高三英语一轮复习 短文改错之词法错误解读教学设计1

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高三英语一轮复习 短文改错之词法错误解读教学设计1_第1页
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高三英语一轮复习 短文改错之词法错误解读教学设计1_第3页
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短文改错-词法错误解读本节课主要分为7个步骤:Step 1 学习目标(1分钟)Step 2 命题趋向 考点设置(2分钟)Step 3 考点巩固 能力提升(15分钟)Step 4 师生探讨 加深印象(15分钟)Step 5 真题呈现 探究考点(10分钟)Step 6 布置作业 举一反三(1分钟)Step7 总结升华 学以致用(1分钟)Step 1学习目标(1分钟)多媒体出示本节课学习目标:(1)了解近年高考短文改错考点分布(2)掌握做短文改错的口诀,并讲所学的方法技巧运用到实际学习中【设计说明】多媒体出示本节课学习目标,目的是使学生清晰本堂课所要掌握的内容。Step 2 命题趋向 考点设置(2分钟)多媒体出示高考英语短文改错的命题趋向和考点设置分布:【考纲解读】考查在语篇中综合运用语言的准确性,即词法、句法、行文逻辑。1)句法角度:主要涉及简单句,否定句,疑问句,倒装,省略,替代等。2)词法角度:主要涉及名词,冠词,代词,介词,形容词,副词,连词,关系代词等;动词主要涉及到时态,语态,非谓语,情态动词和主谓一致。3)行文逻辑角度:主要涉及人物相应的代词,句意的并列与转折,时间的顺序,数量的增减及因果的倒置等。【命题趋势】 2010-2015高考改错考点分布统计表动词名词形副介词代词连词冠词2011322101120124211200201321211212014116100120153121111趋势2+/-1+2+11+/-1+/-1/-1)811,712 ? 每句0-2处;删或增共23个2)多点覆盖,对号入座【设计说明】1 先使学生明确高考短文改错的命题趋向,并了解近五年新课标.2卷短文改错的考点分布情况,让学生在接下来的学习中明确改错该改什么。Step 3 考点巩固 能力提升(15分钟)根据近五年高考英语短文改错的考点分布,分类剖析实词类与虚词类。【设计说明】课堂上使用学案,可以使得学生听课更有针对性,效率更高。1. 限时分类训练。2. 小组讨论展示.3. 教师补充、纠正、点拨。4. 教师点拨应试技巧,完成短文改错的口诀,提示学生及时做笔记。【设计说明】新课程标准指出“课堂以学生为主体,教师不是直截了当地把知识告诉学生,而是引导学生自己去发现知识”。因此,在这部分我将近五年的高考真题(现象),按照考点分类,呈现给学生,引导学生从这一“现象”归纳出理论,发现改错的命题特点。此环节是学生自学,组内互学和班级互学的一个有机结合。在学生活动时,我都会明确提出活动时间和活动的要求,这样给学生以紧迫感,督促各小组完成任务。Step 4 师生探讨 加深印象(15分钟)【设计说明】 此环节的目的在于考察学生对前面考点剖析的学习情况,能够提高学生的学习兴趣,加深对前面学习的知识的印象。另外,小组团结协作,互相弥补,取长补短,共同进步,收获成功。Step 5 真题呈现 探究考点(10分钟)1. 教师多媒体呈现做短文改错的三个步骤:(1) 浏览全文,掌握大意(2) 分句阅读,逐行找错(3) 检查核对,攻克难点 2. 强调短文改错中应注意的事项“四不改”3. 巩固练习-体验高考2015课标全国【设计说明】经过上一环节学生对短文改错的考点设置和解题技巧已经有了很好的了解。此环节是单句改错向短文改错的过渡,先对学生进行短文改解题步骤的介绍,然后按步骤处理习题,巩固今天所学的考点,提升学生做短文改错的解题能力。Step 6 布置作业 举一反三(1分钟)教师布置作业,要求学生完成学案上布置的高考英语短文改错试题(1道)【设计说明】以最新高考模拟题做为作业,有助于学生了解高考动向,同时,将所学举一反三,巩固本节课所学知识。完成时间大概在10分钟,精选习题,有目的训练,减轻学生学习负担。Step 7 总结升华 学以致用(1分钟)1. 教师引导提示学生总结本节课所学的主要内容。3. 送给学生一句谚语,师生共勉 Practice makes perfect. 谚 熟能生巧板书设计:2016年高考英语专题复习How to Deal with Proof-reading/ Error-correction ?短文改错解题口诀_形,_数,还要注意_;_,细辨别,_格,细领悟;_用法常常考,_要记住;_多分析,_须关注.【设计说明】 帮助学生直观地了解本节课需要掌握的重点,为小组活动和课堂小结提供支持。教学反思1.口诀教学法,能帮助学生很好的记牢本节课的内容,也是学生喜闻乐见的学习方式,在今后的英语教学中我还会继续尝试2.小组活动,组内合作,组间竞争,学生的热情让我出乎意料,他们组内热烈讨论努力解决自己组所接受的任务,可见虽然高三,但是孩子争强好胜的心理,和对成功的渴望还是有增无减的,在今后的教学中我会继续创造这样的机会,英语课堂只有学生参与进来,学习效率才会提高。4.本节课的容量很大,若不是借助多媒体的力量是无法完成的。在今后的高三复习中,我会继续借助多媒体辅助教学。附教案:高三英语二轮复习专题-短文改错之词法错误解读Learning aims : 1.通过研究高考题了解“短文改错”的特点 2.学会总结归纳“短文改错”题型的解题技巧并运用。3.享受课堂,相信自己能攻克短文改错难关。高考短文改错试题分析一、高考大纲要求:【考纲解读】考查在语篇中综合运用语言的准确性,即词法、句法、行文逻辑。1)句法角度:主要涉及简单句,否定句,疑问句,倒装,省略,替代等。2)词法角度:主要涉及名词,冠词,代词,介词,形容词,副词,连词,关系代词等;动词主要涉及到时态,语态,非谓语,情态动词和主谓一致。3)行文逻辑角度:主要涉及人物相应的代词,句意的并列与转折,时间的顺序,数量的增减及因果的倒置等。