.The GMC Denali is built around a lightweight aluminum (铝) bike frame for racing.The shifts make it easy to change gears (齿轮) quickly and smoothly,and the highperformance tires are up to the challenge of painstaking street racing.Critical CyclesPrice:$299.99ASIN:B00BMM170CItem model number:U7S101044PARENTShipping:This item is also available for shipping to select countries outside the US.Critical Cycles bicycles are handbuilt for the comfortable lifestyle.It is designed for an upright riding position enabling a softer ride than other city bikes.Schwinn DiscoverPrice:$257.85ASIN:B0030UESQYItem model number:$5397Shipping:This item can only be shipped to the 48 states.We regret it cannot be shipped to APO/FPO,Hawaii,Alaska,or Puerto Rico.The bike offers fast,easy gear changes,a sweptback upright handlebar,and a back gear carrier.【语篇解读】这是一则四种不同种类的自行车的广告。4How much should you pay if you want to buy a mountain bike?A$159.00. B$257.85.C$299.99. D$524.99.答案D细节理解题。根据第一种自行车的叙述“It is designed for riding on single track trails,fire roads,and other unpaved environments”可知,这种自行车适宜于崎岖不平的路况,是一种山地车。该车标价为$524.99。5GMC Denali bikes are built for people _Ato give a performanceBto ride for workCto enter a contestDto do exercise答案C细节理解题。根据第二种自行车的叙述“for racing”和“the challenge of painstaking street racing”可知,GMC Denali bikes适用于挑战消耗精力比较大的活动,是在比赛中使用的赛车。6Whats the item model number of the bike a person living in Alaska cant buy?ACSDDCP.BU7S101044PARENT.CS5396.DS5397.答案D细节理解题。根据第四种自行车Schwinn Discover中的叙述“We regret it cannot be shipped to APO/FPO,Hawaii,Alaska,or Puerto Rico”可知,居住在Alaska地区的人们无法买到Schwinn Discover自行车。.写作(一)应用文写作假设你是学校国际部的学生会主席,你校的新图书馆即将开馆,请你根据所给提示用英语给留学生写一则通知。内容主要包括:1开馆时间:上午11:00下午8:00(周末除外);2要求:a.所有学生须持学生证进入图书馆和借阅书籍;b在图书馆内要保持安静;c所借图书要及时归还,每次最长借期不得超过20天,但可以去图书馆办理续借手续;d严禁带零食或饮料进入图书馆。注意:1.词数80左右。开头语和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数;2通知的语言要得体,可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear schoolmates,Good news for you!_The Student Union【写作指导】本文属于应用文,要求考生根据要点写一则通知,告诉留学生图书馆的开馆时间和具体要求。通知的开头和结尾已经给出,考生可不考虑格式问题。考生首先应当仔细阅读题干要求,把握通知要点,确保写作时不遗漏;再在此基础上明确文章结构。文章可分为三段写作:首段简述通知的背景和目的,说明通知主题;第二段为主体段,根据题干所列要点说明图书馆的具体制度,包括开馆时间,凭学生证进入和借阅书籍,保持安静,禁止带零食或饮料等;最后一段总结全文,欢迎留学生来图书馆学习和阅读。在遣词造句上,考生应当注意适当使用通知的套句,如:Good news for you,Thanks for your attention等;此外,考生还应注意恰当使用连接成分,如在说明规则时可以用first,besides,whats more等,以提高通知的逻辑性和层次感。【参考范文】Dear schoolmates,Good news for you!Our new library will open soon!In order that you can enjoy yourself at the library,please pay attention to the following rules:Firstly,please remember the opening time is between 11:00 am20:00 pm every working day,and you are required to show your student card every time you enter the library.Secondly,if you havent finished reading the borrowed books within 20 days,renewing your books at the library is necessary.And finally,to create a good reading environment,you should keep quiet in the library and you shouldnt bring any food or drinks.Welcome to our new library!The Student Union(二)读后续写阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。A little girl whose parents had died lived with her grandmother and slept in an upstairs bedroomOne night there was a fire in the house and the grandmother died while trying to rescue the child.The fire spread quickly,and the situation was terrible.Neighbors called the fire department,then stood helplessly by,unable to enter the house because flames blocked all the entrances.The little girl appeared at an upstairs window,crying for help,just as word spread among the crowd that the firefighters would be delayed a few minutes because they were all at another fire.Suddenly,a man appeared with a ladder,put it up against the side of the house and disappeared inside.When he reappeared,he had the little girl in his arms.He delivered the child to the waiting arms below,then disappeared into the night.An investigation revealed that the child had no living relatives,and weeks later a meeting was held in the town hall to determine who would take the child into their home and bring her up.A teacher said she would like to raise the child.She pointed out that she could ensure her a good educationA farmer offered her an upbringing on his farm.He pointed out that living on a farm was healthy and satisfying.Others spoke,giving their reasons why it was to the childs advantage to live with them.Finally,the towns richest resident rose and said,“I can give this child all the advantages that you have mentioned here,plus money and everything that money can buy.”Throughout all this,the child remained silent,her eyes on the floor.“Does anyone else want to speak?” asked the meeting chairman.A man came forward from the back of the hallHe walked slowly and appeared to be in pain.注意:1.所续写短文的词数应为150左右;2应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;3续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;4续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。Paragraph 1:When he got to the front of the room,he stood directly in front of the little girl and held out his arms._Paragraph 2:When asked about her choice,the girl gave people the reasons firmly._【写作指导】读后续写是高考的一种新题型。所写短文要与段落开头语衔接自然,还要保持上下文内容的连贯性。这要求考生抓住并提炼所给短文的要点,并进行合理的发散性思维。本篇短文是一篇小故事,推动故事情节发展的就是在火灾中被救的小女孩和救他的男子。那么这个女孩作出选择的原因,就是考生发挥的着眼点。考生在解题时,要抓住所给开头语的题眼,这样有助于思维发散。考生应尽可能多地使用一些高级复杂的句型,使文章语言更生动、形象、提升文章的得分档次。【参考范文】When he got to the front of the room,he stood directly in front of the little girl and held out his arms.His hands and arms were terribly scarred.The little girl cried out,“This is the man who rescued me!”With a leap,she threw her arms around the mans neck.She buried her face in his shoulder and sobbed for a few moments.Then she looked up and smiled,stating happily she would live with him.When asked about her choice,the girl gave people the reasons firmly.She said in a low but determined voice,“I really desire to get a good education that will give me chances to live my dreams.Besides,I know that money means a lot to me since I have no relatives to rely on.But,its the man who saved my life when I was desperately facing a_fire like that.Without him,I wouldnt be here,waiting for a new choice.I hope that I can do whatever I can to pay back his kindness.”9

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