【命题趋势】 2010-2015高考改错考点分布统计表动词名词形副介词代词连词冠词2011322101120124211200201321211212014116100120153121111趋势2+/-1+2+11+/-1+/-1/-1)811,712 ? 每句0-2处;删或增共23个2)多点覆盖,对号入座二、训练解题策略:【训练策略】1) 选择习作类,包含常见错误2) 培养对错误的敏感度及改错的全局意识 3) 要求符号准确,位置恰当(正下方),恰好10处,多者从第11处不计分。书写清晰克服不良习惯,杜绝人为丢分【解题策略指导】 1) 动词时、语、非,名词数、性、格一致,冠词错、多、少,连、代、形、副、介,关系逻辑搭配。先易后难,依据考点,复核验证。2) 短文改错四不改:1.标点符号 2.大小写3.次序错误 4.纲外生词(文中出现带汉语释义的词一般不可能错误。)巧记:动词形,名次数,还要注意形和副。代词格,细领悟,介词短语需关注。 逻辑偶尔有,冠词连词常光顾。教师点拨与拓展高考短文改错解题策略之词法错误解读:(strategies)一、实词:动、名、形副 代( 侧重变形 )1. 动词 ( 谓语动词 ) : 主谓一致 / 语态一致 / 时态 / 语气 1). Last week, a football match held between our class and Class Two.2). We fed monkeys, visiting temples and told stories.3). They may point out some things you may have been overlooked. 4).We request that the government must take measures.5). At present, playing computer games are becoming more and more popular. 6).It is said that the old building, along with many other similar ones, are going to be pulled down.7).The winter holiday is coming, which make me excited.动词(非谓语动词): Ving / Ved / to do 1).He used to going swimming in the river in summer when he was a child. 2).With the help of her, I soon get used to live without my parents around. 3).Im afraid Ill have difficulty/ trouble fit in very soon.4). Felt hungry, we built a fire to barbecue the fish. 5). I found a squirrel sitting on a low branch, busily ate something. 6). Now we often solve the problems raising by the teachers. 7). Comparing with other forms of writing, keeping a diary is easier。2. 名词数、性、格1). Because the player from both sides were all excellent, the match went on fiercely all the time.2).I made continuous progresses in math, and finally I made up my mind to study it as my major in university. 3). Mr. Brown expressed his thank to her. 4). It is good manners to shake hand with your host. 5). My mother is a good cooker.3. 形和副 牢记:形做定、表,副做状。形容词或副词的错误使用:1) Im sorry to hear that you are having problems with your exams. You are not lonely. Many students have the same problem as you do.2). Both the Great Wall and the Chinese people impressed him deep.3) Im awfully tiring, but Ill never fall asleep. 4).I remember my grandfather very much.5).This is the most interesting film I have never seen.6). Interesting, it had a connection with the British porcelain industry. 7). The red apple tastes deliciously. 没有正确使用比较级:1).She insisted that she would get good education abroad than at home.2) To make matters bad, I have to share a room with my younger sister. 形容词或副词的多用:1).However, when Bobby returned back one day, it had only eleven rolls.2).Here I am in the middle of a city, 350 miles far away from our farmhouse.3).Some students think the more difficult an exam is,the more better it is.4. 代词及代词it: 人称、格1).No matter where we study, they can still achieve a lot if we try our best.2).I will spare no effort to serve the members of the club and help improve us English level. 3).We can stay there for a few days and visit some relatives of me. 4).If we can keep this practice, we will gradually learn how to express us in English. 5).I would appreciate if you could consider my application.二、虚词:介、连、冠 ( 添、改、删 )5. 介词:介词多少也有看,搭配错误较常见。1).what is more, we should analyze the reasons over the failures.2).To understand them, I had to look for the words in the dictionary.3).Gradually, I became interested in biology when I entered into college.4). It is a lot of colder today than yesterday5) At Christmas Eve, Jim went with his father to choose a Christmas tree.6. 连接词需检验,逻辑关系前后辨。1) We tried to fix it and there was nothing we could do.2) She was smiling but nodding at me.3) We went there, told stories or had dinner with Tom.7.冠词:a/ an/ the 冠词a、an、the互改;1). It is a honor for me to represent my class to make a speech here.2).He was an European billionaire who got everything he wanted.3).In the word, please remember we must keep reading if we want to become a wise man.冠词的增减:1).With her help, weve made a great progress.2).To tell you truth, I have been busy prepare for the exam recently.3).Last week our English club held English speech contest.体验高考 (2015新课标全国卷)When I was a child, I hoped to live in the city. I think I would be happy there. Now I am living in a city, but I miss my home in countryside. There the air is clean or the mountains are green. Unfortunately, on the development of industrialization, the environment has been polluted. Lots of studies have been shown that global warming has already become a very seriously problem. The airs we breathe in is getting dirtier and dirtier. Much rare animals are dying out. We must found ways to protect your environment. If we fail to do so, we will live to regret it.课后作业 At first I was not quite willing to sit down and watched the 90-minute football match. Usually, I just checked the results because I thought that was dull to watch a game in that players kicked a ball to each other. Therefore, my father loves football. During the World Cup in 2006, my dad stays up late just to watch his favourite sport. Seeing him strong interest in this game of 22 men run after a ball, I decided to sit down to watch the game. I found the game excited, and my dad explained for the rules. We shared our joy. Football is not too badly as long as I watch it with my dad!【self-reflection】_

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